
(一)Cell phones have become more and more popular in china recently.wherever you go you can see people using cell phones.Many college students,even high school students have cell phones. Cell phones have brought people a lot of benefits,but the most important is that they are convenient.with cell phones in their hands,they can keep in touch with anybody they want.if they want to get some information from the internet,they can easily have their dream realized via cell phones too.furthermore,if someone has a heart attack or a traffic accident,a call to emergency hospital or to the police can quickly bring him the help he wants.  However,cell phones can also bring people problems.the most serious is the electric wave radiation which is thought to be harmful to users' brains.another problem is that when people are having a meeting or having a class or at a concert etc,the ring of the cell phone may interrupt i think children should use cellphones as little as possible and turn them off when they are attending important meetings or attending classes.(二)Cell phones has a lot of merits.First of all,it is much more convenient than regular phone.You can make a phone call wherever you are.If you are ill or see an accident,you need an ambulance to come at once.Cell phones can save your life.Secondly,to send short messages is much cheaper than to make a phone call.Last but not least,nowadays,Cell phones has more and more functions.You can take pictures.You can listen to music by using it as a MP3.All in all,it is a useful tool.It makes our world far smaller than ever and shorten the distance between people.On the other hand,there are some drawbacks,too.overuse of cell phone do harm to people's health,it has negative effects on people's eyes,and many people know that the radiation emitted by cell phones cause brain tumor.If you talk for so many hours,you are going to have headache and ear problems.some people heavily dependent on cell phones will lost their face-to-face interpersonal skill,they can chat to several people at the same time through their cellphone but they can't perform well in a face-to-face meeting.Some students abused the cell phones.They use them to play games ,which is bad for the eyes and will waste much time.It is obvious that carrying can disturb teaching in class and it can cause the comparison between students.So the attitude towards mobile should be forbidding using mobile in school 采取拿来主义吧,嘿嘿!自己润色.
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overuse of cell phone do harm to people's health, it has negative effects on people's eyes, and many people know that the radiation emitted by
cell phones cause brain tumor. If you talk for so many h...
The advantages and disadvantages of the mobile phoneCell phones have become more and more popular in china recently. wherever you go you can see people using cell phones. Many college students,
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Umano 可可英语
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When it comes to cars,different people have different views.Some people think cars have a lot of advantages.In the first place,driving a car saves time.because competition is very fierce in this society ,time equals money .Secondly,people can go shopping o traveling at their spare time .But ,others people suggest that cars are bad for society,such as:cars will increasing air pollution ,which will influence our life and production .Meanwhile ,cars will make the energy crisis worsen.In addition ,with the number of cars growing,plenty of new drivers don’t abide by traffic regulation ,which leads to traffic accidents .In my opinion ,we should drive our cars when our work is very busy .Meanwhile,we should reduce driving the car when short distance or having a lot of time.We should properly use modern traffic facility,only then our life will colourful.大家对私家车的观点是见仁见智,有人认为私家车好处多多.首先,自己开车能节约时间.现代都市竞争激励,时间就是金钱.第二,有了私家车,人们空闲时间就可以开车去购物或自驾游.但是,有人认为拥有私家车坏处多多,例如,私家车过多会加重空气污染,进而影响我们的生活生产.同时,私家车过多会加快能源危机的进程.此外,随着私家车数量的增长,大量的不会遵守交通规则的菜鸟司机上路,成为马路杀手,必然会导致更多的交通事故的发生.我认为,只有在我们工作需要的时候才应该拥有私家车,而且当路程较近或者不赶时间的时候,有车一族尽量不要开车上路.只有我们都合理搭乘现代交通工具,我们的生活才会变得更多姿多彩.
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& Different countries have different teaching aims and teaching ways. It's well-known that Chinese education is exam-oriented education in the past. Obviously, exam-oriented education has some disadvantages, like the disconnection between theory and practice that renders students with high scores have low abilities. So, our country decide to change exam-oriented education to quality education. Quality education is focus on the development in an all-around way. Under this kind of education system, students will study easier and get improvement for all sides.  看过这篇文章的人还浏览了下面这些文章      &
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