手机提示timestampsomething is wrongg怎么办

Timestamp&&&Query&&&JPA Q&A1.&&&&&I have a table (in Oracle 9 and up) where I need to find all entries for a given day using Hibernate. The entries have timestamps (with data type 'date'). Some ...2.&&&&&I'm trying to use HQL to find records where two date fields are within 1 month of each other.
Query query = session.createQuery("from com.ep.cqprojects.db.Projects "
+ "where active_date - ...3.&&&&&I'm using Hibernate 3.2.7.GA criteria queries to select rows from an Oracle Enterprise Edition
database, filtering by a timestamp field. The field in question is of type java.util.Date in ...4.&&&&&We need to make sure only results within the last 30 days are returned for a JPQL query. An example follows:
Date now = new Date();
Timestamp thirtyDaysAgo = new Timestamp(now.getTime() - );
Query ...5.&&&&&A table has timestamp column. A sample value in that could be
13:42:42. With Hibernate, I am doing a range query Restrictions.between("column-name", fromDate, toDate).
The Hibernate mapping for this column is ...6.&&&&&I have a field of time Timestamp in my mysql db which is mapped to a date datatype in my bean.
Now i want a query by which i can fetch all ...7.&&&&&I want to fetch count from table per day but the time column is in long so I can not just simply group by time column. I have to group by ...8.&&&&&I have a question about selecting on a timestamp value... I have a column/field which is a TemporalType.TIMESTAMP and I want to find all objects in the database with a timestamp of a certain _date_ only. I don't care about the hours/minutes/seconds, etc. I have used "truncate" in the case of an Oracle query, for example, but I have no idea ...9.&&&&&forum.hibernate.orgI'm not 100% sure hibernate's timestamping won't be enough, I only think so. Let me explain briefly what I'd need: I have to store versioned entities, a whole graph of them for every month ('timestamp' would be YYYY-mm therefore). I must be able to load entities for a specified year/month (this date can be in the future as well), and update ...10.&&&&&forum.hibernate.orgI know this is definite newbie question, but I don't see a definitive answer in the docs. Does hibernate update the
version columns even on calls to find or load? I have code that calls find and when I close the session the objects are all updated. However when I remove the
column no updates are performed. I guess ...11.&&&&&forum.hibernate.orgHi all, I have the following entry in my Registration.hbm.xml:
As you can see, the visitDate's type is timestamp, i.e it has hh:mm:ss in addition of standard Date properties. Then I want to selecting record from my registration whose visitDate match a specific date (without timestamp), for example, Jun 8, 2004, so records like ...12.&&&&&forum.hibernate.orgI am using hibernate 3.0.5. Problem description follows: I have the following report query which works fine: select new NewsRow (, news.title, news.body) from News news NewsRow is just a DTO object. It has two contructors: NewsRow(Integer id, String title, String body) and NewsRow(Integer id, String title, String body, Timestamp creationTs) News is a mapped entity. News, among its intance fields, ...13.&&&&& I have a problem, it is like following: hbm.xml is as following: ------------------------ .. .. . .. Code:
...14.&&&&&forum.hibernate.orgHi, I am using Hibernate 3.1 with DB2 database. I have a table (AUDIT_ENTRY) that has a column (CHANGE_TS) of type TIMESTAMP. I am trying to fetch rows ordering them by this TIMESTAMP column. The ordering completely ignores the millisecond value of the column. Is this a known behaviour? Is there a way to get around this? Any help on this ...15.&&&&&forum.hibernate.org16.&&&&&forum.hibernate.orgSorry ... I believe this is my mistake. The statement is correctly sent to the DB, but only the output of the JDBC parameter is wrong. The query did not result in the right objects because my other SQL client somehow does not correctly read DB2 timestamp values. The stored timestamp was not
11:01:00.465465 but really
11:01:00.465000. Thanks though ...17.&&&&&forum.hibernate.org18.&&&&&forum.hibernate.orgHibernate version: 3.3.SP1 I've enabled the Hibernate query cache. And I've quickly discovered that by using Criteria queries of "natural ID"s solely, there is little reason to replicate the timestamp cache across the cluster using JBoss Cache. I think there could be a property setting that only allowed for natural ID queries to be made and thus disabling the timestamp cache ...19.&&&&&forum.hibernate.orgHello. I'm a hibernate beginner and i need some help with a query. I have a table which stores events and want to query e.g. the latest 50 dates where events are existing. (at best only the dates) My mapped table looks like this: eventdate (java.util.Date / SQL datetime) eventtype eventnumber host many more columns How can I get this query ...
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Segfault on startup if corosync.conf is wrong
Segfault on startup if corosync.conf is wrong
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