
&&& Android一词的本义指“机器人”,同时也是Google于日宣布的基于平台的开源操作系统的名称,该平台由操作系统、中间件、用户界面和应用软件组成,号称是首个为移动终端打造的真正开放和完整的移动软件。目前,最新版本为Android 2.4 Gingerbread和Android 3.0 Heycomb。
&&& Android是基于Linux开放性内核的操作系统,是Google公司在日公布的手机操作系统。早期由原名为"Android"的公司开发,谷歌在2005年收购"Android.Inc"后,继续进行对Android系统开发运营,它采用了软件堆层的架构,主要分为三部分。底层Linux内核只提供基本功能,其他的应用软件则由各公司自行开发,部分程序以Java编写。
&&& 本文探讨下方面的隐藏API。用过Android系统设置(Setng)的人都知道蓝牙搜索之后可以建立配对和解除配对,但是这两项功能的函数没有在SDK中给出,那么如何去使用这两项功能呢?本文利用JAVA的反射机制去调用这两项功能对应的函数:createBond和removeBond,具体的发掘和实现步骤如下:
&&& 1.使用Git工具下载platform/s/apps/Settings.git,在Setting源码中查找关于建立配对和解除配对的API,知道这两个API的宿主(Bluetooth);
&&& 2.使用反射机制对BluetoothDevice枚举其所有方法和常量,看看是否存在:
&&& view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
&&& atic public void printAllInform(Class clsShow) {
&&& // 取得所有方法
&&& Method[] hideMethod = clsShow.getMethods();
&&& int i = 0;
&&& for (; i & hideMethod. i++) {
&&& Log.e("method ", hideMethod[i].getName());
&&& // 取得所有常量
&&& Field[] allFields = clsShow.getFields();
&&& for (i = 0; i & allFields. i++) {
&&& Log.e("Field name", allFields[i].getName());
&&& } catch (SecurityException e) {
&&& // throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
&&& e.printStackTrace();
&&& } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
&&& // throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
&&& e.printStackTrace();
&&& } catch (Exception e) {
&&& // TODO Auto-generated catch
&&& e.printStackTrace();
&&& static public void printAllInform(Class clsShow) {
&&& // 取得所有方法
&&& Method[] hideMethod = clsShow.getMethods();
&&& int i = 0;
&&& for (; i & hideMethod. i++) {
&&& Log.e("method name", hideMethod[i].getName());
&&& // 取得所有常量
&&& Field[] allFields = clsShow.getFields();
&&& for (i = 0; i & allFields. i++) {
&&& Log.e("Field name", allFields[i].getName());
&&& } catch (SecurityException e) {
&&& // throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
&&& e.printStackTrace();
&&& } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
&&& // throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
&&& e.printStackTrace();
&&& } catch (Exception e) {
&&& // TODO Auto-generated catch block
&&& e.printStackTrace();
&&& 结果如下:
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.012: method name(452): cancelBondProcess
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.020: method name(452): cancelPairingUserInput
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.020: method name(452): createBond
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.020: method name(452): createInsecureRfcommSocket
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.027: method name(452): createRfcommSocket
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.027: method name(452): createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.027: method name(452): createScoSocket
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.027: method name(452): describeContents
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.035: method name(452): equals
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.035: method name(452): fetchUuidsWithSdp
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.035: method name(452): getAddress
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.035: method name(452): getBluetoothClass
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.043: method name(452): getBondState
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.043: method name(452): getName
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.043: method name(452): getServiceChannel
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.043: method name(452): getTrustState
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.043: method name(452): getUuids
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.043: method name(452): hashCode
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.043: method name(452): isBluetoothDock
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.043: method name(452): removeBond
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.043: method name(452): setPairingConfirmation
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.043: method name(452): setPasskey
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.043: method name(452): setPin
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.043: method name(452): setTrust
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.043: method name(452): toString
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.043: method name(452): writeToParcel
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.043: method name(452): convertPinToBytes
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.043: method name(452): getClass
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.043: method name(452): notify
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.043: method name(452): notifyAll
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.043: method name(452): wait
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.051: method name(452): wait
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.051: method name(452): wait
&&& 3.如果枚举发现API存在(SDK却隐藏),则自己实现调用方法:
&&& view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
&&& * 与设备配对 参考源码:platform/packages/apps/Settings.git
&&& * \Settings\src\com\android\settings\bluetooth\
&&& static public boolean createBond(Class btClass,BluetoothDevice btDevice) throws Exception {
&&& Method createBondMethod = btClass.getMethod("createBond");
&&& Boolean returnValue = (Boolean) createBondMethod.invoke(btDevice);
&&& return returnValue.booleanValue();
&&& * 与设备解除配对 参考源码:platform/packages/apps/Settings.git
&&& * \Settings\src\com\android\settings\bluetooth\
&&& static public boolean removeBond(Class btClass,BluetoothDevice btDevice) throws Exception {
&&& Method removeBondMethod = btClass.getMethod("removeBond");
&&& Boolean returnValue = (Boolean) removeBondMethod.invoke(btDevice);
&&& return returnValue.booleanValue();
&&& * 与设备配对 参考源码:platform/packages/apps/Settings.git
&&& * \Settings\src\com\android\settings\bluetooth\
&&& static public boolean createBond(Class btClass,BluetoothDevice btDevice) throws Exception {
&&& Method createBondMethod = btClass.getMethod("createBond");
&&& Boolean returnValue = (Boolean) createBondMethod.invoke(btDevice);
&&& return returnValue.booleanValue();
&&& * 与设备解除配对 参考源码:platform/packages/apps/Settings.git
&&& * \Settings\src\com\android\settings\bluetooth\
&&& static public boolean removeBond(Class btClass,BluetoothDevice btDevice) throws Exception {
&&& Method removeBondMethod = btClass.getMethod("removeBond");
&&& Boolean returnValue = (Boolean) removeBondMethod.invoke(btDevice);
&&& return returnValue.booleanValue();
&&& PS:SDK之所以不给出隐藏的API肯定有其原因,也许是出于安全性或者是后续版本兼容性的考虑,因此不能保证隐藏API能在所有Android平台上很好地运行……
&&& 本文程序运行效果如下:
&&& main.xml源码如下:
&&& view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
&&& android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="fill_parent"
&&& android:layout_height="fill_parent"&
&&& android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_width="fill_parent"&
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& android:layout_width="160dip" android:text="Show" android:id="@+id/btnShow"&&
&&& android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"&
&&& android:layout_height="fill_parent"&
&&& android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="fill_parent"
&&& android:layout_height="fill_parent"&
&&& android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_width="fill_parent"&
&&&&&&&android:layout_width="160dip" android:text="Show" android:id="@+id/btnShow"&
&&&& android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"&
&&& android:layout_height="fill_parent"&
&&& 工具类ClsUtils.java源码如下:
&&& view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
&&& package com.testR
&&& import java.lang.reflect.F
&&& import java.lang.reflect.M
&&& import android.bluetooth.BluetoothD
&&& import android.util.L
&&& public class ClsUtils {
&&& 本文探讨下蓝牙方面的隐藏API。用过Android系统设置(Setting)的人都知道蓝牙搜索之后可以建立配对和解除配对,但是这两项功能的函数没有在SDK中给出,那么如何去使用这两项功能呢?本文利用JAVA的反射机制去调用这两项功能对应的函数:createBond和removeBond,具体的发掘和实现步骤如下:
&&& 1.使用Git工具下载platform/packages/apps/Settings.git,在Setting源码中查找关于建立配对和解除配对的API,知道这两个API的宿主(BluetoothDevice);
&&& 2.使用反射机制对BluetoothDevice枚举其所有方法和常量,看看是否存在:
&&& view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
&&& static public void printAllInform(Class clsShow) {
&&& // 取得所有方法
&&& Method[] hideMethod = clsShow.getMethods();
&&& int i = 0;
&&& for (; i & hideMethod. i++) {
&&& Log.e("method name", hideMethod[i].getName());
&&& // 取得所有常量
&&& Field[] allFields = clsShow.getFields();
&&& for (i = 0; i & allFields. i++) {
&&& Log.e("Field name", allFields[i].getName());
&&& } catch (SecurityException e) {
&&& // throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
&&& e.printStackTrace();
&&& } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
&&& // throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
&&& e.printStackTrace();
&&& } catch (Exception e) {
&&& // TODO Auto-generated catch block
&&& e.printStackTrace();
&&& static public void printAllInform(Class clsShow) {
&&& // 取得所有方法
&&& Method[] hideMethod = clsShow.getMethods();
&&& int i = 0;
&&& for (; i & hideMethod. i++) {
&&& Log.e("method name", hideMethod[i].getName());
&&& // 取得所有常量
&&& Field[] allFields = clsShow.getFields();
&&& for (i = 0; i & allFields. i++) {
&&& Log.e("Field name", allFields[i].getName());
&&& } catch (SecurityException e) {
&&& // throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
&&& e.printStackTrace();
&&& } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
&&& // throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
&&& e.printStackTrace();
&&& } catch (Exception e) {
&&& // TODO Auto-generated catch block
&&& e.printStackTrace();
&&& 结果如下:
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.012: method name(452): cancelBondProcess
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.020: method name(452): cancelPairingUserInput
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.020: method name(452): createBond
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.020: method name(452): createInsecureRfcommSocket
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.027: method name(452): createRfcommSocket
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.027: method name(452): createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.027: method name(452): createScoSocket
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.027: method name(452): describeContents
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.035: method name(452): equals
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.035: method name(452): fetchUuidsWithSdp
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.035: method name(452): getAddress
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.035: method name(452): getBluetoothClass
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.043: method name(452): getBondState
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.043: method name(452): getName
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.043: method name(452): getServiceChannel
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.043: method name(452): getTrustState
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.043: method name(452): getUuids
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.043: method name(452): hashCode
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.043: method name(452): isBluetoothDock
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.043: method name(452): removeBond
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.043: method name(452): setPairingConfirmation
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.043: method name(452): setPasskey
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.043: method name(452): setPin
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.043: method name(452): setTrust
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.043: method name(452): toString
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.043: method name(452): writeToParcel
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.043: method name(452): convertPinToBytes
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.043: method name(452): getClass
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.043: method name(452): notify
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.043: method name(452): notifyAll
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.043: method name(452): wait
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.051: method name(452): wait
&&& 11-29 09:19:12.051: method name(452): wait
&&& 3.如果枚举发现API存在(SDK却隐藏),则自己实现调用方法:
&&& view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
&&& * 与设备配对 参考源码:platform/packages/apps/Settings.git
&&& * \Settings\src\com\android\settings\bluetooth\
&&& static public boolean createBond(Class btClass,BluetoothDevice btDevice) throws Exception {
&&& Method createBondMethod = btClass.getMethod("createBond");
&&& Boolean returnValue = (Boolean) createBondMethod.invoke(btDevice);
&&& return returnValue.booleanValue();
&&& * 与设备解除配对 参考源码:platform/packages/apps/Settings.git
&&& * \Settings\src\com\android\settings\bluetooth\
&&& static public boolean removeBond(Class btClass,BluetoothDevice btDevice) throws Exception {
&&& Method removeBondMethod = btClass.getMethod("removeBond");
&&& Boolean returnValue = (Boolean) removeBondMethod.invoke(btDevice);
&&& return returnValue.booleanValue();
&&& * 与设备配对 参考源码:platform/packages/apps/Settings.git
&&& * \Settings\src\com\android\settings\bluetooth\
&&& static public boolean createBond(Class btClass,BluetoothDevice btDevice) throws Exception {
&&& Method createBondMethod = btClass.getMethod("createBond");
&&& Boolean returnValue = (Boolean) createBondMethod.invoke(btDevice);
&&& return returnValue.booleanValue();
&&& * 与设备解除配对 参考源码:platform/packages/apps/Settings.git
&&& * \Settings\src\com\android\settings\bluetooth\
&&& static public boolean removeBond(Class btClass,BluetoothDevice btDevice) throws Exception {
&&& Method removeBondMethod = btClass.getMethod("removeBond");
&&& Boolean returnValue = (Boolean) removeBondMethod.invoke(btDevice);
&&& return returnValue.booleanValue();
&&& PS:SDK之所以不给出隐藏的API肯定有其原因,也许是出于安全性或者是后续版本兼容性的考虑,因此不能保证隐藏API能在所有Android平台上很好地运行……
&&& 本文程序运行效果如下:
&&& main.xml源码如下:
&&& view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
&&& android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="fill_parent"
&&& android:layout_height="fill_parent"&
&&& android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_width="fill_parent"&
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& android:layout_width="160dip" android:text="Show" android:id="@+id/btnShow"&&
&&&&&&&&& android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"&
&&& android:layout_height="fill_parent"&
&&& android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="fill_parent"
&&& android:layout_height="fill_parent"&
&&& android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_width="fill_parent"&
&&&&&&&android:layout_width="160dip" android:text="Show" android:id="@+id/btnShow"&
&&&& android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"&
&&& android:layout_height="fill_parent"&
&&& 工具类ClsUtils.java源码如下:
&&& view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
&&& package com.testR
&&& import java.lang.reflect.F
&&& import java.lang.reflect.M
&&& import android.bluetooth.BluetoothD
&&& import android.util.L
&&& public class ClsUtils {
&&& * 与设备配对 参考源码:platform/packages/apps/Settings.git
&&& * \Settings\src\com\android\settings\bluetooth\
&&& static public boolean createBond(Class btClass,BluetoothDevice btDevice) throws Exception {
&&& Method createBondMethod = btClass.getMethod("createBond");
&&& Boolean returnValue = (Boolean) createBondMethod.invoke(btDevice);
&&& return returnValue.booleanValue();
&&& * 与设备解除配对 参考源码:platform/packages/apps/Settings.git
&&& * \Settings\src\com\android\settings\bluetooth\
&&& static public boolean removeBond(Class btClass,BluetoothDevice btDevice) throws Exception {
&&& Method removeBondMethod = btClass.getMethod("removeBond");
&&& Boolean returnValue = (Boolean) removeBondMethod.invoke(btDevice);
&&& return returnValue.booleanValue();
&&& * @param clsShow
&&& static public void printAllInform(Class clsShow) {
&&& // 取得所有方法
&&& Method[] hideMethod = clsShow.getMethods();
&&& int i = 0;
&&& for (; i & hideMethod. i++) {
&&& Log.e("method name", hideMethod[i].getName());
&&& // 取得所有常量
&&& Field[] allFields = clsShow.getFields();
&&& for (i = 0; i & allFields. i++) {
&&& Log.e("Field name", allFields[i].getName());
&&& } catch (SecurityException e) {
&&& // throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
&&& e.printStackTrace();
&&& } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
&&& // throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
&&& e.printStackTrace();
&&& } catch (Exception e) {
&&& // TODO Auto-generated catch block
&&& e.printStackTrace();
&&& package com.testR
&&& import java.lang.reflect.F
&&& import java.lang.reflect.M
&&& import android.bluetooth.BluetoothD
&&& import android.util.L
&&& public class ClsUtils {
&&& * 与设备配对 参考源码:platform/packages/apps/Settings.git
&&& * \Settings\src\com\android\settings\bluetooth\
&&& static public boolean createBond(Class btClass,BluetoothDevice btDevice) throws Exception {
&&& Method createBondMethod = btClass.getMethod("createBond");
&&& Boolean returnValue = (Boolean) createBondMethod.invoke(btDevice);
&&& return returnValue.booleanValue();
&&& * 与设备解除配对 参考源码:platform/packages/apps/Settings.git
&&& * \Settings\src\com\android\settings\bluetooth\
&&& static public boolean removeBond(Class btClass,BluetoothDevice btDevice) throws Exception {
&&& Method removeBondMethod = btClass.getMethod("removeBond");
&&& Boolean returnValue = (Boolean) removeBondMethod.invoke(btDevice);
&&& return returnValue.booleanValue();
&&& * @param clsShow
&&& static public void printAllInform(Class clsShow) {
&&& // 取得所有方法
&&& Method[] hideMethod = clsShow.getMethods();
&&& int i = 0;
&&& for (; i & hideMethod. i++) {
&&& Log.e("method name", hideMethod[i].getName());
&&& // 取得所有常量
&&& Field[] allFields = clsShow.getFields();
&&& for (i = 0; i & allFields. i++) {
&&& Log.e("Field name", allFields[i].getName());
&&& } catch (SecurityException e) {
&&& // throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
&&& e.printStackTrace();
&&& } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
&&& // throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
&&& e.printStackTrace();
&&& } catch (Exception e) {
&&& // TODO Auto-generated catch block
&&& e.printStackTrace();
&&& 主程序testReflect.java的源码如下:
&&& view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
&&& package com.testR
&&& import java.util.L
&&& import java.util.L
&&& import
&&& import android.bluetooth.BluetoothA
&&& import android.bluetooth.BluetoothD
&&& import android.content.BroadcastR
&&& import android.content.C
&&& import android.content.I
&&& import android.content.IntentF
&&& import android.os.B
&&& import android.util.L
&&& import android.view.V
&&& import android.widget.AdapterV
&&& import android.widget.ArrayA
&&& import android.widget.B
&&& import android.widget.ListV
&&& import android.widget.T
&&& public class testReflect extends Activity {
&&& Button btnSearch, btnS
&&& ListView lvBTD
&&& ArrayAdapter adtD
&&& List lstDevices = new ArrayList();
&&& BluetoothDevice btD
&&& BluetoothAdapter btA
&&& @Override
&&& public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
&&& super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
&&& setContentView(R.layout.main);
&&& btnSearch = (Button) this.findViewById(;
&&& btnSearch.setOnClickListener(new ClickEvent());
&&& btnShow = (Button) this.findViewById(;
&&& btnShow.setOnClickListener(new ClickEvent());
&&& lvBTDevices = (ListView) this.findViewById(;
&&& adtDevices = new ArrayAdapter(testReflect.this,
&&& android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, lstDevices);
&&& lvBTDevices.setAdapter(adtDevices);
&&& lvBTDevices.setOnItemClickListener(new ItemClickEvent());
&&& btAdapt = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();// 初始化本机蓝牙功能
&&& if (btAdapt.getState() == BluetoothAdapter.STATE_OFF)// 开蓝牙
&&& btAdapt.enable();
&&& // 注册Receiver来获取蓝牙设备相关的结果
&&& IntentFilter intent = new IntentFilter();
&&& intent.addAction(BluetoothDevice.ACTION_FOUND);
&&& intent.addAction(BluetoothDevice.ACTION_BOND_STATE_CHANGED);
&&& registerReceiver(searchDevices, intent);
&&& private BroadcastReceiver searchDevices = new BroadcastReceiver() {
&&& public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
&&& String action = intent.getAction();
&&& Bundle b = intent.getExtras();
&&& Object[] lstName = b.keySet()。toArray();
&&& // 显示所有收到的消息及其细节
&&& for (int i = 0; i & lstName. i++) {
&&& String keyName = lstName[i].toString();
&&& Log.e(keyName, String.valueOf(b.get(keyName)));
&&& // 搜索设备时,取得设备的MAC地址
&&& if (BluetoothDevice.ACTION_FOUND.equals(action)) {
&&& BluetoothDevice device = intent
&&& .getParcelableExtra(BluetoothDevice.EXTRA_DEVICE);
&&& if (device.getBondState() == BluetoothDevice.BOND_NONE) {
&&& String str = "未配对|" + device.getName() + "|" + device.getAddress();
&&& lstDevices.add(str); // 获取设备名称和mac地址
&&& adtDevices.notifyDataSetChanged();
&&& class ItemClickEvent implements AdapterView.OnItemClickListener {
&&& @Override
&&& public void onItemClick(AdapterView arg0, View arg1, int arg2,
&&& long arg3) {
&&& btAdapt.cancelDiscovery();
&&& String str = lstDevices.get(arg2);
&&& String[] values = str.split("\\|");
&&& String address=values[2];
&&& btDevice = btAdapt.getRemoteDevice(address);
&&& if(values[0].equals("未配对"))
&&& Toast.makeText(testReflect.this, "由未配对转为已配对", 500)。show();
&&& ClsUtils.createBond(btDevice.getClass(), btDevice);
&&& else if(values[0].equals("已配对"))
&&& Toast.makeText(testReflect.this, "由已配对转为未配对", 500)。show();
&&& ClsUtils.removeBond(btDevice.getClass(), btDevice);
&&& } catch (Exception e) {
&&& // TODO Auto-generated catch block
&&& e.printStackTrace();
&&& * 按键处理
&&& * @author GV
&&& class ClickEvent implements View.OnClickListener {
&&& @Override
&&& public void onClick(View v) {
&&& if (v == btnSearch) {//搜索附近的蓝牙设备
&&& lstDevices.clear();
&&& Object[] lstDevice = btAdapt.getBondedDevices()。toArray();
&&& for (int i = 0; i & lstDevice. i++) {
&&& BluetoothDevice device=(BluetoothDevice)lstDevice[i];
&&& String str = "已配对|" + device.getName() + "|" + device.getAddress();
&&& lstDevices.add(str); // 获取设备名称和mac地址
&&& adtDevices.notifyDataSetChanged();
&&& // 开始搜索
&&& setTitle("本机蓝牙地址:" + btAdapt.getAddress());
&&& btAdapt.startDiscovery();
&&& else if(v==btnShow){//显示BluetoothDevice的所有方法和常量,包括隐藏API
&&& ClsUtils.printAllInform(btDevice.getClass());


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