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Build your Site Map online
(XML, ROR, Text, HTML)
This website is to let you:
Create an XML sitemap that can be submitted to Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines to
help them crawl your website better.
Create a Text sitemap to have a plain list of all your pages.
Create a ROR sitemap, which is an independant XML format for any search engine.
Generate an HTML site map to allow human visitors to easily navigate
on your site.
Get it done in 4 Simple Steps
Enter your full website URL and some optional parameters in the form below.
Press 'Start' button and wait until the site is completely crawled.
You will be redirected to the generated sitemap details page, including
number of pages, broken links list, XML file content and link to a sitemap file.
Download the sitemap file using that link and put it into the domain root folder of your site.
Go to your
and add your sitemap URL.
Starting URL
Please enter the full http address for your site, only
the links within the starting directory will be included.
Change frequency
Last modification
Use server's response
Use this date/time:
Automatically Calculated Priority
Check your settings and click button below
&&Maximum 500 pages will be indexed in sitemap
Need to index more? Check our
with unlimited number of pages for crawler.
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Apex Services
- Sitemap Generator v7.0
- Sitemap Generator script v6.1
in Sitemap Generator v6.0
What is "XML sitemap"?
By placing a formatted xml file with site map on your webserver,
you enable Search Engine crawlers (like Google) to find out what pages
are present and which have recently changed, and to crawl your site accordingly.
What is "Change frequency"?
This value indicates how frequently the content at a particular URL is likely to change.
What is "Last Modified"?
The time the URL was last modified. This information allows crawlers to avoid recrawling documents that haven't changed.
You can let the generator set this field from your server's response headers or
to specify your own date and time.
What is "Priority"?
The priority of a particular URL relative to other pages on the same site. The value for this tag is a number between 0.0 and 1.0, where 0.0 identifies the lowest priority page(s) on your site and 1.0 identifies the highest priority page(s) on your site.
The default priority of a page is 0.5.
Copyright (c)
Our Sitemap:How To Start An Effective Chinese SEO Campaign For Baidu
tel: +44 330 330 9000
How To Start An Effective Chinese SEO Campaign For Baidu
on April 15, 2014
Since China has replaced Japan as the second largest economy, and the continued appreciation of Chinese Yuan (CNY), the Chinese market is getting more attention than ever. For international businesses to reach Chinese customers, the optimisation of their Chinese websites is a must.
Looking at the data from
, in Feb 2014, we can see that Baidu holds 55.15% market share in China. Although Qihoo (360) is also a big contender and Soso and Sogou merged, Baidu is still the most popular search engine in China. As such, this article will introduce how international businesses should start their Chinese SEO Campaign, with a focus on Baidu.
A. On-site Optimisation
1. Domain, Host and ICP
For some political reasons, Chinese websites should definitely use a ccTLD. This will be also helpful for local hosting and getting an ICP. With regards to the domain name, Baidu is unbiased to .com, .cn, . and others, although it’s worth noting that Chinese users generally prefer ., .cn and .com domains.
Hosting in China is not absolutely necessary but should be seriously considered if you want your site to perform well in Baidu. This is not only helpful to the loading speed in China, but is also a precondition to get an ICP.
ICP Record (license)
It is required by Chinese government that all websites operating in China need to get an ICP record. Although some websites using foreign hosts with no ICP are still able to be visited by Chinese users, there is no doubt that websites which have an ICP are more favourable to search engines in China. For example, you have to get an ICP before submitting your website to Qihoo (360), and some Baidu paid ads also require an ICP. In addition, websites with an ICP are perceived as more trustworthy, not only to visitors but also to other webmasters when they want to add a backlink to your site. So Chinese websites should apply for an ICP record at
as soon as possible.
2. Keywords
When you plan to launch your Chinese site, the first thing to do is to locate good keywords. Because each single Chinese character has multiple meanings, combining these words could have a different meaning. To avoid this, selected keywords should be reviewed by a native Chinese speaker. Keyword research can be performed based on industry, products, brand and even misspelling, and keyword tools can be used to select the best keywords. Below are 3 useful Chinese keyword tools:
Baidu Keyword tool
Businesses which have done PPC should already be familiar with this tool. An added benefit of this tool is that you can register a free PPC account to use it as well. Similar to Google Keyword Planner, it can suggest relevant keywords with daily search volume on Baidu based on the input keywords or your URL.
Aizhan Keyword tool
The data found on the Aizhan keyword tool is based on Baidu, it lists relevant keywords, search volume and competition in a table, which is more convenient for batch operations.
Baidu Index
The new version of Baidu index not only provides the trends of the keywords and the news for the industry, it also provides other useful data. For instance, you can use the feature ‘Demand Map’ (需求图谱) to get a better idea of long-tail keywords.
3. Site Structure
Make Your Site Simple, Avoid Deep Pages
Generally Baidu attaches most importance to the homepage, since it believes the content on the homepage is the most important. Therefore, it is hard for deep pages to be ranked, or even indexed. For small websites, a flat website architecture is recommended. It is advised to keep within 3~4 levels even for big sites. This will be also help with indexation.
Use Keyworded Internal Links
Chinese sites should implement internal links well. Each page should be linked to by at least one anchor text link. Since Chinese characters have multiple meanings, and there is no space in the sentence, the combination of words can have different meanings. So using anchor text as internal links can not only be helpful to Baiduspider when crawling the site, but also will highlight the important keywords on the page.
Add Breadcrumbs
Using breadcrumbs not only shows your visitor where they are on the site but also helps the Baiduspider to crawl your site.
Friendly URLs
It is advised to keep the URL easy to understand, and include keywords. As Baidu says: ‘Baiduspider is just a normal visitor, a friendly URL will help it understand the page well’. Adding keywords will make your URL easy to understand. PinYin is the most popular system used to write Mandarin Chinese in the Latin alphabet, and Baidu supports PinYin well. So when writing a URL, it is advised to add keywords in PinYin instead of English without affecting the length of the URL. To be friendly to Baiduspider, it is also necessary to keep URLs short and remove useless dynamic code.
4. Content
Pay Most Attention To The Homepage
The homepage should include all your important information. This is because, unlike Google, Baidu attaches more importance to the homepage. In Google’s view, detailed deep pages can be more relevant to the keyword, and it is not very hard for detailed page to be ranked. But for Baidu, the homepage should get more priority. Sometimes, when searching for the same keyword, your homepage could rank higher than the detailed page on Baidu. Therefore, optimisation of your homepage is very important. Chinese users favour homepages with rich content. Please make sure you add all your important information to your homepage and avoid using only a few images or flash on the homepage. If that increases the size of the homepage too much, then turn on the Gzip, as that won’t impact the performance on Baidu.
Use Suitable Simplified Chinese
Content is very important to a website. But some international businesses don’t pay attention to that. Some companies like to copy the content from their Hong Kong or Taiwan sites, and some even just use the translation of their English site. Because of the difference in the ways of expressing ideas and thinking, it is almost impossible for these kind of sites to get good rankings on Baidu. So as an international business, you should give more power to your Chinese team, who should choose and create suitable content for your Chinese site, not just copy from your other sites.
Title Is Important
Compared to Google, Baidu relies on the title tag more when judging the topic of the page. Your Chinese title should be within 30 Chinese characters (60 Latin Characters). And place important keywords at the front of the title. For famous brands, adding the company name in the title tag will make the page more trustworthy in the SERPs.
Images Need Chinese Tags
Make sure you use a Chinese name and alt tag on your images. That will make your page more relevant to the target keyword and this is something that many international businesses neglect. Some just copy the image from their other local sites, which is meaningless to the ranking of their Chinese site and in the worst case, the alt tag can be messy.
Baidu favours fresh and original content. Websites with fresh content will get more attention, and be indexed quicker. So if possible, add fresh content constantly. Adding a news page or an official blog page on your site could be a helpful way of doing this. If you have nothing new to add, it is also good to rewrite exist page content based on the same keywords regularly.
Canonical Tag
Baidu supports canonical tags already. So make sure you use it when you have duplicate content.
Avoid Pop Ups
Websites with pop up ads will not rank well in Baidu because it harms the user experience. Also, Chinese users don’t like pop ups even they are not in ads. So avoid using pop-up windows in your site.
B. Off-Page Optimisation
1. External links
Since Baidu launched its Scindapsus algorithm 2.0 to attack link trading, it is harder to get valuable links even with content marketing. Low quality articles will just be ignored by Baidu. On the other hand, more Baidu products start to use ‘nofollow’ links, which makes it harder to build links with Baidu products such as . But this doesn’t mean link building is useless, instead it shows that Baidu still considers back links, but it’s important that they are high quality. To make the link quality, it has to be meaningful. For example, when there is some news about your brand or industry, you can publish articles on the Baidu news protocols. When there are some offers, you can publish them on the forums about shopping. As well as this links from famous blogs or websites will still be considered.
2. Social Media
Social media is an important part of online marketing as it is popular in China. There are more than 700 million social media users in China. Over 92% of Chinese internet users have social media accounts. Most of them are Chinese social media sites, not Facebook, twitter, youtube or Google+. It is necessary to have suitable Chinese social media accounts for international business. Below is the introduction of the top Chinese social media sites.
(Total users 712 million)
Similar to MSN space, Qzone is an additional product of QQ account. Although having a huge number of users, it looks more like a personal space, and its users are mainly teenagers. Information is usually disseminated to fans’ space as articles.
(Total users 500 million)
Similar to Twitter, Weibo is the most popular micro-blog in China at the moment. The main users are the generation after the 80s. Information can be disseminated by message, image or video. Most famous Chinese businesses have verified Weibo business accounts. But as the popularity of WeChat has grown, user loyalty has reduced
(Monthly active users 236 million)
Similar to Whatsapp, but WeChat provides more free features. It is very popular with smartphone users. Businesses can register public accounts and customise it by using the development mode. WeChat is not suitable for all industries. For example business accounts are limited to publishing one article per day, which is not suitable for industries that need to publish regular fresh content such as media.
(Monthly active users 220 million)
Tencent Micro-blog is also an additional product of the QQ account. It is very similar to Weibo, but not as popular. Most businesses will chose Weibo instead of Tencent Micro-blog.
(Monthly active users 54 million)
RenRen is popular amongst Chinese college students. About 70% of users are aged from 20 to 30. Known as Chinese Facebook, RenRen also have business accounts similar to Business Facebook Accounts.
Note that most Chinese social media sites require a Chinese business license to verify their business account. So, international businesses without a local Chinese branch can’t get them. But they can still consider other social media websites that don’t require this, such as
or contact celebrities or famous blog/micro-blogs to promote their brand.
C. Some useful tools/links
– Similar to Google Webmaster tools, Baidu Zhanzhang provides some useful features such as submit sitemap, monitor keywords position, index, backlinks.
– Similar to Google Analytics, it monitors the performance of your site and provides detailed reports and suggestions.
– Similar to Google Trends, it provides the search trends of the keywords, industry news and some other useful information.
Access page to (360)
to apply for an ICP
Hopefully this article provides a good starting point for the optimisation of your Chinese website, Apply these tips and get your content in front of the vast and engaged Chinese internet audience.
Image Credit:
As a General Manager, Yao leads Webcertain's Chinese Beijing-based team. He has more than 7 years experience in the online marketing field, focusing especially on SEO and SEM. Prior to heading up the Beijing office, Yao was based in the UK.
- November 5, 2014
- April 15, 2014
- December 18, 2013
clear both box 1&& && Strengthening your core: Right and wrong ways to do lunges, squats, and planks - Harvard Health Blog
What do slouching, back pain, and a middling forehand or weak shot off the tee have in common? Often it’s a weak core—the girdle of muscles, bones, and joints that links your upper and lower body. Your core gives you stability and helps power the moves you make every day. Whether it’s bending to pick up a laundry basket, swinging a golf club, paddling a kayak, or reaching to pull a vase from the top shelf of a cabinet, a strong and flexible core makes the move more fluid, efficient, and robust. Strong, well-balanced core muscles can also improve your posture and help prevent back injuries. And if back pain does strike, core exercises are usually part of the rehab regimen.
Core Muscles
Your core is composed of many different muscles in the abdomen, back, sides, pelvis, and buttocks. These muscles work together to allow you to bend, twist, rotate, and stand upright.
For all these reasons, more and more people are incorporating core exercises into their fitness routines. If you’re among them, or planning to be, it’s critical to pay attention to proper form. “Good form protects you from injury and helps you gain the most benefit from each exercise,” says Joy Prouty, a master trainer who helped develop Harvard Medical School’s , which includes tips on proper alignment, form, and posture. “But when I walk around the gym, I see people doing these exercises the wrong way all the time.”
Lunges, squats, and planks (a move that looks a bit like a push-up and is often substituted for sit-ups) are key moves in most good core workouts. Sit-ups and crunches—once the bread and butter of core work—have fallen out of favor in recent years. Why? They can actually cause back pain, partly by focusing only on abdominal muscles. Exercises like planks efficiently work many more core muscles at once. So whether you’re launching into your first core workout or have been planking, lunging, and squatting your way to a tightly toned core for quite some time, reviewing the right—and wrong—ways to do these three fundamental moves is worthwhile.
Core Exercises: 6 workouts to tighten your abs, strengthen your back, and improve balance is available from . You can
from the report with tips on checking and improving your posture.
Core Exerise #1: Plank
Abdominal muscles are tight.
Shoulders are aligned directly over the elbows.
Body is properly aligned so that neck and spine are neutral. Model is looking down at the floor.
Shoulders are down and back.
Only toes, forearms, and hands are touching the floor.
Head is lifted and neck is craned
Torso sags toward the floor. Only toes, forearms, and hands should be touching the floor.
Neck and spine are not in a straight line.
Core Exerise #2: Squat
Knees, hips, and toes are pointing forward.
Buttocks stay above knee level.
Knees aren’t extending beyond toes.
Chest is lifted, and shoulders are down and back
Back is neutral, not arched.
Feet and knees are pointing straight ahead.
Shoulders, hips, and knees are even.
Abdominal muscles are pulled in.
Back is arched, and chest isn’t lifted.
Arms are overextended.
Knees extend beyond her toes.
Knees and toes are turned in.
Core Exerise #3: Lunge
Knee of the forward leg is aligned with the ankle.
Heel of the rear leg is lifted off the floor.
Back knee bends enough to form a straight line from shoulder to hip to knee.
Back is neutral, and chin is parallel to the floor
Shoulders and hips are even.
Abdominal muscles are pulled in.
Body is slouching forward, not upright.
Knee is not properly bent to form a straight line from shoulders to knees to hips.
Back is curved and head is lifted.
Related Posts:& Game Building Resources
ConsultingxAPI AnalyticsMeta
Resource Pages
Classroom Aid Site Content is licensed under a .
Game Building Resources
The best FREE resources of game building for teachers and children:
Building games for teaching
– Today, innovative educators are finding ways to incorporate Portal(TM) and Portal 2 into their classrooms—helping teach physics and critical-thinking skills. It’s eye-opening to see how video games can be used in amazing and unexpected ways to help educate our next generation. You’ll find the beginnings of an engaging set of lesson plans, created by teachers, using the Portal 2 Puzzle Maker. Teachers sign up for the Education Beta and get access to Portal 2 and the Portal 2 Puzzle Maker and a teacher-created collection of puzzles for as many students as they’d like – for free.
Machinima (from ) – Film making in virtual worlds can have many roles in education from digital story telling and making documentaries by students in the K-12 classroom to creative expression in the Arts to training farmers about climate change in developing nations. Virtual worlds provide limitless sets, endless locations, a huge cast of actors, affordable special effects and interesting camera angles. It can be done in commercial virtual worlds and games such as Second Life, ReactionGrid or World of Warcraft on your behind the firewall local virtual world like OpenSim on a USB stick.
– Over 20 free web tools for teachers … create quizzes, diagrams, and educational games, you can host them on your own site free of charge (licensed under creative common). … plus no log in. There are also pre-made games on
which teachers will find useful.
is a free service that allows users to create custom games, share, and play. You can create basic multiple choice game, or naming placemarks on the image or map that you create.
Parade of Games in Powerpoint was developed by faculty at the . It provides teachers with games and game templates for classroom use, can be downloaded in Powerpoint format, including Bingo, Jeopardy, and scavenger hunts.
is a free service to create online Jeopardy game from a blank template. The completed game will be given its one unique url. Post that url on your blog, wiki, or website and anyone can then play your game.
– free worksheet makers, game creators (word search maker, board games, crossword puzzle maker bingo board maker, maze maker…), 100% customizable worksheet generators with images
let you create interactive crossword puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, word searches, hangman games, sliding puzzle games and quizzes. The games you create or all games from their gallery can be embedded into your blog or shared with email or social media.
lets teachers create custom games using twelve different templates provided, What 2 Learn also offers teachers the option to monitor their students’ scores, there are already more than two thousand educational games for middle school and high school age students offered.
is a free toolkit to create point-and-click games and multimedia software in minutes, without any scripting or programming. It runs on Windows, and it allows creating software for Windows, PSP, iPhone, and iPod touch. It is particularly suitable for the creation of picture-based adventure games, virtual tours, educational software, presentations, and interactive visits.
is a website trying to make question sets of your study topics mashed up with different game patterns, there are thousands of topics already built, you also can input your question set and combined it with any game you choose.
is a PowerPoint entertainment portal for PowerPoint animations, games, artworks, showcases, animation templates and tutorials.
created by other teachers, like Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, and Hollywood Squares games.
Learn to program by making computer games using Python, click the link to get the free tutorial ebooks.
provides the tools to make your own adventure, for free! Bring your story and artwork and slot it in, and let AGS do the rest. AGS provides everything you need from within one easy-to-use application. Create, test and debug your game, all in one place.
is the democratization of game creation. It aims to open the doors of game design to anyone who wants to create. With GameSalad’s complete set of tools and editors, bring your game to marke and without coding a single line.
makes it easy for you to make your own games for free online and share them with your friends. You could make platformer games, spaceship shooters, space adventure games, and physics games. Sploder allows you to easily put Flash games on your site without having to learn Flash.
is a free 3D sims & games engine and authoring environment. It enables novice and advanced developers alike to create and publish highly immersive simulations – rapidly. It has been designed from the start around the needs of designers and enables them to carry their designs forward quickly. It enables you to publish your project as either a standalone sim, a web-delivered sim or even a mobile sim for iPad and iPhone.
Edusim is a
“Immersive Touch” 3D Natural User Interface (NUI) based concept of lesson driven (multi-user) 3D virtual worlds on the classroom interactive whiteboard or classroom interactive surface. The Edusim concept is demonstrated by the Edusim free and open source multi-user
virtual world platform and authoring tool kit modified for the classroom interactive whiteboard or surface. The Edusim application is a modified edition of the open source Open Cobalt Project and relies heavily on the affordances of direct manipulation of 3D virtual learning models and
is all about is free software games whose source code and media are made available under a license permitting modification and redistribution.
If you like to look for more information this kind of tools, check out: , some are free, some aren’t, while some are open source, and they are all free to try.
Game building resources good for young learners
is an open source, volunteer led movement orientated around running free not-for-profit coding clubs (Dojos) for young people. Check out the resources organized by their volunteers, and
– the knowledge base of coursework that has been developed by mentors from around the world. Here you will find an
tried, tested and contributed by members of the global CoderDojo community. A few highlights are:
: Robots, Arduinos, Raspberry Pis, Electronic kits, NodeJs copters, Kinects and other controllers.
is an experimental educational programming environment.You can learn by playing “dares” created by other users, or explore the “computational universe” on your own. If you already know programming, you can create dares and share them with the world. It is an open source proof-of-concept.
“Maybe we don’t need a silver bullet. We just need to take off our blindfolds to see where we’re firing.” — Bret Victor in
lets you create apps on iPad, iPhone, Android, PC, Mac, Windows Phone. The editor is touch-friendly, it works great on phones, tablets, and PC.
and learning resources at Learnscratch. Scratch is a new programming language developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the MIT Media Lab, in collaboration with the UCLA Graduate School of Education and Information Studies. It was developed with financial support from the National Science Foundation, Intel Foundation, and MIT Media Lab research consortia. It supports the development of 21st century learning skills. (Scratch website has 44 languages available, including simplified Chinese)
Bookmark –
by Michael Gorman
KinderCoder was built for the 1st & 2nd graders prior to them being introduced to the full Scratch version from GreenBush Lab :
from Crunchzilla is a fun introduction to programming concepts. It is a first step in learning to program. Code changes immediately yield visible results. Projects start with simple boxes and colors, rapidly progressing into exciting experiments with simple animation and fractals. Important programming concepts like variables, loops, conditionals, expressions, and functions are introduced by example.
uses a drag-and-drop system, where users pull together different building blocks in order to create programs. It enables the game creation process for kids. It builds off the wildly successful MIT Scratch project and extend Scratch’s simple block-snapping interface with new functionality and hundreds of ready-to-use blocks.
is an augmented-reality authoring environment for children. An extension of MIT’s Scratch project, this environment allows children to create experiences that mix real and virtual elements. Children can display virtual objects on a real-world scene observed through a video camera, and they can control the virtual world through interactions between physical objects. It is a research group in the GVU Center at the Georgia Institute of
is a user-friendly, open-source platform for creating and playing mobile games, tours and interactive stories. Using GPS and QR Codes, ARIS players experience a hybrid world of virtual interactive characters, items, and media placed in physical space.
is a platform/online community for deepening content knowledge and enabling project-based learning through Game/Simulation production from youth.
Sharendipity enables students and teachers to quickly create and share simple video games. The drag and drop creation tools can be used to create a game in as simple as four steps.
is both a game and a online community that teaches kids how to design video games. Designed for 4th – 9th grade students, and intended to teach systems thinking, iterative design and collaborative skills. It’s suitable for beginners of game design.
(from YoYoGames) enables making computer games without need of writing codes, develop simple video games using a drag and drop editor, customize backgrounds and actions throughout the games.
is easy for kids to create video games, mazes and puzzles, but powerful enough for teenagers to make cool 2D games. You also can play the games that other game creators have made and then change those games!
offers a free 3D game-making engine.
A more advanced option for more ambitious game creators. This open source tool makes it easy for kids and adults to make their own games!
is a fantastic toolbox for making nice-looking platform games.
is a downloadable programme that teaches programming through a virtual robotic rover. Design games and challenges with your robot moving and finding objects. The commands are similar to MS Logo, but the interface and graphics are vastly more child-friendly. It is free for personal use.
is a safe online community of really creative kids. aMazer lets you quickly create online, 3D, multiplayer games or art that you can play and share with your friends or other members. You can also play other member’s games, vote, add comments, chat, and link to your games. Members can compete in weekly game-building and racing contests.
(designed for very young learners to make computer games)
(Java for Beginning Programmers)
, a project of UC Berkley, is an attempt to extend the brilliant accessibility of Scratch to somewhat older users—in particular, non-CS-major computer science students—without becoming inaccessible to its original audience.
from Microsoft lets kids create games on the PC and XBox via a simple visual programming language. Anyone can use Kodu to make a game, young children as well as adults with no design or programming skills. The Kodu classroom kit is a set of lesson plans and activities for educators, after-school instructors, parents, peer mentors and administrators.
– This is a selected list of open-source video games.
are games assembled from and are themselves open source software, including public domain games with published source code. This list includes games in which the game engine is open-source but the game content (media and levels, for example) may be under a different license.
is an online repository providing hundreds of free icons. They are provided under the terms of the CC-BY 3.0.
has 2D art, 3D art, music, sound effects, textures,and 700+ RPG icons licensed under CC-BY 3.0.
is a growing game development resource for free, open source game artists, designers, managers, programmers, helpers and advocates.
– game music, game soundtracks, melodies from games, music from computer games.
is a site offering information and resources to government agencies interested in working within a virtual environment. OpenSim Resources are curated here:
and more…
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