
客服热线 400-
TEOSYAL:欧洲三大名牌填充剂之一(乔雅登,瑞兰),是藉由瑞士精密工学技术制造的填充剂。作为与瑞兰,乔雅登同等级别的TEOSYAL,其效果可维持1~1年半,最大优势在于安全性,是其他填充剂安全性的十倍。2013年据统计已经超越瑞兰和乔雅登,贵为新科冠军。韩国整个江南,日本新宿区都充斥着它的影子,price低于乔雅登,品质好过瑞兰 。
Teosyal puresense redensity2(也就是鼎鼎大名的熊猫针,专门用在眼睛周围)
Teosyal Kiss (粉唇色 丰唇水润 性价比高2ml)
Teosyal Globle action(~乔三)
Teosyal Deep Lines
Teosyal Ultra Deep(硬度介于乔四乔五之间)
Teosyal Ultimate泰奥里面最硬的 一盒3ml高性价比!!鼻子下巴一起搞定!!价廉物美!!
S:浅层皱纹 1.6ml
M:嘴唇 太阳穴
XL:鼻子 下巴
XXL:鼻子 下巴 (自留款 绝对不会扩散 有假体效果)
lips:嘴唇 (无麻药版)(含有麻药版)
Ellans& S型 :1年;
Ellans& M型:2年;
Ellans& L型 :3年 没卖
Ellans& E型 :4年 没卖
Boozing into the night might inhibit coherent speech, but a Japanese company bets it will make workers communicate better. And it's even willing to pay for it.Japan General Estate Co said Tuesday it is planning to dole out thousands of dollars a month for its employees to go on the town in a bid to help communication.Japanese companies routinely offer generous expense accounts to entertain clients, but the real estate company is going a step further by subsidising workers' drinking sessions with one another.The company plans to offer managers who supervise 20 or more people up to 300,000 yen (3,000 dollars) a month to take them out. Managers with fewer than 20 workers will get 200,000 yen, a company statement said.After-hours drinking is encouraged in Japanese corporate culture as a way to break the ice in work environments that can be uptight and formal.But critics say the pressure to drink is one of the reasons why Japan's population is declining as men in particular spend little time at home.Japan General Estate said the drinking benefits could alternatively be used for wedding or funeral expenses.The company is known for its unorthodox work policies, such as paying 100,000 yen in benefits every month to employees who do not smoke. 喝酒至深夜可能会导致说话语无伦次,但日本一家公司却认为喝酒可以增进员工间的交流,而且甚至愿意为此买单。日本房地产总公司于本周二表示,公司计划每月为员工提供几千美元的“促进交流”活动经费。日本公司在招待客户方面一向慷慨大方,但这家房地产公司更胜一筹,甚至愿为员工喝酒聚会提供补贴。该公司在一项声明中表示,公司计划为管理20人以上的经理提供每月30万日元(合3000美元)的部门聚餐经费;手下员工不到20人的经理则可领到20万日元的经费。日本的企业文化鼓励员工下班后喝酒聚会,这样可以帮助员工在严肃紧张的工作环境中缓和气氛。但批评人士认为,喝酒应酬是日本人口持续下降的原因之一,特别是男性经常在外应酬,很少有时间在家。日本房地产总公司表示,酒水补贴也可用于婚葬出。该公司一直以其“另类的”员工政策而著名,比如,不吸烟的员工每月可获10万日元的奖金。
/76This is a first for A Miracle A Day... a guest post. This is one that I, personally, could use, and I hope that you find it useful as well.Here it is, then, a guest post from Gaetano at /.By far the best technique to impress when you are networking and building relationships with prospective clients or business partners is to remember their names. Can you remember the last time someone remembered your name how flattered you felt? When someone addresses you with your name, you feel that you are important.Our name is something hard wired into our brain. This is quite natural. Our parents were the first to call us using our name and therefore it is something we react to subconsciously. When we hear our name we pay more attention to what is being said and there is a higher probability that we will act upon something when we are addressed by our name. Therefore, it is invaluable for you to remember peoples’ names if you want to draw and keep the attention of someone, be it a friend at a party or a potential client in a business meeting.Also, since many people have trouble remembering names, if you manage to remember names using the below techniques you will manage to stand out from the rest of the crowd. You will also come across as a bright person and this definitely gives bonus points to your charm score.The above was just a summary of the benefits of remembering names. I hope it was enough to convince you how important it is to remember names when networking and socialising. If you are like how I used to be and you keep on forgetting names, then I suggest you start following these tips. The following tips can help you remember more names and in doing so help you build stronger relationships both in your business and in your personal life.Make Sure You Get It Correct From The BeginningIt happened once to me and I will make sure it will not happen again. I once was introduced to a person and I didn’t get the name right. I didn’t ask him to repeat his name since I was embarrassed. I hoped that his name will be mentioned in a conversation. But it didn’t happen. I still have the cell phone number saved with “Unknown name” as his name. I can still remember that this person was an English teacher.So pay attention when you get introduced. Make sure you get the name right as from the beginning so as to avoid embarrassing situations like the one I have described above.Call The Person By Their NameOnce you get introduced address the person using his/her name. Do this for two reasons. First of all to make sure that you got the name right. If you got the name wrong you want the other person to politely correct you before you go ahead and memorise the name.The second reason is because such a technique will help you to associate the name with the person and his/her characteristics like face, voice and general character. Such association will help you remember the name more and will come handy if you meet that person another time.For instance, I find myself better at remembering voices rather than faces, especially where women are concerned. Women have a tendency to change hair style, making them look completely different. Even though years pass their voices remain the same. Hence I find myself remembering more names by associating a name with a voice.Finally, calling a person by his name makes the conversation more personal and enjoyable.Ask How To Spell ItIf someone has a rare name and you do not know how to pronounce it or spell it you could say something like “That’s an interesting name. How do you spell it?” This way you will get the information you need without sounding boring. I also understand that this technique highly depends on the situation in which you are socialising. If you are in a formal meeting you don’t want to ask how a name is spelt. But if you are socialising in an informal way, then it will be a good idea to ask how a name is spelt. No, such question is not intrusive but it shows interest. Once you know how to spell the name, try to spell the name in your mind by visualizing the spelling of the name. This process further helps you memorize names.Associate The Name With A Characteristic Of The PersonWhen you get introduced to a person try to ask for some details about the person like what s/he does, hobbies etc. The more information you know about a person the more you have to associate with the name. It is very hard to remember a name which is not put into context. By getting information about the person, you will associate the newly learned name with a context. /97An Ingenious Love LetterThere once lived a lad who was deeply in love with a girl, but disliked by the girl’s father, who didn’t want to see any further development of their love. The lad was eager to write to the girl, yet he was quite sure that the father would
it first. So he wrote such a letter to the girl:一个小伙子非常爱一位姑娘,但姑娘的父亲却不喜欢他,也不让他们的爱情发展下去。小伙子很想给姑娘写封情书,然而他知道姑娘的父亲会先看,于是他给姑娘写了这样一封信:My love for you I once expressed我对你表达过的爱no longer lasts, instead, my distaste for you已经消逝。我对你的厌恶is growing with each passing day. Next time I see you,与日俱增。当我看到你时I even won’t like that look yours.我甚至不喜欢你的那副样子。I’ll do nothing but我想做的一件事就是look away from you. You can never expect I’ll把目光移往别处,我永远不会marry you. The last chat we had和你结婚。我们的最近一次谈话was so dull and dry that you shouldn’t think itmade me eager to see you again.枯燥乏味,因此无法使我渴望再与你想见。If we get married, I firmly believe I’ll假如我们结婚,我深信我将live a hard life, I can never生活得非常艰难,我也无法live happily with you, I’ll devote myself愉快地和你生活在一起,我要把我的心but not奉献出来,但决不是to you. No one else is more奉献给你。没有人能比你更harsh and selfish and least苛求和自私,也没有人比你更solicitous and considerate than you.关心我帮助我。I sincerely want to let you know我真挚地要你明白,what I said is true. Please do me a favor by我讲的是真话,请你助我一臂之力ending our relations and refrain from结束我们之间的关系,别试图writing me a reply. Your letter is always full of答复此信,你的信充满着things which displease me. You have no使我兴趣索然的事情,怀有sincere care for me. So long! Please believe对我的真诚关心。再见,请相信I don’t love you any longer. Don’t think我并不喜欢你,请你不要以为I still have a love of you!我仍然爱着你!Having
the letter, the father felt relieved and gave it to his daughter with a light heart. The girl also felt quite pleased after she
it carefully, her lad still had a deep love for her. Do you know why? In fact, she felt very sad when she
the letter for the first time. But she
it for a few more times and , at last, she found the key C only every other line should be , that is the first line, the third, the fifth … and so on to the end.姑娘的父亲看了这封信以后,非常高兴地把信给了姑娘。姑娘看罢信也非常快乐,小伙子依然爱着她。你知道她为什么高兴吗?其实,她初读时非常忧伤,但她怎么也不相信那是他的真心话,于是她又默读了几遍,终于,她清楚了该怎样读法。只能一、三、五行如此类推,直到信的结尾. /85A active 积极   无论是在生活,还是工作上,他们都拥有积极奋发,进取乐观的心态。   B brave 勇敢   勇敢是大丈夫能屈能伸,是面对竞争对手时淡定从容,是用心征浩瀚宇宙的磅礴大气。   C civilization 文明   你可以无视纪律,但你绝对不能无视文明。   D dreamer 梦想   他们个个都是小说高手,热衷于表现自我想象力的社会生活,用奇幻的色去架构文学。   E entertainment
  在80后的生存哲学里,可以不逛街,可以不泡吧,但绝对不允许你没有精神。 /44Back in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, candidates for President of the ed States didn’t have much truck with foreigners. They didn’t vote, they lived on the other side of the ocean, and they spoke funny, most of ’em. (If a Frenchman is a man, Jim points out to Huck Finn, “why doan’ he talk like a man?”) Even after America’s rise to global power, the only overseas travel seen as obligatory for a Presidential hopeful was to what pols called the Three-I League―Ireland, Italy, and Israel, venues that had more to do with the lingering tribal identities of big-city ethnics than with anything as highfalutin as foreign policy. (Let us note, in the currently fashionable spirit of joke-explaining, that the baseball allusion is to a long-defunct Class B circuit made up of teams from Illinois, Indiana, and Iowa.) Nor did the incumbent get around much during the first fifty-four years of his life. “Bush’s foreign travels,” the Associated Press reported a few days after the Supreme Court awarded him custody of Air Force One, “have been limited to three visits to Mexico, two trips to Israel, a three-day Thanksgiving visit in Rome with one of his daughters in 1998, and a six-week excursion to China with his parents in 1975.” Israel, check. Italy, check. He didn’t bother with the third I.In our post-9/11, post-unipolar, and soon-to-be-post-Bush world, staying home is not an option―especially if you’re the “inexperienced” candidate and the opinion polls say that your war-hero opponent is better at foreign policy and national security than you are. Anyway, John McCain had spent months needling Barack Obama for not having lately visited the fourth I. So, last week, off to Iraq he went―and, while he was at it, he doubled and redoubled down, adding Afghanistan, Jordan, Israel, the West Bank, Germany, France, and Britain to his itinerary.Just before the trip, a leading wire service summarized the prevailing view:WASHINGTON (Reuters)―U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama’s overseas trip will be a high-risk debut on the world stage―with the potential pitfalls at least as numerous as the likely rewards.“On a trip like this, on a stage like this, there is no room for error,” Tad Devine, a veteran Democratic operative, told A News. “He needs to make sure every word is right, every setting is proper, and that he makes absolutely no mistakes.” And Newsweek’s Richard Wolffe predicted that the trip would be “an extraordinarily public test of a Presidential contender’s mastery of world affairs.”Whether or not it was that, it was certainly a test of his mastery of political theatrics, his sure-footedness, and his willingness to take a calculated risk. On the first leg of the trip, Obama found himself in a military gym in Kuwait, a major staging point for Americans going to the war zones. The bleachers were packed with soldiers wearing fatigues. A basketball materialized. “I may not make the first one,” he said, no doubt imagining what a metaphor-hungry press would make of a miss or, God forbid, a whole string of misses, “but I’ll make one eventually.” With a spring of his toes, he put the ball up. When it came down, swish.It was the three-point shot heard round the world, and, for the Obama campaign, things only got better from there. As the candidate whirled through Afghanistan and Iraq―talking with troops, huddling with generals, conferring with presidents and prime ministers―the policy dominoes suddenly began toppling his way, flicked by unexpected fingers. Commanders on the ground in Afghanistan made known their belief that more NATO troops are badly needed there, as Obama has been arguing all along. The Bush Administration sent an Under-Secretary of State to a meeting in Geneva with Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator, thereby edging toward the kind of direct diplomatic engagement with Tehran that Obama has been urging all along. The White House announced that President Bush and the Iraqi Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, had agreed on the idea of a “time horizon” for withdrawing American troops from Iraq, thus seeming to endorse the general approach that Obama has been advocating (and his opponent just as firmly rejecting) all along. In an interview with Der Spiegel, Maliki went stunningly further. Asked to predict when most of the American troops will leave Iraq, he replied:As soon as possible, as far as we’re concerned. U.S. presidential candidate Barack Obama talks about sixteen months. That, we think, would be the right time frame for a withdrawal, with the possibility of slight changes.After four days of panicky spinning and backtracking from Washington and (at Washington’s prodding) Baghdad, an audio recording of the interview―the published text of which, in any case, had been provided to Maliki’s office in advance―surfaced, and its accuracy was confirmed. Maliki’s spokesman, Ali al-Dabbagh, had the final word: “We cannot give any timetables or dates, but the Iraqi government believes the end of 2010 is the appropriate time for the withdrawal.” By the time Obama’s plane touched down in Germany, an utterly unanticipated consensus seemed to have emerged: besides having been right about the Iraq war’s beginning (i.e., that it should not have had one), he is right, in broad outline, about the path to its ending.There has been much discussion of whether it will prove politically advantageous for Obama to have addressed a mile-long crowd of two hundred thousand happy Berliners in the golden early-evening sunlight. Berliners are Germans, and Germans are foreigners, and since well before John Kerry was demonized for knowing how to speak French it has been axiomatic that heartland Americans don’t like foreigners piping up about our elections, however much brainland Americans may disagree. Obama gained nothing in the polls during his nearly flawless, arguably triumphant grand tour. Still, after seven years during which, even among our closest allies, contempt for Bush bled into resentment of the country that returned him to office, one would have to be an awful grouch not to be gratified by the sight of a sea of delighted Europeans waving American flags instead of burning them and cheering an American politician instead of demonstrating against one.Back home, one such grouch had ample reason to be grouchy. McCain’s luck last week was as bad as Obama’s was good. McCain rode in a golf cart with B Obama rode in a helicopter with General David Petraeus. Obama was hailed by the G McCain, his planned photo op at an mpted by an oil spill and rained out by Hurricane Dolly, held a press gaggle in front of Schmidt’s Fudge Haus, in Columbus, Ohio. Obama got a big kiss (“Obama? C’est mon copain!”) from the new President of France, a dashing conservative with an exotic background McCain stood athwart the cheese aisle of a supermarket, complaining. The presumptive Republican nominee had a right to be irritated by what he was complaining about: Obama’s reluctance to admit that the surge in Iraq which he opposed has helped make the withdrawal from Iraq which he supports less problematic. But McCain had no right to accuse him, not once but repeatedly last week, of being willing to have his country “lose a war” if it would win him an election. T that was unworthy. Obama drained a three- McCain committed a three-shot foul. The game is getting physical. 回首19和20世纪,美国总统候选人与外国的往来并不多。因为外国人不参加选举投票,他们住在遥远的大洋对岸,他们中大多数人言谈滑稽。甚至当美国后来成为一全球性力量,总统候选人的海外访问也被认为只需要去政客们所谓的“3I联盟”――爱尔兰、意大利和以色列。美国大城市中来自这些国家的少数族裔长期存在种族认同的问题,在去这些国家也是为了解决这个问题,而不是去搞什么外交政策之类的无谓之事。(让我们用时下流行的玩笑式解释来作说明,这好比棒球比赛中所说的,由伊利诺斯、印第安那和爱荷达三个州际队组成的早就有名无实的B级联赛)现任总统在他人生的前45年中也没有去过多少国家。在最高法院宣布布什当选合法几天后,美联社报道称,“布什的海外旅行仅是去了三次墨西哥,两次以色列,1998年感恩节期间和其女儿在罗马的三天逗留,以及1975年与其父母在中国为期6周的访问”。以色列,去了,意大利,去了,但他连“3I联盟”中第三个国家爱尔兰都没有去过。当我们进入后9?11时代、后美国单极时代,以及即将到来的后布什时代,呆在家里已经不是一种明智的选择,尤其是当你“资历浅薄”,而民调则显示你崇尚战争的竞争对手在处理外交政策和国家安全方面更强。不管怎么说,约翰?麦克莱恩最近几个月一直抨击巴拉克?奥巴马不出访第四个“I”字头国家――伊拉克。为此,奥巴马去了伊拉克,他已于上周离开。在伊访问期间,他一再增加访问行程,将阿富汗、约旦、以色列、约旦河西岸(巴勒斯坦)、德国、法国和英国都列入他的行程。就在奥巴马起程前,一家有国际影响力的通迅社总结了人们对此行普遍的看法:华盛顿消息(路透社)――美国民主党总统候选人巴拉克?奥巴马此行海外之行将是其一次冒险的国际亮相,潜在的风险不会少于可能的收获。民主党资深人士泰德?戴文在接受美国广播电视新闻采访时说,“这样的一次出行,在这样一个舞台上,是绝不允许有任何失误的。他得确保每句话、每个行为都正确、恰当,他绝不能犯任何错误。”《新闻周刊》的里查德?沃尔夫声称,这次出访将是“一次对候选总统处理国际事务能力的严峻、公开的考验。”不管是否真如沃尔夫所言,这次行程肯定是对他政治展现能力、稳定度和应对风险意志的考验。奥巴马中东之行的首站选择在美军在中东重要的军事基地――科威特,他现身在当地的一个军事体育馆,看台上挤满了身穿军装的美国大兵。手拿篮球,他说:“我也许不是首次投中的,但我迟早都会投中”。不难想像,在场的那些唯恐遗漏任何精时刻的媒体都拭目以待。只见他双脚一跳,将球投向空中,球嗖地一声飞出。这就是后来广为人知的三步上篮表演。对于奥巴马的竞选团队而言,在那之后,整个局面才开始打开。正当这位总统候选人在阿富汗和伊克拉斡旋时(与军队交谈,与将军磋商,与首脑们会晤),局势突然出乎意料地开始向他倾斜。阿富汗驻军司令官宣称当地需要更多北约驻军,这正是奥巴马一直呼吁的。布什政府也派出副国务卿赴日纳瓦与伊朗核事务代表进行会晤,从而在与伊朗展开直接外交谈判做准备。而这也恰恰是奥巴马一直以来的主张。白宫也宣布布什总统与伊拉克总统努里? 马利基就美军撤出伊拉军的“时间表”方面已达成共识。这似乎与奥巴马一直提倡的方针趋于吻合(而他的竞选对巴则恰好坚决反对从伊拉克撤军)。努里?马利基在接受德国《明镜》杂志采访时,就有关美军主体何时撤出伊拉克的问题,他回答说:“据我们所知,美国总统候选人巴拉克?奥巴马说有可能是16个月之内,所以我们认为美军可能会尽快撤出。16个月对于平稳撤军是妥当的。”此消息在美国和伊拉克(受美国影响)引发热烈讨论,四天后,关于这次采访的电视片断被播出,实了此消息。而且,努里?马利基接受采访的文字内容也被事先提供给到马利基的办公室。马利基的发言人阿里?阿杜马最终表示:“虽然我们无法提供任何时间表或日程,但伊拉克政府相信2010年底是撤军的恰当时机。”当奥巴马的飞机抵达德国后,出乎意料的是,国际社会似乎已形成一致看法:奥巴马不但正确地指出伊拉克战争本不应该发生,他还在更广泛的意义上,正确地指出了结束伊拉克战争的途径。很多人开始讨论这是否有利于奥巴马在德国的演说,他将在夕阳的余辉中面对由两万高兴的柏林人组成的一英里长的人群。柏林人是德国人,德国人则是外国人。自此很久这前约翰?克里(上次大选中美国民主党总统候选人)因为会说法语而被妖魔化,就说明的美国人不喜欢外国人对我们的总统大选指手画脚,尽管理性的美国人对此并不赞同。奥巴马此次完美无暇、大获全胜的外交之行并没有为他的选情加分。情形和七年前一样,即便在我们亲密的盟友国家中,对于布什的厌恶都会激化为对那个推选他出任总统的国家的厌恶。当看到外国人手摇而不是焚烧美国旗,他们对一个美国政客是欢呼拥戴而不是示威抗议时,某人也许会满腹牢骚、深感不满。当奥巴马回国后,这个满腹牢骚的人就更有理由进行抱怨。麦肯恩上周幸运之差如同奥巴马运气之好一般。麦肯恩与小布什同乘一台高尔夫球车;奥巴马则与大卫?佩特斯将军共搭一架直升机。奥巴马受到德国群众热烈欢迎;麦肯恩原本计划在一个海上油井与媒体见面,但由于发生石油泄漏和飓风多莉给而落空。他只好在俄亥俄州首府哥伦布XXX(Schmidt's Fudge Haus)前接受媒体(CNN)采访。奥巴马赢得那位既传统又另类的、拥有独特姓名的法国新任总统的祝福,麦肯恩则站在超市奶酪货架对面抱怨着。这位民主党总统候选人正如他所抱怨的那样有权利生气,因为他对伊拉克撤军的反对使得奥巴军所主张的从伊撤军变得不那么棘手,而奥巴马对此并不情愿承认。但麦肯恩没有权利在上周一而再、再而三地指责奥巴马为了让自己赢得竞选,而不惜让美国输掉一场战争。这番言论让人震惊,对麦肯恩而言也是得不偿失的。奥巴马取得了三步上篮的胜利,麦肯恩则犯下了三步下篮的错误。这场对决变得越来越激烈。 /63
西方人不赞成办公室恋情,而在印度,外包公司的员工更有可能把职场当作检验长期关系的好地方。“Office hours sometimes get very hectic,” says 25-year-old D. Karthik as he waits with his colleague and fiancée, K. Tejaswania, at the juice bar of their employer, Mphasis. “If we are still able to adjust to it with our partners, that shows we are best for each other.”“上班时间有时会十分忙碌,如果我们能够与恋人共同适应这种状况,就说明我们是最适合彼此的,”今年25岁的D.卡蒂克(D. Karthik)表示,他与他的同事兼未婚妻K.泰贾斯瓦尼娅(K. Tejaswania)正在他们就职的公司Mphasis的果汁吧等候着。In a country in which young people used to outsource the business of finding a spouse to their parents, workers in India's growing outsourcing sector often look for partners themselves among their nearest colleagues.在印度,过去年轻人的婚姻往往由父母包办,但在不断发展的外包行业,职员们经常在最接近的同事中寻找自己的伴侣。Far from discouraging such relationships, their employers are happy to play matchmaker, according to a new study by the Indian School of Business, the country's prestigious MBA college in Hyderabad.根据印度商学院(Indian School of Business)最新调查,对于办公室恋情,公司方面非但不加以阻止,还乐于撮合。印度商学院是该国知名MBA学院,位于海德拉巴。One of India's most important industries with export revenue of more than bn a year, the outsourcing sector has been at the forefront of economic, social and cultural change since its emergence in the 1990s.外包行业是印度最重要行业之一,每年出口收入超过400亿美元,崛起于上世纪90年代,此后一直处于经济、社会和文化变革的前沿。The ISB cites a survey , part of the global recruitment site Monster Worldwide, that found nearly 58 per cent of 12,191 respondents admitted to either having indulged in, or being open to, office romance. “There is a perception that a lot of companies are encouraging this trend because this accrues benefits to the organisation,” the ISB study by students Anshumita Sen and Naina Bhattacharya says.印度商学院援引了国际招聘公司Monster Worldwide旗下所作的一项调查,该调查发现,在接受调查的12191人中,近58%的人承认有过办公室恋情或对之持开放态度。“人们感觉到,很多公司都鼓励这种趋势,因为对组织有利,”调查报告表示。实施该调查的是两名学生安苏米塔?森(Anshumita Sen)和奈纳#8226;巴塔查里亚(Naina Bhattacharya)。[Nextpage]These perceived benefits include “reduced attrition, higher employee engagement, satisfied and happy employees, greater feelings of citizenship towards the organisation and greater productivity through longer working hours at the workplace”.人们眼中的好处包括“减少员工流失、提高员工敬业度、使员工感到满意和愉快、增强普通人对公司的好感,以及因上班工作时间延长而提高生产率”。Some companies have gone as far as welcoming spouses under “referral programmes” in which staff can recommend friends to their human resources departments for recruitment, the study finds. The outsourcing industry says it does not “encourage or discourage” office romances but tolerates them when they develop.调查发现,一些公司甚至欢迎员工的配偶通过“推荐计划”加入公司。根据此类计划,员工可向人力资源部推荐自己的朋友。外包行业表示,“不鼓励也不阻止”办公室恋情,但一旦发生办公室恋情,会采取容忍的态度。Francisco D'Souza, chief executive officer at US-listed Cognizant Technology Solutions, says the company draws the line only when relationships occur between people in a direct “reporting line”. “We have plenty of husbands and wives working for us and that's good.”在美国上市的Cognizant Technology Solutions的首席执行官弗朗西斯科?德苏佐(Francisco D'Souza)表示,公司唯一不能容忍的是上下级之间的恋情。“我们有很多员工是夫妻,这很好。”Office romances are to be expected in such a youthful industry. “If you work with a workforce so young C 80 per cent of our population is under 25 C that's something that's in the air,” says Pratik Kumar, executive vice-president of human resources at Wipro, India's third biggest software outsourcing company.在这个年轻人集中的行业,办公室恋情是可以预期的。“如果一起工作的人都这么年轻――我们80%的人不到25岁――这种事就会很普遍。”印度第三大软件外包公司Wipro的人力资源执行副总裁帕拉提#8226;库玛尔(Pratik Kumar)表示。Many employees in the industry hail from small, conservative communities in India's vast hinterlands and feel liberated when they come to big cities such as Bangalore or Mumbai.该行业的许多职员来自印度广大内陆地区保守的小地方,来到班加罗尔或孟买这样的大城市,让他们感觉像是得到了解放。Wipro even has an internal matrimonial site where would-be suitors can seek partners among the workforce of 96,965. Wipro's gender balance roughly matches the sector average of 65 per cent male.Wipro甚至设有一个提供婚介务的内部网站,想找对象的人可以通过这个部门在本公司的96965人中寻找伴侣。该公司的性别比例大致保持行业平均水平,即男性占65%。One risk from such openness, of course, is emotional drama between employees. Mr Kumar says Wipro has an “ombudsman's process” for sorting out staff disputes that sometimes has to resolve romantic tussles.当然,这种开明做法存在一个风险,即员工之间可能上演情感剧。库玛尔表示,Wipro有一个处理员工纠纷的“调查程序”,有时不得不解决情感纠纷。“Do we get issues? Yes, we do. Sometimes these issues can appear very silly,” he says.“我们遇到问题了吗?是的。有时问题还十分愚蠢,”他表示。The ISB study also cautions that Indian companies need to be mindful of potential problems such as sexual harassment C one issue that has given inter-office romance a bad name in the west.印度商学院的调查还指出,印度公司需警惕一些潜在问题,如性骚扰――在西方,这个问题已给办公室恋情招来坏名声。Indian legal guidelines on harassment require companies to maintain a “complaint cell” for women to report abuses. But the ISB finds that nearly a third of employees surveyed thought their company did not have such a cell or had not heard of one.印度性骚扰法规要求企业成立“骚扰投诉处”,接待女性员工的投诉。但印度商学院发现,近三分之一的受访者认为,自己所在的公司并没有这种设置,或者自己从未听说过。Such dangers aside, Indian parents probably do not need to be alarmed. When it comes to tying the knot, it seems traditional concerns such as caste quickly return to the fore.抛开这些隐患不谈,印度的父母们或许无需担忧。当发展到谈婚论嫁时,种姓等方面的传统顾虑似乎很快又占了上风。Ms Tejaswani says: “I used to bore my mother talking about him [Mr Karthik]. So when the time came, it wasn't difficult at all convincing them. And since caste also was not an issue, his parents, too, agreed.”泰贾斯瓦尼娅表示:“我过去常在我母亲耳边唠叨卡蒂克的事情。因此当时机成熟时,说他们就一点都不难了。而既然种姓方面也不存在问题,他的父母也就同意了。” /17
咖啡豆的命名是以三大类来做依据:1.咖啡豆的产国;2.咖啡豆的生产地;3.咖啡豆的出口港。以生产国命名的咖啡豆略为人熟知的像是巴西(Brazil)、哥伦比亚(Colombia)、墨西哥(Mexico)、z鲁(Peru)、瓜地马拉(Guatemala) 、牙买加、(Jamaica)、肯亚(Kenya)、海地(Haiti)、印尼(Indonesia)、象牙海岸(Cote D'ivoire)、越南(Viet Nam)等等...以生产地命名的,像是蓝山(Blue Mountain)、夏威夷(Hawaii)、安地斯山(Andes Mountain)、卡.马塔里(Mocha Mattari)、吉力马札罗(Kilimanjaro)、卡.哈拉(Mocha Harrar)、安提瓜(Antigua)...以出口港命名的像是曼特宁(Mandheling)、卡(Mocha)、圣多斯(Santos)...以上都是咖啡豆种类的命名方式,由于每个地方的地理环境不同,才会导致咖啡外型和味道香气特性各有本身的特色。


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