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iPhone Q&A (iPhone FAQ)
's iPhone Q&A answers questions about all iPhone models from the original released in 2007 to the current line.
Questions range from &What are all the differences between the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus models?& to &How fast are the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus models compared to one another and earlier iPhone models?&
and everything in between.
Please note that the current iPhone models are the
iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, and iPhone SE. Earlier iPhone devices have been discontinued, but EveryiPhone's iPhone Q&A covers all models in detail, regardless.
Be sure to 's detailed , too.
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Most Frequently Asked iPhone Q&As:
iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch models
support iOS 10? Do some models &partially& support iOS 10? Which ones?
are all the differences between the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus? Which should I buy?
are all the differences between the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus and the earlier iPhone 5, iPhone 5c, and iPhone 5s? Are any of these models still a good choice?
are all the differences between the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus? Which should I buy?
are all the differences between the iPhone SE and the older iPhone 5 and iPhone 5s models? Which is best for me?
fast are the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus compared to one another and earlier iPhone models?
are all the differences between the iPhone 6/iPhone 6 Plus and
iPhone 6s/iPhone 6s Plus? How much better are the newer models than their predecessors?
is Nano SIM? How is different from Micro SIM or a regular SIM card? Which iPhone models use a Nano SIM card?
are all the differences between the iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, and iPhone 5? Are these older models still worth considering?
the iPhone have a SIM card? Which iPhone models have which types of SIM cards? How do you remove the SIM card?
iPhone &Basics& Q&As:
is a &smart phone&?
the iPhone have a SIM card? Which iPhone models have which types of SIM cards? How do you remove the SIM card?
is Micro SIM? How is it different from a regular SIM card?
is Nano SIM? How is different from Micro SIM or a regular SIM card? Which iPhone models use a Nano SIM card?
the iPhone support handwriting recognition?
the iPhone support FileVault? Is information stored on the iPhone encrypted and password protected? Does it have biometric capabilities?
operating system does the iPhone use? Can it run Mac OS X applications like Skype and Photoshop?
can I upgrade from an older iPhone to a new iPhone?
can I begin to troubleshoot a problem with the iPhone?
iPhone Software & Software Compatibility Q&As:
operating system does the iPhone use? Can it run Mac OS X applications like Skype and Photoshop?
iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch models
support iOS 10? Do some models &partially& support iOS 10? Which ones?
iPhone models fully support iOS 9? For models that &partially& support iOS 9, which features are and are not supported?
iPhone models fully support iOS 8? For models that &partially& support iOS 8, which features are and are not supported?
iPhone models fully support iOS 7? For models that &partially& support iOS 7, which features are and are not supported?
iPhone models fully support iOS 6? For models that &partially& support iOS 6, which features are and are not supported?
iPhone models fully support iOS 4? Which models partially support iOS 4? For models that &partially& support iOS 4, which features are and are not supported?
is Siri? How well does Siri work in &real world& use? Are hacks available to run Siri on unsupported iPod, iPhone, or iPad models?
the iPhone run Mac OS X or iPod games?
iPhone SE Comparison Q&As (New):
are all the differences between the iPhone SE models?
are all the differences between the iPhone SE and the older iPhone 5 and iPhone 5s models? Which is best for me?
are all the differences between the iPhone SE and the iPhone 6s/iPhone 6s Plus? Which is the best choice for me?
are the &pros and cons& of the iPhone SE? Is it the right iPhone for me?
iPhone 6s & 6s Plus Comparison Q&As (New):
are all the differences between the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus? Which should I buy?
are all the differences between the iPhone 6/iPhone 6 Plus and
iPhone 6s/iPhone 6s Plus? How much better are the newer models than their predecessors?
fast are the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus compared to one another and earlier iPhone models?
are the &pros and cons& of the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus? Which one should I buy?
iPhone 6 & 6 Plus Comparison Q&As (Current):
are all the differences between the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus models? Is one best for me?
are all the differences between the iPhone 6 models?
are all the differences between the iPhone 6 Plus models?
are all the differences between the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus and the earlier iPhone 5, iPhone 5c, and iPhone 5s? Are any of these models still a good choice?
fast are the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus compared to one another and the iPhone 5c and iPhone 5s models?
are the &pros and cons& of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus? Which one should I buy?
iPhone 5c & 5s Comparison Q&As (Discontinued):
are all the differences between the iPhone 5, iPhone 5c, and iPhone 5s? Are there major differences?
are all the differences between the iPhone 5c models?
are all the differences between the iPhone 5s models?
fast are the iPhone 5c and iPhone 5s models compared to one another? How fast are the iPhone 5c and iPhone 5s compared to earlier iPhone models?
are the &pros and cons& of the iPhone 5c and iPhone 5s? Should I still consider an iPhone 5c or iPhone 5s compared to newer models?
iPhone 5 Comparison Q&As (Discontinued):
are all the differences between the iPhone 5 models?
are all the differences between the iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, and iPhone 5? Are these older models still worth considering?
are all the differences between the iPhone 5 and the iPod touch 5th Gen?
much faster is the iPhone 5 than the iPhone 4S and iPhone 4?
are the &pros and cons& of the iPhone 5? Is the iPhone 5 worth it?
iPhone 4S Comparison Q&As (Discontinued):
are all the differences between the iPhone 4 and the iPhone 4S?
are all the differences between the iPhone 4/iPhone 4S and the iPod touch 4th Gen?
much faster is the iPhone 4S than the iPhone 4? How does its speed compare to the iPad 2?
is the battery life of the iPhone 4S in &real-world& tests? Is the battery designed to be replaced?
are the &pros and cons& of the iPhone 4S? Is the iPhone 4S &worth it& for me?
iPhone 4 Comparison Q&As (Discontinued):
are all the differences between the iPhone 3GS and the iPhone 4?
are all the differences between the iPhone 4 (AT&T/GSM) and the iPhone 4 (Verizon/CDMA)?
much faster is the iPhone 4 than earlier iPhone models? How does it compare to the iPad?
is the battery life of the iPhone 4 in &real-world& tests? Is the battery designed to be replaced?
does the iPhone 4 (CDMA/Verizon)
speed compare to the iPhone 4 (GSM/AT&T) model? Which is faster?
is &FaceTime&? What devices are compatible with FaceTime? How well does FaceTime work in &real-world& use?
are the &pros and cons& of the iPhone 4? Is the iPhone 4 &worth it& for me?
iPhone 3GS Comparison Q&As (Discontinued):
are all the differences between the iPhone 3G and the iPhone 3GS?
are all the differences between the iPhone 3GS and the 3rd Gen iPod touch (Late 2009)?
are all the differences between the iPhone 3GS and the 2nd Gen iPod touch?
much faster is the iPhone 3GS than the iPhone 3G? How much difference does this speed boost make in actual use?
does the battery life of the iPhone 3GS compare to the iPhone 3G in &real-world& tests? Is the battery designed to be replaced?
are the &pros and cons& of the iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS? Which is the best one for my needs?
iPhone 3G Comparison Q&As (Discontinued):
are all the differences between the original iPhone and the iPhone 3G?
are all the differences between the iPhone 3G and the 2nd Gen iPod touch?
does the battery life of the iPhone 3G compare to the original iPhone in real-world tests? Is the battery designed to be replaced in either model?
are the &pros and cons& of the iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS? Which is the best one for my needs?
iPhone (Original/EDGE) Comparison Q&As (Discontinued):
exactly is the original iPhone?
are all the differences between the original iPhone and the original iPod touch?
does the original iPhone compare to the Palm Treo 750, Motorola Q, and Blackberry Pearl models available at the time of its release?
is the difference between EDGE and 3G? Why does the original iPhone support EDGE and not 3G?
is the battery life of the original iPhone? Is the battery designed to be &swapped& or replaced?
are the &pros and cons& of the original iPhone (1st Gen)?
iPhone Performance Q&As:
fast are the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus compared to one another and earlier iPhone models?
fast are the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus compared to one another and the iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c models?
fast are the iPhone 5c and iPhone 5s models compared to one another? How fast are the iPhone 5c and iPhone 5s compared to the iPhone 5 and earlier iPhone models?
much faster is the iPhone 5 than the iPhone 4S and iPhone 4?
much faster is the iPhone 4S than the iPhone 4? How does its speed compare to the iPad 2?
much faster is the iPhone 4 than earlier iPhone models? How does it compare to the iPad?
does the iPhone 4 (CDMA/Verizon) speed compare to the iPhone 4 (GSM/AT&T) model? Which is faster?
much faster is the iPhone 3GS than the iPhone 3G? How much difference does this speed boost make in actual use?
iPhone Battery
is the battery life of the iPhone 4S in &real-world& tests? Is the battery designed to be replaced?
is the battery life of the iPhone 4 in &real-world& tests? Is the battery designed to be replaced?
does the battery life of the iPhone 3GS compare to the iPhone 3G in &real-world& tests? Is the battery designed to be replaced?
does the battery life of the iPhone 3G compare to the original iPhone in real-world tests? Is the battery designed to be replaced in either model?
is the battery life of the original iPhone? Is the battery designed to be &swapped& or replaced?
iPhone Technical, Expansion, & Connectivity Q&As:
processor or processors does each iPhone model use?
much internal storage does each iPhone model have? Can storage be expanded? Does the iPhone have a MicroSD slot?
the iPhone support Bluetooth? Which iPhone models support which versions of Bluetooth?
you use the iPhone with an external keyboard? What external keyboard options are available?
iPhone Phone Functionality & Network Q&As:
long is AT&T Wireless the exclusive iPhone carrier in the US?
the iPhone available for purchase &unlocked& or only tied to a carrier?
is the difference between EDGE and 3G? Which iPhone models support 3G?
is 3G? How much faster is 3G than EDGE in real-world tests?
is &FaceTime&? What devices are compatible with FaceTime?
the iPhone use a MVNO?
iPhone &iPod& Functionality - Music, Photo, & Video Q&As:
do you access music, photos, and video using the touch screen?
does the iPhone synchronize music, photos, and videos with a computer? Can it sync via Bluetooth or wi-fi?
you access the iTunes Music Store directly from the iPhone?
you &beam& music, photos, and videos between iPhones? Can you &beam& data files between
iPhone &Internet Communicator& & Data Functionality Q&As:
can the iPhone Safari web browser fit an entire webpage on a such a small display?
the iPhone Safari web browser support Flash?
the iPhone support FileVault? Is information stored on the iPhone encrypted and password protected? Does it have biometric capabilities?
the iPhone open and allow one to edit Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint files?
the iPhone open and allow one to edit Adobe PDF files?
the iPhone support Outlook or Exchange?
you &beam& data files between two iPhone models? Does the iPhone support &disk mode& when connected to a computer?
is GPS? How does the iPhone
GPS system work?
iPhone Design Q&As:
designed the iPhone?
font does the iPhone interface use?
ringtone does the iPhone use? Where can I download it?
I add additional or custom ringtones to the iPhone?
does the iPhone &multi-touch& interface work? Who developed the &multi-touch& interface originally?
iPhone Purchasing Q&As:
are the &pros and cons& of the iPhone SE? Is it the right iPhone for me?
are the &pros and cons& of the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus? Which one should I buy?
are the &pros and cons& of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus? Which one should I buy?
are the &pros and cons& of the iPhone 5c and iPhone 5s? Should I still consider an iPhone 5c or iPhone 5s compared to newer models?
are the &pros and cons& of the iPhone 5?
are the &pros and cons& of the iPhone 4S?
are the &pros and cons& of the iPhone 4?
are the &pros and cons& of the iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS?
are the &pros and cons& of the original iPhone?
is the iPhone available for purchase? Can it be purchased from Apple Authorized Resellers?
the iPhone available for purchase &unlocked& or only tied to a carrier?
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using either website. Use of any content or images without expressed permission is not allowed, although links to any page are welcomed and appreciated.苹果5s. 一款机子。什么都一样。 为什么型号不一样一个是MF356CH/A一个是MF356ZP/_百度知道
苹果5s. 一款机子。什么都一样。 为什么型号不一样一个是MF356CH/A一个是MF356ZP/
苹果5s. 一款机子。什么都一样。 为什么型号不一憨法封盒莩谷凤贪脯楷样一个是MF356CH/A一个是MF356ZP/A。
苹果5s. 一款机子。什么都一样。 因为型号MF356CH/A是国行的型号而MF356ZP憨法封盒莩谷凤贪脯楷/A是港行型号 ,就这么点区别。
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iPhone5s港版的,大神能帮忙验证是否为真 IMEI:904 型号:MF359ZP/A 序列号:C39LVEDRFRC9
4G,12月19日:未延保如果你购买此iPhone5s的时间为日前后(12月18日:日激活状态:已过期硬件保修截止:C39LVEDRFRC9型号:否(参考)是否有锁,则为全新港版iPhone5s,新买则是二手机;A设备型号、3G,都可认为是港版新机:iPhone 5s 64GB 银色(GSM)—A1530出厂时间,所以你在01月03日之前购买:未过期(日)剩余保修天数,支持移动2G:日-日销售地、4G,12月20日):无锁购买时间:116天延保状态:香港运营商序列号。港版iPhone可能会被提前激活:深圳富士康置换机、3G:已激活(日)电话技术支持,联通2G:MF359ZP&#47:-产地
联通2G。注意真假机、4G、4G,则为全新港版iPhone5s:未延保如果你购买此iPhone5s的时间为日前后(12月18日.baidu,所以你在01月03日之前购买:日-日销售地.baidu、3G,请注意:深圳富士康置换机:MF359ZP/A设备型号,连接电脑端ITUNES安装软件。港版iPhone可能会被提前激活,支持移动2G:无锁购买时间:未过期(日)剩余保修天数:日激活状态,12月19日,都可认为是港版新机,12月20日)!序列号:-产地.com/link:iPhone 5s 64GB 银色(GSM)—A1530出厂时间:已激活(日)电话技术支持:否(参考)是否有锁://zhidao?url=VgWD3kXWN90FVVLYWxM8Q4_D06d9xRUO5xV7EQYe-NU5sXjhfF1lagdyvnlYYsdzhr0H_SNjfHUOMUIZ9_0WvEFCzY02lITuMWK8OUzJVQq" target="_blank">http:116天延保状态、3G:香港运营商:///link:C39LVEDRFRC9型号?url=VgWD3kXWN90FVVLYWxM8Q4_D06d9xRUO5xV7EQYe-NU5sXjhfF1lagdyvnlYYsdzhr0H_SNjfHUOMUIZ9_0WvEFCzY02lITuMWK8OUzJVQq以上是相同序列号的机子:已过期硬件保修截止,能安装就是真机希望对你有所帮助<a href="http
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