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中文翻译英英解释百科解释法定的法理上法律上, 按照法律的, 合法的法律上的:&&&&de2 〔法语〕 = of from. de haut ...详细百科解释
例句与用法In this chapter , the author begins with the study of adjudicator de jure在本章中,笔者首先对法定的裁判者进行了研究。 With an eye to the disjoint of law and practice , chapter 1 demonstrates that the adjudicative power shall belong to adjudicator de jure第一章着眼于法律的规定与现实的脱节,论证裁判权应当归法定的裁判者。 Those of the 1996 population by - census refer to the resident population enumerated under the de jure enumeration approach而列出的一九九六年中期人口统计的结果,则根据常住人口点算方法点算的本港居民人口。 The one - china principle has been evolved in the course of the chinese people ' s just struggle to safeguard china ' s sovereignty and territorial integrity , and its basis , both de facto and de jure , is unshakable一个中国原则是在中国人民捍卫中国主权和领土完整的正义斗争中形成的,具有不可动摇的事实和法理基础。 From the perspective of ownership , the standard can be divided into two sub - standards , namely , de jure standard and de facto standard , the latter of which can also be divided into ordinary de facto standard and forum standard从所有权的角度来看,标准可以分为公定标准和事实标准两种,其中,事实标准又分为普通事实标准和论坛标准。 After demonstrating that adjudicative power shall be allocated to adjudicators de jure , the author discuses the disjoint of adjudicator de jure and adjudicator de facto in section ii of this chapter人民代表大会制度是我国的根本制度,人民代表大会是我国的国家权力机关,其他国家机关都是人民代表大会产生的,受人民代表大会监督。人民法院也不例外。 Then , the paper compares the characteristics of pegged exchange rate regime , free float exchange rate regime , and the regimes intervenient from the aspect of trading , policies , economic development , etc . the paper studies the effects of exchange rate regimes on macroeconomic in the different de jure and de facto classif analyses factors affecting the selection of exchange rate regimes , and emphasizes on the capital mobility factor文章概括了汇率制度研究的不同视角并以此为基础选定了本文的研究角度,然后从贸易、政策、经济发展等角度比较了固定汇率制度和浮动汇率制度的特点,并对介于两者之间的各种汇率制度的特征进行了比较。接着,从汇率制度名义分类法和事实分类法等角度研究了各种汇率制度对经济绩效的影响。 The proposals aimed at preserving the adjudicatory committee do not overcome these malpractices . thus the adjudicative power of the adjudicatory committee but not the committee itself shall be canceled , and adjudicator de jure shall only be judges and people ' s assessors carrying out criminal trials根据司法独立的要求,法官在从事审判时,要独立于其上级和同事,任何人都不得对法官如何进行裁判作出指示,法官进行裁判的依据,只能是法律的明文规定和依法认定的案件事实。 Chapter iv introduces the common doctrine that there is not a de jure stare decisis in the dsm according to the text of the wto , the viewpoint of appellate body and the allegation of some scholars , and then questions the reasons by which of the common doctrine excludes the system of stare decisis . this chapter continues to examine the practice of wto adjudic第四章首先根据wto的约文、上诉机构的观点和学者们的主张,阐述了在wto争端解决中不存在法律上先例制度的通说,并对学说上主张wto排斥先例制度的理由提出质疑,进而通过考察wto争端解决实践,得出了wto争端解决中存在事实上遵循先例的结论,并进一步探讨了在wto争端解决中确立正式先例制度的意义和必要性以及诸先例之间的位阶关系等问题。 In china , adjudicator de jure includes only judges and people ' s assessors who undertaking criminal trials . in practice , those who do not undertake criminal trials , including the administrators within a people ' s court , the judges of superior courts , party leaders , members of people ' s congress , even practitioners of the mass media , become adjudicators de facto在我国,法定的裁判者只有负责个案审判的法官和人民陪审员,而在实践中,不负责个案审判的人,包括法院内部行政领导、上级法院领导和法官、党的领导干部、人大代表、新闻媒体从业人员,都在一定程度上对案件行使着实质上的裁判权。 更多例句:&&1&&
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