中考英语任务型阅读 任务性阅读

近几年在各地中考英语试题中,又出现一种新题型——务型阅读.它是根据任务型教学设计而成的,它是介于阅读理解与书面表达之间的一种题型.它要求学生在阅读文章后能对文章中某些细节做到准确把握或对整篇文章进行提炼概括,是一种读写结合的题型.这种题型既考查学生的阅读理解能力,也考查学生的分析问题、解决问题的能力,还考查学生运用英语语言将有关内容以文字形式正确地表达出来的能力.  纵观近几年的中考试题,不难发现阅读材料难度整体适中,材料后的题目设计难度并不很大,但是学生在实际做题过程中,经常会犯一些错误,导致不必要的失分.因此我们有必要让同学们掌握一些解题方法.完成任务型阅读的过程就是:阅读(信息输入)→判断、分析、概括、推理(信息加工与处理)→答题(信息输出).具体说来,任务型阅读的解题策略包括以下四个方面:  一、 确阅读任务   任务型阅读一般提供一段或几段阅读材料,在材料后设置5 个任务,做题时我们应先阅读所给的任务,明确任务是什么,再带着任务去阅读材料,这样就能做到心中有数,有针对性的去读,并能提高阅读效率.  二、 读全文,了解大意   明确任务后,应迅速阅读全文来了解文章主要内容,以及文章的感情基调、作者的意图、态度倾向.在材料后的问题设置中,经常有对文章大意的考查.对于概括大意的题目,需要通篇考虑,对要点加以归纳概括,这类题目有时可以从文中找到答案,但有时需要用自己的话来概括.这类题,属于难度较大的题,对文章还得再读一读,才能总结出来.除此之外,还经常考查“给文章拟一个标题”.这类题目可以通过寻找主题句和高频词来完成.根据英文写作的特点,主题句往往是首句或结尾句,但当没有主题句时,则应从全文中全面、简练地去提炼、概括.文章的标题可以是单词、短语,也可以是句子,但不管是什么,确定标题必须遵循以下两个原则:① 概括性原则,即标题应在最大程度上覆盖全文,体现文章的中心大意.② 醒目性原则,即标题必须力求吸引读者的注意力.  三、 读细节,逐题攻克   (一) 寻找细节,从原文中找答案   在经过第二步泛读全文之后,对于材料后面问题的细节考查题,在文章中所处的大体位置有所了解.然后就可以采用“跳读”的方式来寻找细节在原文中的对应,跳读的目的就是为细节寻找答案.如阅读填空或填表题,这种题目要求学生通过阅读材料,获取相关信息,以填写词语或补全句子的方式完成表格或图表.还有一些题目是对文章细节的直接设问,答案通常可以从原文中找到.从各地中考题看来,是有相当比例的此类题目.  (二) 精读细节,理解深层含义   任务型阅读,也是阅读理解的一种题型,不仅考查学生直接获取信息的能力,还可考查学生通过已知信息进行推理,研究细节的暗示,推敲作者的态度,理解文章的寓义.因此,这就要求考生要具备通过已知信息进行判断推理能力和透过字面意思解读深层含义能力,这一类型题在阅读测试中属于难度较大的题目.在做这一类型的题目时,考生应在理解全文的基础上,捕捉文章中有关的信息,精读特定细节及周围的句子来帮助理解.做这一类型的题时,还需注意:① 把握文章的内在逻辑关系,以文章提供的事实和观点为依据,立足原文,推断未知.不能主观臆造,凭空想象,随意揣测,更不能以自己的观点代替作者的观点.② 在理解全文的基础上,吃透文章的字面意思,从字里行间捕捉一些线索,对文章的表面意思进行挖掘加工,悟出作者的深层含义或弦外之音.  我们可以通过以上三种方法来答题,还需要注意一下“答题要求”   ① 在答题时,总的原则就是:能简略回答,尽量简略回答.  ② 书写要规范.句子开头首字母要大写;标点符号要规范,并能正确使用;单词拼写要正确无误;单词书写要认真.这些方面也要引起考生注意,力争避免不必要的失分.  ③ 作出适当调整.在回答时,同学们应对照题目,根据需要对句子的人称、单复数、时态、语态、词性、主谓搭配等作出适当的调整.  四、 通读全文,仔细检查   在完成所有任务后,同学们还应结合题目再把全文通读一遍,认真核实答案,同时还应检查一下书写的规范性及句子的人称、单复数、时态、语态、词性、主谓搭配等,这是答题的最后一步,同样也很关键.因此,同学们平时应养成做完题后仔细检查的好习惯.  总之,同学们要想出色的完成任务型阅读题,不仅需要在考场上运用各种解题技巧,而且还需要在平时课内外加大阅读的训练量、扩充词汇量.要知道:理解能力的提高绝非一日之功.
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更新: 10:52:55
& 2014高考英语信息匹配、任务型阅读基础训练题(6)及答案
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You’ve just graduated from business school and you feel like the world is your oyster, only to find that job offers aren’t knocking down your door as expected, making MBAs wonder why they’re not getting hired. This can be disheartening, but as an MBA, you know that perception(洞察力)is more important than reality. The key to getting hired is an employer’s perception of you. Many MBA graduates are guilty of unconsciously displaying signs that they are not the best fit for the job. Once you discover what these common mistakes are, you can put your MBA skills to use and strategize how to turn things in your favor and land the job you’ve been looking for.
Employers feel more comfortable hiring MBAs with experience because there is less need for training. Many MBAs mistakenly apply for jobs they are obviously not qualified for or which require more experience than they have, leaving them scratching their heads at why they’re not getting interviews. Recruiters want MBAs who can prove their ability to increase revenues, decrease costs, and help their business succeed in some way. Show that you can help the company by providing concrete examples of relevant experience.
MBAs often have great resumes showing all the right qualifications, but then blow the interview with inappropriate behavior, such as a lack of professional appearance, poor hygiene, or even a bad attitude. It’s necessary to be on your best behavior, dress appropriately, and not seem cocky, bored, or disinterested in the company. A little enthusiasm won’t hurt you, especially when it comes to a potential new job. Every business wants to put their most enthusiastic MBAs forward with important clients and customers, so be sure to show your passion for your work.
Another mistake you may be making unknowingly is how you portray yourself on social media. As an MBA, you know how important networking is, and these days, most of it is done online. Don’t assume that employers aren’t interested in your online profiles. Many employers now use social networking sites and online searches to check up on potential hires. Inappropriate photos and information, such as annoying material or implications of drinking and drug use are huge red flags to employers. Even discriminatory comments related to race, gender, or religion will leave employers with a bad impression. Make sure to remove any photos, content, or links that can work against you in an employer’s eyes.
Don’t forget that practice makes perfect when it comes to finding a great MBA job. Earning your MBA was a huge accomplishment, but there’s always room for improvement. Ask your classmates, peers, family, and even past co-workers or managers for feedback. Show multiple, trusted resources the job posting you’re interested in, your cover letter and resume. Take constructive criticism on how it can be better. Do mock interviews to help relieve any tension and gain a better idea of how you’d like to present yourself. With a few minor changes to your resume and the way you interact with others, you’ll be hearing “you’re hired” in no time!
Title Why MBA graduates are not getting hired
(71) Commonly-made ?▲
Many of you MBA graduates unconsciously display unfavorable signs, and (72)
to bring out the best in yourselves.
◇While (73) ?▲
for jobs, you do not take your qualifications and experience into consideration.
◇You (74) ?▲
inappropriately, thus losing a good opportunity to have an interview.
◇You make the (75) ?▲
that employers know nothing about your online profiles.
Possible solutions
You should make full use of your skills to take a turn for the (76) ?▲
◇Try to show your (77) ?▲
to help the company, providing concrete examples of relevant experience.
◇Be well-behaved, and (78) ?▲
to please the company.
◇Remove from the Internet your inappropriate photos, information, and discriminatory comments that may (79) ?▲
your employers unfavorably.
Conclusion You are bound to (80) ?▲
in job hunting if you keep in mind that practice makes perfect and there is always room for improvement.
71. mistakes
73. applying
74. behave
75. assumption
76. better
77. ability/capacity/qualifications
78. enthusiastic/passionate
79. impress
80. succeed
Trash removal(清除垃圾)is something every person needs to think about for their residence(住宅) because organizing a cleanup event can make the community more beautiful and be good for the environment. This is a good opportunity to bring families together and get them outdoors and helping each other to beautify (美化)the community.
Organizing a trash removal event is easy if you know how to prepare for it. Get ready to improve the place where you live to make it cleaner for everyone!
You need to choose a day for the trash removal event. Select a date that is about two to four months away. Planning as far in advance as possible is always smart. Choose a second date as a backup (候补)in the event of rain or other bad weather conditions.
Your best situation is to select an area in your community that is often used and tends to interest people on a regular basis. Parks are a good example of an area that might need a good cleanup. Lakes, beaches and areas that are found along roads that are traveled frequently could get some help in the trash removal event. Just make sure you make plans to clean up an area that will not be dangerous to everyone involved.
It is strongly recommended that you ask for permission from the county, city or town before you start making serious plans to round up the garbage in an organized event. Doing so makes you responsible citizen of the community.
Once you receive permission to hold a trash removal event you can then move forward with your plans. Organize a committee to make the public know about the outdoor cleanup and then ask for volunteers. For example, you can give out fliers(传单)or put them up in right areas of your community where the fliers are visible.
1.Benefits/Advantages 2.gather 3.Actions/Measures
4.weather 5.interest/attract 6.safe/secure 7.approve
8.Carrying 9.known 10.volunteers
The fast development of Internet makes it convenient for people to have access to the latest information all over the world, which broadens people's horizons. However, sometimes the Internet is abused by some to spread rumors(谣言)on purpose, resulting in side effect on people's life.Therefore, The Internet Society of China released a written proposal last Monday which demanded of Internet companies and websites to strengthen selfdiscipline and prevent the spread of online rumors.
Three major websites in China voiced their solutions Tuesday to fight against online rumors in response to the warning on Monday.
have promised the government that they will firmly cooperate with relevant departments to deal with the online spreading of rumors, saying they will improve selfmanagement and take effective measures toward this goal.
Microblogging websites should not be a hotbed for spreading of rumors, said a chief , which operates the country's most popular microblogging .He said Sina was making efforts to control the release of contents
and improve its ability to find out and remove rumors posted on it.
and another major Chinese microblogging
stopped their comment functions from March 31 to April 3 after they were punished for allowing rumors to spread.
said it was calling off illegal and fake(虚假)information in its search results and it would further increase technical and manpower investment to remove disinformation.
is learning from the past experience and bettering the safety strategy for its microblogging service to further prevent the spreading of online rumors through microblogging sites, said an unnamed chief .
The measure has received widespread support from users and now people can enjoy a relative clean and safe net environment.
Benefits of
the Internet ●Making it convenient for people to access the latest information 1.______
●Broadening people's horizons
2.______ ●Being abused by some to spread rumors 3.______
●Having side effect on people's life
A response from
government A proposal was released, 4.______
of Internet companies and websites to strengthen selfdiscipline and prevent the spread of online
from websites ●Promising to 5.______
with relevant departments firmly
●Improving selfmanagement and take effective measures
major websites ◆ ●Controlling the release of contents
●Improving its ability to 7.______
and remove
rumors posted on it.
◆ ●Canceling 8.______ and fake information in
its search results
●Further increasing technical and manpower
investment to remove disinformation
◆qq.com ●Learning from the past experience
●Bettering the safety 9.______
microblogging service
Results ●The measure has received widespread support from users.
●People can enjoy a clean and safe net environment 10.______.
1.worldwide 2.Problems/Disadvantages 
3.purposely/ deliberately/purposefully/meaningfully/designedly
4.demanding 5.cooperate 6.taken 7.discover 8.illegal 9.strategy 10.relatively
My name is Clara. I still remember that chilly December day, sitting in science class. I'd finished a worksheet early and picked up a TIME for Kids magazine. A piece of news caught my eye: NASA was holding an essay contest to name its Mars rover(火星探测器).Before I even knew anything else about it,a single word flooded my 11yearold mind: Curiosity.
I couldn't want for the bell to ring so I could get started on my essay. That afternoon, I raced home, sat down at the computer, and typed until my fingers ached. “Curiosity is an everlasting flame that burns in everyone's mind...”
Five months later, my mom received a phone call, and immediately, a wide smile spread across her face.
On August 5,2012,at 10:31 p.m., the rover named Curiosity touched down safely on the surface of Mars, and I was honored to have a frontrow seat in NASA.
Curiosity is such an important part of who I am. I have always been fascinated by the stars, the planets, the sky and the universe. I remember as a little girl, my grandmother and I would sit together in the backyard for hours. She'd tell me stories and point out the stars. Grandma lived in China, thousands of miles away from my home in Kansas, but the stars kept us together even when we were apart. They were always there, yet there was so much I didn't know about them. That's what I love so much about space.
People often ask me why we go to faraway places like Mars. My answer is simple because we're curious. We human beings do not just hole_up in one place. We are constantly wondering and trying to find out what's over the hill and beyond the horizon.
1.How did Clara get the news about the essay contest?(no more than 10 words)
答案:By reading a TIME for Kids magazine.
Or: From a TIME for Kids magazine.
2.Why did Clara have a frontrow seat in NASA?(no more than 10 words)
答案:She won the essay contest held by NASA.
Or: She named the Mars rover“ Curiosity”.
Or: “Curiosity” was chosen as the name of the Mars rover.
3.What does Clara remember about the time spent with Grandma?(no more than 15 words)
答案:She sat together with Grandma listening to her stories about the stars.
Or: Her grandma told her stories about the stars.
Or: They sat together talking about the stars.
4.What does the underlined phrase “hole up” mean?(1 word)
答案:Stay/ Remain/ Live/ Hide.
5.In your opinion, why is curiosity important?(no more than 20 words)
答案:Curiosity is important because it leads to discover or invention.
Or: With curiosity, we keep asking questions and exploring the world unknown.
Or: Curiosity drives us through our lives so that we never stop wondering about the things beyond our knowledge.
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Peng Liyuan, First Lady of China, made a speech in English at the United Nations(联合国)on September26. She talked about education and shared her Chinese dream with the world.
Peng began the speech with a story of her father. Her father grew up in a very small village in China.
Peng Liyuan, First Lady of China, made a speech in English at the United Nations(联合国)on September26. She talked about education and shared her Chinese dream with the world.
Peng began the speech with a story of her father. Her father grew up in a very small village in China.
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