for example造句汉语怎么说

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求翻译:It can be argued, for example, that teaching can be accomplished more effectively if teacher and student take their appropriate roles.是什么意思?
It can be argued, for example, that teaching can be accomplished more effectively if teacher and student take their appropriate roles.
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求翻译:...For example,one evening when it was so warm,I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven in order to have a good look at the moon by myself.But as the moon gave far too much light,I didn't dare open a window.Another time five months ago,I happened to be upstairs at dark when the window was open.I didn't go downs是什么意思?
...For example,one evening when it was so warm,I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven in order to have a good look at the moon by myself.But as the moon gave far too much light,I didn't dare open a window.Another time five months ago,I happened to be upstairs at dark when the window was open.I didn't go downs
... For example, one evening when it was so warm, and I stayed awake until half past eleven on purpose in order to have a good look at the moon as the moon by myself But . gave far too much light, I ' didn t dare open a window Another . I time five months ago, happened to be upstairs at dark when th
…For example, one evening when it was so warm, I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven in order to have a good look at the moon by myself. But as the moon gave far too much light, I didn't dare open a window. Another time five months ago, I happened to be upstairs at dark when the window wa
... For example,one evening when it was so warm,I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven in order to have a good look at the moon by myself. But as the moon gave far too much light,I didn't dare open a window. Another time five months ago,I happened to be upstairs at dark when the window was
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简明英汉词典example[i^5zB:mpl, i^5zAm-]n.例子, 实例, 例题, 范例, 榜样, 鉴戒, 实例美国传统词典[双解][1g-z2m“p…l] D.J.[ig6z#mp*l]K.K.[!g6z#mp*l]n.Abbr. ex.(名词)缩写 ex.(1)One that is representative of a group as a whole:实例:做为整体的一组事物的代表:the squirrel, an introduced each new word with examples of its use.松鼠,啮齿类动物的代表;举例介绍每一个生词的用法(2)One serving as a pattern of a specific kind:榜样:作为特定种类的典范:set a good example by arriving on time.以守时树立一个好榜样(3)A similar case that constitutes a model or precedent:先例:类似树立模范或开创先例的例子:a unique episode, without example in maritime history.在航海史上没有先例的独特事件(4)A punishment given as a warning or deterrent.警戒,警告:作为警告或阻止而做出的惩罚(5)One that has been given such a punishment:被惩罚者:受过这样惩罚的人:made an example of the offender.警告犯人(6)A problem or exercise used to illustrate a principle or method.例证:用来举例说明一个原则或方法的一道问题或练习习惯用语for exampleAs an illustrative instance:比如说:举例时用的例子:W for example, a skirt and blouse.穿简单的衣服;比如说,一条裙子和一件衬衫语源(1)Middle English 中古英语 (2)from Old French example, essaumple 源自 古法语 example, essaumple (3)from Latin exemplum 源自 拉丁语 exemplum (4)from eximere [to take out] 源自 eximere [移走] (5)ex- [ex-] ex- [前缀,表“从前的”] (6)emere [to take] * see em- emere [获得] *参见 em- 参考词汇(1)example, instance, case, illustration, sample, specimen(2)Each of these nouns refers to what is representative of or serves to explain a larger group or class. An example represents, usually typically, something of which it is a part and thereby demonstrates the character of the whole: 这里的每一个名词都指的是代表或用来解释一组或一类事物。example 这个词通常很典型地表示某事物的一个部分并由此可以表示整个事物的特点: “Of the despotism to which unrestrained military power leads we have plenty of examples” (Samuel Eliot Morison). An instance is an example that is cited to prove or invalidate a contention or to illustrate a point: “我们有许多因不受控制的军事力量而导致专政的例子” (塞缪尔?埃利奥特?莫里森)。instance 是指被引述来证明论点、使论点无效或用来表明观点的一个范例: an instance of flagrant corruption. A case is an action, an occurrence, or a condition that constitutes a specific instance of something being discussed, decided, or treated: 一个严重腐化的实例。 case 是指一种构成正在被讨论、决定或处理的事物的特殊范例的行为、过程或状态: a typical c 一个典型的儿童疏忽的例子;very few cases of diphtheria. An illustration is an example that clarifies or explains: 为数不多的白喉的病例。 illustration 是指用来澄清或解释某事的例子: provided an illustration of 在上下文中给出这个词的例证;gave an illustration of her courage. A sample is an actual part of something larger, presented as evidence of the quality or nature of the whole: 举一个关于她勇敢的例子。 sample 是指大型事物的可代表整体特征或性质的一个部分; distributing sample 区分新型洗涤剂的样品;gave us a sample of her temper. 举例告诉我们她的脾气如何。(3)Specimen is sometimes synonymous with sample, but it often denotes an individual, representative member of a group or class: Specimen 有时同sample 意义相近, 但它更多地指一组或一类事物中个别的有代表性的成员:This poem is a fair specimen of his work. See also Synonyms at ideal 这首诗是他著作中的杰出范例 参见同义词 ideal现代英汉词典example[I^5zB:mp(E)l; (?@) I^5zAmpl]n.(1)实例;例证a typical example典型例证You can use any two colors ― for example, red and yellow.你可以用任何两种颜色,例如红色和黄色。"For example, Illinols was named for the Indians who used to live in that part of the country.""例如,伊利诺州就取名于过去生活在这里的印第安人。"This palace is an example of early ancient Chinese architecture.这座宫殿建筑代表着中国古代早期的建筑式样。(2)榜样;模范Mary's courage is an example to us all.玛丽的勇敢是我们大家的榜样。Example is better than precept.(谚)以身作则胜于口头训诲。;身教重于言教。习惯用语make an example of sb.惩一儆百现代英汉综合大辞典example[i^5zB:mpl, i^5zAm-]n.(1)例证;例句(2)榜样,典范(3)警告, 警戒(4)标本, 样本, 先例Please give an example.请举一个例子。Mary's courage is an example to us all.玛丽的勇气是我们所有人的榜样。词性变化example[i^5zB:mpl, i^5zAm-]vt.[常用被动语态]代表(着), 作为...的示范习惯用语as an example (=by way of example)例如, 举例来说be an example to是对...的警告beyond example无先例的, 空前的without example无先例的, 空前的copy the example of学习...的榜样, 照...的样子follow the example of学习...的榜样, 照...的样子for example例如give an example to做...榜样, 树立(好)榜样give a good example to做...榜样, 树立(好)榜样set an example to做...榜样, 树立(好)榜样set a good example to做...榜样, 树立(好)榜样hold up as an example树...为榜样let this be an example to以..给...一个警告make an example of sb.惩罚某人以儆他人, 惩一儆百take an example举例; 示范take example by以...为榜样; 以...为借鉴take example for以...为例E-is better than precept.[谚]身教胜于言教。特殊用法counter example反例graphic example图例living example实例, 生动的例子numerical example数例par example举例representative example典型实例example of exercise【体】动作范例example of value【体】评分范例参考词汇见 model&&&&英文相关词典examplemodel&&&&pattern&&&&representative&&&&sample&&&&symbol&&&&type&&&&[七国语言]英汉地质大词典example标本[七国语言]英汉公共大词典example榜样;例子[七国语言]英汉数学大词典example例[七国语言]英汉物理大词典example例美国传统词典[1g-z2m“p…l] D.J.[ig6z#mp*l]K.K.[!g6z#mp*l]n.Abbr. ex.(1)One that is representative of a group as a whole:the squirrel, an introduced each new word with examples of its use.(2)One serving as a pattern of a specific kind:set a good example by arriving on time.(3)A similar case that constitutes a model or precedent:a unique episode, without example in maritime history.(4)A punishment given as a warning or deterrent.(5)One that has been given such a punishment:made an example of the offender.(6)A problem or exercise used to illustrate a principle or method.习惯用语for exampleAs an illustrative instance:W for example, a skirt and blouse.语源(1)Middle English (2)from Old French example, essaumple (3)from Latin exemplum (4)from eximere [to take out] (5)ex- [ex-] (6)emere [to take] * see em- 参考词汇(1)example, instance, case, illustration, sample, specimen (2)Each of these nouns refers to what is representative of or serves to explain a larger group or class. An example represents, usually typically, something of which it is a part and thereby demonstrates the character of the whole: “Of the despotism to which unrestrained military power leads we have plenty of examples” (Samuel Eliot Morison). An instance is an example that is cited to prove or invalidate a contention or to illustrate a point: an instance of flagrant corruption. A case is an action, an occurrence, or a condition that constitutes a specific instance of something being discussed, decided, or treated: a typical c very few cases of diphtheria. An illustration is an example that clarifies or explains: provided an illustration of gave an illustration of her courage. A sample is an actual part of something larger, presented as evidence of the quality or nature of the whole: distributing sample gave us a sample of her temper. (3)Specimen is sometimes synonymous with sample, but it often denotes an individual, representative member of a group or class: This poem is a fair specimen of his work. See also Synonyms at ideal [名词委审定]英汉数学名词(1993)example例英汉船舶大词典example n.例 朗文英汉综合电脑词典example 实[举,范]例,例证;样本,典型 英汉电信大词典example n.例子,样品 英汉法学大词典example n.范例 ,例证,样本 英汉航空大词典example n.样品,例题 英汉化学大词典example n.例,例子,榜样,例子 英汉海运大词典example 例实例样品,样本典型 基本词义example 实例样品,样本 基本词义example 实例样品,样本典型 基本词义example 实例样品,样本例例子 基本词义example 例 英汉经贸大词典example n.例子,榜样 英汉计算机大词典example n.例子(榜样) 英汉建筑大词典example n.例证,样品 英汉农牧林大词典example n.标本 英汉能源大词典example n.例子,榜样 英汉水利大词典example n.例子,例证,范例 英汉心理学大词典example 例子 英汉中医大词典example n.例子,实例
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