I can because i think i can.

I can because I think I can.
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I Think I Can
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I Think I Can
&  A couple of years ago, the Boston Marathon promoted its event with a series of inspiring . All of them were black and white images of a runner, with a quote that expressed their reason for running. Some billboards were of
mobile individuals and others were of those who were disabled but were
to cross the finish line, either through a family member's or friend's assistance, or through the use of a prosthetic device. Each had different quotes, but one in particular really stood out: the runner's response was simple: &Because I can.&
  As kids, the &Little Engine that could& told us a valuable tale of an extraordinary spirit, of , of determination, of believing in ourselves. As adults, we don't always have tales to teach us these valuable lessons. And, as a result we start making excuses. We stop learning. We stop trying.
  &Because I can& eliminates these excuses. It pushes us past the status quo and our comfort zones. It gives us a reason to do the things that we think we can't. And, it enables us to believe in ourselves.
  Practicing &can& thinking is important to keeping us young, to having a positive outlook, to staying motivated and to reaching our goals. Further, it can help us lead richer and fuller lives that are more rewarding. The fact that you have the ability to do something empowers you to do it, whatever the task might be.
  How can you use the power of &Because I can&? Here are a few ways to incorporate this positive thinking into various aspects of your own life:
  Be More Active
  Whether it is to get to the store or work, or if it is climbing the stairs instead of taking the elevator, embracing a &Because I can& attitude is an easy way to incorporate more activity into your life. Break the &I'm tired&or &It is too hard& or &It is too far& cycle. Increasing your activity level will provide enormous benefits, both
and mentally.
  Try Something New
  It is easy for us to make excuses for why we shouldn't try new things. Maybe you think it is out of your comfort zone. Maybe it seems too difficult. Or maybe, it is just . Reminding yourself that &You Can& try something new will help you to move past these roadblocks and discover new things about yourself and possible new interests.
  Reach for the Stars
  No matter how old you are, setting new goals and continually dreaming makes life more interesting and rewarding. Whether it is professionally or personally, find new ways to stretch yourself, to learn and to grow. Pushing yourself to be the best you can be will give you a sense of . Further, you'll never feel bored.
  Speak Up
  Often, we can become
in our lives, going through a routine and not addressing things that bother us or make us unhappy. You have a voice. Use that voice &because you can.& Communicating to loved ones, co-workers, and even your boss as to how you feel, what your needs and expectations are and what you are thinking can help you develop deeper, more meaningful and rewarding relationships. Further, you will be truer to yourself,
making you a happier individual.
  Go the Extra Mile
  No, you don't have to be a marathon runner to incorporate this slogan into your exercise routine. But, when you are at the end of your thirty minute
workout, try going an extra ten minutes &Because you can.& You'll empower yourself to push beyond the status quo. Additionally, you will strengthen your heart and burn off the cheesecake from the night before.
  Increase Your Willpower
  Saying &No& to our favorite indulgences can be challenging. However, developing a strong willpower, whether it is in response to our favorite chocolate cake or to over-shopping and spending past our means is something that we can all benefit from. Next time you are
to do something you think you might regret, try reminding yourself that you can say no. You have the power.
  The human spirit can be very fragile, but incorporating positive thinking, such as &because I can,& while, eliminating &because I can't& from your thought processes, can be very powerful.
n.广告牌( billboard的名词复数 )
Large billboards have disfigured the scenery. 大型告示板已破坏了景色。 来自辞典例句
Then, put the logo in magazines and on billboards without telling anyone what it means. 接着我们把这个商标刊在杂志和广告看板上,却不跟任何人透漏它的涵意。 来自常春藤生活英语杂志-2006年4月号
The doctor asked me to breathe in,then to breathe out fully.医生让我先吸气,然后全部呼出。
They soon became fully integrated into the local community.他们很快就完全融入了当地人的圈子。
I have determined on going to Tibet after graduation.我已决定毕业后去西藏。
He determined to view the rooms behind the office.他决定查看一下办公室后面的房间。
It may take some perseverance to find the right people.要找到合适的人也许需要有点锲而不舍的精神。
Perseverance leads to success.有恒心就能胜利。
He was out of sorts physically,as well as disordered mentally.他浑身不舒服,心绪也很乱。
Every time I think about it I feel physically sick.一想起那件事我就感到极恶心。
You have come at a very inconvenient time.你来得最不适时。
Will it be inconvenient for him to attend that meeting?他参加那次会议会不方便吗?
The series of paintings is quite an accomplishment.这一系列的绘画真是了不起的成就。
Money will be crucial to the accomplishment of our objectives.要实现我们的目标,钱是至关重要的。
We must not become complacent the moment we have some success.我们决不能一见成绩就自满起来。
She was complacent about her achievements.她对自己的成绩沾沾自喜。
In the way you go on,you are inevitably coming apart.照你们这样下去,毫无疑问是会散伙的。
Technological changes will inevitably lead to unemployment.技术变革必然会导致失业。
Aerobic exercise helps to build up stamina.有氧健身操有助于增强耐力。
Aerobic dance is conductive to the health.有氧舞蹈有助于健康。
I was sorely tempted to complain, but I didn't. 我极想发牢骚,但还是没开口。
I was tempted by the dessert menu. 甜食菜单馋得我垂涎欲滴。
------分隔线----------------------------I think I can study English by - , because - (1)I think I can study English by watching Engl——精英家教网——
I think I can study English by - , because - (1)I think I can study English by watching English movies because I like watching English movies. 我认为我可以通过英语电影来来学英语.因为我喜欢看电影. (2)I don’t think I can get an English tutor because I want to learn by myself at home. 我不想上英语辅导.因为我想在家自学 (3)I think surfing the internet is a bad way because you have to use a computer and always waste your time. 我认为沉溺于网络是不好的.因为你不得不去使用电脑和浪费你的时间 2.语法知识聚焦 By是个很常用的介词.在初中英语中的用法有以下几种: (1)意为“在--旁 .“靠近 .如:有的在大树下唱歌跳舞.有的在湖边画画儿. Some are singing and dancing under a big tree . Some are drawing by the lake. (2)意为“不迟于 .“到--时为止 .如: Your son will be all right by supper time. 你的儿子在晚饭前会好的. How many English songs had you learned by the end of last term? 到上个学期末你们已经学了多少首英语歌曲? (3)表示方法.手段.可译作“靠 .“用 .“凭借 .“通过 .“乘坐 等.如: The monkey was hanging from the tree by his tail and laughing.猴子用尾巴吊在树上哈哈大笑. The boy's father was so thankful that he taught Edison how to send messages by railway telegraph. 孩子的父亲是那么的感激.于是他教爱迪生怎样通过铁路电报来传达信息. (4)表示“逐个 .“逐批 的意思.如: One by one they went past the table in the dark. 他们一个一个得在黑暗中经过这张桌子. (5)表示“根据 .“按照 的意思.如: What time is it by your watch? 你的表几点了? (6)和take , hold等动词连用.说明接触身体的某一部分.如: I took him by the hand. 我拉住了它的手. (7)用于被动句中.表示行为主体.常译作“被 .“由 等.如: English is spoken by many people. 英语被许多人所说. by the way : 意为“顺便说 .“顺便问一下 .常做插入语.如: By the way , where’s Li Ping , do you know? 顺便问一下.李平在哪儿.你知道吗? 2) by oneself : 意为“单独 .“自行 .如:I can’t leave her by herself. 我不能把她单独留下. 3) by and by : 意为“不久以后 .“不一会儿 .如: But by and by , more and more people began to study English. 但是不久以后.越来越多的人开始学英语了. 3.动名词的构成 动词后加动名词doing.相当于名词.在句子中可以做主语.宾语.表语定语等. 1)作主语 Fighting broke out between the South and the North. 南方与北方开战了. 2)作宾语 ( 请问你介意调小一点收音机的音量吗?) Would you mind turning down your radio a little, please? 3)作表语 (保姆的工作是洗衣服.作饭和照看孩子.) Babysister’s job is washing.cooking and taking care of the children. 三.练习: (一)Match the questions and answers 1. Have you ever worked with flashcards? 2. Do you ever ask the teacher for help in your English class? 3. Do you like to work in a group? 4. Does reading aloud help you? 5. Do you like to study grammar? 6. What helps you study for a test? a. No, grammar is too boring. b. Yes, reading aloud helps my pronunciation. c. Yes, but I didn’t like them. d. Yes, the teacher is helpful. e. I think watching English-language TV helps me study. f. No, I don’t. Why would working in a group help? (二)Close test Time spent in a bookshop can be enjoyable. If you go to a 1 shop, no assistant will come near to you and say, “Can I help you? You 2 buy anything you don’t want. You may try to find out 3 the book you want is . But if you fail,the assistant will lead you there and then he will go away. It seems that he is 4 selling any books at all. There is a story which tells us about a good shop. A medical student 5 a very useful book in the shop, 6 it was too expensive for him to buy. He couldn’t get it from the library, either. So every afternoon, he went there to read 7 at a time. One day, however , he couldn’t find 8 from its usual place and was leaving when he saw an assistant signing to him. To his surprise, the assistant pointed to the book 9 , “I put it there so as not to be sold out. Said the assistant. Then he 10 the student to go on with his reading. 1. A. good B. bad C. cheap D. expensive 2. A. shouldn’t B. needn’t C. mustn’t D. can’t 3. A. what B. which C. where D. when 4. A. surprised at B. not surprised at C. interested in D. not interested in 5. A. bought B. found C. read D. took 6. A. but B. and C. so D. or 7. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few 8. A. the book B. the shop C. the assistant D. the shopkeeper 9. A. in a bookshop B. in his hand C. in a corner D. in his pocket 10.A. left B. let C. helped D. taught 【】
Can you swim? Do you like swimming? Well, how can you learn to swim? I think the best way is to go into the water and learn. I’m afraid you’ll never learn to swim just by reading books about Swimming or looking at others swimming. It’s the same with the English study. We must practice, practice and practice.Listening and speaking are very important for beginners. We can listen to English programs on radio. You may just understand a few words. It doesn’t matter. Just be relaxed, try to catch every word.Somebody may be a good listener, but he is afraid to speak because he’s afraid of making mistakes. You know we sometimes make mistakes when we speak Chinese. Don’t be afraid. We must be brave. If you really want to learn English well, you must try to speak with everyone as long as he knows English. When there’s nobody to talk with, you can talk to yourself in English. It’s interesting and also a good way to practice your spoken English. Remember, the more you speak, the fewer mistakes you’ll make.Reading and writing are more important for senior(年级较高的)school students. First we must choose the books we’re interested in. A lot of reading will improve your language sense. This is very important.It’s easier said than done. Well, let’s do more practice from now on. I’m sure you’ll learn English well in this way.根据短文内容,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳答案。(10分)【小题1】 What’s the best way to learn to swim?A.Reading books about swimming.B.looking at others swimming.C.Going into the water and learning.D.Listening to others’ advice.【小题2】According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?A.Listening is very important while speaking is not.B.The more you speak, the more mistakes you’ll make.C.Listening and speaking are very important for beginners.D.You can only learn English by listening.【小题3】What’s more important for senior school students?A.Speaking and writing.B.Writing and listening.C.Speaking and listening.D.Reading and writing.【小题4】Wat’s the best way to learn English well according to the passage?A.By reading.B.By listening to the radio.C.By speaking.D.By doing more practice.【小题5】Which is the best title for the passage?A.How to Learn English.B.Easier Said Than Done.C.Listen First, Speak Second.D.How to learn to Swim.
Can you swim? Do you like swimming? Well, how can youlearn to swim? I think the best way is to go into the water and learn. I’mafraid you’ll never learn to swim just by reading books about Swimming orlooking at others swimming. It’s the same with the English study. We mustpractice, practice and practice.Listening and speaking are very important forbeginners. We can listen to English programs on radio. You may just understanda few words. It doesn’t matter. Just be relaxed, try to catch every word.Somebody may be a good listener, but he is afraid tospeak because he’s afraid of making mistakes. You know we sometimes makemistakes when we speak Chinese. Don’t be afraid. We must be brave. If youreally want to learn English well, you must try to speak with everyone as longas he knows English. When there’s nobody to talk with, you can talk to yourselfin English. It’s interesting and also a good way to practice your spokenEnglish. Remember, the more you speak, the fewer mistakes you’ll make.Reading and writing are more important for senior(年级较高的)school students. First we must choose the books we’reinterested in. A lot of reading will improve your language sense. This is veryimportant.It’s easier said than done. Well, let’s do morepractice from now on. I’m sure you’ll learn English well in this way.根据短文内容,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳答案。(10分)1. What’s the best way to learn to swim?A.Reading booksabout swimming.B.looking atothers swimming.C.Going intothe water and learning.D.Listening toothers’ advice.2.According to the passage, which of the following isTRUE?A.Listening isvery important while speaking is not.B.The more youspeak, the more mistakes you’ll make.C.Listening andspeaking are very important for beginners.D.You can only learnEnglish by listening.3.What’s more important for senior school students?A.Speaking andwriting.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.Writing andlistening.C.Speaking andlistening.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.Reading andwriting.4.Wat’s the best way to learn English well accordingto the passage?A.By reading.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.By listeningto the radio.C.By speaking.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.By doing morepractice.5.Which is the best title for the passage?A.How to LearnEnglish.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.Easier SaidThan Done.C.Listen First,Speak Second.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.How to learnto Swim.&
Can you swim? Do you like swimming? Well, how can you learn to swim? I think the best way is to go into the water and learn. I’m afraid you’ll never learn to swim just by reading books about Swimming or looking at others swimming. It’s the same with the English study. We must practice, practice and practice.Listening and speaking are very important for beginners. We can listen to English programs on radio. You may just understand a few words. It doesn’t matter. Just be relaxed, try to catch every word.Somebody may be a good listener, but he is afraid to speak because he’s afraid of making mistakes. You know we sometimes make mistakes when we speak Chinese. Don’t be afraid. We must be brave. If you really want to learn English well, you must try to speak with everyone as long as he knows English. When there’s nobody to talk with, you can talk to yourself in English. It’s interesting and also a good way to practice your spoken English. Remember, the more you speak, the fewer mistakes you’ll make.Reading and writing are more important for senior(年级较高的)school students. First we must choose the books we’re interested in. A lot of reading will improve your language sense. This is very important.It’s easier said than done. Well, let’s do more practice from now on. I’m sure you’ll learn English well in this way.根据短文内容,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳答案。(10分)小题1: What’s the best way to learn to swim?A.Reading books about swimming.B.looking at others swimming.C.Going into the water and learning.D.Listening to others’ advice.小题2:According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?A.Listening is very important while speaking is not.B.The more you speak, the more mistakes you’ll make.C.Listening and speaking are very important for beginners.D.You can only learn English by listening.小题3:What’s more important for senior school students?A.Speaking and writing.B.Writing and listening.C.Speaking and listening.D.Reading and writing.小题4:Wat’s the best way to learn English well according to the passage?A.By reading.B.By listening to the radio.C.By speaking.D.By doing more practice.小题5:Which is the best title for the passage?A.How to Learn English.B.Easier Said Than Done.C.Listen First, Speak Second.D.How to learn to Swim.
Can you swim? Do you like swimming? Well, how can you learn to swim? I think the best way is to go into the water and learn. I’m afraid you’ll never learn to swim just by reading books about Swimming or looking at others swimming. It’s the same with the English study. We must practice, practice and practice.Listening and speaking are very important for beginners. We can listen to English programs on radio. You may just understand a few words. It doesn’t matter. Just be relaxed, try to catch every word.Somebody may be a good listener, but he is afraid to speak because he’s afraid of making mistakes. You know we sometimes make mistakes when we speak Chinese. Don’t be afraid. We must be brave. If you really want to learn English well, you must try to speak with everyone as long as he knows English. When there’s nobody to talk with, you can talk to yourself in English. It’s interesting and also a good way to practice your spoken English. Remember, the more you speak, the fewer mistakes you’ll make.Reading and writing are more important for senior(年级较高的)school students. First we must choose the books we’re interested in. A lot of reading will improve your language sense. This is very important.It’s easier said than done. Well, let’s do more practice from now on. I’m sure you’ll learn English well in this way.根据短文内容,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳答案。1.What’s the best way to learn to swim?A.Reading books about swimmingB.looking at others swimmingC.Going into the water and learningD.Listening to others’ advice2.According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?A.Listening is very important while speaking is notB.The more you speak, the more mistakes you’ll makeC.Listening and speaking are very important for beginnersD.You can only learn English by listening3.What’s more important for senior school students?A.Speaking and writingB.Writing and listeningC.Speaking and listeningD.Reading and writing4.Wat’s the best way to learn English well according to the passage?A.By readingB.By listening to the radioC.By speakingD.By doing more practice5.Which is the best title for the passage?A.How to Learn EnglishB.Easier Said Than DoneC.Listen First, Speak SecondD.How to learn to Swim
阅读理解。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& How I study English&&&& I often hear some students say English is difficult, and it gives them a headache. So they can't learn it well. But English is very easy for me. I'm good at it. I'm very glad to tell you something about how I studyEnglish.&&&& First, I think an interest (爱好) in English is very important. When I was in Grade One, we had a new subject - English. It was fresh for me . I was interested in it, so I worked hard at it. Soon we had an English exam and I got a very good mark. How happy I was! After that, I learned English harder and harder. Our English teacher often teaches us English songs, the songs sound nice. I often think how interesting English is!Second, I think English is a foreign language. I should learn it well in the following ways: Listen to the teacher carefully, speak bravely, read aloud and have a good vocabulary (词汇). Then practice again and again, never be tired. And I also have a good habit: Asking whenever (不论何时) I have a question, I must make it clear by asking our English teacher. How happy I am when I understand!Besides this, I often read English stories, jokes and easy novels. From these I know English is not only interesting, but also useful. They help me understand a lot of things. So to do more reading is an importantway to learn English well.&&&& And I also do some exercises from our class magazines, and I often write English diaries. English has become a close friend of mine.&&&& Now I have learned English for more than two years. I always keep the first position in our school. From these words, I hope every student can learn English well.1. Why do some students often "have a headache"?A. Because they are easy to catch cold.B. Because it's often very coldC. Because they think English is easy.D. Because they don't think English is easy.2. The writer tells us that we should be _____ in English if we want to learn it well.A. interest B. interested C. interesting D. strict3. The sentence "I got a very good mark" means _____.A.I got a good way. B. I had a good idea. C. I did badly in the exam .D. I did well in the exam.4. The writer thinks English is interesting because_____.A. English is full of stories.B. English is full of jokes.C. his teacher often teaches them nice English songs.D. of nothing5. Which of the following is not the way the writer studies by?A. speaking bravely B. Writing to foreign friendsC. Reading aloud D. Writing English diaries


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