对不起,没有检测root权限,请确保手机be rooted in并且充许飞云录root随

有时候刷机未必能全部清除Root痕迹,那么从哪里看root已否被记录?先打开你的G3拨号盘,就是打电话的界面,接着就是拨一串数字。具体什么数字,这也不尽相同,得看你的G3是什么版本。比如,拨#859是电信版本国行,其他版本就改成其版本号就可以。进入工程菜单之后,有个LG RCT选项,点击,就会看到这个,左边显示没root,右边显示已root,并记录了root日期。想要取消root痕迹,就要改变RCT记录。原文是英文,有愿意看的直接往下翻,我摘重要的译成中文供参考。RCT的原理是读取系统里的文件,有以下这几个文件的,视作你已root/system/[bin,sbin,xbin]/su/sbin/su/data/local/tmp/su/system/app/[s,S]uper[u,U]ser.apk,/data/data/com.noshufou.android.su/data/local/tmp/[s,S]uper[u,U]ser.apk/system/[bin,xbin]/busybox/data/local/tmp/busybox所以你要做的就是,搜索上面几个文件在系统里的位置。比如busybox所在位置是:/data/local/tmp/busybox然后用下面的命令删掉它:adb shell rm -r /data/local/tmp/busybox其实你也可以用RE直接在手机里删除。删干净之后,刷一次系统就OK了,RCT会显示完全未Root++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++以下是原文。explaining exactly how LG's RCT is workingbasically after reading it I understood that RCT flag our rom as rooted if it finds one or more of these files Quote:/system/[bin,sbin,xbin]/su/sbin/su/data/local/tmp/su/system/app/[s,S]uper[u,U]ser.apk,/data/data/com.noshufou.android.su/data/local/tmp/[s,S]uper[u,U]ser.apk/system/[bin,xbin]/busybox/data/local/tmp/busyboxright after the first boot after reflashing your device (and then it also stamp that date in the rct.cfg)Realizing that one of these files are still exist on the device the solution was to find and delete them!my RCT display result wasQuote:RootedRooting related file had been installed.&busybox(soz don't have a screenshot)So basically what I did is connecting my G3 to my PC and starting to search what and where are the exact files causing my device to be flagged as&rooted&I discovered that the only file that exists from the list above isQuote:/data/local/tmp/busyboxthen I was able to delete it with the following commandQuote:adb shell rm -r /data/local/tmp/busyboxafter it was successfully deleted I reflashed the device again and WHOLA! it was fully unrooted!++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++下面是RCT工作原理,感兴趣的可以继续学习。Technical DetailsJust what do we know about RCT? RCT, the Root Checker Tool, has one primary purpose: to make persistent note of any presence of rooting-related tools, the running of su, or the remounting of the system partition as read-write. The main &meat& of the tool - if not all of it - is in /system/bin/rctd. Mr. Rosenberg was kind enough to decompile and analyze the tool, and state that it checks for the following files:/system/[bin,sbin,xbin]/su/sbin/su/data/local/tmp/su/system/app/[s,S]uper[u,U]ser.apk,/data/data/com.noshufou.android.su/data/local/tmp/[s,S]uper[u,U]ser.apk/system/[bin,xbin]/busybox/data/local/tmp/busyboxThe tool writes a hexadecimal number to /persist/rct and /data/system/lgmdm_root_flags.txt (these files are identical in contents) that represents the &root status&. Mr. Rosenberg confirms that &[the] number is an encoded representation of whether su, Superuser, busybox, etc. are installed&. The tool writes a human-readable representation of what it's found to /persist/rct.cfg. An example from a rooted system (if used on a previously-virgin system, this package will prevent this from being written):Code:Rooted Not allowed command had been executed.
& su Mount option had been changed.
& /system Rooting related file had been installed.
& superuser
& busybox[LG RCT v1.0.1220]A &clean& system will display &not rooted& and nothing else except the bottom line.RCT also writes copies of ls -l /, portions of /dev/log/main and /dev/log/system, ls -l /system/app, ls -l /persist/LostFound, df -h, and basic system information (see below) to files named after asteroids and stored in /persist/LostFound.Code:VS870 4GModel name : L1vManufacture : LGEOS Version : 4.1.2Secure : 1Operator : Verizon WirelessCountry : USProduct version : M8960A-AAAANAZM-3.0.0743Build date : Wed Mar
6 21:51:54 KST 2013RCT may have other functions. rctd only does what's described above - it's a logger and nothing more, according to Mr. Rosenberg. There may be other portions of the system, but I have not found them.I do have &clean& copies of the entire /persist and lgmdm_root_flags.txt, but due to the sensitive nature of some of the logs, and to protect the privacy of my tester, I prefer not to publicly distribute them. If anyone needs them, please contact me here, on XDA, Twitter, or chat.freenode.net #oudhitsquad.How RCT Starts/Is Triggeredrctd, the main daemon that makes up RCT, is started as a system service in init.l1v.rc. I seem to have misplaced my copy of this file/the kernel, but it's a very standard service start. As the bootloader is currently locked, there's not much that can be done about this.Inside com.lge.systemservice.core, BootCompletedReceiver waits for the BOOT_COMPLETED signal to be thrown, then executes the following:Code:const-string v1, &ro.build.target_operator&
const-string v2, &&
invoke-static {v1, v2}, Landroid/os/SystemP-&get(Ljava/lang/SLjava/lang/S)Ljava/lang/S
move-result-object v1
const-string v2, &VZW&
invoke-virtual-quick {v1, v2}, vtable@0x18
move-result v1
if-eqz v1, :cond_1d
new-instance v0, Landroid/content/I
invoke-direct {v0}, Landroid/content/I-&&init&()V
.local v0, mServiceIntent:Landroid/content/I
const-string v1, &com.lge.action.ROOTINGCHECKER&
invoke-virtual-quick {v0, v1}, vtable@0x6c
invoke-virtual-quick {p1, v0}, vtable
.end local v0
return-voidFor those of you who don't speak smali, the real juicy bit of that appears as the following, when run through dex2jar:Code:if (SystemProperties.get(&ro.build.target_operator&, &&).equalsIgnoreCase(&VZW&))
Intent localIntent = new Intent();
}Yes, it really is just checking an item in build.prop to see whether it should run or not. That's an alternate way to stop rctd, but not one that I like. It is safe to remove the entirety of BootCompletedReceiver.smali, and for anyone working on modifications in the future, I would do so.As you can see, an intent is thrown, and caught by rctd, which does its thing. It (rctd's main function) seems to run once per boot, but I cannot guarantee that.Other Framework/System Findscom.lge.mdm contains one item of interest. The rest of the framework, and /system/app, is largely clean. LGMDMGeneralController is the file of interest, and for the sake of readability in this post, I've run it through dex2jar. Here it is: Pastie This class contains a lot more than just RCT-related items, many potentially worth investigating. Other things of note:Viewing strings of other binaries, including those pertaining to FOTA, indicate the presence of &rooting history tables&. Where these are, I don't know, and it could be as simple as what's already outlined here. Do proceed with caution, particularly around updates, as the updater system is rife with checks and logging for modifications.There's an &ATS Agent& of some type hanging out in the framework. Its purpose is to take logs, and it may be responsible for the asteroid-namesake files. It is not present on the international model, thus can be assumed to be specific to VZW. Proceed with caution. I am automatically suspicious of these &diagnostic& tools after CIQ.There's a GUI for RCT's output. See below.Finally, I found some dialer codes.
There's fun to be had here - proceed with caution, but enjoy Verizon/LG's hidden menu, and see what's to be seen in the Rooting Check entry (RootingCheck class inside the hidden menu apps/JARs).A Message for Verizon and LGTeehee, you guys are funny.
This wasn't hard, no more than Samsung's silly attempt to block package installation back on the Galaxy Indulge 4G (on MetroPCS). Go ahead and keep trying to prevent your users from controlling their devices... it's a losing battle.Oh, and suck me. (And Dan.)
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