WINDOWSwindows xp那个版本好内存大

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windows 各个系统版本识别内存容量汇总
文章编号:130698&&&&& 15:34:28
故障现象:Win7 家庭基础版 64bit系统识别内存的情况,16G只识别到8G,是否正常?解决方案:根据微软官网资料如下:
Physical Memory Limits: Windows&8
The following table specifies the limits on physical memory for Windows&8.
Limit on X86
Limit on X64
Windows&8 Enterprise
Windows&8 Professional
Physical Memory Limits: Windows Server&2012
The following table specifies the limits on physical memory for Windows Server&2012. Windows Server&2012 is available only in X64 editions.
Limit on X64
Windows Server&2012 Datacenter
Windows Server&2012 Standard
Windows Server&2012 Essentials
Windows Server&2012 Foundation
Windows Storage Server 2012 Workgroup
Windows Storage Server 2012 Standard
Hyper-V Server 2012
Physical Memory Limits: Windows&7
The following table specifies the limits on physical memory for Windows&7.
Limit on X86
Limit on X64
Windows&7 Ultimate
Windows&7 Enterprise
Windows&7 Professional
Windows&7 Home Premium
Windows&7 Home Basic
Windows&7 Starter
Physical Memory Limits: Windows Server&2008&R2
The following table specifies the limits on physical memory for Windows Server&2008&R2. Windows Server&2008&R2 is available only in 64-bit editions.
Limit on X64
Limit on IA64
Windows Server&2008&R2 Datacenter
Windows Server&2008&R2 Enterprise
Windows Server&2008&R2 for Itanium-Based Systems
Windows Server&2008&R2 Foundation
Windows Server&2008&R2 Standard
Windows HPC Server 2008 R2
Windows Web Server 2008 R2
Physical Memory Limits: Windows Server&2008
The following table specifies the limits on physical memory for Windows Server&2008. Limits greater than 4 GB for 32-bit Windows assume that PAE is enabled.
Limit on X86
Limit on X64
Limit on IA64
Windows Server&2008 Datacenter
Windows Server&2008 Enterprise
Windows Server&2008 HPC Edition
Windows Server&2008 Standard
Windows Server&2008 for Itanium-Based Systems
Windows Small Business Server 2008
Windows Web Server 2008
Physical Memory Limits: Windows&Vista
The following table specifies the limits on physical memory for Windows&Vista.
Limit on X86
Limit on X64
Windows&Vista Ultimate
Windows&Vista Enterprise
Windows&Vista Business
Windows&Vista Home Premium
Windows&Vista Home Basic
Windows&Vista Starter
Physical Memory Limits: Windows Home Server
Windows Home Server is available only in a 32-bit edition. The physical memory limit is 4 GB.
Physical Memory Limits: Windows Server&2003&R2
The following table specifies the limits on physical memory for Windows Server&2003&R2. Limits over 4 GB for 32-bit Windows assume that PAE is enabled.
Limit on X86
Limit on X64
Windows Server&2003&R2 Datacenter Edition
(16 GB with 4GT)
Windows Server&2003&R2 Enterprise Edition
(16 GB with 4GT)
Windows Server&2003&R2 Standard Edition
Physical Memory Limits: Windows Server&2003 with Service Pack&2 (SP2)
The following table specifies the limits on physical memory for Windows Server&2003 with Service Pack&2 (SP2). Limits over 4 GB for 32-bit Windows assume that PAE is enabled.
Limit on X86
Limit on X64
Limit on IA64
Windows Server&2003 with Service Pack&2 (SP2), Datacenter Edition
(16 GB with 4GT)
Windows Server&2003 with Service Pack&2 (SP2), Enterprise Edition
(16 GB with 4GT)
Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 2 (SP2), Standard Edition
Physical Memory Limits: Windows Server&2003 with Service Pack&1 (SP1)
The following table specifies the limits on physical memory for Windows Server&2003 with Service Pack&1 (SP1). Limits over 4 GB for 32-bit Windows assume that PAE is enabled.
Limit on X86
Limit on X64
Limit on IA64
Windows Server&2003 with Service Pack&1 (SP1), Datacenter Edition
(16 GB with 4GT)
Windows Server&2003 with Service Pack&1 (SP1), Enterprise Edition
(16 GB with 4GT)
Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 (SP1), Standard Edition
Physical Memory Limits: Windows Server&2003
The following table specifies the limits on physical memory for Windows Server&2003. Limits over 4 GB for 32-bit Windows assume that PAE is enabled.
Limit on X86
Limit on IA64
Windows Server&2003, Datacenter Edition
(16 GB with 4GT)
Windows Server&2003, Enterprise Edition
(16 GB with 4GT)
Windows Server&2003, Standard Edition
Windows Server&2003, Web Edition
Windows Small Business Server 2003
Windows Compute Cluster Server&2003
Windows Storage Server&2003, Enterprise Edition
Windows Storage Server&2003
Physical Memory Limits: Windows&XP
The following table specifies the limits on physical memory for Windows&XP.
Limit on X86
Limit on X64
Limit on IA64
128 GB (not supported)
Windows&XP Starter Edition
Physical Memory Limits: Windows Embedded
The following table specifies the limits on physical memory for Windows Embedded.
Limit on X86
Limit on X64
Windows XP Embedded
Windows Embedded Standard 2009
Windows Embedded Standard 7
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答案:这个和Windows版本没有关系,和操作系统的位数有关系,32位的系统都是最多4GB,但是具体能够用到的内存,还要看具体的硬件使用情况,是不可能能够完全用到4GB的。64位的系统的话理论上是能够支持2的64次方的内存,Windows 7的初级版和家庭基础版支持8GB内存,家庭高级版支持16GB,专业版、企业版和旗舰版最高支持192GB内存。64位 Vista家庭基础版支持8GB内存,家庭豪华版支持16GB,旗舰版、企业版、商业版支持128GB以上内存。64位 XP专业版,支持128GB内存。
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请登录后评论。Windows10首个预览版更新推送 内存管理大变|Windows|Build_凤凰数码
Windows10首个预览版更新推送 内存管理大变
自Windows 10正式版发布已经20多天了,微软终于在今天凌晨向Insider会员推送了首个快速更新,Build版本号也升级到了10525。
凤凰数码讯 8月19日消息,据快科技报道,自Windows 10正式版发布已经20多天了,微软终于在今天凌晨向Insider会员推送了首个快速更新,Build版本号也升级到了10525。
Windows10首个预览版更新推送 本次更新的主要内容包括两大方面: 一是改善了配色选项
改善了配色选项 在Build 10525中,开始菜单、操作中心、任务栏和标题栏的配色方案默认关闭,用户可以通过&设置&&&个性化&&&颜色&来对这些配色进行手动更改。 二是全新的内存管理功能 新版本添加了一项名为&压缩存储&的新概念,这意味着,当内存吃紧时,它将对无用页面进行压缩,而不再将它们写入磁盘。这样能够降低每个进程的内存使用量,使得Windows 10可以同时在物理内存中运行更多应用。此举也能帮助Windows 10加快应用的响应速度。 压缩存储活跃于系统进程的工作集中。由于系统进程在内存中运行,故当内存被腾出运行其他进程时,其工作集实际上将增大。在任务管理器中可以很明显看出这些变化,这也是为何系统进程比之前版本占用更多内存的原因。 新版本的图集和下载稍后送上。
48小时点击排行查看Windows7 旗舰版系统中内存条型号与品牌_win7系统安装教程_win7旗舰版
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查看Windows7 旗舰版系统中内存条型号与品牌
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Ghost win7怎么安装?最新ghost win7系统安装教程。:转载时请以超链接形式标明文章原始出处和作者信息及本声明
电脑型号 戴尔 Inspiron M5010 笔记本电脑
操作系统 Windows 7 旗舰版 64位 SP1 ( DirectX 11 )
处理器 AMD Phenom(羿龙) II N930 四核
主板 戴尔 08KT6J (AMD 760G/780G/780V/785G/790GX/880G/890GX)
内存 6 GB ( 海力士 DDR3 1333MHz / 金士顿 DDR3 1333MHz )
主硬盘 希捷 ST320LT020-9YG142 ( 320 GB / 5400 转/分 )
显卡 ATI Mobility Radeon HD 550v ( 1 GB / 戴尔 )
显示器 LG LGD0266 ( 15.3 英寸 )
光驱 松下 DVD -RW UJ8B1 DVD刻录机
声卡 IDT 矽玛特 STAC 92XX @ ATI IXP SB600/SB700/SB800 高保真音频
网卡 博通 BCMb/g LP-PHY Network Adapter / 戴尔
系统自带的是海力士的,我加了个金士顿4G内存条,也装了64位的win7了,可是系统属性却是只有2.00GB可用 如图
使用WIN R或者在搜索栏中输入“msconfig”,然后“敲击回车键”或“单击确定”
进入系统配置→引导→高级选项 取消最大内存的勾选。 多数都是这情况。


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