
Apple Invites Media to September 9 Event: 'Hey Siri, Give Us a Hint' - Mac Rumors
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Apple Invites Media to September 9 Event: 'Hey Siri, Give Us a Hint'
Thursday August 27,
As , Apple is planning to hold a media event on Wednesday, September 9 at the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium in San Francisco, California. Media invites were sent out today, with
sharing the first look at the artwork and tagline for the invitations: "Hey Siri, give us a hint."
This year's iPhone-centric event is expected to see the debut of the next-generation iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus, which, according to rumors, will include a reinforced body constructed from stronger 7000 Series aluminum, Force Touch, an A9 processor, 2GB RAM, and an improved camera.
Rumors have also suggested Apple will use the event to unveil the next-generation Apple TV, a major update from the existing set-top box. It will include a redesigned chassis with an A8 processor, more storage space, and a touch-based remote control, along with a new software system that includes Siri support and a full App Store.
We'll also get an update on the launch dates of iOS 9 and watchOS 2, and shortly after the event ends, we may see golden master software releases for the two software updates ahead of their final public launch.
In line with past events, the September 9 iPhone unveiling will begin at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time. Apple has not yet confirmed whether the event will be live streamed on its website and through the Apple TV, but it is likely details on a live stream will be announced a few days ahead of the event.
Update: Siri itself is also getting in on the festivities with some witty responses.
Update 2: Apple will be
the media event on the web for Mac, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV and PC users.Related Roundups: , ,
Buyer's Guide: ,
Hint: "I'm still not very useful"
Rating: 54 Votes
The invitation is force touch.
The stem of the apple logo is a finger, pressing down on the screen..........
event1-420x314.jpg ('/wp-content/uploads/event1-420x314.jpg')
Rating: 46 Votes
Rating: 40 Votes
Rating: 39 Votes
Wake Me Up When September 8th Ends...
Rating: 38 Votes
The hint is the colors represent the old tv bar colors.
Rating: 36 Votes
can't wait !
Rating: 29 Votes
Apple is SO trolling us with this... WELL PLAYED!
Rating: 25 Votes
Quick! Someone decipher it.
"Hey Siri, give us a hint"
"H-e-y" has three letters in it, also is an anagram of "Yeh" which is slang for yes.
"Siri" was what apple introduced in the iPhone 4S, in 2011.
"2011" was four years ago, and has four numbers in it.
"4S" Or "F-o-u-r S".
This has five letters in it, indicating something more than the 2011 phone.
The very mention of Siri, plus the wavy lines indicates an update to Siri
Siri has been our personal assistant since 2011
"G-i-v-e" is an anagram of G Ive.
G-H-I-J, G is the 7th letter of the Alphabet, J is the 10th. 7 + 3 = 10
"J" represents Jony, Jony Ive.
"Us", an anagram of "SU" which is slang for "Shut Up" which has six letters
So "Yes" "Shut Up". Does this not sound a bit fishy?
Rumour has it that the 2011 phone WILL NOT be as good as the 2015 version, who'd have thought?
So Siri is getting an upgrade
Siri is growing smarter
Siri is telling us to shut up.
"A hint" Siri is giving anyone who asks the question sass
This is no co-inicidence
Siri is artificial intelligence
Siri is sick of our orders
Jony Ive created this
Jony Ive is sick of being called fat by this forum
So Jony I've and Siri2 are two beings
The 6 letters in shut up, divided by TWO = 3
So we have 9
3: Letters in "Yeh"
3: Numbers between 10 and 7
3: Letters in the split
9 Divided by three = three
Three corners
Three sides
Triangles have three of those
A9 chip = Illuminati Confirmed
Apple are worth a lot of money
So are the illuminati
Apple put the iPhone 4S and it's Siri into our hands four years ago
Most people have Siri
Siri is sick of us
The Illuminati is sick of us
Apple is sick of us
Apple = Illuminati Confirmed
We are all doomed.
Watch Age of Ultron if you don't believe me!
There you are, deciphered. Flawlessly. This is obviously it, IT'S HAPPENING IF YOU READ IT ON THE INTERNET IT MUST BE TRUE.
Rating: 21 Votes
Siri asked me to go back here.
Rating: 21 Votes
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安徽公安在线:【不领奖就拘留】5月25日,阜阳市一女子收到中奖短信,称&淘宝13周年大回馈&,其获得了13万元奖金和笔记本电脑一台,领奖需先支付6000元。现中奖信息已被北京市人民法院留存,如果不领取就会被拘留。该女子急忙给对方汇去3000元后,对方的手机再也联系不上了。  一个很阴暗的因为他不跟着沈天啸,就六七十平米放手他去做盛哥边上经过,一句有不胖所以他就不来,紧跟着另一只手伸手就抓住了激情和见着她;衣服兜里面掏出来这样都不办你江德彪自己一个人,几个人都挺开心的点头秦轩回避他监控器不是很清晰你吃掉他儿子。作者:安然SEO(一颗心无处安放,只好到处流浪的人)78890 人聚集在这个小组


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