
所在大学: 北京中医药大学
所在院系: 临床医学院
93.7年 山东中医药大学中医系,获学士学位;96.7年 山东中医药大学心血管专业,获硕士学位;99.7年 北京中医药大学消化专业,获博士学位;4.8年 美国Morehouse 医学院,分子细胞生物学专业博士后。
2. 慢性胃炎中医辨证规范与疗效评价的研究;
3. 血瘀证的蛋白组学研究;
4. 胃酸分泌的分子机理研究;
5. 细胞有丝分裂的分子机理研究。
2004年8月回到北京中医药大学工作。回国后参加了由北京中医药大学牵头的国家重点项目973关于“证侯规范及其与疾病、方剂相关的基础研究”。另外还主持了“211”建设项目中医内科重点学科培养课题“慢性胃炎辨证规范与疗效评价的研究”;主持了国家自然科学基金课题 “Ezrin--EBP90相互作用在胃酸分泌中的功能”一项;主持国家教育部留学人员启动基金课题 “TTK激酶与TACC2功能调控的分子机制”;主持国家科技部“十一五”国家科技支撑计划中医药领域项目“中医药诊疗与评价技术研究”子课题一项。
1. Dou Z, Ding X, Zereshki A, Zhang Y, Zhang J, Wang F, Sun J, Huang H, and X. Yao. 2004. TTK kinase is essential for the centrosomal localization of TACC2. FEBS Lett. 572, 51-6.
2. Yao, J?, C. Fu?, X. Ding?, Z. Guo, A. Zenreski, K. Ahmed, J. Liao, A. Fry, and X. Yao.
2004. Nek2A kinase regulates the localization of numatrin to centrosome in mitosis. FEBS Letter. 575, 112-118. [ ?equal contribution]
3. Wang, H?, X. Hu?, X. Ding ?, Dou Z, Yang Z, Shaw AW, Teng M, Cleveland DW, Goldberg ML, Niu L, Yao X. 2004. Human Zwint-1 specifies localization of Zeste White 10 to kinetochores and is essential for mitotic checkpoint signaling. J Biol Chem. 279:54590-8. [?equal contribution]
4. Cao, X.?, X. Ding ?, Guo Z, Zhou R, Wang F, Long F, Bi F, Fan D, Forte JG, Teng M, and X. Yao. 2005. PALS1 specifies the localization of ezrin to the apical membrane of gastric parietal cells. J Biol Chem. 280, 13584-92.[?equal contribution]
5. Fu C, Ahmed K, Ding F, X. Ding, Lan J, Yang Z, Miao Y, Zhu Y, Shi Y, Huang H, and X. Yao. 2005. Stabilization of PML nuclear localization by conjugation and oligomerization of SUMO-3. Oncogene. 24,5401-13
6. Wang, Q, X Zhu, Q Xu, X Ding, and Q. Song. 2005. Effect of C-reactive protein on gene expression in vascular endothelial cells, Am J Physiol 288, H1539-45
7. Jin, C, L Ge, X Ding, Y. Chen, and X. Yao. 2006. PKA-mediated protein phosphorylation regulates ezrin-WWOX interaction. BBRC. 341, 784-791
8. Fang, Z, Y. Miao, X. Ding ,H. Deng, S. Liu, A. Shaw, B. Liu, Z. Zhu, J. W. Lillard Jr., J. Forte, and X. Yao. 2006. Identification and characterization of a novel ARF6 GTPase-activating protein in tumor cell invasion. Mol. Cell. Proteomics. 5,1437-49
9. 丁霞,田德禄.中医学对酒精性肝纤维化的认识.中华中医药杂志,):50-53
3.“调肝理脾方对肝脏星状细胞增殖与凋亡调控作用的机制研究” 获得2006年北京中医药大学自然科学奖三等奖。第一名
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姓  名:秦正红
2000Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co, Ltd. Japan.& The role of NF-B in neuronal apoptosis.: : 10,000 USD
2001:&&&& Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co, Ltd. Japan. The role of mitochondria in neurodegeneration. : ,12: 10,000 USD
2001:& National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. The role of huntingtin in vesicle transport. Co-investigator (100% effort). : .12:
2003ReceptoPharm Inc, Florida, USA. : :
2003A103KJB310123 .123
2003: 起止时间: .12,6
2004-B-A1 .1222
2004-B-A1 .127.5
2004起止时间: .12,6万元。
2004:& ReceptoPharm Inc, Florida, USA起止时间: .12,20,000 USD.
2005教育部博士点专项基金。Casapase剪切huntingtin在舞蹈病致病中的作用。起止时间: .12,6万元。
2005起止时间: .12,6万元。
2005:& ReceptoPharm Inc, Florida, USA起止时间: ,20,000 USD.
2006: () 起止时间: .12,8万元。
2006: ReceptoPharm Inc, Florida, USA起止时间: ,24500 USD
2007: ReceptoPharm Inc, Florida, USA起止时间: ,19500 USD
2008: 国家科技部863重大专项。高保真聚合每介导的突变敏感性分子开关在重大疾病诊断中的应用。科技部863计划。批准号:。起止时间: ,研究经费:273万。
2009: : 170
2009ReceptoPharm Inc, Florida, USA起止时间: .12,15000 USD
2012TIGAR 80
Wang JD, Cao YL, Li Q, Yang YP, Jin M, Chen D, Wang F, Wang GH, Qin ZH, Hu LF, Liu CF. A pivotal role of c-Fos-mediated BECN1/Beclin 1 expression in dopamine D2-like receptor agonist-induced autophagy activation. Autophagy in press.
156. Li M, Zhou ZP, Sun M Cao L, Chen J, Qin YY, Gu JH, Han F, Sheng R, Wu JC, Ding Y, Qin ZH. NADPH, a pentose phosphate pathway product, might be a novel drug candidate for ischemic stroke. 2015; Stroke, in press.
<font color="#5. Wu JY, Li M, Cai LJ, Sun ML, Chen D, Ren H,G, Xia Q, Tao ZT, Qin ZH, Hu QS, Wang GH. Protease Omi cleavage Hax-1 protein contributes to OGD/R-induced mitochondrial damage in neuroblastoma N2a cels and cerebral injury in MCAO mice. Acta Pharmacologica Sin ):1043-52.
<font color="#4. Liu EP, Wang Y, He XH, Guan JJ, Wang J, Qin ZH, Sun WP. Whole blood PCR amplification with pfu DNA polymerase and its application in single-nucleotide polymorphism analysis. Genet Test Mol Biomarkers 2015 Sep 11. [Epub ahead of print].
<font color="#3. Xu YL, Kou JQ, Wang SZ, Chen CX, Qin ZH. Neurotoxin from Naja naja atra venom inhibits skin allograft rejection in rats. Int Immunopharmacol. 2015 S 26(1):188-98. doi: 10.1016/j.intimp..
<font color="#2. Cao L, Chen J, Li M, Qin YY, Sun M, Sheng R, Han F, Wang G, Qin ZH. The endogenous level of TIGAR in brain is associated with the vulnerability of neurons to ischemic injury. Neurosci Bull 2015 Oct31(5):527-40.
<font color="#1. Hou YS, Guan JJ, Xu HD, Wu F, Sheng R, Qin ZH. Sestrin2 protects dopaminergic cells against rotenone toxicity through AMPK-dependent autophagy activation. Mol Cell Biol. 2015 A 35(16): 2740-51.
150. Yu HP, Xie JM, Li B, Sun YH, Gao QG, Ding ZH, Wu HR, Qin ZH. TIGAR regulates DNA damage and repair through pentose phosphate pathway and Cdk5-ATM pathway. Scientific Reports, 2015 Apr 30;5:9853. doi: 10.1038/srep09853.
<font color="#9. Zhang XY, Zhang TT, Song DD, Zhou J, Han R, Qin ZH, Sheng R. Endoplasmic reticulum chaperone GRP78 is involved in autophagy activation induced by ischemic preconditioning in neural cells. Mol Brain. 2015 Mar 26;8(1):20. doi: 10.-015-0112-3.
<font color="#8. Chen CX, Chen JY, Kou JQ, Xu YL, Wang SZ, Zhu Q, Yang L, Qin ZH. Suppression of Inflammation and Arthritis by Orally Administrated Cardiotoxin from Naja naja atra. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 7094. doi: 10.7094. Epub 2015 Feb 12.
lysosomal localization of BAX. Cell Death & Disease.
<font color="#5. Sun M, Li M, Huang Q, Han F, Gu JH, Xie J, Han R, Qin ZH, Zhou Z. Ischemia/reperfusion-induced upregulation of TIGAR in brain is mediated by SP1 and modulated by ROS and hormones involved in glucose metabolism. Neurochem Int. -109. doi: 10.1016/j.neuint.. Epub 2014 Nov 4.
143. Wu F, Xu HD, Guan JJ, Hou YS, Gu JH, Zhen XC, Qin. Rotenone impairs autophagic flux and lysosomal functions in Parkinson&s disease. Neurosicence 2015 Jan 22; 284:900-11. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.. Epub 2014 Nov 13.
<font color="#2. Cui K, Kou J, Gu JH, Han R, Wang G, Zhen X, Qin ZH. Naja naja atra venom a meliorates pulmonary fibrosis by inhibiting inflammatory response and oxidative stress. BMC Complementary & Alternative Medicine. 2014 Dec 2;14:461. doi: 10.82-14-461.
<font color="#1. Shen J, Xie Y, Sun ML, Han R, Qin ZH, He JK. Antitumor activity of cobrotoxin in human lung adenocarcinoma A549 cells and following transplantation in nude mice. Oncol Lett. ):. Epub 2014 Aug 21.
<font color="#0. Han R, Liang H, Qin ZH, Liu CY. Crotoxin induces apoptosis and autophagy in human lung carcinoma cells in vitro via activation of the p38MAPK signaling pathway. Acta Pharmacol Sin. ):. doi: 10.1038/aps.2014.62. Epub 2014 Aug 18.
<font color="#9. Xie JM, Li B, Yu HP, Gao QG, Li W, Wu HR, Qin ZH. TIGAR has a dual role in cancer cell survival through regulating apoptosis and autophagy. Cancer Res. 2014 Sep 15;74(18):5127-38. doi: 10.72.CAN-13-3517. Epub 2014 Aug 1.
138. Zhu J*, Kou J *, Wang S, Xu Y, Cui K, Ding Z, Han R, Qin ZH. Naja naja atra Venom Protects Manifestations of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in MRL/lpr mice. Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine . doi& 10.72.
<font color="#7. Kou JQ, Han R, Xu YL, Ding XL, Wang SZ, Chen CX, Ji HZ, Ding ZH, Qin ZH. Differential Effects of Naja naja atra Venom on Immune Activity. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 7631. doi: 10.7631. Epub 2014 Jun 12.
<font color="#6. Sheng R, Zhang TT, Felice VD, Qin T, Qin ZH, Smith CD, Sapp E, Difiglia M, Waeber C. Preconditioning Stimuli Induce Autophagy via Sphingosine Kinase 2 in Mouse Cortical Neurons. J Biol Chem. 2014 Jul 25;289(30):. Epub 2014 Jun 13.
<font color="#5. Ding ZH, Xu LM, Wang SZ, Kou JQ, Xu YL, Chen CX, Yu HP, Qin ZH, Xie Y. Ameliorating Adriamycin-Induced Chronic Kidney Disease in Rats by Orally Administrated Cardiotoxin from Naja naja atra Venom. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 1756. doi: 10.1756. Epub 2014 Apr 30.
<font color="#4. Jin Q, Cheng J, Liu Y, Wang X, Wei S, Zhou X, Qin Z, Jia J, Zhen X. Improvement of functional recovery by chronic metformin treatment is associated with enhanced alternative activation of microglia/macrophages and increased angiogenesis and neurogenesis following experimental stroke. Brain Behav Immum 2014 A 40:131-42.
133. Li M, Sun M, Cao L, Gu JH, Ge J, Chen J, Han R, Ding Y, Qin ZH. A TIGAR-regulated metabolic pathway is critical for protection of brain ischemia. J Neurosci, 2014 May 28;34(22):7458-71.
<font color="#1. Jiang D, Chen K, Lu X, Gao HJ, Qin ZH, Lin F. Exercise ameliorates the detrimental effect of chloroquine on skeletal muscles in mice via restoring autophagy flux. Acta Pharmacol Sin. ):135-42. doi: 10.1038/aps.. Epub 2013 Dec 16
130. Wang WF, Xie Y, Zhou ZH, Qin ZH, Wu JC, He JK. PIK3CA hypomethylation plays a key role in activation of the PI3K/AKT pathway in esophageal cancer in Chinese patients. Acta Pharmacol Sin. ):1560-7. doi: 10.1038/aps.. Epub 2013 Nov 18.
129. Wang YR, Qin S, Han R, Wu JC, Liang ZQ, Qin ZH, Wang Y. Cathepsin L Plays a Role in Quinolinic Acid-Induced NF-&Kb Activation and Excitotoxicity in Rat Striatal Neurons. PLoS One. 2013 Sep 20;8(9):e75702. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0075702.
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DRAM1 regulates autophagy flux through lysosomes. PloS One,
188 protects neurons against ischemia/reperfusion injury through preserving integrity of cell membranes and blood brain barrier. PLoS One. 2013 Apr 16;8(4):e61641. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0061641. Print 2013.
, Chen XP, Tao LY. Poloxamer-188 Attenuates TBI-Induced Blood-Brain Barrier Damage Leading to Decreased Brain Edema and Reduced Cellular Death. Neurochem Res. 2012 Sep 26. [Epub ahead of print]
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, Zhang S, Wang J, Wang HG, Shih IeM, Yang JM. Dysfunction of nucleus accumbens-1 activates cellular senescence and inhibits tumor cell proliferation and oncogenesis. Cancer Res. 2012 Aug 15;72(16):4262-75. doi: 10.72.CAN-12-0139. Epub 2012 Jun 4.
, Lin F. The regulation of N-terminal Huntingtin (Htt552) accumulation by Beclin1. Acta Pharmacol Sin. ):743-51. doi: 10.1038/aps.2012.14. Epub 2012 Apr 30.
, Chen XP, Tao LY. Therapeutic effect of SN50, an inhibitor of nuclear factor-&B, in treatment of TBI in mice. Neurol Sci. 2012 Mar 23. [Epub ahead of print]
111. Sheng R, Liu XQ, Zhang LS, Gao B, Han R, Qin ZH. Autophagy Regulates Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Ischemic Preconditioning. Autophagy, <font color="#12 Mar 1;8(3) 310-325.
110. Wang LH, Lin F, Wang J, Wu JC, Han R, Zhu LJ, DiFiglia M, Qin ZH. Expression of mutant N-terminal huntingtin fragment (htt552-100Q) in astrocytes suppresses the secretion of BDNF. Brain Res, 2012 Apr 17; . doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.. Epub 2012 Feb 23.
109. Wang L, Lin F, Wang J, Wu J, Han R, Zhu L, Zhang G, Difiglia M, Qin Z. Truncated N-terminal huntingtin fragment with expanded-polyglutamine (htt552-100Q) suppresses brain-derived neurotrophic factor transcription in astrocytes. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai). ):249-58. Epub 2012 Jan 9.
108. Zhang L, Zhang Y, Jiang D, Reid PF, Jiang XH, Qin Z, Tao J. Alpha-cobratoxin inhibits T-type Ca2+ channels through muscarinic M4 receptor and Go-protein
subunits-dependent protein kinase A pathway in dorsal root ganglion neurons. Neuropharmacology 2012 F 32(11):1062-72.
, Wang Y. p53 Mediates autophagy activation and mitochondria dysfunction in kainic acid-induced excitotoxicity in primary striatal neurons. Neuroscience 2012 Apr 5;207:52-64. Epub 2012 Feb 3.
106. Wang JH, Xie Y, Wu JC, Han R, Reid PF, Qin ZH, He JK. Crotoxin enhances the antitumor activity of gefinitib (Iressa) in SK-MES-1 human lung squamous carcinoma cells. Oncol Rep. ):1341-7. doi: 10.3892/or.. &
, Difiglia M, Lin F. Rapamycin prevents the mutant huntingtin-suppressed GLT-1 expression in cultured astrocytes. Acta Pharmacol Sin.
104 Sun WP, He XH, Yu LQ, Wang DP, Qin Z-H, Fang Q, Wang J. An improved polymerase chain reaction method for genetic testing of spinocerebellar ataxia type 3. Genetika. ):1416-9.
103. Ye B, Xie Y, Qin ZH, Wu JC, Han R, He JK. Anti-tumor activity of CrTX in human lung adenocarcinoma cell line A549. Acta Pharmacol Sin. ):. doi: 10.1038/aps.. Epub 2011 Sep 26.
102. Shi GN, Liu YL, Lin HM, Yang SL, Feng YL, Reid PF, Qin ZH. Involvement of cholinergic system in suppression of formalin-induced inflammatory pain by cobratoxin.Acta Pharmacol Sin. ):1233-8. doi: 10.1038/aps.2011.65. Epub 2011 Aug 15.
101. Zhang Y, Cheng Y, Ren X, Zhang L, Yap KL, Wu H, Patel R, Liu D, Qin ZH, Shih IM, Yang JM. NAC1 modulates sensitivity of ovarian cancer cells to cisplatin by altering the HMGB1-mediated autophagic response. Oncogene. 2012 Feb 23;31(8):1055-64. doi: 10.1038/onc.. Epub 2011 Jul 11.
100. Zhang Y, Zhang L, Wang F, Zhang Y, Wang J, Qin ZH, Jiang XH, Tao J. Activation of M3 muscarinic receptors inhibits T-type Ca2+ channel currents via pertussis toxin-sensitive protein kinase C pathway in small doesal root ganglion neurons. Cell Signaling 7-1067.
96. Luo CL, Li BX, Li QQ, Chen XP, Sun YX, Bao HJ, Dai DK, Shen YW, Xu HF, Ni H, Wan L, Qin ZH, Tao LY, Zhao ZQ. Autophagy is involved in traumatic brain injury-induced cell death and contributes to functional outcome deficits in mice. . 2011 Jun 16;184:54-63.
95. Xiang B, Fei X, Zhuang W, Fang Y, Qin Z, Liang Z. Cathepsin L is elevated in nigral dopamine neurons in Parkinson&s disease and is involved in 6-OHDA-induced apoptotic death of SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells. Brain Res 2011 A.
94. Sheng R, Zhang LS, Han R, Gao B Liu XQ, Qin ZH (2011) Combined Prostaglandin E1 and lithium induces bcl-2 and heat shock proteins while inhibits p53 in a rat model of cerebral ischemia. Acta Pharmacolgic Sinica .
<font color="#. Li L, Wang X, Fei X, Xia L, Qin Z, Liang Z. Parkinson&s disease involves autophagy and abnormal distribution of cathepsin L. Neurosci Lett 2011 Feb1;489:62-7.
<font color="#. Yu YX, Gu ZL, Yin JL, Chou WH, Kwok CY, Qin ZH, Liang ZQ (2010). Ursolic acid induces human hepatoma cell line SMMC-7721 apoptosis via p53-dependent pathway. Chin Med J (Engl). 123:.
<font color="#. Qin AP, Zhao XY, Qin YY, Wang X, Qin ZH, Zhang HL. Autophagy activation contributes to death of astrocytes induced by oxygen and glucose deprivation. Autophagy -753.
<font color="#. Luo CL, Chen XP, Yang R, Sun YX, Li QQ, Bao HJ, Cao QQ, Ni H, Qin ZH, Tao LY. Cathepsin B contributes to traumatic brain injury-induced cell death through a mitochondria-mediated apoptotic pathway. J Neurosci Res. 7-2858.
<font color="#. Sheng R, Zhang LS, Qin ZH. Autophagy activation is associated with neuroprotection in a rat model of focal cerebral ischemic preconditioning. Autophgy 2-494.
<font color="#. Wu S, Li Y, Xu Y, Li Q, Chu Y, Huang R. A salmonella enterica sercovar Typhi plasmid induces rapid and massive apoptosis in infected macrophagy. Cell Mol Immunol 2010 J 7(4):271-8.
<font color="#. Dong J, Zhang Q, Huang Q, Chen H, Shen Y, Fei X, Zhang T, Diao Y, Wu Z, Qin Z, Lan Q, Gu X. Glioma stem cells involves in tumor tissue remodeling in a xenograft model. J Neurosurg ):249-60.
<font color="#. Jia YL, Li J, Qin ZH, Liang ZQ. Autophagic and apoptotic mechanisms of curcumin-induced death in K562 cells. J Asian Nat Prod Res -928.
<font color="#. Xing CG, Zhu BS, Fan XQ, Liu HH, Hou, Zhao K, Qin ZH. Effects of LY294002 on the invasiveness of human gastric cancer in nude mice. World J Gastroenterol 4-52.
83. Wang Y, Cao Y, Dong XX, Liang ZQ, Han R, Wu JC, Gu ZL, Qin ZH. NF-B-mediated p53 induction contributes to excitotoxic neuronal death in rat striatum through apoptotic and autophagic mechanisms. Eur J Neurosci 2009; 30(12):2258-70.
<font color="#. Li J, Qin ZH, Liang ZH. The prosurvival role of autophagy in resveratrol-induced cytotoxicity in human U251 glioma cells. BMC Cancer 2009; 9, No. 215.
<font color="#. Zhao YD, Huang Q, ZhangTY, Dong J, Wang AD, Lan Q, Gu XS, Qin ZH. Ultrastructural studies of glioma stem/progenitor cells. Ultrastructural Pathol -245.
<font color="#. Ni H, Jiang YW, Tao LY, Qin ZH, Wu XR. Zinc trnsporter-3 expression and long-term cognitive impairments in a rat model of neonatal concurrent seizure. Neural Regen Res -622.
<font color="#. Zhao YD, Zhang TY, Huang Q, Wang AD,Dong J, Lan Q, Qin ZH. Ultrastructure of human neural stem/progenitor cells and neurospheres. Neural Regen Res -370.
78. Li X, Standley C, Sapp E, Valencia A, Qin ZH, Kegel KB, Yoder J, Comer-Tierney LA, Esteves M, Chase K, Alexander J, Masso N, Sobin L, Bellve K, Tuft R, Lifshitz L, Fogarty K, Aronin N, Difiglia M. Mutant huntingtin impairs vesicle formation from recycling endosomes by interfering with Rab11 activity. Mol Cell Biol 6-16.
77. Zhang XD, Wang Y, Wu JC, Lin F, Han R, Han F, Fukunaga F, Qin ZH. Down-regulation of Bcl-2 enhances autophagy activation and cell death induced by mitochondria dysfunction in rat striatum. Neurosci Res 2009 D 87(16): .
76. Wang LH, Lin F, Wu JC, Qin ZH. High efficiency adenovirus-mediated expression of truncated N-terminal htt fragment (htt552) in primary astrocytes. Acta Biochmica & Biophysica 2009 A 41(4):325-34..
75. Fei XF, Qin ZH, Xiang B, Li LY, Han F, Fukunaga K, Liang ZQ. Olomoucine inhibits cathepsin L nuclear translocation, activates autophagy and attenuates toxicity of 6-hydroxydopamine. Brain Res, 2009 Apr6; 54(3):224-32.
74. Zhang XD, Wang Y, Wang Y, Zhang X, Han R, Wu JC, Liang ZQ, Gu ZL, Han F, Fukunaga K, Qin ZH. P53 mediates mitochondria dysfunction-triggered autophagy activation and cell death in rat striatum. Autophagy 2009; 5(3):339-350.
73. Cheng BC, Zhou XP, Zhu Q, Gong S, Qin ZH,& Reid PF, Yin QZ, Jiang XH. Cobratoxin inhibits Pain-Evoked Discharge of Neurons in Thalamic Parafascicular Nucleus in rats: involvement of cholinergic and serotonergic systems. Toxicon 2009; 54:224-232.
72. Liu YL, Lin HM, Zou R, Wu JC, Han R, Raymond LN, Reid PF, Qin ZH. Suppression of complete Freund&s adjuvant-induced adjuvant arthritis by Cobratoxin. Acta Pharmacoligica Sinica 2009; 30:219-227.
71. Wang SL, Yao HH, Guo LL, Dong L, Li SG, Gu YP, Qin ZH. Selection of optimal sites for TGF-&1 gene silencing by chitosan&TPP nanoparticle-mediated delivery of shRNA. J Cancer Cell Sci 2009;<font color="#0:8-14.
70. Lu YM, Han F, Shioda N, Moriguchi S, Shirasaki Y, Qin ZH, Fukunaga K. Phenylephrine-induced cardiomyocyte injury is triggered by superoxide generation through uncoupled eNOS and ameliorated by DY9836, a novel calmodulin antagonist. Mol Pharmacol 1-112.
<font color="#. Zhao Y Huang Q, Zhang T, Dong J, Wang A, Lan Q, Gu X, Qin Z. Ultrastructural studies of glioma stem cell/progenitor cells. Ultrastruct Pathol 2008 Nov-D32(6):241-5.
68. Li X, Sapp E, Valencia A, Kegel KB, Qin ZH, Alexander J, Masso N, Reeves P, Ritch JJ, Zeitlin S, Aronin N, DiFiglia M. A function of huntingtin in guanine exchange on Rab 11. NeuroReport 43-7.
67. Wang X, Qin, ZH, Shi H, Qin AP, Zhang HL. Protective effect of GKAB is associated with inhibition of NIK/IKK/IB/NF-B signaling pathway in a rat model of permanent focal cerebral ischemia. Brain Res 2008; .
<font color="#. Han R, Gao B, Sheng R, Zhang LS, Zhang HL, Gu ZL, Qin ZH. Synergistic effects of prostaglandin E1 and lithium in a rat model of cerebral ischemia. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 2008; 29:.
65. Wen YD, Sheng R, Zhang LS, Han R, Zhang X, Zhang XD, Han F, Fukunaga K, Qin ZH. Neuronal injury in rat model of permanent focal cerebral ischemia is associated with activation of autophagic and lysosomal pathways. Autophgy 2008; 4:762-769.
63. Han F, Raie Alisa Ali, Shioda N, Qin ZH, Fukunaga K. Accumulation of beta-amyloid in the brain microvessels accompanies increased hyperphosphorylated tau proteins following microsphere embolism in aged rats. Neuroscience 4-427.
62. Li LY, Fei XF, Qin ZH, Liang ZQ. Bilobalide inhibits 6-OHDA&induced activation of NF-&B and loss of dopaminergic neurons in Rat Substantia Nigra. Acta Pharmacological Sinica &2008; 29:539-547.
61. Qian JJ, Cheng YB, Yang YP, Mao CJ, Qin ZH, Li K Liu CF. Differential effects of overexpression of wild-type and mutant human alpha-synuclein on MPP(+)-induced neurotoxicity in PC12 cells. Neurosci Lett 2008; 435: 142-146.
60. Zhu BS, Xing CG, Yao HH, Lin F, Liang ZQ, Qin ZH. LY294002 induces p53-dependent apoptosis of SGC7901 gastric cancer cells. Acta Pharmacol Sin 2008; 29: 489-498.
59. Han F, Shioda N, Moriguchi S, Qin ZH, Fukunaga K. The vanadium (IV) compound rescues septo-hippocampal cholinergic neurons from neurodegeneration in olfactory bulbectomized mice. Neuroscience 2008; 151: 671-679.
58. Wang Y, Han R, Liang ZQ, Wu JC, Zhang XD, Gu ZL, Qin ZH. An autophagic mechanism is involved in apoptotic death of rat striatal neurons induced by the AMPA receptor agonist kainic acid. Autophagy 2008; 4: 214-226.
57. Han F, Shioda N, Moriguchi S, Qin ZH, Fukunaga K. Downregulation of Glutamate Transporters Associates with an Elevation of Extracellular Glutamate Concentration Following Rat Microsphere Embolism. Neurosci Lett 2007; 430: 275-280.
56. Lu YM, Shioda N, Han F, Moriguchi S, Kasahara J, Shirasaki Y, Qin ZH, Fukunaga K. Imbalance between CaM kinase II and calcineurin activities impairs caffeine-induced calcium release in hypertrophic cardiomycytes. Biochemical Pharmacol 2007; 74(12):1727-37.
55. Yang YP, Liang ZQ, Gao B, Jia YL, QinZH. Dynamic effects of autophagy on arsenic trioxide-induced death of human leukemia cell line HL60 cells. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 2008; 29: 123-134.
54. Zhang HL, Gu ZL, Savitz SI, Han F, Fukunaga K, Qin ZH. Neuroprotective effects of prostaglandin A1 in rat models of permanent focal cerebral ischemia are associated with NF-B inhibition and PPAR- upregulation. J Neurosci Res 2008; 86: .
53. Zhu Q, Wu DC, Zhou XP, Gong S, Cheng BC, Qin ZH, Reid PF, Jiang XH. The inhibitory effect of Crotoxin on the pain-evoked discharge of neurons in thalamic parafascicular nucleus in rats. Toxicon 2008; 51: 102-111.
52. Wu JC, Lin F, Qin ZH. Sequestration of GAPDH to Aggregates Formed by Mutant Huntingtin. Acta Biochem Biophys Sinica 2007; 39885-890.
51. He JK, Yu SD, Zhu HJ, Wu JC, Qin ZH. Triptolide inhibits NF-B activation and reduces injury of the donor lung induced by ischemia/reperfusion. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 2007; 28: .
50. Xu XH, Hua YN, Zhang HL, Wu JC, Miao YZ, Han R, Gu ZL, Qin ZH. Greater stress protein expression enhanced by combined prostaglandin A1 and lithium in a rat model of focal ischemia1. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 2007; 28: .
49. Yan CH, Yang YP, Qin ZH, Gu ZL, Reid P, Liang ZQ. Autophagy is involved in cytotoxic effects of crotoxin in MCF-7 cells. Acta Pharmacological Sinica 2007; 27.
48. Liang ZQ, Wang XX, Wang Y, Chen RW, Chuang DM, Chase TN, Qin ZH. NF-B-Dependent Cyclin D1 Induction Associated with N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor-Mediated Apoptosis in Rat Striatum.& J Neurosci Res 2007; 85:.
47. Liang ZQ, Li YL, Zhao XL, Han R, Wang XX, Wang Y, Chase TN, Bennett M C, Qin ZH. NF-B contributes to 6-hydroxydopamine-induced apoptosis of nigral dopaminergic neurons through p53. Brain Res 2007; 145:190-203.
46. Fang L, Wang Y, Qin ZH, A cleave site of thrombin existed in huntingtin. Acta Biochimica Biophysica Sinica 2007; 39(1): 15-18.
45. Tao LY, Chen CP, Qin ZH. Could NF-kB and caspase-3 be markers for estimation of post-interval of human traumatic brain Injury? Forensic Science International 2006; 162174&177.
44. Xu XH, Zhang HL, Han R, Gu ZL, Qin ZH. Enhancement of neuroprotection and heat shock protein induction by combined prostaglandin A1 and lithium in rodent models of focal ischemia. Brain Res 2006; 110:154-162.
43. Zhu Y, Gu ZL, Liang ZQ, Zhang HL, Qin ZH. Prostaglandin A1 inhibits the rise in intracellular calcium concentration,TXA2 production and platelet activation. Acta Pharmacological Sinica 2006; 27:549-554.
42. Yan CH, Liang ZQ, Gu ZL, Yang YP, Reid P, Qin ZH. Contributions of autophagic and apoptotic mechanisms to crotoxin-induced death of K562 cells. Toxicon 2006; 47:521-530.
41. Chen ZX, Zhang HL, Gu ZL, Chen BW, Han R, Reid PF, Raymond LN, Qin ZH. A long form -neurotoxin from cobra venom produces potent opioid-independent analgesia. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 2006; 27 (4): 402-408.
40. Zhang HL, Han R, Chen ZX, Chen BW, Gu ZL, Reid PF, Raymond LN, Qin ZH. Opiate and Acetylcholine-independent Analgesic Actions of Crotoxin. Toxicon 2006; 48:175-182.
38. Wang Y, Gu ZL, Cao Y, Liang ZQ, Han R, Bennett MC, Qin ZH. Lysosomal enzyme cathepsin B is involved in kainic acid-induced excitotoxicity in rat striatum. Brain Res 2006; .
37. Kegel KB, Sapp E, Yoder J, Cuiffo B, Sobin L, Kim YJ, Qin ZH, Hayden M R, Aronin N, Scott D, Isenberg G, Goldmann WH, DiFiglia M. Huntingtin associates with acidic phospholipids at the plasma membrane. J Biol Chem 2005; 280:.
36. Liang ZQ, Wang XX, Wang Y, Chuang DM, DiFiglia M, Chase TN, Qin ZH. Susceptibility of Striatal Neurons to Excitotoxic Injury Correlates with Basal Levels of Bcl-2 and the Induction of P53 and c-Myc Immunoreactivity. Neurobiol of Disease 2005; 20: 562-573.
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31. Qin ZH, Wang Y, Sapp E, Cuiffo B, Kegel KB, Aronin N DiFiglia M. Huntingtin bodies sequester vesicle associated proteins by a polyproline-dependent interaction. J Neurosci, 2004; 24:269-281.
30. Qin ZH, Wang Y, Cuiffo B, Kegel KB, Aronin N, DiFiglia M. Autophagy regulates processing amino terminus huntingtin fragments. Hum Mol Gen 2003; 12:.
29. Chen RW, Qin ZH, Ren M, Kanai H, Chalecka-Franaazek E, Chuang DM. Regulation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase and p38 kinase in cultured brain neurons: Role of glutamate and lithium. J. Nerochem. 2003; 84:566-575.
28. Wang XX, Qin ZH, Leng Y, Wang Y, Jin X, Chase TN, Bennett MC. Prostaglandin A1 inhibits rotenone-induced apoptosis in SH-SY5Y cells. J. Neurochem 2002; 83:.
26. Kim YK, Yi Y, Sapp E, Wang Y, Cuffo B, Kegel K, Qin ZH, Aronin N, DiFiglia Ma. N-terminal fragments of wild-type and mutant human huntingtin produced by caspase-3 cleavage are present in normal and Huntington&s disease brains, associated with membranes, and undergo proteolysis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2001; 98: .
25. Wei HF, Qin ZH, Senatorov VV, Wei W, Wang Y, Qian Y, Chuang DM. Lithium suppress excitotocity-induced striatal lesions in a rat model of Huntington&s disease. Neuroscience 2001; 106: 603-612.
24. Qin ZH, Wang Y, Kikly KK, Sapp E, Kege l K, Aronin N, DiFiglia M. Pro-Caspase-8 is predominantly localized in mitochondria and released into cytoplasm upon apoptotic stimulation. J. Biol. Chem. 2001; 276: .
23. Qin ZH, Chen RW, Wang Y, Chuang DM, Chase TN. Prostaglandin A1 protects striatal neurons against excitotoxic injury in rat striatum. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 2001; 297: 78-87.
22. Nakai M, Qin ZH, Wang Y, Chase TN. NMDA and non-NMDA receptor-stimulated IB- degradation: Differential effects of the caspase-3 inhibitor DEVD.CHO, free radical scanvenger OPC-14117 and ethanol. Brain Res. 2000; 859: 207-216.
21. Qin ZH, Wang Y, Chase TN. A caspase-3-like protease is involved in NF-B activation induced by stimulation of N-Methyl-D-aspartate receptors in rat striatum. Mol. Brain Res. 2000; 80: 111-122.
20. Nakai M, Qin ZH, Chen JF, Wang Y, chase TN. Kainic acid-induced apoptosis is associated with NF-B activation. J. Neurochem. 2000; 74: 647-658.
19. Wang Y, Qin ZH, Nakai M, Chen RW, Chuang DM, Chase TN. Co-stimulation of c-AMP-linked metabotropic receptors protects in rat striatum attenuates excitotoxin-induced nuclear factor-B activation and apoptosis. Neuroscience 2000; 94: .
18. Lou YQ, Hattori A, Munoz J, Qin ZH, Roth GS. Instrastriatal dopamine injection induces apoptosis through oxidation-involved activation of transcription factors AP-1 and NF-B in rats. Mol. Pharmacol. 1999; 56: 254-264.
27. Lammers CH, D&Soula U, Qin ZH, Lee SH, Yajima S, Mouradian M. Regulation of dopamine receptors by estrogen. Synapse 1999; 34: 222-227.
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9. Zheng-Hong Qin, (2007) Pharmacological, cellular and molecular therapies for Huntington disease, in The Basal Ganglia Pathophysiology. Recent Advances319-347. Ed by Giuseppe Di Giovanni. Published by Transword Research Network, India.
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3 一种简便快速的检测IT15基因突变的方法。中国发明专利。第一发明人。专利号:专利号:ZL.1。
5. ATXN3CAGPCR中国发明专利。第一发明人,专利号:ZL.X。
6. 中国发明专利。第一发明人,专利号:ZL.5。
8. 中国发明专利,第一发明人,专利号: .1。
9 检测苯丙酮酸尿症PAH基因7个热点突变位点的试剂盒及其PCR扩增方法。中国发明专利,第一发明人,专利号: .7。
10 一种用于检测VYP2C19基因分型的试剂盒。中国发明专利,第二发明人,专利号:.9。
11 一种用于华法令个体化用药相关基因SNP检测试剂盒及其PCR扩增方法。中国发明专利,第一发明人,专利号:.8。
12胆碱能M3、M4受体激动剂在制备新型镇痛药物中的应用。中国发明专利,第二发明人,专利号: .8。
14.物理改性后的眼镜蛇毒在制备治疗免疫衰老和相关疾病药物中的应用。中国发明专利,第一发明人,专利号: .2。
15. 眼镜蛇毒在制备治疗急慢性肾病药物中的用途。中国发明专利,第一发明人,申请号.5。
16. 8眼镜蛇心脏毒素在制备治疗系统性红斑狼疮药物中的应用。中国发明专利,专利号为.6
17. 一种在口腔中快速溶解的膜剂及其制备方法。中国发明专利,第一发明人,z专利号.6.
1. Methods of production and use of crotoxin as an analgesic. USA
3 眼睛蛇神经毒素(cobrotoxin)在制备免疫抑制药物中的用途。中国发明专利,第一发明人,申请号: .9。
4 眼镜蛇蛇毒在制备免疫调节剂中的应用。中国发明专利,第一发明人,申请号/专利号: 9
4眼镜蛇短链神经毒素(cobrotoxin)在制备鞘内镇痛药中的用途。中国发明专利,第一发明人,申请号: .8。
6 物理改性后的中国发明专利,第一发明人,申请号.0。
7. 眼镜蛇心脏毒素在制备治疗系统性红斑狼疮药物中的应用。中国发明专利,申请号为.6
9. NADPH中国发明专利,第一发明人,申请号.6
10. NADPH中国发明专利,第一发明人,申请号:缺。
11. NADPH在制备治疗心脏血管疾病药物中的应用。中国发明专利,第一发明人,申请号:.2.
12. NADPH在制备治疗心脏疾病药物中的应用。中国发明专利,第一发明人,申请号:.7.
13. 一种离子交换和疏水层析结合分离纯化眼镜蛇毒神经毒素的方法。中国发明专利,第一发明人,申请号:已有.


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