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浅析中医教育中的思维问题 中医思维模式形成于中医理论体系确立之时,它是在中医理论体系的形成和中医医疗实践不断发展的过程中逐渐形成的,是把天、地、人、时的统一关系作为研究对象,以形象思维和整体思维为主导,并有机的结合抽象思维方式,建立起相应的理论框架,
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浅析中医中的思维问题 思想汇报 /sixianghuibao/
中医思维模式形成于中医理论体系确立之时,它是在中医理论体系的形成和中医医疗实践不断发展的过程中逐渐形成的,是把天、地、人、时的统一关系作为研究对象,以形象思维和整体思维为主导,并有机的结合抽象思维方式,建立起相应的理论框架,即以五脏为中心、经络为联系的整体观念和以人体为中心与自然界息息相关的&天人合一&观。而中医思维模式是中医从业人员最重要的素质,是提高中医临床疗效的关键,也是中医教育的重要目的。所以,在高校中医教学中让学生在掌握中医知识的同时,逐步形成中医的思维方式,培养用中医的理论分析问题、解决问题的能力。  1.影响建立中医思维模式的因素  1.1传统知识教育不足,直接弱化了学生对中医理论的理解和掌握。  首先,中是自然科学、人文科学的统一体,其理论基础更具人文特点。所以,学好中医,必须具备深厚的底蕴和广博的人文知识做基础,建立直觉思维之上的&悟性&非常重要。而现在的学生由于教育体制原因,在阶段就很少接触和系统学习中国传统的&国学&知识,受数理化的长期训练,形成了逻辑化、概念化的思维习惯。在中医院校课程安排上除医古文外,基本没有开设其他人文知识课程,使学生对中医的取象类比思想存在先天排斥心理。 论文代写
  1.2课程设置的误区  现在中药专业在培养人才的过程中,大都忽略了对经典著作的学习。据统计,国内大多数中院校的中药专业的教学计划中均未安排《内经》、《伤寒》、《金匾要略》、《温病条辨》等四大经典内容。并且在中药发展的历史进程中,出现了众多优秀的典籍,尤其是《本草纲目》,采用当时世界上最先进的分类方法,详细介绍了药物名称的由来和含义、产地、形态、真伪鉴别、采集、栽培、炮制方法、性味功能、主治特点等,至今仍然对中药的应用和研究起指导作用。但在中药专业本文由网收集整理的学习中却没有受到重视,以至于被忽略,难以把握中医药理论的精髓,使学生无法用系统的中医思维去传承、应用、研究、开发中药。  1.3现代教学思维方式导致中医思维方式转变缓慢  对于学习中医的学生而言,从小接受的则是现代科学体系的逻辑思维方法训练,加之中国传统文化教育薄弱,由此造成的思维方式的巨大反差导致中医思维方式转变缓慢,一方面使学生对中医理论和诊疗方法理解、接受困难,对的认同性降低,专业思想不牢固;另一方面,由于缺乏系统的中医思维训练,造成中医院校培养的中医师不太会运用中医理论思维,直接影响了中医的诊疗效果。并且对中国传统的思维方式不甚熟悉,尤其是对中医的精髓,即中医的思维方法很难把握。 开题报告 /html/lunwenzhiDao/kaitibaogao/   2.当代中医教育中思维能力的培养  2.1温习传统文化,熟悉中医思维  医学研究的主体是人,而人是具有自然和社会双重性的复杂的高级动物,人体的双重性决定了医学研究的双重性。早在《内经》中即认识到了这一特点,认为&形与神俱,不可分离&,形成了既重视解剖生理、又重视精神情志的理论体系。在对疾病的认识上,不仅组织结构的异常,而且精神情志的异常,同样属于疾病的范畴。学生在基础教育阶段很少接触和系统学习中国传统文化。传统文化知识教育的不足,弱化了学生对中医理论的理解和掌握。因此,应当通过开设有关中国传统文化方面的课程或讲座,温习和掌握有关人的社会属性,如心、、人类学,以及古代、等知识,以丰富自己的学识,熟悉中医思维。  2.2中医思维方法的渗透 毕业论文网
  高校中医院学生要很好的掌握中医思维方式,就要很好的了解中医思维方法。中医学是中国古代哲学与医疗实践经验相结合的一门科学,其思维方式既体现了东西方不同的文化足迹,又有其作为科学的独特特征,是逻辑思维方法与非逻辑方法的综合应用。《内经》的阴阳学说提供了一个辩证逻辑与形式逻辑相统一而以辩证逻辑为主,演绎推理和归纳推理相统一而以演绎推理为主的逻辑思维模式。其中最常用的是&比类对应式&即&取象比类&的思维方法。而中医中非逻辑方法历来被认为在其发展中起着决定性的作用。因此在中医专业课课程的教学中,要把各种方法的优点和长处进行透彻的分析,启迪学生积极思辨,形象生动、深人浅出地阐述中医学的内容中各种思维的具体应用,对其中医思维能力的培养至关重要。  2.3增强中医临床实践能力  任何一个中医师在临床认知疾病、诊治疾病的过程中,不管其自觉不自觉,都要运用相关的思维方式、方法,严格遵循思维的规律、规则。否则,尽管你有渊博的医学知识,丰富的临床经验和精湛的医术,也会发生误诊、漏诊,给患者造成伤害和痛苦。而从人的智力结构分析,思维能力也是其核心部分。因此,系统地掌握有关思维形式、思维规律、思维方法的基本知识,并对临床各分支学科的临床思维问题有所彻悟,无疑有助于中医工作者奠定正确的临床思维的基础,不断提高临床实践的能力。所以,高校在中医教育过程中,要不断增强中医学生的临床实践能力,促使他们在诊治实践中运用思维研究成果,自觉地遵循中医临床思维的规律,培养娴熟的技艺,不断提高临床诊疗水平。 论文网
  2.4紧抓中医特点,宏观理解中医,建立中医思维。  中医基础理论的内容涉及的也就两个方面:即中医的整体观和辨证观。生理上人是以心、肝、脾、肺、肾为中心的五大功能系统(藏象学说),五个系统又在心的主宰下通过经络系统(经络学说)的&内属于脏腑,外络于肢节&的联络作用,通过精、气、血、津液(精气血津液学说)等的作用完成有机统一的整体。中医诊察疾病的方法就是辨证,根据四诊(望、闻、问、切)所提供的病情资料,进行综合分析以判断疾病的征候过程,这也是中医认识疾病的方法。
你可能喜欢【商务礼仪论文结业 2400字】- 天天范文
定了机会是否降临。比如,在公司,你的服饰适当与否可能就会影响到你的晋升和同时的关系;带客户出去吃饭时你的举止得体与否也许就决定了交易的成功与否;又或者,在办公室不雅的言行或许就使你失去了一次参加老板家庭宴请的机会.....这是因为礼仪是一种信息,通过这个媒介表达出尊敬、友善、真诚的感情。所以在商务活动中,恰当的礼仪可以获得对方的好感、信任,进而推动事业的发展。 礼仪,它昭示着人类的进步与辉煌,只有我们正确的掌握礼仪的精妙之处,惟妙惟肖的利用他为我们的日常生活增光添彩,我们终将在事业与拼搏的道路上独占鳌头!
第二篇:商务礼仪在商务活动中的作用(毕业论文) 32100字
摘 要 在当今市场经济条件下,商务往来变得越来越频繁,商务礼仪在企业的商务活动和对外交流中显得尤为重要。同时,良好商务礼节能营造良好的商务交往氛围,为企业的合作奠定良好的基础。本文主要侧重于研究在商业谈判中,懂得必要的礼节与礼仪,是谈判人员必须具备的基本素质。
The Role of Business Etiquette in
Business Activities
In today's market economy, commerce becomes more and more frequent, business etiquette in the corporate business activities and foreign exchange is particularly important. Meanwhile, good business etiquette can create a good atmosphere f cooperation of enterprises laid a good foundation. I will mainly describe: In business negotiations, understand the necessary courtesy and etiquette, the negotiations must have the basic quality.
At first, I will introduce the importance of business etiquette and the impact of business negotiations.
The second, I will describe some basic business etiquettes, ceremonial roles in business activities and how to use business etiquettes correctly in business activities.
At last, I will summarize and emphasize the importance of business etiquette in business activities.
Key words: Business etiquette, Business activities, business negotiation
Abstract in ChineseAbstract in English ……………………………………… …… ………II 1
Introduction ……… …… ………………………… ………………1 2
Business Etiquette………………………… ………… ……………1
The introduction of some basic business Etiquettes… … ……3
2.1.1 Table manners……………………………………………3
2.1.2 Instrument etiquette……… … …… …………………… 4
2.1.3 Conversation etiquette……………………………………5
The characteristics of business etiquette ………………………6
2.2.1 Normative……………………… ..………………………6
2.2.2 Restrictive……………………… …… ……… …………6
2.2.3 Cultural…… ………………… ……… …………………7
The function of business etiquette………… … ………………7 3
Ceremonial Roles in Business Activities…………………………8
Business etiquette can regulate individual business
behavior……………………………… …… …………………9
Business etiquette helps to improve the personal qualities of commerce………...………… ………… …...…………………12
Business etiquette can pass valid value information………… 14
Business Etiquette and Business Activities……… ……….. ……15
Interaction with people skill…………………… …………...16
Business etiquette and business activities intrinsically
linked…………… …………………………………………18
Conclusion……………...… … ……………………...……………19
The Role of Business Etiquette in
Business Activities
With the modern social and economic development, business activities become globalized society activities during the operation of enterprises an important part, but also the whole social body movement foundation. The business negotiation is to make transactions between enterprises is the premise that all peoples in the economic interaction are an activity. Negotiations between people at least need to communicate, and communication needs based on equality and mutual respect basis. Etiquette is the distance negotiators narrow bridge and link the two sides, but also the right negotiating skills of expression. Negotiators etiquette, to a certain extent, reflects a country, a region, a corporate level of civilization and culture, social qualities and personal accomplishment, thus affecting the whole atmosphere of the negotiations and processes. However, different geographic regions of the world, economic and cultural development and c people have a business negotiation between the processes of adapting to each other. Etiquette negotiations are the success of the negotiations with great impact.
Business Etiquette
Business etiquette is in the business activities, the partners respect and friendship for a series of codes of conduct, etiquette is in the course of business activity of the specific application. Businesses Etiquette Etiquette-based and content to it and etiquette have a common basic principle: respect, friendship and sincerity. The scope of business etiquette is divided into the following areas:
(1) for the first time to pay attention to business etiquette when dealing to examine its management of an enterprise level of the general look at three aspects: First, Second, t Third interpersonal distance is a degree, especially whether the distance between men and women in there.
(2) to pay attention to official dealings business etiquette. Official contacts say etiquette, the role is twofold: first, and contacts to draw a line, keep the proper distance, classmates and friends is also called &General Lee&, &Wang&, etc.,
secondly, maintain corporate image. Individual represents the company, in the following situations most in need of attention to business etiquette: celebrations, ceremonies, business meetings, and business events, pick up.
(Three) the foreign exchanges to pay attention to business etiquette. Such as shaking hands, in the business, and shaking hands with the right
gifts, chrysanthemums cannot give the people, not to give European and American people, and so on. In short, we should respect the customs of the object contacts.
The basic criteria include business etiquette: respect oriented compliance when compliance, honest and trustworthy, warm and thoughtful.
The introduction of some basic business etiquettes
Business etiquette in business activities, as a guide, coordinate
business activities in interpersonal behavior and forms of activities, used to constrain all aspects of our daily business activities.
This includes instrumentation etiquette, manners, correspondence, telephone communication and other skills occasions from business activities can be divided into office etiquette, dinner etiquette, etiquette special events, foreign etiquette. Broad participation in social and economic aspects of life, and the relationship between all members of the social norms, all countries, all races, all classes, political parties, social groups and all walks of life and mutual respect.
Table manners 1)To Ask guests seated on the seats in your elderly guests were seated beside, seated left, from my chair. Admissions do not move chopsticks, not to come to beep and do not get up walk. If there's
anything to the owner notice (facing the entrance of attendance, generally based on each other's status to arrange)
2) Their food a little less each time , far away from their own to eat some food , eat not a voice , not a sound when the soup , soup spoon a small and a small mouth to drink , not the bowl to her mouth drink , soup , hot cool drink after , not while blowing while drinking . Some people prefer crisp chewing food, a very clear voice this approach is undesirable etiquette requirements, in particular, and everyone is eating together, we should try to prevent this phenomenon. 3) If guests or elders give dish cloth, preferably with chopsticks, you can also put guests or elders away dishes to their front. According to our nation 's habits, food is a an up -side , if at the same table with leadership , the elderly, the guests , then , whenever a new dish, ask them when they don’t start move chopsticks or turn them don’t start move chopsticks to indicate their importance .
Instrument etiquette
First, Makeup taboo. Makeup shades depending on time occasion
not in public places, in front of makeup
Do not criticize others up, Do not borrow other people do not overdo makeup make up
Second makeup principle weaknesses highlighted beautify his
cover the face of the lack of makeup to achieve the best results. Generally suitable makeup, make-up morning
makeup, evening makeup, makeup work, social makeup, prom makeup and other forms, their shades are present difference if makeup work to be simple, elegant, elegant, and prom makeup can be gaudy. Makeup or makeup avoid people avoid people should follow the principle of modification, selection deserted places, such as dressing rooms, toilets, etc., should not in front of others with impunity makeup or makeup. Under normal circumstances, lady in the dining, drinking, sweating, etc. should be promptly after their own makeup.
Etiquette and fashion. To pay attention to the characteristics of the times, reflecting the spirit of the times to observe good personal character traits should be consistent with their own body to shape good behavior etiquette communicative image must be polite manners, therefore, we must pay attention to your behavior. Manners etiquette is performance, a person's external behavior as directly indicate his attitude. So polite, graceful, comply with the general retreat courtesy, try to avoid all kinds of rude and uncivilized habits. To the customer office or home visit, the door gently before pressing the doorbell or knock on the door, then stood in the doorway waiting. Press the doorbell or knock on the door of the time not too long, unattended or without the owner permission, do not enter the room without permission
Conversation etiquette
Firstly, language in the process of communication with others should be a reasonable use of communicative language. Such as: nice to meet you should to say, to visit someone should say to visit, stay for lovers do not send applications and so on. Besides annoying behavior in the communication process, do not have individual-centered, overly stern or vulgar language pompous. Lastly, damage to personal charm errors frequently interrupt each other in conversation, pay attention to their tone, often unhappy or antagonistic attitude and talk to each other, or to ask questions arrogance so will leave a bad impression on the other side. These rituals are basically talking about the details of these problems, but the key to success is often in the details. Success never luck, it will only come in a prepared people. We must remember that the details of business etiquette in order to succeed in business activities again.
The characteristics of business etiquette
In a variety of business activities, business etiquette has the following basic features: regulations, credit nature, timing, and cultural, etc.
Look from the scope of etiquette, business etiquette and prescriptive. By etiquette can coordinate between organizations and people's behavior, and thus its scope is to organize activities and interpersonal activities. Business etiquette is different from general
interpersonal etiquette. The scope of business etiquette, is engaged in various business activities of commodity circulation, circulation of commodities which do not participate in commercial activities, are not applicable to business etiquette.
Restrictive Interpersonal relationships in a variety of different situations to pay attention to the social distance, that is, to be good at communicating feelings dimension grasp. Old saying: &civil use, the villain at the turn of Gas sweet wine.& Remark is not unreasonable. In interpersonal relationships, communication and understanding is an important condition to establish a good relationship, but if you are not good at communicating feelings dimension to grasp, that the lack of appropriate interpersonal distance, the results will be counterproductive. For example, a general communication, polite, Warm and generous, but not frivolous. The so-called moderate is to pay attention to the feelings moderate, moderate conversation, manners moderation. The only way to really win the respect for each other, to achieve the purpose of communication.
Cultural From the ceremonial nature of the instrument, business etiquette is a kind of culture. While business activity is an economic activity, it reflects a business etiquette and culture. Organizations display their image, business people reflect polite, elegant style of conversation,
manners and generous style, you must establish a good corporate culture, and
constantly improve the quality of an individual's culture, establish a corporate image of the organization of civilization, in business activities exhibit civilized and elegant, polite there are sections of accomplishment.
The function of business etiquette
With the further development of market economy, the increasingly wide variety of business activities, the etiquette is playing an increasingly important role in it 1). Regulate behavior
The most basic function is to regulate liturgical variety of behaviors. In business dealings, people interact, interaction, mutual cooperation, if you do not follow certain norms, the two sides on the basis of lack of coordination. In many business norms, etiquette can make people understand what it should do and should not do, what you can do and what not to do, help determine the self-image, respect for others, to win the friendship. 2). Transmission of information
Etiquette is an information, this information may be expressed through respect, friendly, sincere feelings, etc., to make people feel warm. In business activities, proper etiquette can get each other's goodwill, trust, and thus contribute to career development.
Ceremonial Roles in Business Activities
Business Etiquette &unspecified business activities of the liturgical norms and guidelines, a& gift &in business activities and reflect the use of which is economic and social business dealings while the convention for mutual respect, mutual recognition of conduct, guidelines and procedures, is a courtesy, etiquette, instrumentation and rituals in general. In today's market economy, commerce becomes more and more frequent, business etiquette in the corporate business activities and foreign exchange is particularly important, more and more attention by the community. Business etiquette in business activities how important is the role of. In fact, the role and importance of business etiquette is reflected in the functions of business etiquette.
Business etiquette can regulate individual business behavior
The most basic function is to regulate liturgical variety of behaviors. Business etiquette as a guide and coordinate business activities interpersonal behavior and forms of activities, are widely involved in all aspects of social and economic life, and to all members of society norms regulating mutual relations, for all countries, all nationalities, all classes, various political parties, social groups and all walks of mutual respect. Business etiquette is not only easy to achieve the implementation of normative rituals, but also conducive through specialized training in order to achieve the desired effect.
In business dealings, business etiquette can make people understand what it should do and should not do, what you can do and what not to do help determine the self-image, respect for others, to win the friendship 1) Handshake Etiquette
We met in the most commonly used business handshake : handshake from the first touch of hands , the legend , when people encounter a stranger on the road , if neither party will be put in the hands of a malicious thing , his hand outstretched ( usually the right hand ) , palms facing forward, the other showed no weapons in their hands , they approached the palms touching each other again , to show friendship , to promote the habit followed , it became widely used now handshake ceremony. But the handshake is also not simple, it is to pay attention to & Venerable first& handshake sequence ,
by the owner , lady, elders, identity or high positions , first hand , guests , men, juniors , identity or lower positions by party therewith grips . And pay attention to the correct posture and strength handshake , generally about a foot or so from the upper body slightly forward , stretched out his right hand , four fingers star key and thumb open, outstretched hand a grip both sides , but do not hold clutched each other , and do not force straining . If and women shaking hand, do not touch the full palm of the hand, but Gentle grip lady finger position can be. Handshake can also be expressed to each other encouragements, praise, and apology and so on. The proper handshake method is: time should be short, to
be warm and powerful to visually each other. Woman shaking hands with foreigners, fingers and shoulders to naturally relax, to prepare gentlemen kiss on the hand may be OK.
Meanwhile, the handshake also pays great attention to taboo, such as: shaking hands before taking off her gloves, her eyes watching each other Enron, and shown with a smile. Avoid shaking hands with another hand slapping the other parts of the body, and do not shake hands with the other side, one side uneasy, and his eyes wandering. Handshake certain requirements with the right hand , in the Arab countries and a few Western countries , the left hand is considered & unclean hands & on the other side with your left hands is an insult .
In addition to meeting handshake , there Namaste handover ceremony, hat ceremony, salute , kissing her hand , kissing ceremony , hugging ceremony, bow , etc., different nationalities, different countries have different customs and etiquette norms, these be because, because occasions varies due to customs , do not mess salute to avoid misunderstanding and tension . 2) Dress etiquette
Dress, referring to clothes strictly speaking
it is both a skill, it is an art. Standing point of view of etiquette, dress is a systematic project, it is not only a single finger dressing, and it is referring to the resulting reflection of people's upbringing and taste. Essentially, dress and dress is not the same thing, often valued by clothing practicality. It is just so-so the clothing worn modesty,
naked, cold or sunstroke only, without considering other. Dress is quite different , dress is actually a person based on their experience , training , or aesthetic taste in clothing with tips on fashion, in which case, their own characteristics , based on comprehensive consideration , in whatever context, carried on clothing carefully selected mix and combinations. In various formal occasions, pay attention to personal dress often be subject to criticism, and attention to personal dress others give others a good impression.
According to social etiquette, dress to win success, and thus achieve superior taste, it must take into account their individuality, integrity, neatness, civilized and so on. Several aspects of this and you cannot be neglected.
Business etiquette helps to improve the personal
qualities of commerce
Business etiquette helps to improve the quality of the personal business competition in the market competition is ultimately the quality of personnel, for business people, it is the quality of business people business people personal accomplishment performance. Accomplishments in the details, the details show qualities. The so-called personal qualities, is in the business dealings interpersonal basic performance, such as smoking, generally have very good people in front of ou have very good people in the large crowd unde in business dealings, jewelry worn should also pay attention to certain principles: identity
must conform to little better, generally no more than three. Pay attention and clothing with harmony. Texture and color should be in harmony, harmony produce beauty. If you want to wear a ring, generally do not wear the thumb, index finger wearing the ring is looking for a relationship, finger wearing the ring ring finger repres little finger wearing a ring that is a bachelor.5 Business etiquette and business activities
In business activities with the deepening of exchanges, the two sides may all have some emotional experience. It is expressed in two emotional states: First, emotional resonance, the other is the emotional rejection. Etiquette is easy to make mutual attract, promote feelings lead to good interpersonal relationships and development. Conversely, if do not speak etiquette, vulgar, then it is easy to generate feelings of exclusion, resulting in interpersonal tensions, creating a bad impression to the other party. In fact, the most important business operations of the guests are repeat customers, but no company can be able to maintain only a single development, of course, line of business and unscrupulous liar exception. According to the relevant authoritative statistics, the sales volume generated by existing customer new is more than 15 times throu word of mouth publicity will affect his average around 25 potential customers. A sufficient amount of repeat business and brand in order to maintain stable growth, profits will grow steadily. At the same time, the data show that, in addition to the
cost of developing a new customer is to maintain an old customer about 5 times.
This highlights the cost advantages of repeat customers, then how to win repeat it? The most common of course is puerile, but profit maximization, it is impossible to maintain by simply puerile to maximize profits, then this time the rational use of business etiquette to play a key role. Such examples abound in the business operations.
China has almost all of the & century-old & The reason why fortune grow, definitely not rely on the unique differentiated products , because these products are almost homoge neither did cost advantage, financial advantage , but by the so-called &character& fortune - &Road to the humanity& remark at least in the Chinese market is wisdom. In fact , here that the & character& is not inherent character, but operators through business etiquette tips for consumers to form the & integrity management &, & special services & and so that sort of business impression.
Business etiquette can pass valid value information
Business competition is now the era of homogenization, businesses in many industries are finding themselves facing a challenging sales environment, and sales cycles lengthen, price pressure, reduced profits and so on. In this case, the supplier needs to deliver a clear message to consumers - they can provide more value than the competition. In order to do this, they must: first, the measure
passed their own value and comp Second, powerful way to show clients their value. But to demonstrate their value well, pass this information on to note effective business etiquette.
Business and communication problems between the customer , to be &humane & and & value & in the top of the pyramid of human needs and universal truth that only the following set of keywords - first level : &love , happiness , joy, friendship , successful , OK & ; second level : hard , cherish , trust , hard work, faith , third level: & healthy, smooth , rich , eat put the social order &and so on - but these are not product creation , but through the exchange of people , passing a message. It is fits truths, but also of universal human emotions and values , is the ultimate goal of human pyramid spire, but also business operations unavoidable problem.
In China , the most direct and most effective way of business operations , direct talk about & feelings and values& , this means -tested, from the & Hearts K& to &Melatonin& - I can say that the product is a mess, but sales people really jealous - of course , you will eventually ask why they died, or why will eventually die ? The answer is very simple, they delivered the message, showing the value, but it is used the most brutal manner in - advertising, rather than reputation.
Business etiquette is not advertising, but from the emotional experience of the customer to obtain understanding and recognition, and ultimately win sales. You go anywhere in the world a &McDonald's& will enjoy almost the same business reception mode: &Hello &, &You have what it takes?& &That's it? You need anything else? & ...... These statements are not waiter’s improvisation, but standardized hospitality programs, you only need a high school student and cultural level of service can be a good master and use. These seemingly simple statements, you can create value. Because it reflects a basic human needs: not only food, but I want to be respected.
Business Etiquette and Business Activities In business negotiations, understand the necessary courtesy and etiquette, the negotiations must have the basic quality, courtesy, politeness are relationships &lubricant&, can be very effective in reducing the friction between people, to maximize avoid int interpersonal business occasions become a very pleasant thing. 4.1 Interaction with people skills
Way of speaking in foreign business to occupy an important position. Mutual information can be properly understood and received, this part is very important. Therefore, in the communication process should pay special attention to speaking. Communicate with
foreign expressions should be natural, leisurely. Kindly cordial tone of voice to express appropriately, gives a sense of trust and honesty, to dilute each other's opposites psychological, reducing both the psychological pressure, avoid intensifying the conflict. Ask, ask, negative tone tends to be abrupt, intense, easy to cause each other's resentment. Sound should be large enough so that each person can hear the presence. Speed is also not too fast or too slow, so that the listener can pause a timely time to digest and absorb. Tone effect in the exchange also has an important role, if the use of a tone through regulation, it indicates that knows what they are doing so for confidence. Speak
avoid the use of incomprehensible jargon, dialect, mantra, ambiguous words and words containing ambiguity. No matter what occasion, when others will introduce you to the other side, we should soon be able to remember each other and call each other names, this can shorten the distance between the two sides, closer relations
giving intimacy. For others talking point when you do not agree, do not immediately retorted, perhaps he also makes sense. First, do not agree with the view affirmed, and then ask the way and then speak out your point. For example : You are right, I also have a view that you see is not possible to do so end the conversation before you remember to be a summary, which a little before the pause , allowing the audience a little time to recall all of the information is then repeated key information
In order to make communication smooth, we must avoid communication barriers, to acquire the necessary communication skills. So as to give each other a good first impression, the benefit to the company, establish a good corporate image
1) Understand Their Concept Of Time, People From Different Cultures Very Different Attitudes Over Time. Nordic Time- Accurate, strong concept of punctuality. While The Spanish Or Italian People Think Late 10 To 15 Minutes Is Normal. 2) Etiquette, in some places such as Japan and South Korea are very particular about etiquette, business activities, more formal. The United States is relatively informal, but the eastern part of the United States will be more formal.
3)The attitude of some local people believe that legal agreements and contracts are paramount , but some treat more casual attitude of legal contracts , they think with the conditions change , the natural content of the agreement do adjust , they pay more attention to relationships.
4.2 Business etiquette and business activities intrinsically linked To each other as the center: in the course of business dealings, be sure to remember to each other as the center, to give up self- centered theory. For example, when you ask customers to eat, it should first seek the views of customers, what his favorite foods, do not eat anything, not their own preferences and subjective ordering
for the guests, which is called straightened position. If your client articulate, you can talk to him boast vivid, very humorous, or another theory with practice, but you cannot say &You're poor, we were blown dizzy you &! Interaction with each other as the center, business contacts emphasize the customer is G the customer feels good is good. Respect their respect for others, the right to show it, we can properly handle interpersonal relationships. In social and business activities, have to learn to look at the business card skills. When exchanging business cards, can explain the following four points from the card holder, status, identity and foreign exchanges of experience and social circle
The first is to see whether printed residential telephone. People in social situations, there will be self-protection awareness, private home telephone number is not given, and even cell phone numbers are not given. There are other private and public speaking Westerners , particularly care about this, if he first met with business negotiation , you put your home phone number to him, he understood you to his house meant that you suspected of taking bribes extorted . When they encounter problems of conversational etiquette problem-solving skills are also very important.
Because, as a business person, you need to face them from different industries will inevitably be difficult to reach, despite the best solution to the problem, but it may not be satisfactory.
At this time, we need to seize the main contradiction we find a breakthrough to solve the problem. Main contradiction is resolved,
secondary contradictions will be solved. Decision concept ideas, ideas determine. What kind of thinking, what kind of working condition. With advances in technology, transport, telecommunication technologies developed countries around the world, narrowing
the whole world seems to become a global village. Increasingly frequent international exchanges, cooperation in interpersonal exchanges enhanced ritual meaning of the times significantly apparent. Liturgy gives us a relaxed, comfortable, harmony between people civilized society. So I believe the future will be with social progress rituals become increasingly important, it is the stage and the performers on stage were tested all citizens.
Business activities highlighted the mutual communication on a person's attention, to the globalization of our business to focus on the process of communication, in order to achieve a goal, to be the emphasis on effective communicative skills. Business etiquette in the entire campaign played a very important role. In this paper, I will make a clear definition of business etiquette, business etiquette and the features and functions of a relatively systematic exposition.
Business etiquette refers to people in business dealings interpersonal must abide by a code of conduct. It is characterized by normative, limited, operability, tradition and change sex. Business Etiquette functionality can be explained by two aspects, one is to help
improve their own, and another to help build the community, the paper up more concentrated over the same image, business dialogue, social and entertainment aspects elaborated Business Etiquette in the application of business activity.
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