歌词anyhow walk on the waterwith me over water

Simon & Garfunkel
& 保罗·西蒙(Paul
Simon 于是写下了 Bridge Over Troubled Water
西蒙和加芬克尔(Simon and
《忧愁河上的金桥》( Bridge Over Troubled
这张专辑的同名歌曲Bridge Over Troubled
Si, Nixon No," 而没有毙掉的那首就是大名鼎鼎的El Condor
&事隔若干年之后,加芬克尔仍然对西蒙没有和他合唱Bridge Over Troubled
Water而耿耿于怀,而西蒙也亲口对滚石杂志的记者说,“很多次我都后悔没有那么做(And many times I'm sorry I
Farrell是她儿时的偶像,尤其是朱迪·加兰对她的影响最大。她曾与同学Paul Todd组成一个二人组合,称为“Paul and
Linda Show”。
&& 凯尔特女人乐队(Celtic
&& 凯尔特女人乐队 Celtic Woman
《Bridge Over Troubled
When you're weary,feeling
&when tears are in your
&I will dry them
&I'm on your
&Oh,when times get
&and friends just can't
be found,
&like a bridge over
troubled water
&I will lay me
&Like a bridge over
troubled water
&I will lay me
When you're down and out,
&when you're on the
&when evening falls so
&I will comfort
&I'll take your
&Oh,when darkness
&and pain is all
&like a bridge over
troubled water
&I will lay me
&Like a bridge over
troubled water
&I will lay me
Sail on! Silver girl.
&Your time has come to
&All your dreams are on
their way.
&See how they
&Oh, if you need a
&I'm sailing right
&Like a bridge over
troubled water
&I will ease your
&Like a bridge over
troubled water
&I will ease your
Tunnel of LoveFat man sitting on a little stool
坐在板凳上的胖家伙Takes the money from my hand while his eyes take a walk all over you
取走我手中的钱,目光在你身上游荡Hands me the ticket smiles and whispers good luck
将门票递交给我,笑着低声说“好运”Cuddle up angel cuddle up my little dove
依偎着我的小小白鸽我的天使We*ll ride down baby into this tunnel of love
我们将顺流而下,进入这爱情隧道I can feel the soft silk of your blouse
我能感到你丝质上衣的柔弱And them soft thrills in our little fun house
Then the lights go out and it*s just the three of us
随后灯光熄灭,只剩下我们三个You me and all that stuff we*re so scared of
你与我与我们最最惧怕的一切Gotta ride down baby into this tunnel of love
要顺流而下宝贝,进入这爱情隧道There*s a crazy mirror showing us both in 5-D
哈哈镜中成双映出五维的你我I*m laughing at you you*re laughing at me
我揶揄着你你也在将我取笑There*s a room of shadows that gets so dark brother
这充满阴影的房间正变得更加晦暗,朋友It*s easy for two people to lose each other in this tunnel of love
两个人多容易迷失彼此,在这条爱情隧道It ought to be easy ought to be simple enough
本该是多么简单多么易如反掌Man meets woman and they fall in love
男人遇见女人他们便爱上对方But the house is haunted and the ride gets rough
这鬼影幢幢的房室,行进愈加不易And you*ve got to learn to live with what you can*t rise above
你必须学会与你无法克服的一切朝夕相对If you want to ride on down in through this tunnel of love
My HometownI was eight years old and running with a dime in my hand
那年我八岁,手里紧攥着一枚硬币奔跑Into the bus stop to pick up a paper for my old man
去公交车站,为我的老爸买一份早报I′d sit on his lap in that big old Buick
我坐在他的腿上,在大别克车里And steer as we drove through town
把着舵穿行过小镇He′d tousle my hair and say &son take a good look around
他搅乱我的头发说 “孩子,好好看一看周围This is your hometown&
这就是你的家乡”This is your hometown
这是你的家乡This is your hometown
这是你的家乡This is your hometown
你的家乡In `65 tension was running high
65年,陡然紧张的氛围At my high school
萦绕在我的学校There was a lot of fights
一系列冲突事件Between the black and white
爆发在黑白之间There was nothing you could do
你什么都改变不了Two cars at a light on a Saturday night
周六晚交通灯下,两辆车In the back seat there was a gun
后座各携有枪支Words were passed in a shotgun blast
一言不合,擦枪走火Troubled times had come
混乱的时代降临 To my hometown
在我的家乡My hometown
我的家乡My hometown
我的家乡My hometown
我的家乡Now Main Street*s whitewashed windows and vacant stores
而今主街尽是泥窗与空荡的商店Seems like there ain*t nobody
看起来似乎再也不会有谁Wants to come down here no more
想要回到这个地方They*re closing down the textile mill across the railroad tracks
Foreman says &these jobs are going boys
工头说“孩子,这些岗位没了And they ain*t coming back
它们将不再回到To your hometown&
你的家乡”Your hometown
你的家乡Your hometown
你的家乡Your hometown
你的家乡Last night me and Kate we laid in bed
昨晚我和凯特躺在床上Talking about getting out
商量着离开此地Packing up our bags
收拾好我们的行李maybe heading south
也许,迁往南方I*m thirty-five
我已三十五岁We got a boy of our own now
两个人有了自己的孩子Last night I sat him up behind the wheel
昨晚我扶他坐到方向盘后面And said &son take a good look around
说“孩子,好好看一看周围This is your hometown&
JunglelandThe rangers had a homecoming in Harlem late last night浪子们在深夜回到哈林区的家中And the Magic Rat drove his sleek machine over the Jersey state line靓仔莱特驱车驰骋过新泽西州境线Barefoot girl sitting on the hood of a Dodge赤足女孩坐在道奇车的前盖上Drinking warm beer in the soft summer rain在夏日细雨中啜饮温酒The Rat pulls into town rolls up his pants莱特停在路旁,挽起裤腿Together they take a stab at romance and disappear down Flamingo Lane两人亲密片刻,一同消失在弗拉明戈小街Well the Maximum Lawman run down Flamingo chasing the Rat and the barefoot girl高大上执法官来到弗拉明戈街头追捕两人And the kids round here look just like shadows always quiet, holding hands此处的恋人们宛如影翳,安静地携手成对From the churches to the jails tonight all is silence in the world从教堂到牢狱,静谧是今夜的世界As we take our stand down in Jungleland当我们置身其中,踏向都市丛林The midnight gang*s assembled and picked a rendezvous for the night帮派们聚集一处并谋划深夜的碰头They*ll meet *neath that giant Exxon sign that brings this fair city light埃克森灯火通明的招牌是他们约定的地点Man there*s an opera out on the Turnpike老兄,一出好戏要上演在收费站旁There*s a ballet being fought out in the alley街巷中的恶战正在酝酿Until the local cops, Cherry Tops, rips this holy night直到片警赶来,警灯亮起,笛声划破黑夜The street*s alive as secret debts are paid街头的生机因地下交易维系Contacts made, they vanished unseen买卖做成,双方杳无踪影Kids flash guitars just like switch-blades 少年们水泄不通地挥舞吉他hustling for the record machine竭力求取着一夜成名The hungry and the hunted explode into rock*n*roll bands饥馑与受猎的情绪,在摇滚乐团里发作That face off against each other out in the street down in Jungleland他们在这条街上势不两立,在这都市丛林In the parking lot the visionaries dress in the latest rage停车场的潮人们身着应季的装束Inside the backstreet girls are dancing to the records that the D.J. plays后街女孩们伴着DJ的音乐蹁跹起舞Lonely-hearted lovers struggle in dark corners离人们在幽暗的街角沉沦Desperate as the night moves on, 随着夜的推移绝望,just a look and a whisper, and they*re gone一言一瞥后,他们不知去向Beneath the city two hearts beat城市之中,两颗心的跳动Soul engines running through a night so tender灵魂的燃机和缓地驶入夜中 In a bedroom locked在紧闭的卧室里In whispers of soft refusal and then surrender喁喁细语中的欲拒,变做还迎In the tunnels uptown在市郊的隧道里The Rat*s own dream guns him down莱特被自己的梦想击倒 as shots echo down them hallways in the night枪声散入千门万户的良夜No one watches when the ambulance pulls away无人注目救护车何时离去Or as the girl shuts out the bedroom light抑或何时,女孩将卧室灯熄灭Outside the street*s on fire in a real death waltz窗外的街衢被死亡的华尔兹点燃Between flesh and what*s fantasy在灵与肉之间摆荡不休 and the poets down here don*t write nothing at all, 彼处的诗人们甚至未曾执笔they just stand back and let it all be只是袖手旁观,任由一切发生And in the quick of the night they reach for their moment很快在夜里,它们迎来自己的时刻And try to make an honest stand 并试着保持坚定的立场but they wind up wounded, not even dead但最终伤痕累累,甚至殒身Tonight in Jungleland今夜,在这都市丛林
挽尊求thunder road和bobby jean以及born to run,paradose翻译
Born to RunIn the day we sweat it out on the streets of a runaway American dream
白昼我们为奔走的美国之梦在街头抛洒汗水At night we ride through mansions of glory in suicide machines
夜中我们驱动自杀的机车穿越壮丽的广厦万千Sprung from cages out on highway 9,
逃脱牢笼来到九号高速,Chrome wheeled, fuel injected
铬金车轮,让燃料溢满And steppin* out over the line
一举前行跃出界限Baby this town rips the bones from your back
吾爱,这座城市正在撕裂你的脊背It*s a death trap, it*s a suicide rap
那是死亡的圈套,是自戕的节拍We gotta get out while we*re young
我们但有趁年轻离开这里*Cause tramps like us, baby we were born to run
正如一切的流浪者,宝贝我们为奔跑存在Wendy let me in I wanna be your friend
温迪请接纳我,让我做你的朋友I want to guard your dreams and visions
我愿守卫你所有的幻梦与愿景Just wrap your legs *round these velvet ribs
只需你双腿环绕这些丝绒的鞍座And strap your hands across my engines
并把双手在我的引擎上握紧Together we could break this trap
在一起我们能冲破这个陷阱We*ll run till we drop, baby we*ll never go back
让你我在奔跑中倒下,宝贝我们绝不折返Will you walk with me out on the wire
你是否会随我追寻一线生机?*Cause baby I*m just a scared and lonely rider
因为吾爱,我不过是一位孤单惧怕的骑手But I gotta find out how it feels
I want to know if love is wild
我愿意知悉爱的狂热Babe I want to know if love is real
我想要知道痴狂能否成真Beyond the Palace hemi-powered drones scream down the boulevard
赫米发动机的轰鸣响彻宫墙外的大道The girls comb their hair in rearview mirrors
女孩在后视镜中梳理容妆,And the boys try to look so hard
少年们扮作强壮The amusement park rises bold and stark
乐园唤醒顽童质朴的勇气 Kids are huddled on the beach in a mist
于雾色中拥挤的海岸I wanna die with you Wendy on the streets tonight
温迪,今夜我愿与你一同死在街头In an everlasting kiss
在永恒的长吻中入眠The highway*s jammed with broken heroes on a last chance power drive
高速路布满等待最后一搏的落败的英雄Everybody*s out on the run tonight
每个人都在今夜出逃But there*s no place left to hide
只是再没有地方可以藏身Together Wendy we can live with the sadness
温迪,在一起我们能忍受这种悲伤I*ll love you with all the madness in my soul
我会用尽灵魂中的疯狂将你热恋Someday girl I don*t know when
在不知何时的某日,女孩We*re gonna get to that place
我们一定会抵达那个Where we really want to go
我们心目中向往的去处And we*ll walk in the sun
并在太阳下行走But till then tramps like us, baby we were born to run
热烈欢迎啊!!刚来就有那么好的表现哦,不错!赞一个!待我慢慢欣赏哦呵呵呵还有一个BOSS的贴吧,有兴趣可以来玩玩哈哈另外,我想要几个歌的歌词翻译,可以吗Darkness At The Edge Of TownRacing In The StreetNebraskaAll That Heaven Will Allow Walk Like A Man One Step Up Brilliant Disguise Human Touch 57 Channels (And Nothin* On) With Every Wish I Wish I Were Blind Better Days Lucky Town The Big Muddy My Beautiful RewardStreets of PhiladelphiaSecret gardenWhen You Need Me Sad Eyes Happy Brothers Under the Bridge 哈哈哈,这么多吓晕了吧只是一部分我最喜欢的,还有很多不敢写了,怕你晕死
Secret GardenShe*ll let you in her house
她会容许你登门If you come knockin* late at night
若你在深夜中叩问She*ll let you in her mouth
她会容许你亲吻If the words you say are right
若你的道白情真If you pay the price
若你良苦用心She*ll let you deep inside
她会容你进入更深But there*s a secret garden she hides
但有座神秘的花园,让她藏身She*ll let you in her car
她会让你进入车里To go drivin* round
和她在四处兜风She*ll let you into the parts of herself
她会让你进入她的世界That*ll bring you down
让你魂牵梦萦She*ll let you in her heart
她会对你敞开心扉If you got a hammer and a vise
若你把她的心防打开But into her secret garden, don*t think twice
但进入她神秘的花园,别再痴心You*ve gone a million miles
历经千万里的跋涉How far*d you get
你还要走上多远To that place where you can*t remember
那个归宿你无从忆起And you can*t forget
却又无法忘却She*ll lead you down a path
她牵你走过一条小径There*ll be tenderness in the air
那里,空气中充满温存She*ll let you come just far enough
她容许你长途奔波来此So you know she*s really there
你知道,此刻她就在面前Then she*ll look at you and smile
And her eyes will say
她的明眸似在诉说She*s got a secret garden
她有一座神秘的花园Where everything you want
那里你渴望的一切Where everything you need
那里你需要的一切Will always stay
将永远留在A million miles away
American Skin (41 Shots)41 shots,
四十一枪,and we*ll take that ride
我们乘上子弹Cross this bloody river
越过血泊to the other side
到达另外一端41 shots,
四十一枪,Cut through the night
枪声划破夜晚You*re kneeling over his body in the vestibule
你在大厅的尸身前跪倒Praying for his life
为他的生命祈愿Is it a gun
那是一把枪支Is it a knife
或是一把利刃?Is it a wallet
抑或只是钱夹?this is your life
你的性命攸关It ain*t no secret
这并不是秘密(it ain*t no secret)
这并不是秘密No secret my friend
朋友,没有秘密可言You can get killed just for living in
你死于非命只因生在your American skin
你的美国皮囊之中41 shots,
四十一枪,Lena gets her son ready for school
伦娜为孩子做好上学准备She says, &On these streets, Charles
她说“在这条街上,查尔斯You*ve got to understand the rules
你必须要明白一些法规If an officer stops you,
要是一位警官把你拦下promise me you*ll always be polite
答应我要表现得礼貌一点And that you*ll never ever run away
还有绝对不能转身逃走Promise Mama you*ll keep your hands in sight&
答应妈妈手不能离开视线”Is it a gun
那是一把枪支Is it a knife
或是一把利刃?Is it a wallet
抑或只是钱夹?this is your life
你的性命攸关It ain*t no secret
这并不是秘密(it ain*t no secret)
这并不是秘密No secret my friend
朋友,没有秘密可言You can get killed just for living in
你死于非命只因生在your American skin
你的美国皮囊之中Is it a gun
那是一把枪支is it a knife
或是一把利刃?Is it in your heart,
它在你的心底is it in your eyes
或在你的眼前?It ain*t no secret
这并不是秘密(it ain*t no secret)
这并不是秘密It ain*t no secret
这并不是秘密41 shots,
四十一枪,and we*ll take that ride
我们乘上子弹Cross this bloody river
越过血泊to the other side
到达另外一端41 shots,
四十一枪,I got my boots caked in this mud
泥泞沾满我的长靴Baptized in these waters
我们既在圣水中浸洗And in each other*s blood
也沐浴彼此的鲜血Is it a gun
那是一把枪支Is it a knife
或是一把利刃?Is it a wallet
抑或只是钱夹?this is your life
你的性命攸关It ain*t no secret
这并不是秘密(it ain*t no secret)
这并不是秘密No secret my friend
朋友,没有秘密可言You can get killed just for living in
你死于非命只因生在You can get killed just for living in
你死于非命只因生在You can get killed just for living in
你死于非命只因生在your American skin
BackstreetsOne soft infested summer me and Terry became friends那虫声微弱的夏天泰莉与我成为朋友Trying in vain to breathe the fire we was born in试着徒劳喘息两人降生其中的火焰Catching rides to the outskirts tying faith between our teeth我们搭车前往市郊,许下山盟海誓Sleeping in that old abandoned beach house getting wasted in the heat在荒弃的海岸小屋内,溽热中酩酊睡去And hiding on the backstreets,在后街上藏匿Hiding on the backstreets在后街上藏匿With a love so hard and filled with defeat满怀着艰辛与挫败的爱恋Running for our lives at night on them backstreets在夜的后街之上,将我们的生计谋取Slow dancing in the dark on the beach at Stockton*s Wing在夜色中翩翩起舞,斯托克顿市海岸上Where desperate lovers park we sat with the last of the Duke Street Kings公爵街最后的艺人与我们同在凄清的公园中Huddled in our cars waiting for the bells that ring我们拥挤着驾车,直到警铃响起In the deep heart of the night to set us loose from everything在长夜至深的尽头,我们万事皆休地放纵To go running on the backstreets, 在后街上逃避running on the backstreets在后街上逃避Terry We swore we*d live forever泰莉,我们承诺过天长地久 On the backstreets we take it together在这片后街上休戚与共Endless juke joints and Valentino drag无数的瓦伦蒂诺变装,无数的音乐酒馆 Where dancers scraped the tears up off the street dressed down in rags舞者们抛洒热泪,长街破败不堪 Running into the darkness some hurt bad some really dying他们纵身逃入黑暗, 各自死伤惨重At night sometimes it seemed you could hear the whole damn city crying在一些夜中你似乎能听到整座该死城市的哭喊 Blame it on the lies that killed us归咎于积毁销骨的谎言Blame it on the truth that ran us down 归咎于现实带来的失望You can blame it all on me Terry it don*t matter to me now 你尽可归咎于我,泰莉,但那并不重要When the breakdown hit at midnight there was nothing left to say 当崩溃在深夜中袭来更无复须多言But I hated him and I hated you when you went away但我恨他入骨,而我嫉恨你的离开Laying here in the dark you*re like an angel on my chest黑暗中静卧的你如同我胸膛上的天使Just another tramp of hearts crying tears of faithlessness这颗流浪心灵的热泪无非同样不贞Remember all the movies, Terry, we*d go see泰莉你是否仍记,我们看过的电影Trying to learn how to walk like heroes we thought we had to be试着效仿我们心目中的英雄们那样行事And after all this time to find we*re just like all the rest很久之后我们才发现自己与常人何异Stranded in the park and forced to confess踟蹰在荒园中,被迫向现实屈从To hiding on the backstreets, 在后街上藏匿Hiding on the backstreets在后街上藏匿We swore forever friends我们发誓做永远的朋友 on the backstreets until the end在这条后街之上,直到最后
Darkness on the Edge of Town
They′re still racing out at the trestles他们仍旧在高架桥上竞速But that blood it never burned in her veins但她心头不再有热血涌动Now I hear she′s got a house up in Fairview听说她在费尔维尤有了住所And a style she′s trying to maintain也有正在营造的生活方式Well if she wants to see me如果她想要与我相见You can tell her that I′m easily found请告诉她,我并不难寻找Tell her theres a spot out ′neath Abram′s Bridge告诉她在亚伯兰桥下有一个地点And tell her there′s a darkness on the edge of town告诉她,黑暗笼罩着城市近郊There′s a darkness on the edge of town黑暗笼罩着城市近郊Everybody′s got a secret, Sonny每个人都拥有一个秘密,桑妮Something that they just can′t face某些事他们只是无法面对Some folks spend their whole lives trying to keep it某些人穷尽一生试着将其遮掩They carry it with them every step that they take他们举步维艰,将重负携带在身Till some day they just cut it loose直到有一日,他们将其揭露Cut it loose or let it drag ′em down将其揭露,不然就被其拖垮Where no one asks any questions无人将会追问或是Or looks too long in your face凝视着你的面颊In the darkness on the edge of town在黑暗笼罩下的城市近郊In the darkness on the edge of town在黑暗笼罩下的城市近郊Some folks are born into a good life有些人生而享有优渥的生命Other folks get it anyway anyhow另一些碌碌终生,只是勉可度日I lost my money and I lost my wife而我失去钱财,失去了我的伴侣Them things dont seem to matter much to me now这些事对我来说,似乎已不再重要 Tonight I′ll be on that hill ′cause I can′t stop今夜我要登上小山,我已无法止步I′ll be on that hill with everything I got我要登上小山,带上我的全部Lives on the line where dreams are found and lost脚下的众生充满得而复失的梦想I′ll be there on time and I′ll pay the cost我会准时登临,我愿把代价偿付For wanting things that can only be found因为我的所求只存在此In the darkness on the edge of town在黑暗笼罩下的城市近郊In the darkness on the edge of town在黑暗笼罩下的城市近郊
Early in the morning factory whistle blows,每一日清晨,工厂扬起笛声Man rises from bed and puts on his clothes,男人从床上起身,然后穿戴齐整Man takes his lunch, walks out in the morning light,男人吃过便饭,迎着晨曦出门It*s the working, the working, just the working life.就开始劳动,劳动,注定劳碌一生Through the mansions of fear, through the mansions of pain,穿过畏惧的楼宇,穿过苦痛的高楼I see my daddy walking through them factory gates in the rain,我看到爹地在雨中穿行过工厂门口Factory takes his hearing, factory gives him life,工厂掩住了声音,工厂赋予他生命The working, the working, just the working life.劳动,劳动,注定劳碌一生End of the day, factory whistle cries,天色已晚后,工厂笛声长鸣Men walk through these gates with death in their eyes.男人们走出厂门,眼神带着亡命And you just better believe, boy,你最好相信,孩子somebody*s gonna get hurt tonight,今夜将会有人倒霉,It*s the working, the working, just the working life.这就是劳动,劳动,是劳碌的一生
Lights out tonight, trouble in the heartland.
灯火阑珊的夜,内心局促不安 Got a head-on collision, smashin* in my guts man.
迎面而来的冲突,使我心惊胆战 I*m caught in a crossfire that I don*t understand.
我身陷内外交困,而我不知因缘 But there*s one thing I know for sure girl:
但一事我深信不疑,女孩 I don*t give a damn
我毫不在意 For the same old played out scenes
重复旧有的窘境 I don*t give a damn
我毫不在意 For just the in-betweens.
是否陷入其中 Honey I want the heart, I want the soul,
愿心有灵犀,愿魂牵梦萦 I want control right now.
愿此刻重新得到掌控 You better listen to me baby:
仔细听我说,宝贝 T try to make it real.
谈论一个梦想,试着让其成真 You wake up in the night with a fear so real.
你在深夜醒来,恐惧如此切近 You spend your life waiting for a moment that just don*t come.
你穷尽一生等待某个不会到来的时分 Well don*t waste your time waiting
喔,别浪费光阴守候 Badlands you gotta live it every day
荒原,你要时刻在其上居住 Let the broken hearts stand
让破碎的心灵屹立 As the price you*ve gotta pay
作为你必要的偿付 We*ll keep pushin* till it*s understood
让我们坚持不懈,直到豁然贯通 And these badlands start treating us good
荒原也变成我们的乐土 Workin* in the field till you get your back burned
在田野间劳动,直到汗流浃背 Workin* *neath the wheels till you get your facts learned.
在车轮下干活,直到获得自省 Baby I got my facts learned real good right now.
宝贝,我已经清醒地认识了自身 You better get it straight darling:
让我们直白地说,宝贝 Poor men wanna be rich, rich men wanna be Kings,
穷人渴望富有,富人渴望为王,And a King ain*t satisfied till he rules everything.
君王不会满足,直到将一切执掌 I wanna go out tonight, I wanna find out what I got.
今夜我想要出门,我想要了解我的境遇 Now I believe in the love that you gave me.
而我相信,你给予我的爱慕 I believe in the faith that could save me.
我相信,信念会将我救赎 I believe in the hope and I pray that some day it
我相信希望,并祈祷某日 Will raise me above these
它会令我脱出这些 Badlands you gotta live it every day
荒原,你要时刻在其上居住 Let the broken hearts stand
让破碎的心灵屹立 As the price you*ve gotta pay
作为你必要的偿付 We*ll keep pushin* till it*s understood
让我们坚持不懈,直到豁然贯通 And these badlands start treating us good
荒原也变成我们的乐土 For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
那些内心深处有着自己想法的人们 That it ain*t no sin to be glad you*re alive.
这不是坏事,很庆幸你们存在 I wanna find one face that ain*t looking through me
我要找到一张不会忽视我的面孔 I wanna find one place, I wanna spit in the face of these
Badlands you gotta live it every day
荒原,你要时刻在其上居住 Let the broken hearts stand
让破碎的心灵屹立 As the price you*ve gotta pay
作为你必要的偿付 We*ll keep pushin* till it*s understood
让我们坚持不懈,直到豁然贯通 And these badlands start treating us good
能帮忙翻译Warren G 的This D.J嘛
The RiverI come from down in the valley 我来自河谷地区Where mister when you*re young老兄,那里自你从小They bring you up to do就被教着长大之后Like your daddy done接过你父辈的饭碗Me and Mary we met in high school 我和玛丽在高中相遇When she was just seventeen那时她年方十七 We*d drive out of this valley两人驾车开出山谷 Down to where the fields were green驶入那片原野的蓊郁 We*d go down to the river我们一同前往河畔And into the river we*d dive并纵身跃入小河Oh down to the river we*d ride 沿着河岸,我们缓缓行车Then I got Mary pregnant随后玛丽因我怀孕 And man that was all she wrote老兄,事情就是这样and for my nineteenth birthday十九岁生日那天 I got a union card and a wedding coat我拿到了工卡和婚礼西装We went down to the courthouse我们去到登记机构 And the judge put it all to rest登记员将一切搞定No wedding day smiles没有新婚的微笑 No walk down the aisle没有穿过教堂 No flowers没有鲜花 No wedding dress没有婚纱礼服 That night we went down to the river那一夜我们来到河畔 And into the river we*d dive 并纵身跃入小河Oh down to the river we*d ride沿着河岸,我们缓缓行车I got a job working construction我找了一份搬砖工作 For the Johnstown company在约翰城建筑公司 But lately there ain*t been much work不久前业务变得寡淡 On account of the economy出于整体的经济趋势Now all them things that seemed so important现在这些曾经如此重要的事情Well mister they vanished right into the air老兄,它们都在空气中消散 Now I just act like I don*t remember而我只是假装我已经忘记Mary acts like she don*t care玛丽表现得不以为然 But I remember us riding in my brother*s car但我深深记得我们借来兄长的车驾驶出游Her body tan and wet down at the reservoir她小麦色的皮肤淋透了晶莹的池水At night on them banks I*d lie awake 在深夜的河岸上我迟迟不会睡去And pull her close just to feel each breath she*d take只愿把她拥近,感受她每一次呼出的气息Now those memories come back to haunt me而今这些记忆重又将我萦绕 They haunt me like a curse如同挥之不去的咒语 Is a dream a lie if it don*t come true未曾实现的梦境是否与谎言无异 Or is it something worse抑或只会是更加不堪That sends me down to the river这让我再度前往河流Though I know the river is dry虽然我知道,河水已经枯干 That sends me down to the river让我前往河流 Tonight就在今晚 Down to the river前往那条小河My baby and I我的宝贝和我Oh down to the river we ride沿着河岸,我们缓缓行车
另一版本的翻译:我来自下面的山谷先生,那时你还很年轻他们在那把你养大, 然后让你子承父业我和玛丽在中学认识当时她只有十七岁我们开车驶出山谷去到一片有着盎然绿色的旷野我们去到河边在那潜水啊!我们开车去那的然后,我让玛丽怀了孕老兄, 这就是她所有的故事了在我十九岁生日的时候我拿到一张工会会员证和一套结婚礼服我们去法院法官不理会我们没有婚礼日的微笑,没有婚礼的走道没有花,没有婚纱。那夜我们去到河边在那潜水啊!我们乘车去那的我在约翰城公司找到一份建筑工作不久后经济萧条,工作逾少现在所有那些曾看似重要的事情嗯,先生,它们消逝一空现在我装作记不得玛丽装作不在乎但我记得我们开着我哥哥的车在水池旁,她晒得发黑,全身湿透夜里,在河岸边,我清醒地躺着,把她拉近身旁,去感受她的每一次呼吸现在那些回忆纠缠着我像魔咒般纠缠着我一个不能实现的梦是否就是一个谎言?或者会更坏些?那驱使着我我去到河边尽管我知道河水已干涸今晚,那驱使着我去到河边去到河边我的宝贝和我啊!我们乘车去那河边。。对比上面的版本,哪个更好些,相信每个人自有答案
One Step UpWoke up this morning my house was cold今早醒来,在寒冷的虚室 Checked out the furnace she wasn*t burnin*看了看炉火,并没有丝毫温暖 Went out and hoped in my old Ford出门后在旧福特车里等待 Hit the engine but she ain*t turnin*试着发动,但没有令谁回转 We*ve given each other some hard lessons lately 不久前我们俩大动干戈But we ain*t learnin*但并未吸取教训 We*re the same sad story that*s a fact我们重复着老套的悲剧,这毫无疑问 One step up and two steps back一步的前进,两步的退还 Bird on a wire outside my motel room旅馆外的天线上落着鸟儿But he ain*t singin*没有谁发出歌声 Girl in white outside a church in June六月教堂外的婚纱女孩 But the church bells they ain*t ringing等待着不会响起的钟鸣 I*m sittin* here in this bar tonight我在这间酒吧消磨度夜 But all I*m thinkin* is但我心神不定 I*m the same old story same old act我重复着老套的悲剧,老套的情节One step up and two steps back一步的前进,两步的退还 It*s the same thing night on night陈旧的琐屑仍夜夜上演Who*s wrong baby who*s right究竟谁错,谁又在对的一边Another fight and I slam the door on又一次争执,最终我摔门而去 Another battle in our dirty little war又一次冲突,我们恶劣的小小战役 When I look at myself I don*t see当我审视自身却无法看到 The man I wanted to be我想要成为的那个自己 Somewhere along the line I slipped off track在来时的某处我已偏离了路线 I*m caught movin* one step up and two steps back我徒劳重复一步的前进,两步的退还 There*s a girl across the bar酒吧的对面有一个女孩 I get the message she*s sendin*我收到她秋波暗送的讯息 Mmm she ain*t lookin* to married她并不像是要寻求真情 And me well honey I*m pretending至于我,我也在逢场作戏 Last night I dreamed I held you in my arms昨夜我梦见将你拥入怀抱 The music was never-ending伴随着袅袅不绝的乐曲 We danced as the evening sky faded to black我们翩跹起舞,直到天色渐晚 One step up and two steps back一步的前进,两步的退还
Adam Raised A CainIn the summer that I was baptized,在我受洗的那个夏日 My father held me to his side,父亲把我拉到他的身边 As they put me to the water,当人们把我置入水中 He said how on that day I cried.据他说,我哭得非常厉害 We were prisoners of love, a love in chains,我们是爱的囚徒,爱中有紧缚的锁链 He was standin' in the door, I was standin' in the rain,那时他站在门口,而我在雨中伫立 With the same hot blood burning in our veins,而我们的血脉中,灼烧着同样的热血 Adam raised a Cain. 亚当抚育该隐All of the old faces,每张熟知的面孔 Ask you why you're back,追问你为何回来 They fit you with position,他们给你适合的专职 And the keys to your daddy's Cadillac,和父亲凯迪拉克的钥匙 In the darkness of your room, your mother calls you by your true name, 在昏暗的房室中,母亲将你的真名呼唤You remember the faces, the places, the names, 你一幕幕忆起那些容貌、地点,和姓字You know it's never over, it's relentless as the rain,你知道这永无止境,如同缠绵不休的雨水 Adam raised a Cain.亚当抚育该隐 In the Bible Cain slew Abel圣经中,该隐杀害亚伯 And East of Eden he was cast,并被驱逐出伊甸的东面 You're born into this life paying, 你降生于世只为偿还For the sins of somebody else's past, 某人在旧日犯下的罪孽Daddy worked his whole life, for nothing but the pain,父亲劳碌终生,除伤痛外一无所获 Now he walks these empty rooms, looking for something to blame,而今他在空房间中踱步,寻找着东西发泄You inherit the sins, you inherit the flames, 你继承了他的罪责,继承了他的怒火Adam raised a Cain.亚当抚育该隐 Lost but not forgotten, from the dark heart of a dream,失落却难遗忘,那阴暗深心中的旧梦 Adam raised a Cain亚当抚育该隐
Glory DaysI had a friend was a big baseball player 我有位哥们是个棒球好手,back in high school 在过去那所高中He could throw that speedball by you他能掷出贴身的高速球 Make you look like a fool boy 让你看上去像个菜鸟Saw him the other night at this roadside bar那天晚上,我们在路边的酒吧偶遇 I was walking in, he was walking out我推门而入,他正向外走出 We went back inside sat down had a few drinks我们回店里坐下,干了几杯啤酒but all he kept talking about was 而他谈论不休的却是Glory days well they'll pass you by流金岁月,它们悄悄溜走 Glory days in the wink of a young girl's eye 流金岁月,藏在女孩扑闪的明眸Glory days, glory days 流金岁月,流金岁月Well there's a girl that lives up the block有一位女孩,住在街区的对侧 back in school she could turn all the boy's heads在高中时代她能让所有的男生回首 Sometimes on a Friday I'll stop by每隔几个周五我会登门拜访 and have a few drinks after she put her kids to bed并同她喝上几杯,在她把孩子哄睡之后 Her and her husband Bobby well they split up她和她丈夫鲍比,两个人早就分手 I guess it's two years gone by now我猜那已经是两年前的事情 We just sit around talking about the old times, 我们静坐着闲谈旧日的时光she says when she feels like crying她说,每当她感到泪水满盈 she starts laughing thinking about 她却只是苦笑着回想Glory days well they'll pass you by流金岁月,它们悄悄溜走 Glory days in the wink of a young girl's eye 流金岁月,藏在女孩扑闪的明眸Glory days, glory days 流金岁月,流金岁月Now I think I'm going down to the well tonight今夜我想我将要放饮一场 and I'm going to drink till I get my fill 并喝个一醉方休And I hope when I get old I don't sit around thinking about it只希望我年迈后不要静坐着追想but I probably will但估计我总会这样 Yeah, just sitting back trying to recapture唉,只是枯坐着试图重新拾获 a little of the glory of, well time slips away一丝一缕的韶光,但时间白白流逝 and leaves you with nothing mister but留给你的别无他物,只有 boring stories of
无聊故事中的Glory days well they'll pass you by流金岁月,它们悄悄溜走 Glory days in the wink of a young girl's eye 流金岁月,藏在女孩扑闪的明眸Glory days, glory days 流金岁月,流金岁月
第一次看见翻译的这么好!!楼主求翻译drive all night!!
Thunder RoadThe screen door slams纱门砰然闭合 Mary' dress waves 玛莉的裙摆涌动Like a vision she dances across the porch宛如梦幻,她轻舞着飘过回廊 As the radio plays 伴随电台的音乐声Roy Orbison singing for the lonely罗伊•奥比森为孤单者歌唱 Hey that's me and I want you only是我啊,你是我唯一的愿望Don't turn me home again别再拒人门外I just can't face myself alone again我只是无法再次直面孤单Don't run back inside不要却步返回 Darling you know just what I'm here for爱人,你知道我正在将何寻找 So you're scared and you're thinking而你只是疑惧地猜想 That maybe we ain't that young anymore 也许我们已经不再年少Show a little faith there's magic in the night 拿出一些信心,这是魔力的夜晚You ain't a beauty but hey you're alright 你不算美女,但是你很不赖Oh and that's alright with me喔,对我来说更是如此 You can hide 'neath your covers你尽可在自己的掩饰之下 And study your pain默默将伤口舔舐 Make crosses from your lovers辗转于你的恋人之间 Throw roses in the rain将玫瑰在雨中遗失 Waste your summer praying in vain穷尽漫长的夏日徒劳祈愿 For a saviour to rise from these streets在街巷间突然出现的白马王子 Well now I'm no hero that's understood我不是什么王子,这也确实无误 All the redemption I can offer girl is beneath this dirty hood 而这层肮脏的车罩下,有着我唯一的救赎With a chance to make it good somehow手握一次机会能让事情变好 Hey what else can we do now ? 嗨,我们此刻还能怎样Except roll down the window除了摇下车窗 And let the wind blow back your hair任随风儿将你的长发席卷 Well the night's busting open夜晚骤然迸发These two lanes will take us anywhere双行道会把我们带向任何地点 We got one last chance to make it real我们有最后一次机会令其成真 To trade in these wings on some wheels借助这翼下的滚滚车轮Climb in back快回车上 Heaven's waiting on down the tracks天堂就等待在道路前方 Oh-oh come take my hand来吧,与我十指相牵We're riding out tonight to case the promised land在今夜驾车,初窥应许的乐园 Oh-oh Thunder Road oh Thunder Road喔,喔,雷霆路,喔,雷霆路 Lying out there like a killer in the sun横亘在阳光下,致命般的诱人 Hey I know it's late but we can make it if we run我想还不算太迟,只要我们抓紧 Oh Thunder Road喔,喔,雷霆路 Sit tight take hold坐稳,扶好 Thunder Road 雷霆路Well I got this guitar而我手握这把吉他 And I learned how to make it talk学着如何让它发出心声 And my car's out back我的车停靠在外 If you're ready to take that long walk 若你准备好开始这场远行From your front porch to my front seat从我的车前座到你的前廊 The door's open but the ride it ain't free大门已开启,但此行并非无偿 And I know you're lonely for words that I ain't spoken我明白你为我未曾出口的言语感到寥落 But tonight we'll be free all the promises'll be broken今夜我们无羁,所有的誓言都已打破 There were ghosts in the eyes双眼中有着鬼魂萦绕的Of all the boys you sent away是那些你无心拒绝过的少年 They haunt this dusty beach road他们徘徊在蒙尘的海滨大道 In the skeleton frames of burned out Chevrolets 雪佛兰焚毁的车身框架之中They scream your name at night in the street 他们夜夜呼唤你的名字穿过街区Your graduation gown lies in rags at their feet你的毕业礼裙在他们脚下碎成褴褛 And in the lonely cool before dawn在某个孤单冷寂的破晓 You hear their engines roaring on你听到引擎轰鸣而至的声响 But when you get to the porch they're gone 但当你赶到门廊他们却飘然On the wind在风中消逝 So Mary climb in 那就上车吧,玛莉It's town full of losers在这充满败者的小镇 And I'm pulling out of here to win我会奋力冲破并赢得生天
《雷霆之路》在我心中是布鲁斯最好的一首摇滚歌曲。歌词符合他一贯的叙事复杂且寓意深刻、诗意化的风格,曲调更是异常优美,让人回味无穷。听他的歌一年多了,感触颇深。那些早年的作品反而更令人久听不腻,像《Thunder Road》《The River》《The Promised Land》《Badlands》&Darlington County&&Factory&&Dancing in the Dark&是我最喜爱的,歌写得太好了,唱的更棒,也难怪布鲁斯当时大红大紫。
Girls In Their Summer ClothesWell the street lights shine喔,街边初上的华灯Down on Blessing Avenue在福音大街上照耀Lovers they walk by并肩走过的恋人Holdin' hands two by two手牵手成对成双A breeze crosses the porch一阵轻风在走廊穿过Bicycle spokes spin 'round拨动自行车的辐条Jacket's on, I'm out the door披上夹克,我走出门去Tonight I'm gonna burn this town down今夜我要将这座城市焚烧And the girls in their summer clothes而那些身着夏装的女孩In the cool of the evening light在这清凉暮色中的夜晚The girls in their summer clothes那些身着夏装的女孩Pass me by走过我的身边Kid's rubber ball smacks孩童们拍打着皮球Off the gutter 'neath the lamp light在街灯下的水沟旁边Big bank clock chimes银行晚钟的低鸣Off go the sleepy front porch lights飘出灯火昏昏的门外Downtown the store's alive市区的商店一片生机As the evening's underway在这渐入佳境的夜Things been a little tight心中有一些忐忑But I know they're gonna turn my way但我知道,伊人会向我走来And the girls in their summer clothes而那些身着夏装的女孩In the cool of the evening light在这清凉暮色中的夜晚The girls in their summer clothes那些身着夏装的女孩Pass me by走过我的身边Frankie's Diner's弗兰基餐厅Over on the edge of town远在城市的边缘Neon sign spinnin' round霓虹招牌不停旋转Like a cross over the lost and found如同迷途知返者头顶的十字一般Fluorescent lights斑驳陆离的灯火Flicker above Bob's Grill闪烁在鲍勃烤肉店上Shaniqua brings a coffee and asks &fill?&香妮卡端来咖啡问询:“斟满?”And says &penny for your thoughts now my poor Bill&并说,“告诉我你在想些什么,我的小可怜”She went away她已离开She cut me like a knife她像刀刃般将我伤害Hello beautiful thing你好,美丽小家伙Maybe you could saved my life也许你可以令我复苏过来In just a glance只是惊鸿的一瞥Down here on Magic Street在这充满魔力的街区Love's a fool's dance爱是痴人的舞蹈I ain't got much sense but I still got my feet我失去理智但至少还有步履And the girls in their summer clothes而那些身着夏装的女孩In the cool of the evening light在这清凉暮色中的夜晚The girls in their summer clothes那些身着夏装的女孩Pass me by走过我的身边And the girls in their summer clothes而那些身着夏装的女孩In the cool of the evening light在这清凉暮色中的夜晚The girls in their summer clothes那些身着夏装的女孩Pass me by走过我的身边
We take care of our ownI've been knocking on the door that holds the throneI've been looking for the map that leads me homeI've been stumbling on good hearts turned to stoneThe road of good intentions has gone dry as boneWe take care of our ownWe take care of our ownWherever this flag's flownWe take care of our ownFrom Chicago to New OrleansFrom the muscle to the boneFrom the shotgun shack to the Super DomeThere ain't no help, the cavalry stayed home,There ain't no one hearing the bugle blowin'We take care of our ownWe take care of our ownWherever this flag's flownWe take care of our ownWhere're the eyes, the eyes with the will to seeWhere's the hearts that run over with mercyWhere's the love that has not forsaken meWhere's the work that'll set my hands, my soul freeWhere's the spirit to reign rain over meWhere's the promise, from sea to shining seaWhere's the promise, from sea to shining seaWherever this flag is flownWherever this flag is flownWherever this flag is flownWe take care of our ownWe take care of our ownWherever this flag's flownWe take care of our ownWe take care of our ownWe take care of our ownWherever this flag's flownWe take care of our own我们唯有独自奋战我一直在敲打着权力之门我一直在找寻能带我回家的地图我无意中发现善良的心已硬如铁石通往美好的道路已满布荆棘我们唯有独自奋战我们唯有独自奋战无论旌旗在何处飘扬我们独自奋战到底从芝加哥到新奥尔良从权力到穷困从简陋的木屋到圆顶宫殿没有军团的身影,我们无人相助听不到号角的吹响我们唯有独自奋战我们唯有独自奋战无论旌旗在何处飘扬我们独自奋战到底何处寻找那些连通心灵的眼睛何处寻找那些富有怜悯之心何处寻找那些不会离我而去的爱何处寻找那些能解放我的双手和灵魂之道何处寻找那些能施甘露于我的神明何处能有允诺,我漂洋过海去找寻何处能有允诺,我漂洋过海去找寻无论旌旗在何处飘扬无论旌旗在何处飘扬无论旌旗在何处飘扬我们独自奋战到底我们独自奋战到底无论旌旗在何处飘扬我们独自奋战到底我们独自奋战到底我们独自奋战到底无论旌旗在何处飘扬我们独自奋战到底


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