
Civil Service
日期: 03:19:09
英文翻译:month例句:他和她在月下散步。He took a walk with her under the moon.一年分为12个月。The year is divided into twelve months.一轮圆月挂在花园的上空。A full moon hangs over the garden.我总是忘了现在是12月了。I keep forgetting it's December.我收到了你11月7日的来信。I received your letter of November 7.我们于1957年7月在纽约举行了婚礼。In July 1957, we were married in New York.你失业有6个多月了?Have you been unemployed for over six months?我因抑郁症休了7个月的病假。I have been on sick leave for seven months with depression.我们已经把索赔期限延长到了7月30日。We have extended the time limit for claims until July 30.选举提前了6个月举行。The election was held six months ahead of schedule.大约3个月后,我就不再对尼古丁上瘾了。After about three months, I was no longer addicted to nicotine.上个月颁布了一部新宪法。A new constitution was promulgated last month.他们已约会3个月了。They've been dating for three months.她在这儿呆了一个月。She was here for a month.信件上的日期是日。The letter is dated 2 July 1993.她将于10月1日退休。She is to retire as from 1 October.这些估值反映了日的价格水平。The valuations reflect prices at 1 April 1991.6月和7月是传统的考试月份。June and July are the traditional months for sitting exams.他两个月前去世了。He died two months ago.南非于9月15日正式承认了卢旺达的新政府。South Africa gave diplomatic recognition to Rwanda's new government on September 15.那是1月,在我们初次相遇37年之后,我和丹尼斯一同回到了工作室。In January, 37 years after our first meeting, I was back in the studio with Denis.10月31日的会议重新安排到了1月30日。The meeting on 31 October is rearranged for 30 January.到了7月我们又该放暑假了。We'll start another summer vacation when July comes.他生于日。He was born on March 9, 1950.马克已在西非工作了约6个月。Mark has been working in West Africa for about six months.她出生于日。She was born on January 6, 1946.谈判定于今年的12月结束。The talks are due to be concluded this December.1960年的6月,刚果陷入了5年的内战和政治上的无政府状态。In June, 1960, the Congo was plunged into five years of civil war and political anarchy.他们在日回到莫斯科。They returned to Moscow on 22 September 1930.那时已是10月,我们已经完成了行程的一大半了。By then, it was October and we were more than halfway through our tour.


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