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The Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery is extremely gratified and rather overwhelmed by the
have received from artists all around the world who have participated in our themed online art competitions and online exhibitions.
The following is a sampling of some of the positive thoughts and feedback we have received from our art gallery artists:
Dear John:
Thank you so much for the Special Merit award it is so nice to be recognized. Recently I have started a Facebook page and I plan to make my own website.
Your articles have been very helpful, especially for those of us with no formal training it can be difficult to know where to start.
I am having a lot of fun and that is really what it should be about. Again thank you!!
Edie Reed, Rock Springs, WYThank you so much for emailing and I am thrilled to have been given a ‘Special Merit Award’ for my ‘Spear Thistle’ painting. The exhibition is fantastic and there are some truly outstanding entries and it is great to have been included alongside them.
Thank you too for all the material on how to market and promote artwork which will be invaluable to me. It’s great to have such professional guidance as it’s sometimes a bit of a struggle when you are working on your own.
Many thanks again
Clare McGhee, Edinburgh, ScotlandThanks so much John!
I have my first solo show on Aug 6-20 in Brisbane. This painting is my keystone work and the exhibition is titled after it. I will have your award certificate at the gallery with it.
I have included your award certificates with previous works when they sold too. The new owners love them too!
I have to tell you I have had the best year art wise. My seascape "Dark Clouds" which received a special merit award in your competition was the most recent sale and your award certificate was included.
I also won this upcoming solo show “Salty Eyes" by winning a public vote prize so am just so excited.
I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your information packages and have shared them with many fellow creatives. The article re approaching galleries was most beneficial. I have even been approached by a gallery recently to come work with them in both a creative and promotional capacity! This all happened after sending them a thank you card as suggested in the article.
You make a difference in artist's lives!
Best Regards
Gillian Smith, Brisbane, Australiawww./gilliansmithartWould just like to say how pleased and pleasantly surprised I was to receive your email with the results of the 2015 Seascapes contest, and to have my painting entitled: Hell’s Mouth featured in the Special Recognition Category.
Also, a special thank you, to you and all the judges it must have been an enormous task considering the very high standard of work.
As a new and emerging artist it has given me a huge boost in confidence and encouragement to enter more of your art competitions and art contests in general.
Thank you.
Maria Bertolone, Blackpool, UKGood Morning John.
I just wanted to let you know that by putting the "Honorable Mention" Award Certificate from the Abstracts Art Exhibition next to my abstract painting “Confetti #6”, that it helped me to sell the painting the same day of my solo show opening!
Thank you so much!
Mai Yap, Miami, FLI would just like to sincerely thank you for your email and all the information you have sent me and for the opportunity you have given me to promote my art.
I was so wonderfully delighted to have been awarded a Special Merit Award as I have taken time to view all the magnificent works of art entered into this competition and I can't express to you how surprised and honoured I was to have been placed among such talent!!!
Once again, thank you very much and with the fresh air of confidence this has given me I look forward to hopefully entering into future competitions.
Regards, Dawn Richards, CypressI wanted to take a moment to thank you for the wonderful artist resources you provided me after the All Women's Art Exhibition (I was a Special Merit Winner).
Your information on press releases is wonderful and something I had not considered.
I did my first press release last weekend and I plan to do them consistently going forward.
I also took your advice on getting a LinkedIn account just for art -- I have had one for my business life since Linkedin began but did not consider one for my art!
GREAT suggestions and very different from other art marketing advice I have read.
Thank you again.
I very much appreciate what you are doing!Jacqueline Doyle Allison, Jasper, GA Thank you so much for the email, well wishes and the wealth of information and resources you have sent me!
It was such a lovely surprise to be selected as 1st Place and I'm really honoured to have been chosen among the work submitted.
I am just starting out my ambitions as a photographer and artist, so this win and the information you have sent me is really valuable right now.
I will be investigating every possible option and will keep in touch with LST Gallery for future competitions.
Thanks again, it's made 2015 great already!
Kind Regards,Andrew Paranavitana, Melbourne, AUhttp://andrew-/Thank you for selecting two of my photographs for your Special Merit and Special Recognition categories. Your selections are an affirmation of my attempts to become an effective photographer.
I am an experimental psychologist by training and have spent my professional career working as a college professor and now as a college administrator.
Several years ago I rekindled my love of photography and have allowed this avocation to consume a notable portion of my time. The rewards are many with the most fundamental being the quest for finding new ways of expressing myself through the medium.
Looking at winning pictures you selected has given me additional inspiration.
With best wishes,David J. Pittenger, Huntington, WVThis award has really boosted my confidence.
As I have only recently begun to show my work and only set up a website in December.
am over the moon to have gained recognition at this stage of my career.
I am delighted with the fantastic range of marketing materials you sent.
The LST Rosette is now proudly displayed on my website and you may be interested to know that I have already sent a press release to my local newspapers – "Local artist gains recognition in international online competition..."
- so keep your fingers crossed they publish something.
Thanks Again!Pamela McMahon, Stirlingshire, Scotlandwww.Of course I appreciate very much having my work recognized by the Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery. As importantly, however, I wanted to thank you for posting all the articles about ways to promote one's art and some of the unfortunate ways some artists remain unrecognized no matter how good their work may be.
I am an older artist who, like many others--young and old alike--is uncomfortable with "self-promotion." Nevertheless, your articles are clear, concise, and very helpful, even if they describe a number of things I may never be able to do.
Thank you for taking the time to compose and distribute them freely.
Best regards,Cheryl Armon, Santa Monica, CAThank you very much for awarding my work with a certificate of Special Merit and Special Recognition.
I'm very proud to add it to my webpage and social media pages and have since received great feedback and encouraging messages.
I also wish to thank you for the all the helpful information you sent. As an artist, I find it very difficult to market my work and your advice is greatly appreciated.
Kindest Regards,
Slán go fóillJason O'Ceannobhain, Kildare, IrelandIt’s delightful to have been chosen for the second time and now with a Special Merit award. The first was in the 3rd Annual All Women Art Exhibition and now in the 4th Annual Botanicals Art Exhibition.
It gives you a lot of joy and a feeling of belonging to a group, against the lonely existence in your studio.
It is also a great pleasure to also watch all of the exhibitions on YouTube.
Thank you for all that you do for artists worldwide.
Yvonne Welman, NetherlandsI just wanted you to know how thrilled I am to have been chosen as the 4th overall winner and 3rd in the painting category in this months 'Botanicals' competition, a lovely surprise.
This has been a wonderful experience I'm so glad I entered. It has really given me a boost of confidence and the enthusiasm to go further.
Thank you so much for the beautiful certificates and all the helpful information, so nice to have been involved
in such a well organised and professional competition. I would recommend this site to any artist.
Many thanks again and see you in the future.Lynn Watkins, Cornwall, can't thank you enough for the care and thoughtfulness you put into the entire submission/exhibition process for Light Space & Time Gallery and the artists you serve.
Your site and related social media links are very user friendly and offer a rich and rewarding viewing experience on myriad platforms.
The attention you give to posting helpful and insightful articles for artists who might be new to this kind of endeavor—artists, who, like myself, are striving to share their work with others—is invaluable. I have already learned a great deal from perusing your site and will continue to learn from this very thorough email full of advice and direction.
Thank you for the honor of being included in the Botanicals 2014 exhibit as a Special Recognition artist. The level of talent represented in this e the images fit together beautifully as a group exhibition and retain their individual strength at the same time. It is all a gift, and being included is just the encouragement I needed.
Now that summer is here and I have a short reprieve from the demands of teaching fifth graders, I am energized to dive deeply into my creative life without having to burn the candle at both ends.
Looking forward to future Light Space & Time call for entries,
Thanks,Louise Parms, Bronx, NYThank you so much for sending me the certificate plus all the awesome additional information and opportunities you have shared in your email! It's fantastic information which I will be utilizing to improve my art business.
Further more, I am glad the All Women exhibition was such a success for Light Space & Time Online Gallery. Keep the exhibitions going!!!
I can't wait to see what the next exhibitions will become. Even more exciting is the number of artists who have access to an opportunity to exhibit their work to viewers around the world! Keep up the great work.
Warm Regards,Jasmine Hambling, AustraliaThank you for the WEALTH of information regarding how an artist should market themselves. I plan to do all of this and actually doing some now!
I was thrilled to find out I came in 4th place in the painting category. I had no idea. Bonus day at the Pickler household!! I just knew about the overall all category placing, which made my day!! It took about 20 years to complete Character as I would do a little here, a little there and then life would get in the way. Glad I finished it as it is paying off!
I will be sure to keep you updating on my artistic progress. Thank you for the art gallery and for helping artists to show our work. Trust me, it is very much appreciated.
Thank you.Debi Pickler, St Charles, MOwww.I just wanted to say these few words as a thank you note for the Honorable Mention Award, that I received for my entry into the Cityscapes painting competition 2014.
It's great to have such competitions running regularly on your site. It gives us artists the chance to compete on an international level. The entry fees are very much affordable and forms and means of payment together with posting of digital images are effortless.
I am a returning participant, as I was awarded a "Special Merit" award for the "Botanicals" painting competition in 2013. As an artist I always believe that it's a waste of talent if you cannot get an audience. This is why I was much carried away in joy to see that everyone can see my painting on YouTube and on other websites where LST have been promoting the event.
It is needless to say that everything done is of a high standard, be it the selected works, communication, press release, Facebook promotion, and of course I really love the fact that I have a printable digital certificate sent to my inbox.
I will surely return back again. Thank you again and keep up the good work.
Regards,Riaz Auladin, Port-Louis, Mauritius/RiazAuladinArtPagesI'm thrilled to be included in this month's Season's exhibit, as a returning artist, and wanted to thank you for all the good work you do.
It's so enjoyable to be able to exhibit within the forum you offer-themed, international and monthly exhibits, that are really a fantastic union of global art and technology.
I admire the way you have embraced technology in this way allowing so many diverse artists to join together according to theme, accessible to anyone using the internet.
Thank you for your forward -thinking and steady efforts i I am one of many who sincerely appreciate your work!
Best,Janel Houton, Beverly, MA As a photographer working on improving my results, placing in the Light Space & Time online contests has inspired me to work even harder.
I am thrilled to be a part of Light Space T the encouragement I receive, and I am sure this resonates with others, is priceless.
Thank you for your support!
Best Regards, Linda Fritz Wilson, Phoenix, AZI Just wanted to say thank you very much for the opportunity that you have provided through The Light Space & Time Online Gallery for me to present my work.
I cannot tell you how joyous an occasion it is to find that I have been chosen as one of the selected winners
3rd Place - Overall in the 2013 Countryside Art Exhibition!
Also, all the promotional information is so helpful - cannot wait to get stuck into it and make sure I take full advantage of the opportunities.
I think it might interest you to know that when I came first to LST two years ago with my abstract work - "This mortal coil", a painting I was particularly happy with at the time, I have since turned it into my logo and recently designed a business card on Photoshop to utilize it.
So thank you once again for providing an opportunity, help and encouragement - it is much appreciated and well done on all the publicity and presentation of all these great works.
Best regards,Donna McGee, Dublin, Irelandhttp://donnamcgee.ieI would like to thank you for the Special Recognition award in the November 2013 Open Exhibition. It means a lot to me. I will be entering again at a later date when I have work that fits the theme.
It's a great and well-run competition, you are doing a good thing. Thank you too for all the marketing help.
The award has already helped me and I've had an uptick in my website and blog visits too!
Best regards,Mary Adam, Trinidad & Tobago Just a quick note to thank you for your monthly art competitions.
The promotions, information and advice you provide artists are immeasurable in value.
For example, I have had some success in the local art market, however it was not until I started winning various awards through your art competitions that my art got the international recognition and validation.
I sincerely believe this helped in my getting my first international art residency in Australia.
So again, thank you.Richard Wong, Victoria British Columbia , CAwww.richardwongwatercolors.caI just want to personally thank you for giving artists a way to promote and show their art to the public. I loved your story about the difficulties for artists in getting their work seen, and I appreciate you and your online gallery very much. If the world had more people like you, it would be better!
Maybe I should say hopefully others will do the kind of thing you have done to make it a better world.
I feel you give all kinds of artists a voice through your juried exhibitions. It is a gift to give others confidence. It is kind, sweet, and yet very important work. It teaches artists that they won't always win.. but to keep trying, and eventually something good happens when we try.
Thank you! Stephanie Taugner, Indianapolis, INThanks so much for your e-mail, the certificate and all the links. There is so much helpful information and advice in your e-mail, I will definitely read up on the all the social network and marketing advice. I already do some of it but I know there is always more that I could and should be doing so your info will be invaluable.
I really enjoyed the competition. There were so many other wonderful entries that I was thrilled to get a special merit - I really didn't expect to be placed at all. I will definitely be keeping an eye on future competitions and entering some of them!
Many thanks,Jane Wright, Manchester, UKwww.janewrightphotography.orgI would like to thank Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery for selecting my painting, "Iceland", for the 2013 “Abstract” art exhibition.
I appreciate how much wonderful support and exposure your site offers to artists. I haven't submitted my work to one of your competitions before but I will definitely be entering many more of my paintings to future competitions!
I am just so excited to be a part of this community.
Thank you!Karen Keough, Ipswich, MAI was delighted that my piece, Alyssa, was awarded 2nd place in the painting category and 5th place overall in the All Women 2013 Competition.
Participating in these competitions and being involved with the Light, Space & Time Online Gallery has been so rewarding for me.
John Math really goes out of his way to provide artists with help and guidance.
Alyssa was my latest commission for my children's pastel portrait business.
I am thoroughly enjoying the work!
Many Thanks!Adrian Giuliani, Scotch Plains, NJ I am writing to express my heartfelt appreciation towards the Special Recognition Award for my painting “The Whale” in the Nature Art Competition.
As a relatively new and emerging artist based in Asia, I feel honored to be among a group of very talented international artists featured on LST. This award has given me just the inspiration, challenge and courage to keep pushing the creative limit for my future artworks!
The high quality of the artwork submissions as well as the unique theme-oriented competitions provides artists with a very diverse platform to express our messages. I am so glad that I found your website, as I have learned so much about the power of social media and the world of art through your informative articles. In fact, the promotional publicity gained by my recent award from LST has already helped boost by page visits by 20%.
Thank you so much for promoting artists from all walks of life. You have truly created a gallery website that is catered to the artist which is just what the industry needs to nurture artists of the future.
I will definitely keep in close touch with LST and I look forward to entering more of your competitions in the future. Thank you so much for the opportunity to share my artwork with the world through LST!
Best Regards, Vivian Ching, Hong KongI want to express my thanks for the inspiration and encouragement you have given me with a Special Recognition Award for my mixed media entry “From the Soul of Africa’ into the ‘2013 All Women Art Exhibition.
I appreciate the ‘theme’ oriented competitions and the platform they provide for the freedom in uniqueness of storytelling through creative art open to all types of art and artists of all skill levels.
It encourages the artists to put in their best efforts, their souls, and lots of love creating their work with a special and deep personal significance that provides a great chance for the artist to add to the stock of beauty in the World.
You are helping to bring another creator of beauty into the world, with the positive affirmation for all the effort, mingled with a few tips and secrets to carry them forward on my artistic journey.
Through your empathy and your featured valuable nurturing articles, I am encouraged to continue to conquer my fear, put in the time and effort to someday become a truly great artist.
I am beginning to feel confident presenting more of my art in the future competitions on your site.
Thank you most kindly for the attention to detail and follow up communications that you have provided throughout the submission, selection and the announcement processes.
Best to you & LST!Asha Aditi Ruparelia
- Ontario, Canada Thank you! Grazie (in Italian)! for choosing me for All women Art Competition 2013. I am very very very grateful for all your time and efforts you put into your Art Gallery.
Since I found the announcement for this Art Competition I have been reading your great suggestions and information. I appreciate the support and encouragement you give to us artists. As I am re-entering the Fine Art market, you were of a great inspiration to me.
I am now starting to work on "virtual" marketing strategies. My next step is going to have an additional web page of my own.
I'll keep in touch with you in the near future and I'll keep you informed on my "virtual" progress.
Thank you.Federica Campagnari, Los Angeles, CAI wanted to send you a special thanks for what you are sharing on the Light Space and Time website. I am very new to exhibiting, I prefer the doing bit much more.
still quite shy to go out there and
share my heart full on blast. Your gallery and all the wonderful information you share make this all so much less scary and inspire me to
continue my work and do my best
Thank you so much for your website!
Sonia Macak, am absolutely delighted, surprised and honored to receive an Honorable Mention in the Mixed Media category of the 2nd All Women Art Exhibition 2013. This is the second time I have entered my art work with Light Space & Time.
Thank you so much for promoting artists, whether they are self-taught, emerging or professional.
I am very proud and encouraged to keep pursuing my artistic aspirations. Thanks again.
Regards.Trish Loader, Adelaide, AustraliaJohn, I wanted to let you know that today I sold a print of "Heartland" which was the digital artwork that I entered in your Countryside Art Competition and that placed 4th in the Digital/Photography Category and 7th in the Overall Winners Category.
I am sure that this sale was made possible and is a direct result of the extra exposure this image received in your gallery and in your press releases promotions.
In addition, I am glad that I found your site, along with your informative marketing articles and the competitions and exhibitions.
Thank you so much for the opportunity to participate and further my journey as an artist.Jayne Wilson, Houston, TXhttp://1-jayne-I want to thank-you for all the incredible work and dedication you put into this amazing website and your monthly contests, and especially for the recognition again awarded to my recent work "a r i a". That I can participate in this international event would be reward enough, but to have my work selected again means so much to me.
Your faith in my art keeps me going with it at this stage, when I find myself flooded with other demanding commitments, with little time to pursue this passion that had remained completely dormant for 25 years, and only has budded these last three years.
A heartfelt thanks and kudos to you on your remarkable efforts!RodeoRose, Australia/rodeoroseI am so honored and so pleased to be part of the Botanicals Art Exhibition and I have been very impressed with your efficiency of running the Light Space & Time Art Gallery.
There are a lot of competition organizers that are not as organized and efficient and it is very nice and refreshing to have one that is as well run.
I also would like to thank you for my Exhibition Award Certificates for the last two exhibits I had entered.
To have my work recognized is wonderful and truly helps me persevere and push myself even harder.
Thank you!Lea Foster, Lafayette, INI wanted to write and thank you for recognizing my work on your site. I am honored and very excited to have received a Special Recognition Award for my Ipad drawing of Scarlett.
It is a huge risk to enter any competition and as a fairly new "full time artist," I am pushing myself to get my work out there as often as I can.
Your Animals competition was perfect for me at this time since I seem to be doing a lot of pets lately which has been a lot of fun. It's actually a nice break from the "seriousness" of painting because it's so loose and carefree. And then to receive an award for it, well, I am thrilled. It's definitely a confidence booster!
But beyond that, your site has so much valuable information for artists and for me in particular, since I have never wanted to market or "bother" with that end of the art world. Your site makes it doable with simple steps to take since all the information is right there.
It is very much appreciated and I will pass it on to my artist friends who share the same feelings I do about self-promotion.
Thank you.Francine Fanali, Santa Monica, CAAs a first time participant I
was thrilled to have one of my paintings selected for a Special Recognition Award for the third annual Abstracts Art Exhibition.
As I look through the many works selected for the exhibition I see an exceptional level of quality work throughout.
To have my work included in an international field of artist is truly an honor.
You are to be commended for the wonderful platform you are providing new and emerging artists.
Thank you!Brad Forsythe,
Wow! I just watched the YouTube presentation of the Figurative Art exhibit and it was like being in a virtual gallery.
Also, I am delighted to have received 3rd place, as well as a Special Recognition award. Thanks for the frame-able certificates.
Thanks especially for the comprehensive material you have provided on marketing, and for your superior promotional services.
Thank you does not begin to cover it! Mary Rose, Davie, FLI am delighted to have discovered the Light, Space and Time Online Art Gallery – an excellent idea and a godsend to all artists, especially those of us who are ’emerging’ (from our shells, presumably…).
Even more delighted to learn that one of my works received a Special Recognition award and entry into the ’Figurative’ exhibition for June 2012. It’s encouraged me to attempt to go one better in your next competition!
Many thanks and keep up the good work,
Yann Holzapfel, London, UK Thank you so much for selecting my photo for Special Recognition in the Nature competition. This site is a wonderful avenue for emerging artists to learn about all aspects of what goes into cultivating a career and understanding the steps required to achieving success as an artist.
It is great to have an on-line community of support combined with the necessary tools to help grow from a fledgling newcomer into an artist with wings.
The helpful spirit found within in Light Space & Time has given me a new sense of confidence. The recognition of my art has created a new drive inside me. I believe I can chase my dreams and live my passion.
Positive affirmation is one of the most effective ways to foster motivation and champion the art novice.
Thank you for the opportunities this site provides through competitions, marketing, and shared lessons. Leslie DonnElle Throckmorton, Goodyear, AZThank you so much for choosing my painting "To the Pier" for a Special Recognition award in the CityScapes competition.
Being new to the art world, your online gallery, articles and competition truly help an emerging artist gain experience and confidence.
Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery has a dedication to helping the art community that I haven't seen with any other organizations.
This experience has given me even more motivation to continue pursuing an art career.
Also, with some of your insight on social media, I've gained a whole new audience and dramatically increased visitors to my site.
Thanks again and I look forward to a continued relationship with the gallery.Nathan Casteel, Chicago, ILJohn, I can’t begin to tell you how thrilled I am with the Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery. I have now received an Honorable Mention award and a Special Recognition award for my submitted work.
Your art show promotions and press release announcements have increased my website activity by 20%! In addition,
I also appreciate the award certificates that you provide, in order to be able to show them in my art portfolio.
Thank you for all your help!Kat Ewing, Sarasota, FL I just wanted to take a moment and thank your for creating this incredible program you have.
I am just beginning my marketing campaign and your materials will get me off to a flying start.
I am very excited and proud that you picked my piece to place 2nd in photography.
This was my very first contest by the way as I began my marketing campaign Jan 1st.
I will be submitting pieces to this months contest as well.
Thank you again!Pam Goodyer, North Brunswick, NJwww.I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for all that you are doing to promote artists through out the world.
It means so much to be recognized for the work and I so appreciate the opportunity to become more visible in the art world through this platform.
I look forward to having the opportunity to submit my work again.
All the best.Hayley Tolkin, Los Angeles, CAThank you for the award certificate, as well as wealth of marketing information you've provided.
I had the opportunity to spend a considerable amount of time reading the materials today - and found them interesting, informative, thought provoking, timely for my 2012 process, and confidence building.
Thank you for the opportunities you've provided for increased presence though the Gallery's outreach actions and presence.
This is the first on-line exhibit that I've participated in.
I hope to be included in future shows with your Gallery.
Best regards,Karen Terry, Monroe Township, NJ Thank you for sending me the certificate, I feel honored to have been chosen among so many good artists. I also want to thank you for supporting emerging artists, especially in difficult times for the world of art and economy.
Also, thank you so much for these pieces of advice. I have recommended your site to all my art contacts, because I find it really useful and interesting. Of course I will follow your site closely in the future.
I wish you much success.Ana Pastor, Alicante, Spainwww.anapastorarte.esThank you so much for choosing my work in the winners circle, under 'Honorable Mention', for the Seasons competition.
I am relatively new on the art scene, and this exposure on such a global and esteemed platform means a lot.
I am thrilled and honored to be
part of such a reputed site, and am grateful for the added visibility that this provides my work.
I discovered Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery, a few months ago and was very impressed by the body of artwork showcased, and right away got a sense that that this gallery was 100% about the artist and about encouraging, supporting and showcasing works of
both established and emerging artists, like myself, with such varied styles and mediums.
I have found my whole experience in entering this competition, to have been nothing but extremely positive. John has been very helpful and great to work with and I am grateful for his vision to promote and publicize so many artists, and
I find the artist website link
to be a great feature, which allows relatively new artists like myself, increased traffic, traction and visibility.
This win and this whole experience motivates me further to keep on
painting and keep on dreaming.
Once again, many thanks to you for just being there.Kajal Zaveri, Bay Area, CAThank you very much for your e-mail and your helpful tips. Your Award is of great value for me. It encourages me to go further in my artistic research and, I hope, will help me to exhibit in more and more prestigious galleries.
My buyers and my audience are glad that something they appreciate is highly valued also by professional institution, like Light Space & Time.
The number of people visiting my website increased even If, until now, I didn’t receive as many mails and proposals as I expected…
Once more, thank you very much for your appreciation and, for sure, I will enter more art competitions in the future.
Branislava Stojanovic, MozambiqueJohn, thanks a lot for for the Special Recognition Award. I have been working to promote my art and since your Special Recognition Award it has given me the confidence to approach the RHA in Dublin with a painting called The "Hope Well" and it was accepted!.
I have also discovered that my paintings have words attached to them and I am exploring this with poetry.
This is a very exciting time and I have to strive to keep promotion and painting in balance, thanks again!Samantha Tebbutt, Dublin, Irelandwww.busyrivers.bizThank you for the Abstracts Art Competition Award Certificate and the comprehensive marketing and press release information contained within the email.
Light, Space and Time is a wonderful site and the experience of entering the 'Abstracts' competition has been incredibly important to my confidence as an artist, who has only recently begun publicly showing my work.
Thank you for the opportunity, the comprehensive information to assist artist in progressing their work, and the ongoing support and recognition.Allandra McLaughlin, Queensland, AustraliaThank you for the lovely letter, award certificate and the wonderful feedback about my art.
All the marketing resources you provide are useful for any artist interested in marketing their art.
I especially look forward to receiving more information and feedback from you about marketing resources, my website and becoming more acquainted with
artist winners.
I am glad to say I've posted some of my work .
Thanks again for archiving my work and providing a professional site that allows any artist to promote their art to the entire world.
Namaste and much success! Subodh Maheshwari, Corona, CA Thank you so much for the Abstract Award Certificate, it looks great!
I also want to thank you heaps for the follow-up and the ongoing help you are giving artists. Not often does this happen, especially in the online art world.
I have been a part of a lot of online art competitions and after entering, I usually do not hear from anyone associated with the competition, like I do with Light Space & Time.
I think you are doing great job and I especially appreciate the help that you give to artists with your ideas for promoting and marketing their art.
Your help has been very useful and inspiring for me to try a few different things and to expand my horizons in order to promote my website and to market and brand my art.
I will definitely look into all of the helpful marketing information that you have sent to me and I will continue to visit your website regularly.
Thanks again.Jenny Davis, Victoria, Australia This really is a great service that you're providing to Artists - it's apparent that the exposure factor goes beyond what we realize!
The cost to participate in the contests is very reasonable and inviting to those who may hold back otherwise and your efforts to promote your winners is most generous.
I'm in the midst of restructuring my websites and plan to set up a studio on your site in the near future as I believe your site is worth supporting.
Thanks again.Kay Pratt, Orange Co, CA Thank you so much for writing me and sending the certificate. As you can imagine, being a new artist, I was completely blown away winning 3rd place in the Nature Art Competition.
There were so many incredible works submitted. I was just hoping to be in the top 50 so this is truly an honor for me.
I will definitely check out all the resources that you have mentioned. I look forward to entering many more contests at Light Space and Time. I love the site and the setup and it was so easy to enter.
Thank you for such a great competition and exhibition !Charles A. Reyna, Santa Fe, NMIt is always a pleasure to wake up and find that one of your images has been chosen for a Special Recognition in the Nature Art Exhibition.
This was my first experience with Light Space Time and I am very pleased.
Going up against art in many media from around the world make the process challenging and stimulating.
Thank you!Steven Crainford, Toronto, CanadaThank you so much for your email regarding the Special Recognition Award Certificate and your positive feedback.
I would like to say that I think that Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery was only a positive experience.
In addition, from my point of view as an artist that it is outstanding to see your Online Art Gallery being so supportive of art and the artists in general.
Keep up the good work!Andreas Tomblin, Nicosia, CyprusI have just this minute opened up your email to find the most exciting and encouraging news,
more than I could have ever hoped for after a 2 year
period away from painting.
You cannot imagine the inspiration you have given me with a Special Recognition Award for my entry “Floating Poppies” into the Botanicals Art Exhibition.
The empathy, information and direction you give artists hoping to venture into a wider audience and more commercial world of art is amazing and I for one am hugely appreciative.
Artists, especially self-taught like me, lack so much confidence when it comes to marketing their work and you have supplied us with a hope that it is possible to achieve recognition and hopefully some success in order to allow us to continue to be creative.
I venture forth now with renewed gusto and determination and will most certainly hope to enter your future competitions.
Thank you so very much!Sheena White, Kingsbridge, Devon, UKI am very happy to offer a testimonial on Light, Space & Time Gallery.
I have had a very positive response to my work and I thank John Math for his encouragement.
I was much honored to receive an honorable mention on my first submission, “Birch Reflections” in L
and then a 3rd place award for “Rustic Beauty” in Seascapes.
The selected works on the site are very professional and I am proud to be a part of it.
I must also say that the submission process is technically very easy and the cost is low. It is a great promotional tool for artists.
Thanks again to John Math for providing this opportunity to artists.Cynthia Fleury, Eden Prairie, MNMy experience with Light Space & Time was very enjoyable. The website is easy to navigate and the entry fees are very reasonable. This gallery is great because it allows artists from all over the world to gain exposure for their work and to be exposed to different styles of art.
Of course, John, you are amazing for providing such opportunities to professional and emerging artists. Thank you!
Naomi Tirronen, Diamond Bar, CA The day I came across your online Gallery, was a dream came true!.
My Astro reading for that day said “Keep your eyes open, for the things you discover will put you firmly in the picture”. Soon after reading that I made my first entry and then I couldn't believe my eyes to actually receive two 'Special Recognition' Awards from my animal contributions!
Although I have painted for 50 years, my Achilles Heel has always been the promotional side of the art business. Your online Gallery is not only a revelation to my needs but also an exciting opportunity to satisfy my adventurous spirit to compete and connect with other like-minded souls throughout the world.
John, you have masterminded something truly wonderful that will transform the lives of others who are creative and dedicated.
Having come dangerously close to losing my eyesight from the trauma of a broken neck and damaged spine a few years ago, my art has become more meaningful than ever and now plays a pivotal role of my daily existence.
I am truly blessed to still be able to observe and express myself on canvas or paper whatever subject matter appeals to me. Your Gallery has opened the golden gates of opportunities and possibly some recognition for which I could not have envisaged in my circumstances.
Thank you John, you have provided an Angel on my shoulder and hope in my heart. I cannot wait to have a go at the upcoming Botanicals Competition. You’re a genius!Gill Cox, Kingsbridge, Devon,,
I can not tell you how much this means to me. I actually cried when I saw my name on the Award Certificate!
Thank you so much for everything that you do to help others along their artistic journey.
You are a true Blessing!
Thank you! Leea Baltes, Germantown, MDI am very pleased to have found the Light Space & Time Online Gallery website. This is an excellent
opportunity for both professional and non-professional artists to compete and have their artwork shown online to a wide audience and gain valuable publicity.
The submission process is very simple and user friendly, and the entry fees are quite reasonable.
I appreciate the theme-oriented competitions and the challenges they provide.
I would encourage other artists to check out this website.
I am sure they will find it a very enjoyable experience.
Many thanks to John Math for this excellent online gallery.
Jill Rowe, San Diego, CAFirst, I`d just like to say that I am very happy and gratified to have to won the recent “Animals” Art Competition.
I decided to enter the Light Space & Time competition after receiving a "Certificate of Excellence" at the 2010 Palm Art Awards in Germany.
The “Animals” Art Competition was only my second international competition that I ever entered and I have now placed in both competitions!
My only other competition success (apart from local closed art group competitions) was a 4th Place Art Award at the Royal Easter Show in Auckland, and that was 6 years ago!
I always secretly thought that I “had it” and now this award confirms it for me.
In many art groups and shows in my country, they seem to prefer a "way out" type of art and not my "everyday - how wonderful our country/planet" type of art.
Thank you, because you have helped me so much and I now believe and have confidence in myself just a little more than before. After winning, I contacted our local newspaper and they did a story on this competition and my award and they even included a photo of the Award Certificate that I had laminated that morning!
Again, thank you for all your help, wonderful comments, as it has renewed my confidence in myself and my artistic abilities. Toni Dolan, South Auckland, found the Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery while looking to participate in some international art competitions, in the hope of getting recognition for my artwork. I chose your gallery after viewing the beautiful, high quality artworks of your previous exhibitions in the gallery’s archive section.
Since my watercolors are mostly inspired by nature, the competition with the theme “Landscapes” was a perfect choice for me. The fact that it was an online competition and also required a very modest entry fee made it possible for me to participate. After all of that, I was thrilled to find out I was awarded the First Place Award in the January 2011 “Landscapes” competition.
My gallery has benefited from this award and the subsequent exposure I’ve received though your web site as additional advertising/promotion material for my artwork.
This exposure has helped me to attract the attention of our local media and as a result my paintings were featured on local TV and it resulted in an increased interest in my work.
This competition made me realize the importance of online promotions for an artist and I will be working more on that aspect in the future.
I have already recommended your art gallery to my art colleagues and in the future, I will participate again in the Light Space & Time art competitions.
It has been a great honor to be recognized by the Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery for my work.
I thank you so much for everything.Branka Prokic, Sabac, SerbiaI have been very fortunate and honored to be recognized by the Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery for my artwork "Early Snow".
Since participating in their "Landscapes" online art exhibition, traffic to my website has increased and I am now represented by a major gallery in NYC: the Merton D. Simpson Gallery, as well as by Xanadu Gallery in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Sincere thanks to John Math, for all he is doing for emerging artists! Ted Hayward, BC, CanadaHi, John. It's a pleasure to offer thoughts about your gallery, Light, Space & Time. I had hoped to write earlier, but I've been very busy with three juried shows, one of them a solo show, all opening in the first four months of 2011. I suspect that receiving second
place in your figurative show may have increased my likelihood of getting these shows.
You have been great to work with, which has allowed everything to go smoothly. Technically, it's also very easy to do applications for the shows.
Finally, on a personal note, the name of your gallery continues to interconnect with much of my work, as I now start my second universe-inspired painting series!
Thank you so much for providing this opportunity to artists. Jan Madill, Portland, ORI found Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery (LST) while searching on the internet for online art contests to help me feel more confident about my aptitude and ability for the arts.
I chose LST among several other online art galleries because the website seemed to me to be accurately done, very professional and its entry fees were very modestly priced.
And I wasn't mistaken.
In addition, LST has been excellent in the way that they have communicated to me during the different stages of the process and also, after the event.
I was fortunate to and I appreciate receiving the 1st Place Award in the 2010 Figurative Art Competition and I am not surprise to see that the popularity of the gallery grows from one month to another.
Thank you.Fidan Shahin, Baku, AzerbaijanThis is just a brief message to express my most sincere thanks for all the work you do on behalf of artists.
I'm impressed by your professionalism and care.
It must have taken quite a bit of time and effort to evaluate all the Landscape entries - and you do that every month!
I was really thrilled to be awarded an Honorable Mention for my painting.
I told all my artists friends on Facebook and clicked on the "Like" button for your gallery there. I will definitely participate in the future.
Again, thank you!C.J. Shane, Tuscon, AZIt has been a great honour for me to be represented on Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery. I really like the gallery, the splendid and far reaching ideas behind its construction, and the inspiring
border crossing way of operating, which in many good ways combines the new global art scene with quality and foresight.
The gallery and all its sub functions are very professionally run, and the follow up on the exhibitions is in every way impressive.
Many congratulations to John R. Math for creating such a fine online gallery and making all this progress possible.
Sven Froekjaer-Jensen, Slagelse, DenmarkHi John, thanks so much for the Special Recognition Award Certificate. The recognition means a lot to me.
Also, thanks for the attention to detail and the follow-up communication that you have provided throughout the selection and announcement process.
I hope to contribute to the Light Space & Time Online Gallery in the future.Joe Calleri, Northcote, AustraliaLight Space & Time is one of my favorite competition sites.
As a photographer, I am challenged in a good way to compete with artists from all over the world, and especially those that work in other mediums.
The extremely professional and always helpful John Math goes to great systematic effort to publicize and recognize the top entrants, and the artist website link back feature is unique and a BIG plus.
Most galleries don't do that at all.
And to top it all is absolutely one of the best dollar for image values out there.
So what a great way to "test the waters" and show your stuff.
I was honored to receive an Honorable Mention for the Landscapes Competition.
I will certainly be checking regularly to see what kind of excitement the next theme might have in store for me.Jon Holiday, Fort Worth, TXIt has been a great pleasure and honor to be represented by Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery.
Many thanks to John R. Math for his creation of such a fine international online gallery.
Thank you again.Carolyn Kleefeld, Carmel, CAMy association with Light Space & Time Art Gallery has been extremely positive.
Whether objective or non objective the artist is given much consideration with professional judging.
It has been an honor to be one of Light Space &Time Art Gallery's selected artists.
I look forward to watching the categories to see what area I may be motivated to work in next.
I am a member of the Orange County Center for Contemporary Art and the Art Association.
Thank you so much!
Evalynn Alu, Orange, CAI have found John Math of Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery to be top notch not only in the presentation of the art competitions.
I was also impressed with the selection of the final participants and with the staging and promotion of the online art exhibitions.
I am happy to have been included in some of the Light Space & Time art shows.
Thanks!Ione Citrin, Los Angeles, CAI have enjoyed the benefit of entering and showcasing my works on Light Space and Time Online Art Gallery.
The gallery has aided in increasing traffic to my website through the visuals and the extensive press releases they do with each competition.
Thanks John for your wonderful web gallery!Laura Warburton, Toronto, CanadaMy experience with Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery has been very positive from the very beginning of my association with them.
I discovered Light Space & Time through one of the many newsletters I receive, asking for art work to be submitted into their monthly contest. Being the curious artist that I am I clicked on the link. Reading through the "About Us" page got my attention right away. It's not often I read through everything on a website. Light Space & Time made their site easy to follow. I decided to try my luck with their then current contest, "Landscapes". After reading the easy instructions I began uploading my images, after which I realized I did it wrong. I contacted support asking if I could redo my uploads. I received a reply shortly after my request stating "they" took care of the issue for me! I was very pleased to have gotten such a quick and accommodating reply.
A few weeks later I received a congratulatory letter stating that I had won a 4th Place award. Since my winning entry, my website has received a 30% increase in views.
I'll be entering more contests in the future with Light Space & Time.
Darice Machel McGuire, Chico, CA I found my experience exhibiting in Light Space & Time's December 2010 Landscape Exhibition to be very professional, congenial, and well-communicated.
I have particularly appreciated the administrative follow-ups and the extensive publicity about the Exhibition, provided by the Light Space & Time gallery staff.
Thank you so much.Erica Harney, U. Park, PA Being new to the art scene and dealing with art galleries, I have to say it has been a pleasure and a very positive experience entering competitions with Light Space & Time Online Gallery.
I feel as an artist that this art gallery is expertly managed and serves the interests of the artist very well and I will continue my involvement with Light Space & Time because of this.
The international reach of their gallery, as well as the use of so many international press releases is impressive.
Thank you!Denny Reed, West Palm Beach, FLI want to thank you for your time and effort in putting together an online art gallery. I can't get out of the house easily to enter regular gallery competitions and shows, therefore this format makes it possible for me to continue to participate in showing my art work without leaving the house. The success I have had with the art gallery has encouraged me to continue to paint and enter other art competitions.
I have sent links to all my friends whenever I have placed in the Light Space & Time monthly shows and they are all very impressed with the format and the quality of art work selected for the shows.
Thanks again!Marie Dancy-Brennan, San Diego, Light, Space & Time online art gallery offers artists and photographers an opportunity to compete and be seen online at a moderate price.
I stumbled onto the site in August of 2010 by Googling "abstract art competition", I submitted some of my abstract rust photos to the competition and won an honorable mention award.
This online site offers something unique for the artists and viewing public.
It is easy to enter and may open other opportunities for you.
Thank you!Pam Brekas, Gardnerville, NV
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