雷洋 帮帮忙一下翻译一下

请各位帮忙翻译一下这句话,英译中:  non binding indicative offer for the acquisition of shares    谢谢啦!!
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张
  意思:针对股票收购事项中[我们]所提供的一些仅供参考的信息    non-binding 无约束力的,不具效力的  indicative offer 信息提供  acquisition of shares 股票收购    大概是这个意思,请只作参考。
  作者:古道吹箫客 回复日期: 19:32:13  回复
      意思:针对股票收购事项中[我们]所提供的一些仅供参考的信息  ======    胡说八道~
  “非约束性股票收购意向”    想买你股票,但只是随便问问这条件行不,意向而已,不是正式要约
  作者:DaredevilTT 回复日期: 00:11:26   回复     “非约束性股票收购意向”        想买你股票,但只是随便问问这条件行不,意向而已,不是正式要约  =========      解释完全错误
  就是说,有意向收购你的股票,会给你一个indicative offer,上面标明希望以多少价钱购买,以何种形式出资,等等,如果你愿意出售,就接受offer,否则就可以回绝。其实也不能说是随便问问,主要是大量收购某公司股权,以得到该公司部分或全部控制权。
  non-binding 不具有约束性的,不具约束力  indicative offer参考价格  acquisition of shares买进股份(股票),股份收购      non binding indicative offer for the acquisition of shares  买进股份(股票)的非契约参考出价      
  indicative offer参考价格,指示性要约      non binding indicative offer for the acquisition of shares  收购的股份为不具有约束力的指示性要约  
  鑫森淼火炎焱:  有意思。继续锤炼,等你下个版本。用标准的金融法律术语。
  受曹先生启发,这样好不:意向性非约束购股要约  看见indicative就本能反应般译为“指示性”,在此不妥,买卖谈判,没有谁指示谁的。   
  indicative的意思就是在offer上 indicate 希望以多少价钱购买,以何种形式出资,等等
  俺不是先生。。。    指示性要约是个术语,自己修改不太好吧。
  定是美女了,抱歉!indicative offer最初引入中文时译为“指示性”要约,实在是悲剧。拙劣的定译要不要改,各有各的看法了。
又查了一下资料, break the bank在口语中还有另外一个意思:费用太高,花费太多了。
如: It only costs ...
(window.slotbydup=window.slotbydup || []).push({
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display: 'inlay-fix'英语翻译帮忙翻译一下``````
原宪居鲁,环堵之室,茨以生草,蓬户不完,桑以为枢而瓮牖,二室,褐以为塞,上漏下湿,匡坐而弦歌.子贡乘大马,中绀而表素,轩车不容巷,往见原宪.原宪华冠縰履,杖藜而应门.子贡曰:「嘻!先生何病?」原宪应之曰:「宪闻之,无财谓之贫,学而不能行谓之病.今宪贫也,非病也.」子贡逡巡而有愧色.原宪笑曰:「夫希世而行,比周而友,学以为人,教以为己,仁义之慝,舆马之饰,宪不忍为也.」 翻译:原宪住在鲁国,屋里周圈都被杂物堵满了,用茅草和泥盖的屋顶也长出了草,用草和树枝搭成的门户都破烂不完整了,拿桑条做门的转轴用瓮做窗户.两间屋子,用褐土涂墙缝,下雨的时候屋顶漏雨地下湿滑,但原宪端坐在里边弹琴唱歌.子贡坐着大马车,里边黑红外表洁白,气派的马车小巷子都容不下,去见原宪.原宪戴着漂亮的帽子穿这带褶皱的鞋子,拄着藜木的拐杖来开门.子贡说:“啊哈,先生你有什么毛病吗?”原宪说:“我听说没有钱财叫做贫穷,学习的东西不会实践叫做有病,现在我是贫穷,不是有病.”子贡顿时脸上有了惭愧的表情.原宪笑着说:“那种满世界旅行、到处结交朋友,学道用来帮助人们,教授用来谋取自己利益,仁义隐藏的罪恶,车马的装饰等事情,我不忍心做呀.”
视频: 外语好的请帮忙翻译一下 严肃点不许笑
外语好的请帮忙翻译一下 严肃点不许笑
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外语好的请帮忙翻译一下 严肃点不许笑
外语好的请帮忙翻译一下 严肃点不许笑
药品服务许可证(京)-经营-小木虫 --- 500万硕博科研人员喜爱的学术科研平台
Lung Cancer Vaccine Enters Large-scale Clinical Trial
A new treatment for the most common form of lung cancer, developed from initial research by Cancer Research UK scientists, has entered a pivotal phase III clinical trial.
The drug, called Stimuvax, is a type of therapeutic vaccine that targets a specific protein found in many tumours, including non-small cell lung cancer. It was developed by Canadian biotech company Biomira following Cancer Research UK-funded studies led by Professor Joyce Taylor-Papadimitriou of Guy's Hospital, London. Biomira have already run phase II trials with very encouraging results.
The international phase III trial, named START (Stimulating Targeted Antigenic Responses To NSCLC), is expected to enrol its first patient this month. Run by pharmaceutical company Merck KGaA, it will eventually include more than 1,300 lung cancer patients in 30 countries, including the UK.
Therapeutic vaccines are a relatively new development in cancer treatment. Unlike preventative vaccines, they are treatments that induce the body's own immune system to identify and kill existing cancer cells. Stimuvax is designed to stimulate the immune system to recognise and react to a molecule called MUC1, which is much more abundant on tumour cells than healthy cells. The immune system then kills the cancer cells with MUC1, hopefully without overly harming healthy cells.
Cancer Research Technology Limited (CRT), Cancer Research UK's development and commercialisation company, licensed a number of discoveries to Biomira, which led to the development of Stimuvax for advanced non small cell lung cancer. Merck KGaA also plans to investigate the use of Stimuvax for other types of cancer.
Dr Keith Blundy, chief operating officer of CRT, said: "We are extremely pleased that Stimuvax has entered the final stage of clinical trials. The drug is one of CRT's portfolio of more than 20 partnered agents in clinical development. Targeted vaccines are an exciting approach that could potentially offer new treatment options for major types of cancer."
Harpal Kumar, chief executive of CRT and chief operating officer of Cancer Research UK, said: "We're delighted that another drug based on Cancer Research UK-funded basic research has reached the final stage of clinical development. The 'translation' of basic research into patient benefit is the major focus of our work and we hope that new ventures, such as the expansion of our drug discovery activities across the country, will lead to many more such drugs entering trials in the future."
Lung cancer
-- Lung cancer is the second most common cancer in the UK after breast cancer, and the most common cancer worldwide.
-- There were more than 37,000 cases of lung cancer diagnosed in the UK in 2003.
-- Non small cell lung cancer accounts for 80 per cent of total lung cancer cases.
-- Current standard treatments for lung cancer patients are surgery, platinum-based combination chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
START trial
In the trials, Stimuvax will be compared to a placebo. More information on the START trial can be found here.
Research centres in Edinburgh, Leeds and Exeter will be participating in the trial.
For more information about clinical trials in the UK, visit Cancer Research UK's patient information website, CancerHelp UK.
Cancer Research Technology
Cancer Research Technology Limited (CRT) is a specialist commercialisation and development company, which aims to develop new discoveries in cancer research for the benefit of cancer patients. CRT works closely with leading international cancer scientists and their institutes to protect intellectual property arising from their research and to establish links with commercial partners. CRT facilitates the discovery, development and marketing of new cancer therapeutics, vaccines, diagnostics and enabling technologies. CRT is wholly owned by Cancer Research UK, the largest independent funder of cancer research in the world. Further information about CRT can be found here.
About Cancer Research UK
Together with its partners and supporters, Cancer Research UK's vision is to beat cancer.
-- Cancer Research UK carries out world-class research to improve understanding of the disease and find out how to prevent, diagnose and treat different kinds of cancer.
-- Cancer Research UK ensures that its findings are used to improve the lives of all cancer patients.
-- Cancer Research UK helps people to understand cancer, the progress that is being made and the choices each person can make.
-- Cancer Research UK works in partnership with others to achieve the greatest impact in the global fight against cancer.


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