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  一艘中国军舰追尾,以挑衅的方式,与147名乘客群岛岛镇本船,包括重新当选市长Eugenio艾托斡难河集团,在航行回到巴拉望从PAG ASA岛在激烈的南沙区。艾托斡难河说,中国军舰从ayungin礁东部地区,利用其强大的泛光灯而追逐和尾矿的M / T女王海鸥星期四早。“中国军舰是远离自己的船只有50米,“艾托斡难河说,补充说,事件开始时,M / T女王离开海鸥,PAG ASA岛星期三早上,经过菲律宾占领ayungin礁在午夜。接地的菲律宾海军(PN)运输船,BRP马德雷山脉,现在被用来作为由西方命令海军支队(Wescom)到了房子的菲律宾部队部署在ayungin。一些中国军舰和监测船进行了监测,已经好几天在该地区的地位现在为中国奠定其领土主张几乎整个南中国海的侵略行动的一部分。艾托斡难河说,中国军舰只停止跟踪他们当他们的船已经航行在半月礁,这里搁浅,去年中国的炮舰。标题(第MREC),pagematch:1,sectionmatch:1“近一个小时,中国舰船尾船,“艾托斡难河在接受电话采访时说,不久后,对接的M / T在巴拉望的南部城镇bataraza buliluyan海鸥港。艾托斡难河是回普林塞萨港市市长赢得三个角落的比赛在南沙群岛地区城镇在五月十三日中期选举后国家和地方的行为。从岛镇总登记选民人数,艾托斡难河获得了108张选票,而他的竞争对手,商人诺尔奥索里奥得到69名退休军人和前菲律宾副市长罗森多格螳螂,获得了46票。在进行选举的问题一直被视为该国历史上最快的选举过程。投票开始在岛上大约上午7点,在一个选举过程六小时完成,与艾托斡难河作为一种新兴的赢家。“除了多囊卵巢综合征的结果,我们还进行了一个平行的人工计数。在岛的选举是最和平的,”说艾托斡难河。–与kathryna代巴斯托斯
  回复第4楼,@一天一地一微尘  一艘中国军舰追尾,以挑衅的方式,与147名乘客群岛岛镇本船,包括重新当选市长Eugenio艾托斡难河集团,在航行回到巴拉望从PAG ASA岛在激烈的南沙区。艾托斡难河说,中国军舰从ayungin礁东部地区,利用其强大的泛光灯而追逐和尾矿的M / T女王海鸥星期四早。“中国军舰是远离自己的船只有50米,“艾托斡难河说,补充说,事件开始时,M / T女王离开海鸥,PAG ASA岛星期三早上,经过菲律宾占领ayungin礁在午夜。接地的菲律宾海军(PN)运输船,BRP马德雷山脉,现在被用来作为由西方命令海军支队(Wescom)到了房子的菲律宾部队部署在ayungin。一些中国军舰和监测船进行了监测,已经好几天在该地区的地位现在为中国奠定其领土主张几乎整个南中国海的侵略行动的一部分。艾托斡难河说,中国军舰只停止跟踪他们当他们的船已经航行在半月礁,这里搁浅,去年中国的炮舰。标题(第MREC),p...  --------------------------  大概看懂了……中国v5  
  百度的  马尼拉,菲律宾-中国军舰追尾,以挑衅的方式,与147名乘客群岛岛镇本船,包括重新当选市长Eugenio艾托斡难河集团,在航行回到巴拉望从PAGASA岛在备受争议的南沙region.bito-onon说,中国军舰从ayungin礁东城区,利用其强大的泛光灯而追逐和尾矿的M / T女王海鸥星期四早。”中国军舰是远离自己的船只有50米,“艾托斡难河说,补充说,事件开始时,M/T女王离开海鸥,PAGASA岛星期三早上,经过了菲律宾占领ayunginreefat午夜。接地的菲律宾海军(PN)运输船,BRP马德雷山脉,现在被用来作为由西方命令海军支队(Wescom)家菲律宾军队在ayungin前沿部署。几个中国军舰和监测船进行了监测,有了在该地区有利的位置几天,现在是中国的一部分的激进举措奠定其领土主张几乎整个南中国sea.bito-onon说,中国军舰只停止跟踪他们当他们的船已经航行在半月礁,一个中国的炮舰搁浅去年。”近一个小时,中国舰船尾我们船,“艾托斡难河在接受电话采访时说,不久后,对接的M / T在巴拉望的南部城镇bataraza.bito-ononbuliluyan海鸥港是回普林塞萨港市市长赢得三个角落的比赛在南沙群岛地区城镇在五月十三日中期选举后国家和地方的行为。在小岛上的总数量registeredvoters,艾托斡难河获得了108张选票,而他的竞争对手,商人诺尔奥索里奥有69andretired军人和前菲律宾副市长罗森多格螳螂,获得了46张选票。在进行选举的问题一直被认为是最快的选举P在这个国家的历史过程。投票开始在岛上大约上午7点,在一个选举过程六小时完成,与艾托奥南成为赢家。“除了多囊卵巢综合征的结果,我们还进行了一个平行的人工计数。在岛的选举是最和平的,“  
  回复第4楼,@一天一地一微尘  一艘中国军舰追尾,以挑衅的方式,与147名乘客群岛岛镇本船,包括重新当选市长Eugenio艾托斡难河集团,在航行回到巴拉望从PAG ASA岛在激烈的南沙区。艾托斡难河说,中国军舰从ayungin礁东部地区,利用其强大的泛光灯而追逐和尾矿的M / T女王海鸥星期四早。“中国军舰是远离自己的船只有50米,“艾托斡难河说,补充说,事件开始时,M / T女王离开海鸥,PAG ASA岛星期三早上,经过菲律宾占领ayungin礁在午夜。接地的菲律宾海军(PN)运输船,BRP马德雷山脉,现在被用来作为由西方命令海军支队(Wescom)到了房子的菲律宾部队部署在ayungin。一些中国军舰和监测船进行了监测,已经好几天在该地区的地位现在为中国奠定其领土主张几乎整个南中国海的侵略行动的一部分。艾托斡难河说,中国军舰只停止跟踪他们当他们的船已经航行在半月礁,这里搁浅,去年中国的炮舰。标题(第MREC),p...  --------------------------  软件译的读着可真累  
  看的累啊!  我们国家怎么没有报道  估计这种新闻不会报道的
  回复第9楼,@名字无所谓咯  看的累啊!   我们国家怎么没有报道   估计这种新闻不会报道的  --------------------------  这种事我们只做不说。  
  回复第16楼,@注册帐号作甚  俺看成了海监将那个市长追出多囊卵巢综合征来了。。。  --------------------------  这是什么病?没听说过啊  
  人家市长去转个圈 搞搞声势 捞点选票 而已
  回复第19楼,@野团长  顶  --------------------------  
  前几天不是说要对我们动武吗 泥玛说好的动武呢 别TJ啊........
  总体来说,没啥大事;第一次翻译,多包涵哈  菲律宾.马尼拉讯-一艘中国军舰以极挑衅的方式追踪尾随了一艘载有147位乘客的卡拉延岛多功能轮船,其中包括刚从竞选激烈的sparatly区域pag-asa岛返回巴拉望的市长参选人Eugenio Bito-onon。  Eugenio Bito-onon说,周四稍早,中国军舰从东边的仁爱礁而来,在追逐的过程中,军舰使用了强探照灯照射 M/T Queen Seagull (船名)。  “中国军舰距我们仅仅只有50米”,Bito-onon补充说,我们是周三早上离开Pag-Asa Island 的,事件发生时,船只正好在前晚经过了菲律宾控制的仁爱礁附近。(仁爱礁不是中国控制的么?)  一艘搁浅的菲律宾海军运输舰---BRP Sierra Madre号---正被当作菲律宾军队的军营,这是菲军在仁爱礁的最前沿部署。(不是早就没了么?)  中国声称对几乎整个南中国海拥有主权, 而作为中国极具侵略性动作的一部分,几艘中国军舰和海监船早已在这个区域游弋多时。  Bito-onon说,中国一直追逐到他们半月礁附近才停止,而此处正是去年中国的一艘护卫舰搁浅的地方。  “他们追逐了我们近一个小时”,Bito-onon在 M/T Seagul停泊在巴拉望南部的 Bataraza之后的一次电话采访中说。  5月13日进行了中期国家和地方选举,Bito-onon 在Sparatly区的卡拉延成功击败了另外两名候选人,目前,他正返回Puerto Princesa City 。  在这个岛上的所有登记选民中,Bito-onon 获得了108张选票,而他最具威胁的对手商人 Noel Osorio得到了69张,退伍军人前卡拉延副市长获得了46张选票。  卡拉延的竞选被公认为是国家最快速的。投票从早上7点开始,在短短6小  时内得到选举结果:Bito-onon 一枝独秀。  "与PCOS同步,我们还进行了人工统计。选举和平进行。"Bito-onon说。
  @smcongcong 30楼
22:11:31  “除了多囊卵巢综合征的结果,——这翻译V5  -----------------------------  PCOS
猜想是philipine committee of
  回复第16楼(作者:@注册帐号作甚 于
15:58)   俺看成了海监将那个市长追出多囊卵巢综合征来了。。。 ==========  我和你眼神一样不好   
请遵守言论规则,不得违反国家法律法规因为船公司那边排队,要排到下星期一,还有一个原因是我们的费用今天中午才打给对方,时间上来不及处理。 的翻译是:Because shipping companies line up over there, to wait until next Monday, also has one of the reasons we call each other until noon today the cost of time too late to deal with. 中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语
Because the shipping companies line up over there, the wait on Monday, there is a reason we call each other before noon today, the cost, time to treatment on time.
Because of the boating company that side line, must arrange to next Monday, but also some reason is our expense midday only then hits for opposite party, in the time processes without enough time.
Because shipping companies line up over there, to wait until next Monday, also has one of the reasons we call each other until noon today the cost of time too late to deal with.
As the shipping company lined up over there, have to wait until next Monday, there is also one of the reasons is because we have only the costs at noon today at a time, there was not enough time to deal with each other.
Because of the boating company that side line, must arrange to next Monday, but also some reason is our expense midday only then hits for opposite party, in the time processes without enough time.
相关内容&a梁伟坚 Liang Weijian & aand now? 并且现在? & aThe state rooms, used for official and state entertaining, are open to the public each year for most of August and September, as part of the Palace's Summer Opening. 正在翻译,请等待...
& a你不必今天晚上就去那儿吗insteadto There you do not need the tonight to go to insteadto & a李刚能干什么? What can Li Gang do? & a我要吻遍你每一寸肌肤 I must kiss your each inch flesh & alure away 诱剂 & acountry life 乡下生活 & a对于这个报告,我要感谢我的指导老师冯野凌老师,自己在很多方面都不足,是指导老师认真地修改和指导,感谢黄敏老师给出了很多的建议,因为你们的帮助,我才得以完成这个报告 Regarding this report, I must thank me to instruct Mr./Mrs. Mr./Mrs. Feng YeLing, own are all insufficient in very many aspects, is instructs teacher earnestly the revision and the instruction, thanked Mr./Mrs. Huang Min to give very many suggestions, because of yours help, I only then could complet & aIf I can touch the sky, I If I can touch the star, I can get a star 如果我可以接触天空,我可以接触星; 如果我可以接触星,我可以得到星 & athis overal reaction has been submitted to most rigorous mechanistic studies. 这overal反应递交了给最严谨的机构研究。 & a如果不是你 If is not you & a七百一十二 712 & a我相信下一次你会告诉我你的好消息 I believed next you can tell me you the good news & aNo blades. No buffeting. 没有刀片。 没有buffeting。 & a吃早饭了没 Had the breakfast not to have & adisguis disguis & aAlleviate the pain 缓和痛苦 & a怎么样都行... How all line… & a适合做教师 Is the teacher suitably & a这样下去 Like this gets down & a不满 骂 Scolds not completely & a遵循敬畏生命的伦理观念 Deference awe life ethics idea & a有机大米 Organic rice & a满天都是小星星 All over the sky all is the small star & a使我脱离那欺压我的恶人,就是围困我要害我命的仇敌。 Causes me to be separated from that to bully me the evil person, sieges the foe who my strategic point I assign. & aClassifying documents for General M 分类文件为总经理; & a客户要求周一收到货物 The customer request receives the cargo on Monday & a高中毕业后,他负担不起上大学的费用 After the high school graduation, he cannot bear the expense which goes to college & a多少钱你才觉得不贵 How much money you only then think not expensively & a为你而努力 Changes for you & a他为我们 He is we & a他可以从这批货里借点给我们 He may give us from this large stock of goods taking advantage of the spot & aCombined with the characteristics of cloud computing and advantage into cloud computing technology that the opportunity to solve these problems 与云彩计算和好处的特征结合入云彩计算技术那机会解决这些问题 & a设备保证能与笔秀软件连线. The equipment guarantee can and the pen Xiu software segment. & a是否取消五一长假 Whether cancels 51 long vacations & a在茫然人海中我遇见了你,从此我便的爱上了你。我好久没有这般的思念过一个人了,我知道自己已经真正的爱上你,即使我一直明白我俩是两个世界的人,但我最终还是选择爱你。我不是没对这感情抱很大的希望,是因为我太在乎这份感情不懂该怎样做才能保持最完美,不懂...
我现在对你说我爱你! I met you at a loss in the huge crowd, from this time on I then have fallen in love with you.I for a long time did not have a so missing person, I knew oneself already true fell in love with you, even if I understood continuously both of us were two world people, but I finally chose love you.I am no & a其迭代函数系要发生相应的变化 Its iteration function is must have the corresponding change & aI only say I love you 我只说我爱你 & a杰尔马诺。P Outstanding your Ma Nuo.P & a价格能增加usd0.1 The price can increase usd0.1 & a我刚进来看见她已经坐在那里了 I just came in to see her already to sit in there & a哼.......必须的,但我后面还有句但我还是相信车到山前必有路的。 Humph .......Must, but but behind me also has the sentence I to believe the things will eventually sort themselves out. & atime anddate 时间anddate & a你用完纸时 You use up when the paper & a一层平面 A plane & a你看你,又说假话了 You look at you, also told the lie & a北京市场 Beijing market & a分形插值函数的变化,给出了误差估计。 The fractal interpolating function change, has given the error estimate. & a你会请她来我们班吗 You can ask her to come our class & a我很丑,可是我很温柔。 I am very ugly, but I am very gentle. & aI pretend I don't care you, bu 我假装我不关心您, bu & a沙磊我要大声告诉全世界我爱你 The sand rock pile I must tell the world me to love you loudly & aBaby let me blow your mind tonight! 婴孩让我今晚使你惊奇! & ajames is new here,
so he has few friends 詹姆斯这里在新的,因此他有少量朋友 & a因为船公司那边排队,要排到下星期一,还有一个原因是我们的费用今天中午才打给对方,时间上来不及处理。 Because of the boating company that side line, must arrange to next Monday, but also some reason is our expense midday only then hits for opposite party, in the time processes without enough time. &I am sorry that Karthik, gave you the wrong information there. But we will need the Kindle to be returned. When we replace the device, I will email you instructions on how to ship the broken Kindle back. We need you to verify the last 4 digits of the VISA on the account. By doing that you are accepting the terms of the 的翻译是:我很抱歉 Karthik,给你错误的信息。但我们必须要返回 Kindle。当我们更换设备时,将电子船回破的 Kindle 如何说明邮件你。我们需要您验证该帐户上的签证的最后 4 位数字。这样一来,您已经接受更换的条款 中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语
I am sorry that Karthik, gave you the wrong information there. But we will need the Kindle to be returned. When we replace the device, I will email you instructions on how to ship the broken Kindle back. We need you to verify the last 4 digits of the VISA on the account. By doing that you are accepting the terms of the
我很抱歉 Karthik,给你错误的信息。但我们必须要返回 Kindle。当我们更换设备时,将电子船回破的 Kindle 如何说明邮件你。我们需要您验证该帐户上的签证的最后 4 位数字。这样一来,您已经接受更换的条款
我很抱歉 Karthik,给你错误的信息。但我们必须要返回 Kindle。当我们更换设备时,将电子船回破的 Kindle 如何说明邮件你。我们需要您验证该帐户上的签证的最后 4 位数字。这样一来,您已经接受更换的条款
我很抱歉,karthik,给你的错误信息。 但我们将需要点燃,被返回。 当我们取代该设备,我将电子邮件你指示,说明如何打破点燃回来的船舶。 我们需要您要验证的最后的4位数字的签证的帐户。 通过这样做,您已经接受的条款更换
我抱歉Karthik,提供了您错误信息那里。 但我们将需要点燃返回。 当我们替换设备,我给您发电子邮件指示关于怎样运输残破点燃。 我们在帐户需要您核实签证的前4个数字。 通过做那您接受替换的条件
相关内容&a现在我们每天要上9节课,以前总能早早回家 Now we every day want on 9 classes, before always can go home early & aC. grand C. 盛大 & a查看次数 Examines the number of times & a老人冲他微笑,并向他伸出手。 The old person flushes him to smile, and puts out a hand to him. & a我应该怎样做呢现在 How should I do the present & a茶类 Tea class & a昨天他被急查血 Yesterday he by anxious Zha Xue & a水至清侧无鱼 Shui Zhiqing the side does not have the fish & a双赢才能笑到最后 Win-win can smile finally & a开瓶器 Flask opener & afarstar farstar & a我们这么的辛苦,又有谁能看在眼里呢 Our such labor, also some who can watch with the tail of eye & afresham sports centre fresham体育中心 & a多么可笑啊 How laughable & aon base ? 在基地? & a农村家庭养老出现了种种问题 The countryside family cared for the aged had all sorts of problems & aWorking back 工作 & a看上去很年轻 Looks very young & a反映二级销售市场情况给予KAMCO部门 Reflected two levels sell the market conditions to give the KAMCO department & a(If not living, write ‘DECEASED’ in country of current residence column) (如果不居住,写`逝者’在当前住所专栏国家) & awhat other things do you like? 其他事什麼您喜歡? & asome people have get wardrobes full of clothes 某些人有得到wardrobes充分衣裳 & ais upset 是生气 & aDepending on your education, culture or country you live, grow up or work, you may be influenced by your surrounding and even pulled away or distracted from your own goal of life and true values. 根据您的教育,您居住的文化或国家,长大或运作,您可以被您围拢影响和甚而被拉扯或与您生活和真实值的自己的目标分散。 & awho invented a lamp to keep miners sate underground? 谁发明一盏灯保留矿工心满意足地下? & a一些父母将要去干什么 Some parents are going to go to do any & aHer boyfriend is very careful, 她的男朋友非常小心, & a你可以多做一些数学题 You may make some mathematics problems & aException: A cord-connected portable appliance need not comply with this requirement. 例外: 一种绳子连接的便携式的器具不需要遵照这个要求。 & atotal cyrrent liabilities 总cyrrent责任 & ashow ur boobs 显示ur蠢材 & a沉默 懂球 Silences the ball & a大楼里有许多房间 In the building has many rooms & a不是你自己说的么 Is not you says & a城市基础设施完备 The city infrastructure is complete & anizainaa nizainaa & aArchives and library 档案和图书馆 & a我一定可以学好英语 I may certainly learn English & a我会等,等到你亲口对我说你喜欢我,我期待那天 I can wait, when you to me said personally you like me, I anticipate that day & acan
do sth 罐头几乎不做sth & abe
doing 是 总做 & a你能帮我照看这些花么? You can help me to look after these to spend? & aCan you borrow my flowers? 您能否借用我的花? & a我每天都会遇到许多不同的人,包括老人,孩子和穷人 I can run into many different people every day, including old person, child and poor person & a尽量做好自己本份 Completes oneself this as far as possible & alet's go and have a look .oh,how big 我们去看一看.oh,多大 & a我们都叫她赵女士 We all call her Ms. Zhao & a异黑颗粒在癌症化疗等综合治疗中具有增效减毒的应用价值 The different black pellet and so on in the complex therapy has the efficiency in cancer chemotherapy to reduce the poisonous application value & aYou very strong. I very strong,too,but I lost on the truth. If next time there be a chance, I hope on the School-Court see you 您非常坚强。 I非常强,同样,但我在真相丢失了。 如果那里下次是机会,我在学校法院希望看见您 & a我出去溜达下 Under I exit to take a stroll & aDo you remember energy and persistence conquer all thing 您记得能量和坚持征服所有事 & a鞋号码对照培训 Shoes number comparison training & alet'sgotoxiangjiangzooinshead!i'mgoingtoseewhitetigers let'sgotoxiangjiangzooinshead! i'mgoingtoseewhitetigers & aI am sorry that Karthik, gave you the wrong information there. But we will need the Kindle to be returned. When we replace the device, I will email you instructions on how to ship the broken Kindle back. We need you to verify the last 4 digits of the VISA on the account. By doing that you are accepting the terms of the 我抱歉Karthik,提供了您错误信息那里。 但我们将需要点燃返回。 当我们替换设备,我给您发电子邮件指示关于怎样运输残破点燃。 我们在帐户需要您核实签证的前4个数字。 通过做那您接受替换的条件 &


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