口述what is your opinionwhat about后面加什么 cloning

What are your interests?
What are your strong points?
What are your weak points?
Can you tell me something about your
How do you get along well with your
My interests are manifold, including jogging, reading and
playing computer games.
I enjoy reading books in my leisure
I’m fond of sports and especially like playing
My hobby of climbing mountains keeps me fit and close to
Collecting stamps educates me in a variety of
I’m diligent, modest and
I’m always ready to help people in
Sensible of my shortcomings, I always try to overcome
Being timid is my greatest
I’m an outgoing girl who likes to make friends with
Being easy-going, I’m able to get along well with most of the
people I know.
With a strong determination to succeed, I make steady progress
in my studies.
What is your father? Describe his
What is your mother? Describe her
Are you satisfied with your family
&Parents are the best teachers to children, do
you agree?
Describe your family activities in your
My father is from a working-class
My father works hard to support the
My father is the backbone of my
My family is a two-career family with both my parents
The decision power of family affairs is in the hand of my
I have no say in family affairs.
My mother queens it over the whole
We have a family gathering every
Children learn their first lesson from their
Whenever I feel frustrated or sad, I turn to
family for
A harmonious family is important for
Family is the basic unit of
Do you often spend time with your
How important is friendship to you?
Do your friends have similar hobbies and interests to
How do you make friends?
What kind of friends are true
I treasure the friendship of a friend in
A true friend will always be there when you need a shoulder to
The only way to have a friend is to be
For me, friendship is one of the most valuable possessions in
the world.
The traditional Chinese believe that a gentleman should be able
to die for his friends.
To build up friendships needs the efforts on both
People like to make friends with those who have similar
Pouring our troubles to friends is a good way of easing off
A true friend will not stand by when you are
in& trouble.
In friendship, loyalty may be the most&
important thing.
Friendship is a comfy situation like
Friendship is an inner relationship
trust, support, communication,
loyalty and
Tell me about one of your
What is his / her appearance?
What is his / her personality?
What do you think of him / her?
Do you have a good relationship with that
I always pour my troubles to her.
I adore her delicate skin.
Being tender and understanding, she is like a sister to
We have much memorable time
We share our sorrows and happiness
We are birds of a feather.
Our friendship is built upon a solid
I know her inside and out.
A bosom friend is one to whom you could tell all your
Her personality is exactly the same as
He gets along well with every one in our
We have known each other since we were
Describe a child that you know.
What is his / her appearance?
What is his / her personality?
What is the general character of
What do you think of the child?
She is a spoiled child.
Nowadays children are under more pressure of
Today’s children enjoy a higher level of material
My niece is a lovely child with shinny eyes and tiny
She is so adorable that I want to kiss her flowery
He is a little emperor of the
We should train children’s practical
In double-career families children are often
Peter and his family live in the flat above
He is tall for his age.
My nephew wears a very warm smile on his
when he is
He is strong-willed and usually finds out ways
get what he
What is his / her appearance?
What is his / her personality?
What do you think of him / her?
Do you have a good relationship with that
Do you like to work with that
He always brags about his
He is so careless that no one wants to work with
You should not say bad words about your colleague behind their
Mutual respect is vital in establishing relationship with
The relationship among colleagues is more complicated than the
campus relationship.
He is the soul of the team.
A competent colleague sometimes poses threat to
The members of our office get along like a
He is younger than his age, but he is quite
My colleague Todd is much of a friend and he
ready to help me any
A good colleague is supposed to be efficient
Working in a project is a good practice of
Tell me something about a famous person that you
Why do you like him / her?
Why is he / she famous?
What do you think of idol worship?
Are you influenced by this person?
Premier Zhou Enlai is the person I admire
Nowadays many young people consider TV stars as their role
The young actress achieves international fame with only one
It is immoral to probe into people’s privacy even if they are
not famous.
We should learn from the shining points of the stars while being
cautious against their shortcomings.
I admire Chairman Mao for what he has done for the Chinese
He is not only successful in the IT field, but also active in
the charity drive.
Kaifu Li has written a book named Be The Best Yourself,
which is popular among young people.
He is my idol both in my study and life.
I like the songs of this singer, particularly their
Every successful man must have had a lot of
failures before he
becomes a star.
Every dog can be successful.
Do you think it’s important to have a good
How do you get along with your neighbors?
How should we deal with the relationship with
What’s the difference between a neighbor and a friend?
What qualities do you think a good neighbor should have?
The relationship between neighbors in rural areas is closer than
that in cities.
We Chinese always say that a near neighborhood is better than a
distant relative.
My neighbor often brings over some delicious food she makes.
Sometimes the noise on the other side of the house makes it
difficult for us to fall asleep.
Neighbors need more understanding between them.
I am always careful not to make big noises at night.
A good neighbor is better than a brother in the next village.
It’s better to keep on good terms with our neighbors.
When problems occur, neighbors should try to understand each
A good neighbor is supposed to be helpful and
I pay visits to my neighbors almost every day.
It is our duty to give a hand to our neighbors
when they need.
How should we treat old people?
What do you think of old people?
What are the general characteristics of old people?
What role do old people play in the family?
What do you think the old people should do to spend the rest of
their life?
Respecting old people is a long-standing tradition of
China has entered the aging society
Old people sometimes behave like
The rich life experiences and wisdom of elderly people are a
Aging is an unavoidable natural process.
In my family old people are honored.
When people grow old, sometimes they turn to be irritable and
Many young people neglect their duties to the old ones in the
Different people should be more understanding to each other.
In China old people often shoulder the
responsibility of
taking care of the babies.
Old people pass down tradition to the younger
Many old people today are even more
open-minded than
the young.
Tell me something about a teacher who has taught
What’s special about him / her?
In what ways are you influenced by him /
What are the most important qualifications to be a good
What do you think of the Chinese tradition of respecting
What are the most important qualifications to be a
Who is the leader that you adore
Where does he / she work?
Why do you like that leader?
What would you do if you are a
Do you like reading books?
What kind of books do you like to
What kind of book is a good book in your
Do you read for pleasure or for
Do you buy books to read or borrow them from
What kind of clothes do you like?
How do you get information about
What’s the difference between the clothes at present and ten
years ago?
What are the most fashionable clothes in China
How often do you use a computer?
In what way do you use a computer?
How “computer literate” are you?
How much have computers changed your
What do you gain from using a
Who cook in your family?
Do you cook at home?
How do you learn cooking?
What kind of food culture do you have in your
Do you like the food in your
How important is money to you?
What is your attitude towards
If you have one million Yuan, what will you do with
Do you think different generations have different opinions about
Do you tend to save money or spend
Who send the card or letter to you?
Why is it sent to you?
Do you like sending e-mails to
Do you often send letters by mail?
Do you send letters to others for business or personal
Describe a gift that is important to
On what occasions do you send gifts to
What kind of gifts do you send to
How do Chinese people see gifts?
What kind of gifts do Chinese people value
Describe a handicraft that you made
What’s the difference between handicrafts and products made by
the machine?
What are the handicrafts famous in
Do you think it’s necessary to learn the skills to make
What handicrafts have you
Do you often write diaries? Why or why
What is your diary about?
Where do you write your journal?
Do you have a blog? Do you want more people to read your
What do you have to pay attention to when you are publishing
your diary online?
21& 机器人
What can robots do?
Do you think robots can replace human
Do you prefer to communicate with animals or
What impacts will robots have on human
Do you think in future robots will be a good assistant in our
Do you like collecting things?
What kind of things do you collect?
Why do you collect things?
What kind of things do people usually
What can people gain from collecting
What color do you like most? Why?
Do you think color can describe
What are the special meanings of
Do you think colors have different meanings for different
What special meanings do colors have in your
Do you often go to the theatre / the opera / concerts /
Tell me a little about the last time you went to a cultural
Do you think such events are important in people’s
What kind of cultural events do people like to go in your
Are such cultural events expensive?
What kind of films do you like to
Are these kinds of films popular in your
Which was the best film you ever
What are the features of the type of film that you like
Who is your favorite actor /
What are your hobbies?
What do you gain from your hobbies?
Why do you have such a hobby?
When did you begin to pick up this
Do you have friends who have the same
What kind of music do you like?
Can you play a musical instrument?
Do your friends and your family have different musical tastes to
Who is your favorite musician or
Have you ever been to one of their performances or seen one on
Do you like to take photographs?
Do Chinese people like to take
Which kind of photos do you like to
How do you arrange your photos?
Are there some photos on your home’s
Do you enjoy shopping / window
Do you usually do your shopping at one place or several
different places?
What kinds of shops are there near your
Do you pay more attention to quality or to
Have prices increased a lot
Do you like sports?
Which kind of sports do you like?
Which kind of people like sports? Which
Do Chinese like sports?
Which kind of sports do people in your hometown
Do you like traveling?
Where have you been to?
Have you been abroad?
What do you gain from traveling?
What preparation should you do before
Which website do you like?
What do you think of e-shopping?
What are the advantages of
What are the disadvantages of
What kind of things can be bought
What kind of artistic skill do you
Do you think learning an artistic skill help develop people’s
Do you think learning art is
What are the advantages of learning an artistic skill for
What are the similarities and differences between learning an
artistic skill and other subjects?
What is your favorite song?
Why do you like that song?
Who is the original singer of that
What kinds of songs do Chinese people
Is there any difference between the songs that young people like
and that the old people like?
What game did you often play with your friends in your
How did you play the game?
Do you like playing PC games? Why or why
What can you get from a game?
Do you think games are playing a positive or negative role in
What job would you like to do in the
What do you plan to major in?
What do you plan to do after graduating from
What’s your ideal job in the
What’s your ideal future like?
Why are you planning to spend a period of time
How exactly will you benefit from this
What problems do you think you may have
What should you pay attention to when you are
What’s the benefit of studying
Tell me about an important decision that you have
What was the decision?
In what way will it influence your
Why do you make the decision?
Tell me something about a happy event that has happened to
When did the even happen?
Why do you feel happy about the
What do you think happiness is?
What should you do to achieve
How do you define success?
Is success important to you?
How can people achieve success?
Describe a success in your life.
Describe an art activity you have joined on
Do you think art activities are important to a
Do you think we should protect traditional art in
What are young people’s attitudes towards traditional art in
What measures can we take to protect traditional Chinese
If you are running your won business, what kinds of products and
services would you offer?
What would be the best way to advertise your company or
On what basis would you choose your
What are the characteristics of a good
Why do you want to have your own company? What can you get from
Tell me about a great change that occurred at some point of your
Do you think your character has changed? If so,
How is your life changed in recent
What is the greatest change in your
Do you think change is good or bad?
Have you taken part in or heard of some economic activities:
What are they about?
Tell me something about an important economic activity in your
Where does the economic activity take
In what way will the activity influence your
How important is it to the country?
Where is your hometown?
Do you like your hometown?
What’s special about your hometown?
Are you satisfied with the development of your
How are the people in your
Do you often go to museums?
What kind of museums do you like?
Do you think we should pay money to go to
How much we should pay to go to
What’s important for museum?
Which kind of transport do you like? Tell me something about its
advantage and disadvantage.
Which kind of transport you go by when you are traveling?
Advantage and disadvantage?
Tell me something about the transportation in
What type of transport people in your city often
What the traffic condition is like in your
What is your country?
Is your country large?
What is special or unique about your
Did / do any world-famous people come from your
What do you think of your country?
Where do you live?
What is your favorite city?
Why do you like it?
What can people see there?
When did you visit there?
Where do you live?
What is your room like?
How do you like your room?
Is there any possibility for
How would you decorate your room?
Tell me something about a school that you have attended at any
time in your life.
What have learned at the school?
Who taught you at the school?
What was the school campus like?
Were the school and teachers as you
Could you describe an interesting
What is the most interesting building in your home city or
Where is it?
Why do you think it is interesting?
What do people do in the building?
What is your favorite foreign
Have you been there?
What do you think of it?
Do you want to live there?
What is special about that country?
Where is the river / lake?
What do people do there?
How does it change in different
Do you like it?
What is special about it?
Describe your favorite park.
What are the functions of parks?
Do you think we should build more parks in the
Do you think parks should sell
What do people do in the park?
Describe a library in your school
Do you often go to the library? What do you do
What books do you often borrow?
What role do you think a library is playing in your study
Would you prefer a traditional library or a digital
How many kinds of media do you
Where do you usually get news?
Do you often listen to the radio?
What kind of news stories are usually reported on TV in your
Do you pay more attention to local, national, or international
What kind of programs do you watch?
Is watching TV a popular thing to do in your
Do you often talk about TV programs with
Do you think that you watch too much
What’s your parents’ view of your watching
What do you think of advertisement?
What’s the function of
What are the forms of
Describe an advertisement that impressed you
What can we get from the
Do you read newspapers or
What kinds of newspapers or magazines do you
Is the news on newspaper or magazines always
What’s the responsibility do you think a journalist should
What’s the difference between newspaper and the new media like
How has the Internet changed the ways in which we get our
In what ways has the Internet changed
What are the advantages and disadvantages of buying things on
the Internet?
Do many people take advantage of e-commerce in your
What are the advantages and disadvantages of surfing on the
What programs do you often watch?
Do you like watching TV? Why or why
Do you think TV is playing a positive or negative role in our
Do you think the parents should guide their children when
watching TV?
What programs are popular in your
Do you like keeping a pet? Why?
What pet do you want to keep?
What do you do to keep a pet?
What do you benefit from keeping a
What pets are popular in your
Do you think it’s necessary to protect wild
What measures shall we take to protect wild
Why do many wild animals
What should the government do to protect wild
Do you think it’s good to raise wild animals in the
Describe the four seasons in China.
Which season do you like most?
What activities do you do in
Do you think the climate at present is different from that in
Do you think the difference is due to environmental
What’s the situation of industry in
What are the main industries in
How shall we develop our industry in
What is the main industry in your
Do you think the development of industry will bring about much
air pollution?
What are the major sources of pollution in
What effects does pollution have on people’s
What are people’s attitudes towards
What measures shall we take to reduce
What do you think of the environmental protection in
How often do you go on holiday?
Where do you usually go?
Who do you prefer to go with?
What do you like to do on holiday?
If you could go to any foreign country, where would you
1. What is your job? Do you like your
2. Do you find your job
3. What is your ideal
4. Are you planning to change
5. What can you get from your
Do you try to keep fit?
Is keeping fit popular in China?
Is keeping fit more important for men or
How do Chinese people usually
Are there any exercise facilities near your
Tell me something about an ambition that you have in
Why do you have that ambition?
Do you think ambition is good for
What should you do to realize that
How do you handle the difficulties that come over
73& 在线教育
Is online education real education?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of online
Is the degree of online education recognized in your
Do you prefer to study online or study with teachers in the
When will you choose to study
What major are you interested in?
Why do you want to learn this major? Is it easy for
Would you choose a major you are interested in or a major that
may offer you decent job in future?
Do you choose a major by yourself or your
What major is popular in your country in recent
Are people today under a lot of
Why do you think people feel under
What are the negative effects of too much stress at work over
along period of time?
Do men and women have different types of
Do you think people will have more stress in the future or


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