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也许在美国电影里经常听到两位帅哥调侃用&Check out hot chicks&,那Check out hot chicks是什么意思?大家都知道男人的一大爱好就是"瞅美女,打望"。打望是重庆的方言之一,特指在街头以看漂亮、丰满、高挑、白皙、露骨、性感、迷人的美女养眼的举动。现在也指女性"打望"男性。这时,你可用得上全世界关于瞅美女最标准的英语段子了,所有老外都听得懂。美女:hot chicks, hottie, babe&&当然你可以说beautiful girls,虽正确,却是最老土的表达。Check out hot chicks是指&打望,瞅美女"。(参见:)1. Hey, stud, let's go downtown and check out hot chicks.嘿,哥们儿,进城打望去。2.I just want to drive around town and check out the hot chicks. 我就想驾车在城里兜兜,顺便瞅瞅美女。3.Yeah,we drink, dance, check out hot chicks and have fun.当然,我们喝酒,跳舞,瞅美女,开心----4.Are you still checking out hot chick sitting by the bar?你还在瞅那位坐在吧台的辣妹吗?八一八这些年遭遇的“内涵”歌~主要是歪果网友的热情解答~更新看心情~
  汇报总菊大人,楼主先扒两首婊气扑鼻的深夜档歌曲~  注:外语部分内涵解释来自热情的歪果网友们~感谢genius~wikipedia~google~  另:某IP为114.97.107.44的安徽合肥市网友,请不要擅自使用本人账号,这是非法的,本人保留追诉权。
  1、BANGBANG  本身歌名就是亮点:金山词霸给出了答案,查询“BANG”就行,自行理解,见仁见智。  ---  She got a body like an hourglass  But I can give it to you all the time  歪果网友的解释:  An hourglass is an invertible device with two connected glass bulbs containing sand that takes an hour to pass from the upper to the lower bulb. Resurfacing the simile that B2K used in their song, “Bump Bump Bump”, Jessie J is acknowledging the girl’s hourglass figure.  So basically her body looks like this:  图1  There is wordplay with hourglass and time. This other girl may have a perfect body but never put out, while Jessie can give it to you (have sex with you) all the time.  懒惰楼主的解释:  hourglass指沙漏,这里不仅用来比喻她有沙漏形的身材,并且暗示她的身体是有“使用(内涵)”时间限制的,而我能把我的身体随时给你。
  She got a booty like a Cadillac  But I can send you into overdrive  ---  歪果网友的解释:  At one point, Cadillacs possessed two distinctive spoilers on their bumpers. Bumpers = booty.  In mechanical terms, “overdrive” is a type of gear that allows faster-than-normal speeds. Here, it’s an euphemism for stronger-than-normal… love.  资深车友的解释:  .cn/201412/news_.html  1948年,凯迪拉克的Coach车型尾部出现了从二战著名战斗机P-38上移植而来尾翼的缩小版,1956年和 1957年,克莱斯勒在汽车上设计的尾翼越来越大,1959年,凯迪拉克Eldorado的尾翼几乎达到了车顶的高度。以至于这款凯迪拉克比通用汽车50年后的悍马H2还要长。  图2  懒惰楼主的解释:  凯迪拉克经典车型就在于其保险杠上的两道特色分流器(尾翼)。这里的屁股booty便是指卡迪拉克的特色后保险杠bumper(话说湖南卫视字幕和谐君也是拼了,也不怕不懂英语的人真的以为model of 凯迪拉克=普通模型)。总之,就是在说她的屁股又大又翘。  从汽车的角度看“overdrive”是指超速档、超速变速器。内涵的角度看就是大姑娘让小伙子快快快~
  (You've been waiting for that, step on up, swing your bat)  ---  歪果网友的解释:  Talking about sex, Jessie wants her guy to try harder and step up a bit more and swing his penis (bat) around   wiki百科的解释:  信息量太大,大家自行观摩吧~  懒惰楼主的解释:  总之,swing your bat对纯洁的棒球迷来说就是挥动你的球棒。想知道内涵的人儿们,自行搜索霓虹剧里面闺蜜神神秘秘讨论男女关系中的一垒、二垒、三垒、本垒什么的联系起来就好。啊,是霓虹电视剧不是《棒球英豪》这么纯洁的二次元爱恋yo~对了度娘的答案也不是都对的,至少一垒已经不是什么手拉手,一垒是嘴对嘴了哦~法式哦~
  See, anybody could be bad to you  You need a good girl to blow your mind, yeah  ---  歪果网友的解释:  Play on words: every guy wants a good girl who is actually a bad girl in bed.  She is willing to blow his mind in a sexual way. Could also be a play on giving the guy a blow job.  懒惰楼主的解释:  这里又出现了文字游戏,因为,老话怎么说来着,男人的理想型就是出得厅堂,入得卧房的姑娘们~  blow his mind 也可以双重理解,一种是让他大开眼界,另一种是blow job,呃,就是咬他咯~
  Bang bang into the room (I know you want it)  Bang bang all over you (I’ll let you have it)  ---  歪果网友的解释:  “Bang bang” obviously refers to gunshots.  图3  In a sexual sense, it could refer to multiple things:  1、While Jessie and her lover are engaging in sexual intercourse, her boyfriend’s cum literally blasts (get it?)  Jessie J’s lust to get in the bed with this guy presumably began very suddenly. Sometimes, she just loves to get down and dirty.  2、It could refer to the loud noises the couple are committing while having sex.  3、There are also some hints of feminism in this hook as Jessie sings lyrics such as “I’ll let you have it”. This alludes to the fact that she is dominant in the relationship, not the boy.  懒惰楼主的解释:  说到BANG BANG大家有没有去iciba啊?最内涵的那个解释看了吗?没看也没关系,只要你知道下面楼主在扯什么鬼就好~  从内涵的角度来说,有三种解释:  1、关键词blast有气流或液体喷出的意思  2、关键词noise应该是初中词汇吧,吵闹的意思  3、女权主义者从里面看出了女尊的既视感
  @马加  听起来很像借口,但我也辩驳两句:  文化上的差异不是三言两语就能说清楚的,举个例子,如果我直接说凯迪拉克那样的屁股就是大又翘的意思,总有人会问一句为什么吧?然后我再去说那是因为凯迪拉克独特的尾翼?然后又问怎么个独特法,我再去解释说59年的凯迪拉克尾翼和车顶差不多高,真是又大又翘?一次说清楚比插楼回复打乱顺序在我看来更好。而且我也不能全部中文,绝对会被编辑关小黑屋的。最后,注明引用是基本的道德吧。
  Wait a minute let me take you there (ah)  Wait a minute let me make you there   ---  歪果网友的解释:  “Take you there” is obviously a reference to giving someone an orgasm. However, it also adds on to the fast-paced, car wordplay that both Jessie and Nicki use.  In addition, this also continues with the feminism themes that begun in the previous lyric. She is the one taking the guy “there”, not vice versa.  There is a slight usage of timing and how impatience men are with their thirst.  She’s warning him in advance to ‘wait a minute", to take it slow because he might be given more than he can “steer” if he pushes it..  She said earlier, “I can send you into overdrive”.  懒惰楼主的解释:  “take you there”和“car”在某种意义上又是一种文字游戏。  度娘很多纯洁的人儿翻译的是“带你去那儿”,不禁让我想起Jay的“载着你仿佛载着阳光,不管到哪里都是晴天”中形容的浪漫的兜风男女。  实际上内涵画面是“刘备”里面的女主羞红着脸、抓紧被单,嘤嘤的那一句“我去了”。  当然,女权主义者又强调了这是女尊,是女主载男主装B载男主飞~因为歌词里不断出现女主对男主进行各种动作指导。
  Wait a minute 'til you (ahhh, hey!)  ---  歪果网友的解释:  Going with the previous line, either Jessie has…  1、Reached her climax (orgasm)  2、The man literally couldn’t last any longer  3、The man’s hitting it so good, Jessie liked the way it felt, hence the “Ahh…”  懒惰楼主的解释:  歪果网友的解释貌似集中在Ahhh上面:  1、女的不行了,所以啊  2、男的不行了,所以啊  3、女的很舒服,所以啊
  Bang bang there goes your heart (I know you want it)  ---  歪果网友的解释:  Although a little out of place for a song about sex, “there goes your heart” may mean that the man referenced is falling in love with them, or that his heart is racing, the latter being slightly more likely. “I know you want it” definitely refers to the man wanting sex.  懒惰楼主的解释:  这里依然是用“car”在玩文字游戏,把男人和car、heart、bang联系起来,连给出解释的歪果网友都觉得把真心写在bang歌里有些出戏。当然,言情一点就是男主柔媚地问“我们开车去哪儿啊”,女主邪魅答曰:“去你心里。”
  Back, back seat of my car (I’ll let you have it)  ---  外国网友的解释:  She’s going to give everything to her man in the back seat of her car, or anywhere for that matter.  懒惰楼主的解释:  依然是Car的文字游戏,同时辉映前面提到沙漏型身材时说的I can give it to you,亦即交付身体。
  She might've let you hold her hand in school  But I'mma show you how to graduate  ---  歪果网友的解释:  In high school the guy she’s referring to may have messed around with girls.  Ariana, however, is going to show him how to actually have sex, using “graduation” as a metaphor for this step up.  The other girl is cute and tame, Grande will her man, shaking and yelling like a graduation ceremony, where they throw their caps and yell in the air.  She her m at the “top of the class”, the smartest and most knowledgeable when it comes to “blowing his mind” (Impressive and has blowjob skills). So she has “Brains, brawn and beauty”  This fits with the entire, bombastic party theme, throughout the song.  懒惰楼主的解释:  在男女关系这所高中里,A妹可是Alpha女孩啊,因为只有学霸才有资格调教学渣,帮助学渣感悟真谛,顺利毕业。别的妹子连学渣都不如,因为那些妹子只会拉拉小手。
  No, I don't need to hear you talk the talk  Just come and show me what your momma gave, oh yeah  (I heard you've got a very big shhh, mouth but don’t say a thing)  ---  歪果网友的解释:  “Shake what your momma gave you” is a phrase referring to the rear. Ariana doesn’t need someone with a way of words to have a good time.  Since she’s (presumably) singing to a boy, she might not be referring to his rear, but rather what he has in front.  She’s saying he has a big penis. But she doesn’t want to say anything to ruin the love making.  “Mouth” could also be used as a noun here, as in Ariana telling him to keep his mouth shut and let her work it. The “shhh” simply adds a sexual tone, and misleads the listener before continuing the sentence.  懒惰楼主的解释:  “Shake what your momma gave you”是个短语。  通常我们会对小狗狗说摇一摇你的小尾巴,而这里把小狗狗换成男生,嘴巴上传闻你的很大,看到后十分满意她所看到的,可又因担心破坏气氛而噤声(Shhh)。
  No, I don't need to hear you talk the talk  Just come and show me what your momma gave, oh yeah  (I heard you've got a very big shhh, mouth but don’t say a thing)  ---  歪果网友的解释:  “Shake what your momma gave you” is a phrase referring to the rear. Ariana doesn’t need someone with a way of words to have a good time.  Since she’s (presumably) singing to a boy, she might not be referring to his rear, but rather what he has in front.  She’s saying he has a big penis. But she doesn’t want to say anything to ruin the love making.  “Mouth” could also be used as a noun here, as in Ariana telling him to keep his mouth shut and let her work it. The “shhh” simply adds a sexual tone, and misleads the listener before continuing the sentence.  懒惰楼主的解释:  “Shake what your momma gave you”是个短语。  通常我们会对小狗狗说摇一摇你的小尾巴,而这里把小狗狗换成男生,嘴巴上说传闻你的很大,看到后十分满意她所看到的,可内心OS又是因担心破坏气氛而噤声(Shhh)。
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