AMD A4-3305M APU with Radeon(tm)HDradeon graphicss 796MHz , 1.47 GB的内存 这配置玩cf可以么

AMD A4-Series A4-3305M - AM3305DDX22GX & AMD &
& A4-3305M
Same socket
AMD A4-3305M specifications
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You can specify any of the following: manufacturer name, family name, model number, part number, core name, socket name, operating frequency, bus speed, and the last level cache.
Here are examples of searches: A4-3305M, AM3305DDX22GX, AMD A4-Series for Notebooks 1.9GHz, Llano Socket FS1
Q: Does this microprocessor support the dual graphics mode?
Q: Do you have a list of compatible Graphics Processing Units for dual-graphics?
A: Radeon HD 6430M, HD 6450M, HD 6470M and HD 6490M graphics cards are recommended.
Q: I have an AMD A4-3305M CPU. Can I upgrade it?
A: Probably yes. Processor compatibility is determined by your motherboard. Please check
website for CPU support list for your board.
A4-3305M Overclocking
Sorry, overclocking information is not available at this time.
Related news stories
A6-3670K and A8-3870K surfaced in AMD product database
Dec 20, 2011: Last Friday Turkish site Donanimhaber published a few slides, one
of which revealed release date and official prices of A6-3670K and
A8-3870K Accelerated Processing Units (APUs). Two processors will be
launched on December 26, priced at $115 for A6 model, and $135 for A8
model. AMD today added specifications of these processors to
product database, thus confirming imminent release of both
AMD quietly releases new mobile Llano CPUs
Dec 07, 2011: Current AMD mobile "Sabine" platform was launched in June of this
year, and, as we reported in October, was due for refresh this
quarter. Today AMD quietly
added details on seven new SKUs to Sabine platform
specifications, and to notebook APU product information pages. That
usually means that processors are either officially released, or will
be released within days. Newly introduced A-Series microprocessors are a mix of
dual-core and quad-core models, targeting either higher performance on
"MX" chips, or power consumption on "M" parts.
New mobile AMD APUs sighted
Oct 25, 2011: One month ago user "Konrad" in 3DCenter forum posted
several slides from AMD mobile roadmap. The slides included
details of AMD mobile platforms until the end of 2012. Also, the
slides revealed AMD plans to refresh current Sabine platform later
this year with seven new "Llano" Accelerated Processing Units (APUs).
New processors are A4-3305M, A4-3320M, A4-3330MX, A6-3420M, A6-3430MX,
A8-3520M, and A8-3550MX. All these models appeared
in recently revised PDF file on HP website.
CPU ID information for the A4-3305M
Detailed characteristics of processor's internals, including x86
instruction set extensions and individual instructions, high- and low-level
technologies, are listed below. This list was acquired from an actual
AMD A4-Series for Notebooks A4-3305M processor with the help of the x86 CPUID instruction. Any
discrepancies between CPUID features and official specifications are
likely due to some features being disabled in BIOS, or due to a bug in
our CPUID decoding algorithm.
Our CPUID database contains 5 records for this microprocessor. .
to check features of your processor.
Submission details
Manufacturer:AMDMeasured frequency:1896 MHz
CPU Family:A4-Series for NotebooksComment:
Model Number:A4-3305M&
Part number (supplied):AM3305DDX22GXSubmitted by:
Part number (guessed):AM3305DDX22GXSubmitted on:
Stepping Code:CWID version:0.5
General information
Processor name (BIOS):AMD A4-3305M APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics
Logical processors:2
Processor type:Original OEM Processor
Core stepping:LN-B0
CPUID signature:300F10
Family:18 (012h)
Model: 1 (01h)
Stepping: 0 (00h)
Cache details
Supported instructions
Integrated features and technologies
CPUs, related to AMD
The list of related CPUs does not include all models. For the complete list, please see the
Cores /Threads
AMD A4-Series for Notebooks family, Socket FS1
A4-3305M2 / 21.9 GHz2.5 GHz1 MB35W&
&& 2 / 21.9 GHz2.5 GHz2 MB35W&
&& 2 / 22.1 GHz2.5 GHz2 MB45W&
&& 2 / 22 GHz2.6 GHz2 MB35W&
&& 2 / 22.3 GHz2.6 GHz1 MB45W&
&& 2 / 22.2 GHz2.6 GHz2 MB45W&
Other families, K10 micro-architecture, Socket FS1
&& 2 / 21.8 GHz2.4 GHz1 MB35W&
&& 2 / 21.8 GHz2.4 GHz1 MB35W&
&& 4 / 41.4 GHz2.3 GHz4 MB35W&
&& 4 / 41.6 GHz2.3 GHz4 MB45W&
&& 4 / 41.5 GHz2.4 GHz4 MB35W&
&& 4 / 41.7 GHz2.4 GHz4 MB45W&
&& 4 / 41.6 GHz2.5 GHz4 MB35W&
&& 4 / 41.8 GHz2.5 GHz4 MB45W&
&& 4 / 41.9 GHz2.6 GHz4 MB45W&
&& 4 / 42 GHz2.7 GHz4 MB45W&
&& Within each category, the CPUs are sorted from slower (at the top) to faster (at the bottom)
&& Background color of specs and features indicate whether they are better or worse than similar spec/feature of the
&& Click on the & icon to compare any CPU in the table with the AMD
A4-3305M (Javascript required).
Pictures (1)
Posted by: mullo
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You're welcome to post suggestions, corrections, missing information,
your own personal AMD A4-3305M review, or your experience with the microprocessor.
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Microsoft Windows 7 旗舰版
AMD A4-3305M APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics(1900 Mhz)主板
联想 1198A66内存
1333 MHz)主硬盘
320 GB (希捷 ST320LT020-9YG142 ATA Device 已使用时间: 314小时)显卡
AMD Radeon(TM) HD 6480G (512 MB)显示器
友达 AUO 32位真彩色 60Hz声卡
AMD High Definition Audio Device网卡
Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller大神帮我看看 什么回事
是不是这配置有问题A 啊


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