younowwhat are you nowtogo什么意思

七年级英语新目标下Units3-4单元测试题        班级
)1. The pandas are _____ cute.  A. kind of
B. kinds of
C. all kinds of
D. a kind of(
)2. _____ English people like boating?  A. Are
)3. This is _____ interesting book.  A. a
)4. - _____ do you like elephants?   - Because they are friendly and interesting.  A. What
)5. - What do koala bears eat?- They eat _____ .  A. meat
) 6 Why do you want _____ the lions?  A. see
D. seeing(
)7. Don't _____ shy, boys and girls.  A. am
)8. We usually work _____ the day and sleep _____ night.  A.
) 9. what does your father do?  __________?A. He works on a farm
B. He is working now  C. He works in a hospital
D. He is a writer.(
)10. This is an__________ lion.  A. ugly
B. beautiful
)11. We have ______ for you as a reporter.A. job
D. worker(
)12. Is there a school _________ children _________ 12-14?A. of ,for
B. for , for
C. for , of
D. of, of(
)13. Girls enjoy _________ beautiful shirts.A. wear
B. wearing
D. put on[来源:ZXXK](
)14. Because it's cute, _________ I like it.A. so
)15. -Why do you like ___________?-Because _________ very friendly.A. dogs, they're
B dog, it's
C. dog , they're
D. a dog, they're(
)16. Where do you _________ the ruler _________?A. get, from
B. go, from
C. learn, from
D. come, from(
)17. Don't be late ________ work.  A. at
)18." Is your father a doctor?""Yes, he is. He ______in a hospital."  A. working
B. to work
D. worked(
)19.We have a job for you ______ a singer.  A. as
) 20. Doing that job is busy _______ exciting.  A. and
D. soII. 完形填空。(每小题2分,共15分)根据短文内容,从A.B.C.D.四个选项中选出一个能正确填入相应空格内的最佳答案,并将其番号填入题前括号内。Today is Saturday, Ann
to school. Her parents .Mr. King and Mrs. King
to work. They want to go to the Fengshan Park. The park is near their house, so they
to the park .It's 9 o'clock now. There are
people in the park. Some people chat(聊天).Some people
5 . Some people sing. There are a lot of good places to
fun in the park. Ann plays on the merry-go-round(旋转木马)
7 other boys and girls. Mr. King
in the sports club. Mrs. King dances in the music club. They
10 .[来源:](
)1. A. don't go
B. doesn't go
)2. A. don't go
B. doesn't
)3. A. takes a walk
B. take a walk
C. takes the walk
D. take the walk(
C. a lots of
D. lot of(
)5. A. play the guitar
B. play guitar
C. plays the guitar
D. plays guitar(
)6. A. having
)7. A. having
)8. A. plays tennis
B. play the tennis
C. plays the tennis
D. play tennis(
)9. A. think
C. thinking
)10. A. relax
B. relaxing
C. relaxed
D. boringIII. 阅读理解。(每小题2分,共20分)[来源:ZXXK]阅读下列材料,从A.B.C.D.四个选项中选出最佳答案,并将其番号填入题前括号内。A[来源:Z+]  Mr. Green is from England. He and his wife are teachers, they teach English in Shanghai. They have a son and a daughter. Their names are Jack and Mary. Jack is ten. He is a student in a school. But Mary isn't a student in a school. She is only five. They have two bikes and a car. One bike is small, the other is big. The big one is for Jack, and the small one is for Mary. Mr. and Mrs. Green go to work in their car. They don't like to stay at home on Saturdays and Sundays. They sometimes go to the park. Sometimes they go to their friends' home. They have a lot of friends in China.(
) 1. The Green family is in _____ now.A. England
C. the USA
) 2. The Greens teach _____ in China.A. English
B. Chinese
C. Japanese
) 3. The small bike is _____.A. Mr. Green's
D.Mrs. Green's[来源:](
) 4. The Greens go to work _____.A. On their bikes
B. in their car
C. on foot
) 5. They don't like to stay at home _____.A. On Sundays
B. on Fridays
C. on weekends D.on SaturdaysB  In our city there is a big zoo. There are a lot of different animals in it. There are some scary tigers and lions. They like eating meat and they eat much meat every day.  There are also two big elephants and a baby(婴儿) one. Children like to ride (骑)one of them. The elephants are very kind and friendly. They eat much grass and bananas.  In the zoo, we can see different kinds of bears(熊), brown bears, black bears and white bears. They are all show and clumsy(笨拙的). They stand on their back legs(腿) and lift(抬起) their front legs to ask for food. They like cakes (蛋糕)very much.  Do you like pandas? There's only one in the zoo. Her name is Lingling. She is very cute. She likes eating bamboos (竹子)a lot. She is kind of shy. She's very interesting and lovely.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(
)1. what do tigers and lions like eating? They like eating
C. vegetables
)2. How many elephants are there in the zoo? There are
.  A. one
)3. What color are the bears in the zoo? They are
.  A. black
D. A,B and C(
)4. Bears stand on their_________ legs and lift their________ legs to ask for food.  A. back
)5. Which one of the following is NOT right?  A. Children like to ride on the elephants in the zoo  B. The elephants are very friendly to people  C. The bears always ask for food with their back legsD. Elephants like bananas very muchIV. 口语运用。(每小题1分,共5分)[来源:Z,]阅读下面得对话,从从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话,并将其番号填入题前括号内。(
)A: Hello, I'm John.
[来源:学|科|网Z|X|X|K][来源:学#科#网]  B: Alice.(
2  B: I am from Singapore. What about you?  A: I come from the United Kingdom.  B: Oh, it's a nice country.(
)A: I think so.
3  B: I live in Beijing with my parents.(
4  B: Yes , but only a little.(
5  B: Yes, I do. I like Chinese food and the Chinese people.V. 完成句子。(每空一分,共10分)[来源:Z+]按要求完成句子,每空一词,含缩略词。1. I like pandas because they are kind of interesting. (对划线部分提问) _________ _________ you like pandas?2. My sister wants to be a reporter . (对划线部分提问)______ does your sister want to _______?3. Molly is a bank clerk (对划线部分提问)  _________ does Molly _________?4. Miss Zhang works in a shop(改为同义句)Miss Zhang is a _______ _______.5. The thief doesn't like him.(改为复数)The _________ _______ like them.VI.短文填空。(每空2分,共20分)根据短文内容,在短文后的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整,通顺。[来源:]Do you want to know my family? Let
tell you. There are 2
people in my family. My father is a driver. My mother is a 3 . She works in a machine factory. I have a sister. She is only eight years 4 . We
in the same school. I'm in Grade Three, but
in Grade One. We like sports. We have lunch
school. Sometimes we
our homework in the afternoon. On
we often go to parks. We are very happy. We work very 10 .1.__________
10.____________VII. 书面表达。(共10分)以你家附近动物园的动物为话题,谈谈你在那儿看到了哪些动物,它们有哪些特点。提示词:zoo, animals(tigers, pandas...), kind of, like, because, interesting(cute, beautiful...)要求:不少于60个词。________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________参考答案I. 1---5 ACBCC
6---10 BDADA
11---15 CCBCA
16---20 ACCACII. 1---5 BABBA
6---10 BCAABIII. A 1---5 BACBCB 1---5 BCDDCIV. EFACDV. 1. Why do
2. What be
3. What do
4. shop assistant
5. thieves don'tVI. 1. me
5. are/study
6. she's  7. at
9. weekends/ Saturdays/Sundays
10. hardVII.There is a zoo near my home. I often go and see animals there. There are monkeys, pandas, tigers, koalas and many other animals. Koalas are my favorite, because they are very cute. Monkeys are friendly and clever. Pandas are kind of shy. Tigers are strong and elephant are very big. All of the animals are very interesting. I like them very much.CHOOSE YOUR LANGUAGE
How to enroll in high school
Getting started
Weighing your options: close or far?
Next consider: large or small?
Exam schools
Audition schools
Other options
Making the most of the high school fair
New York City is blessed and cursed by the most extensive system of school choice in the country. Everyone must apply to high school. Choose carefully. Once you enroll, it’s really hard to transfer.
The yearlong application process begins at the end of 7th grade, when children bring home a 500-page high school directory. This huge tome lists more than 400 schools from which you can choose. The Department of Education holds high school information sessions over the summer, where you can get a head start on the admissions process. Here is a timeline of what to expect:
June–August: attend admissions workshops, prepare for specialized high school exam, plan fall schedule for fairs, open houses, auditions and school visits.
September-October: register for specialized high school exam or audition for LaGuardia High School of Music and Art and Performing Arts. Attend open houses. Go on school visits. Attend citywide high school fair.
October-November: attend borough high school fairs. Take the specialized high school exam. Continue to attend open houses and school visits.
December: submit high school application to your 8th-grade guidance counselor.
February–March: learn where you have been admitted. Apply in the second round if you were not matched in the first one.
Late spring: appeal if you are unsatisfied with your placement.
NOTE: If you move to the city after the high school application process is over, you will face some difficulties finding a school. By summer, most of the desirable schools have filled their seats. The Department of Education
are supposed to find you a seat, but the bureaucracy can be infuriating. Try calling schools directly: sometimes a seat opens up in the summer or even early fall. You'll still have to go through a Family Welcome Center for admittance. Special registration offices for newcomers open in late August or early September. Another possibility: there is an exam at the end of August for the specialized schools, just for students who moved to the city too late to take the October exam. LaGuardia High School of Music and Art and Performing Arts also offers auditions in August. See our section on New to New York City.
The first thing to consider is whether you want a school close to home or far away. Tip: check out the commute before you apply. Imagine what it will be like on a dark, snowy day in February. Some students happily travel halfway across the city to attend a school they really love. But beware: if you are constantly late to school, you won’t do well academically. And you may suffer from chronic fatigue.
Next consider whether you want a school that is large or small. Large schools have more courses, sports, arts programs, foreign languages. But you’ll get more personal attention at a small school, where everyone knows your name. The college office may be better at a small school, because there are so many fewer students to deal with.
Fast-track, or a more relaxed paced? How much homework can you handle? Fast-paced schools may have three or four hours of homework a night, as well as long projects to complete during school vacations. That doesn’t leave a lot of time for fun, but it may prepare you well for college. Other schools believe it’s more important to study a few subjects in depth than to race through the curriculum. Some kids want time for sports, performing arts or simple relaxation. For these students, a school with a more relaxed pace is better. Beware: If you plan to go to college, beware of schools that don’t offer a college prep curriculum. Some schools only offer three years of math and three years of science, for example, while selective colleges require four years of each.
What are the specialized high schools? More than 25,000 students take the specialized science high school entrance exam (SSHAT) to vie for 5,000 seats at the specialized high schools, also called the exam schools. The exam is given early on a Saturday morning in October. (There are nine spec eight use the entrance exam. The ninth specialized high school is, and entrance is by audition.) The exam schools are:
Some kids study for years to take this exam. The city offers a free test prep class for eligible students, called the , which begins in sixth grade.
Audition schools are among the most popular. Auditions are held in the fall. LaGuardia High School of Music and Art and Performing Arts, one of the specialized schools, is the most selective. Some children prepare for these auditions at the , a free four-week program. When you tour the school, don’t forget to check out the academics. Even a star actor needs to take algebra and biology!&
Here are some of the audition schools:
Talent Unlimited
Frank Sinatra
Celia Cruz
Professional Performing Arts School
Gramercy Arts
Brooklyn High School of the Arts
Some large neighborhood schools offer topnotch arts programs and also require an admission. Some examples are:
Forest Hills
Fort Hamilton
There are hundreds of other schools in the city from which to choose. You may list up to 12 schools on your application. &Some schools, called screened schools, require high grades and good attendance records. Some accept everyone who lives in their attendance zone. Others accept students by lottery.
Some of these high schools, like Bard High School Early College, Townsend Harris in Queens, Hunter College High School and Beacon, are just as selective as the specialized schools. Others accept everyone who applies. Some tips:
Screened schools care about your attendance. Good attendance in 7th grade is crucial.
Be sure you are eligible to attend a school before you put it on your list. If you live in Brooklyn, don’t list a school that only accepts Manhattan students. If your grades are poor, don’t list a school that only accepts kids with grades of 90 or above.
Don’t list a school you are not willing to attend. If you are placed at a school you originally listed, it’s very hard to appeal.
Career and Technical Education (CTE) schools offer students a certificate that demonstrates they have mastered certain jobs skills as well as a regular high school diploma. These certificates are in fields such as agriculture, business and marketing, health occupations and computer technology. Students who may plan to work directly after high school may want to consider a CTE school.
Every fall, the Department of Education holds a huge high school fair at Brooklyn Technical High School. You can meet teachers, students and administrators and find out about their schools. Questions you may want to ask:
How much homework is typical? Is homework assigned over school vacations?
Are students allowed outside the building for lunch?
Does the school offer four years of math and four years of science? (Important for college prep.)
How does the administration handle discipline?
How does the school help students who are struggling?
How does it challenge the strongest students?
It's a good idea to tour a school before you apply. Some schools offer daytime tours, when you can see classes in action, while others give “open houses” in the evening. Although daytime tours are best, you can tell a lot about a school even from walking through an empty building. Safety is everyone's first concern. Metal detectors, signs announcing "no weapons allowed" and locked bathroom doors are troublesome signs. Friendly security guards are a good sign. Look for lots of books in classrooms and student work on walls. Bare classrooms are a bad sign, although in a large school many teachers of different subjects may share a classroom and may not post work. Desks in rows signal a traditional school, where the teacher does most of the talking. Desks in a circle or in groups signal a school where kids are expected to have speak up and work together in groups. Either approach can work well, but some kids need the structure of a traditional school, while others relish class discussions.
Every year, thousands of children are not placed at any of their high school choices—usually through no fault of their own. There simply aren’t enough good schools for all the students who want to attend them. If you are one of the students who is not placed, enlist the help of your 8th grade guidance counselor. It’s her responsibility to make sure you get assigned to an appropriate school. You will need to go to the supplemental high school fair, held in March, and fill out your application one more time. If you are assigned to a school you really don’t like you may appeal.
If you are placed at a school that is inappropriate, ask your guidance counselor to file an appeal. While the initial placements are made by computer, human beings handle the appeals. Your guidance counselor may write a letter explaining why you need a different placement: get her on your side.
Reasons for an appeal You'll have the most luck with the following reasons:
Change of address, also known as "transportation hardship" (Your new address is at least 75 minutes distance from school. Or, the school's new address is at least 75 minutes from your home.)
Medical issue - you'll need documentation from your doctor showing that you have a medical condition that could keep you from attending your assigned school.
Lack of appropriate special education services or accommodations at the matched school.
Appeals for special needs students are granted primarily for students who need a specialized program that the assigned school doesn't offer, such as an ASD program for children on the autism spectrum, or a District 75 programl.
Data entry error - your guidance counselor made a mistake when submitting your application.
Desire to attend one of the new small high schools (if the school's formation was announced after the official application process)
Safety - you'll need documentation, such as a police report or order of protection, to show why it would be unsafe for you to attend the assigned school.
You can also appeal for other reasons and explain why you want another school. Was there something missing
from your first application, such as a big leap in your grades? Or, maybe you'd prefer to stay at your present 6-12 school than go to the school that accepted you.
If the school to which you were assigned does not have a college-preparatory curriculum, or advanced academics, that may be grounds for appeal as well.


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