to get someget enough sleepp和getting someget enough sleepp的区别

get some sleep - 必应 词典网络睡觉;睡一会;多睡会儿1.睡觉初二Unit 7... ... 3. go to the library 去图书馆 4. get some sleep 睡觉 5. understand the lesson 理解课文 / 明白课程 ... |2.睡一会小学EEC五年下单词表_百度文库 ... go to bed 上床睡觉 get some sleep 睡一会 take a rest 休息 ... |3.多睡会儿怎样才能消除眼... ... Step 6:Skip The Salt( 少吃盐) Step 1:Get Some Sleep( 多睡会儿) Step 2:Natural Remedies( 天然祛除法) ... |4.睡会儿觉单词:some_英语 English... ... get some inkling of 对...略有所知 get some sleep 睡会儿觉 get some sun 晒太阳 ... |5.好好睡EchoLin_新浪博客 ... 迈过这条坎: jump in with both feet 好好睡: get some sleep 被这么拽: don’t be cocky! ... |6.小憩一会6招防止无意识进食 ... Eat From A Smaller Bowl 用小一点的碗吃 Get Some Sleep 小憩一会 Mind Your Environment 注意娱乐 ... |7.睡眠5. 睡眠(Get Some Sleep) 6. 照顾好您的身体(Take Care of Your Body)
7. 了解更多信息
8. 阅读所有生命科学类文章 1. 令人变聪明...|8.睡睡觉碎嘴唠叨_随遇而安_新浪博客 ... S4: GO SHOPPING 购购物 S5: GET SOME SLEEP 睡睡觉 S6: KISS A LOT 亲亲吻 ... |更多释义收起释义例句释义:全部,睡觉,睡一会,多睡会儿类别:全部,口语,书面语,标题,技术来源:全部,字典,网络难度:全部,简单,中等,难更多例句筛选收起例句筛选1. thing
some push-ups, get some
during what would be
try to get some
on the 6. the
get some 9.
and get some 10. the
必应词典应用准确权威无广告下 载 手 机 版 必 应 词 典体 验 P C 版 必 应 词 典【豪麦冲天】Time to get some sleep_麦迪吧_百度贴吧
的朋友,你们好么? 我们刚刚坐上回的飞机。今晚在,我们输了一场艰难的比赛。在比赛还剩5秒时,我两罚两中,将比分扳平,这时我已经得到了18分8篮板。比赛很胶着,鹰队在终场前0.07秒时投中了一记关键球。哥们,这太伤人了!我们打得真的很拼命。我觉得以今晚的状态我们可以和任何球队一较高低。鹰队目前在NBA中保持最佳战绩,但我们本有机会取胜。我们今晚打算从他们身上拿到一场胜利,但功亏一篑。 我们本周打得都非常棒。我们在对阵时取得了一场大胜,周二对阵时,我们经过苦战遗憾败北。那场比赛中我获得了职业生涯最高的27分,还有9个篮板。我们全队打得很好。我们需要在第四节不松劲,防守要更加强硬。 如果你在,明天请去现场为我们加油。如果你在中国,请记得收看直播,为我们加油鼓劲!!! 现在我想睡会儿。 火箭加油!!!!!! #14 原文如下——What's up SINA Family!Just sat down on the team plane getting ready to take off and return home to Houston.&& We just lost a tough one in Atlanta tonight.&& I hit two free throws to tie the game with five seconds left in the game giving me 18 Points and 8 Rebounds for the night.&& The game was very close but the Hawks came up with a big shot in the end to win with .07 in the game.&& Man, that hurt!&& We played really hard.&& I feel like we can compete with any team in the
on any given night.&& The Hawks have the best record in the NBA and we were in position to win.&& We wanted to come in and take one from them tonight, but came up a little short. We have played very well this week.&& We got a BIG WIN over the Lakers and lost a tough one against the Suns on Tuesday.&& I had my career best in scoring with 27 Points and 9 Rebounds in the Suns game.&& As a team we are really playing well, we just need to finish strong in the 4th quarter and play tougher defense. If you are in Houston, be sure to come and cheer for us tomorrow.&& If you are in China, please watch, cheer and give us your support!!!Time to get some sleep. GO ROCKETS!!!!!
不废话,看图! 二楼正...
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地表最强, 周而复始, ...
Landry 加油~
其实觉得兰德里还是不错de ~~呵呵~~
保存至快速回贴I am trying to get some sleep,我正要睡觉,可以这样翻译吗
不可以,应该是:I'm going to bed.
I am going
to sleep.就ok了~
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【brit-pop】You need to get some sleep
杭州乐读科技有限公司运营:Ok this sleep loss is getting REALLY OLD
Ok so doctor px'd elavil to help me sleep and ive been taking it as directed but i CANNOT get to sleep before 4:30 or 5 am and then i only sleep until 9:30ish. I kinda feel like i'm taking the elavil out of habit of taking something before bed, god this is such a mind screw.&&I feel like my days and nights are screwed up.&&I can now lay in bed and relax but my mind won't shut off and ive tried all the herbals, taking a shower/bath until no more hot water, moving rooms, exercise everything.&&I hate those pills so MUCH i will NEVER take another one.&&ANy suggestions to help?&&Or should i just accept this stinks and realize i put myself in this place and own my problem??&&To those who been through this does sleep eventually come back?&&I'm worried because i have to work really early tomm morning during the hours that i have been able to get some sleep so any help would be great.
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Stay off the sleeping med and eventually you will get your sleeping back, but it takes practice and a straight sleeping regime (even if you dont sleep you should still practise going to bed round 10 and getting up round 7 or 8. Ever try melatonin? Thats stuff nocks me out anytime of the day and its natural hormone that is produce in the brain. Completely safe way of getting good sleep, plus its not addictive and once you get back to normal you can easily wean yourself off.
Stay off the sleeping med and eventually you will get your sleeping back, but it takes practice and a straight sleeping regime (even if you dont sleep you should still practise going to bed round 10 and getting up round 7 or 8. Ever try melatonin? Thats stuff nocks me out anytime of the day and its natural hormone that is produce in the brain. Completely safe way of getting good sleep, plus its not addictive and once you get back to normal you can easily wean yourself off.
Hey reallyneedhelp - I know, this SU*KS - I get it.&&I REMEMBER it.&&And it's going to be okay - I promise you that.&&And it is going to take some time - the no sleep thing was the WORST for me - by far the worst symptom.&&But soon, and I do mean SOON, your body IS going to crash - and you are going to sleep.&&It might only be a couple/few hours at a time for a bit, but it will be a HUGE relief you'll see.
I can't offer any insight on whether taking the elavil is going to help as I have no personal experience with that drug.&&Only you, and your Dr., can make that decision.&&But trust me the sleep WILL return.&&And you are doing all the right things now and your head is in exactly the right place.&&I know, it probably doesn't feel like that right now, but you'll see, soon you'll be looking back at these days and letting out a HUGE sigh of relief that it's over.&&And it will be soon.&&Hang in and keep going - I KNOW you're going to get through this.&&:)
Hey reallyneedhelp - I know, this SU*KS - I get it.&&I REMEMBER it.&&And it's going to be okay - I promise you that.&&And it is going to take some time - the no sleep thing was the WORST for me - by far the worst symptom.&&But soon, and I do mean SOON, your body IS going to crash - and you are going to sleep.&&It might only be a couple/few hours at a time for a bit, but it will be a HUGE relief you'll see.
I can't offer any insight on whether taking the elavil is going to help as I have no personal experience with that drug.&&Only you, and your Dr., can make that decision.&&But trust me the sleep WILL return.&&And you are doing all the right things now and your head is in exactly the right place.&&I know, it probably doesn't feel like that right now, but you'll see, soon you'll be looking back at these days and letting out a HUGE sigh of relief that it's over.&&And it will be soon.&&Hang in and keep going - I KNOW you're going to get through this.&&:)
Thanks, i needed that.&&I do own what i did to myself and unequivocally will NEVER take another pill but the sleep thing BLOWS.&&I SWEAR as god as my witness even if icut my foot off, i'l suffer the pain because oh boy do i deserve it, so I'll own it and plow through.&&It's pouring rain and my poor pooch is dead exhausted from two hour long walks a day for the last couple days!! lol.&&
I'm off to meijers and walk all the asiles, bet i come out a hundred buck poorer LOL. Thanks everyone for the help.&&Hey, maybe i'll get my sassy rear back into my skinny jeans, i've already lost 10 pounds since i started this from the excersize i think because the last two day i've eaten like a pig!!!
Thanks again and imdonenomore, i love all your posts, you give great advice!!
Thanks, i needed that.&&I do own what i did to myself and unequivocally will NEVER take another pill but the sleep thing BLOWS.&&I SWEAR as god as my witness even if icut my foot off, i'l suffer the pain because oh boy do i deserve it, so I'll own it and plow through.&&It's pouring rain and my poor pooch is dead exhausted from two hour long walks a day for the last couple days!! lol.&&
I'm off to meijers and walk all the asiles, bet i come out a hundred buck poorer LOL. Thanks everyone for the help.&&Hey, maybe i'll get my sassy rear back into my skinny jeans, i've already lost 10 pounds since i started this from the excersize i think because the last two day i've eaten like a pig!!!
Thanks again and imdonenomore, i love all your posts, you give great advice!!
Doesn't she?!&&I hope you get some r&r before you work. I am suffering exhaustion something fierce. I move, I walk, I do chores, etc. No matter, I'm wiped!!! I'm going crazy bc I miss participating in family activities like I used to. I know it's only been 6 days since I started this hell, but my f NEEDS
Doesn't she?!&&I hope you get some r&r before you work. I am suffering exhaustion something fierce. I move, I walk, I do chores, etc. No matter, I'm wiped!!! I'm going crazy bc I miss participating in family activities like I used to. I know it's only been 6 days since I started this hell, but my f NEEDS
Family needs me. Silly phone!!! Anyways, I plan on taking my daughter on a walk today even if I pass out. I just have to. I know your mind is going to eventually allow for some sleep. Maybe the 5 hrs you get is all you really need at the moment??&&I found that sticking with my regimen of going to bed the same way I always have let's me get broken sleep, but it's sleep. Hang in there!!! And ps, thanks for your encouragement too!!!
Family needs me. Silly phone!!! Anyways, I plan on taking my daughter on a walk today even if I pass out. I just have to. I know your mind is going to eventually allow for some sleep. Maybe the 5 hrs you get is all you really need at the moment??&&I found that sticking with my regimen of going to bed the same way I always have let's me get broken sleep, but it's sleep. Hang in there!!! And ps, thanks for your encouragement too!!!
GREAT - as you already know, and wisely advise to our members here, the moving around thing and any exercise will help in a HUGE way!!!&&Keep moving - you'll get there and you're HEALING along the way - so it's all good!&&:) p.s. and hang in like_mom, every second that passes you're closer to the end of this process.&&I promise you that.
GREAT - as you already know, and wisely advise to our members here, the moving around thing and any exercise will help in a HUGE way!!!&&Keep moving - you'll get there and you're HEALING along the way - so it's all good!&&:) p.s. and hang in like_mom, every second that passes you're closer to the end of this process.&&I promise you that.
Ah sleep! I'm on day 18 and the only way I sleep is by a benzo, I held off till day 16 before taking it. I had ambien from the dr and it did NOT work. I feel your pain. I'm not taking the benzo today as I want to train myself to sleep without aide but the first night I took it, I slept 10 hours. After 16 days and only 14 hours of rest, I was more than happy. Hang in there.
Ah sleep! I'm on day 18 and the only way I sleep is by a benzo, I held off till day 16 before taking it. I had ambien from the dr and it did NOT work. I feel your pain. I'm not taking the benzo today as I want to train myself to sleep without aide but the first night I took it, I slept 10 hours. After 16 days and only 14 hours of rest, I was more than happy. Hang in there.
Please be very careful with those benzos - after 16 days I would hate to see you trade addictions and it's really easy to do that with the benzos.&&Good luck.&&:)
Please be very careful with those benzos - after 16 days I would hate to see you trade addictions and it's really easy to do that with the benzos.&&Good luck.&&:)
even as a preacher, a sassy rear in skinny jeans is a great thing..
be blessed
even as a preacher, a sassy rear in skinny jeans is a great thing..
be blessed
if you are only taking amitriptyline to help you sleep, then i would reconsider. once you get on it for a while, it becomes hard to get off and can cause other problems. for addiction related insomnia, it seems to be a bit overkill to me...mainly because this drug is very good at treating real psychiatric problems. a side-effect is drowsiness. it partly produces this effect in a similar way in which benadryl produces drowsiness.
now if you're also taking it for anxiety/depression/mood...perhaps it's worth it. is it JUST to help you sleep? because if it isn't working, then all it will do is add to the daytime drowsiness anyway.
if you are only taking amitriptyline to help you sleep, then i would reconsider. once you get on it for a while, it becomes hard to get off and can cause other problems. for addiction related insomnia, it seems to be a bit overkill to me...mainly because this drug is very good at treating real psychiatric problems. a side-effect is drowsiness. it partly produces this effect in a similar way in which benadryl produces drowsiness.
now if you're also taking it for anxiety/depression/mood...perhaps it's worth it. is it JUST to help you sleep? because if it isn't working, then all it will do is add to the daytime drowsiness anyway.
HI sleep is a tuff one.....I think I hold the record it took 2mo for me to get spotty sleep and then it was like going to the movies with dreams the whole 6 12/yr I was on methadone I never dreamed was rather amusing at first but I know exactly how you feel dont read anything into it it will be what it will be for some it a week or 2 for others a month for me it was 2mo to get around 4hr a night and then it slowly increased to around the 6 to 7 I get now 6 is a normal night for me I long for the nights of a good 10hr sleep good luck and God bless........Gnarly
HI sleep is a tuff one.....I think I hold the record it took 2mo for me to get spotty sleep and then it was like going to the movies with dreams the whole 6 12/yr I was on methadone I never dreamed was rather amusing at first but I know exactly how you feel dont read anything into it it will be what it will be for some it a week or 2 for others a month for me it was 2mo to get around 4hr a night and then it slowly increased to around the 6 to 7 I get now 6 is a normal night for me I long for the nights of a good 10hr sleep good luck and God bless........Gnarly
Thanks so much for all your great advice and encouragement.&&I finally slept last night for almost 7.5 hours and i am so thankful for it, i did not take anything, to sleep, i just toughed it out and figured that it has to come eventually, but let me tell you, BOY OH BOY, was a NASTY person to be around yesterday, CRABBBBBBBYYYYYY!!&&i know that i might go another two nights without but right now i feel GREAT and am just thankful for last night!!!&&I threw out those elavil the doctor gave me to help sleep, they didn't work anyways and i cant' help but think just the act of taking them was giving in to the addiction/habit/motion of taking a pill and I AM DONE taking pills.&&I HATE THEM.&&SO Thanks so very much too everyone!
In day 6 now of clean and very happy but very humble!!!
And preacher just your comment above and thanks you made me die laughing!!!!!!!
Thanks so much for all your great advice and encouragement.&&I finally slept last night for almost 7.5 hours and i am so thankful for it, i did not take anything, to sleep, i just toughed it out and figured that it has to come eventually, but let me tell you, BOY OH BOY, was a NASTY person to be around yesterday, CRABBBBBBBYYYYYY!!&&i know that i might go another two nights without but right now i feel GREAT and am just thankful for last night!!!&&I threw out those elavil the doctor gave me to help sleep, they didn't work anyways and i cant' help but think just the act of taking them was giving in to the addiction/habit/motion of taking a pill and I AM DONE taking pills.&&I HATE THEM.&&SO Thanks so very much too everyone!
In day 6 now of clean and very happy but very humble!!!
And preacher just your comment above and thanks you made me die laughing!!!!!!!
YAY for you!!!&&I feel really happy for you right now - I'm so glad you're feeling a little better today and that you finally got some real sleep!!
And yup - I totally get that &I AM DONE& thing about taking any kind of pill (hence my screenname &ImDONENoMore&!!)&&Good for you - hang in and keep going!!&&:)
YAY for you!!!&&I feel really happy for you right now - I'm so glad you're feeling a little better today and that you finally got some real sleep!!
And yup - I totally get that &I AM DONE& thing about taking any kind of pill (hence my screenname &ImDONENoMore&!!)&&Good for you - hang in and keep going!!&&:)
Hi, I posted this once before, but I think it's worth posting again, because when I had difficulty sleeping, mainly getting my mind to slow down, benedryl (otc allergy medication) really helped.&&It contains diphenhydramine and is not addictive.&&I would give it a try if I were you - it sounds like nothing else is working.&&Good Luck!
Hi, I posted this once before, but I think it's worth posting again, because when I had difficulty sleeping, mainly getting my mind to slow down, benedryl (otc allergy medication) really helped.&&It contains diphenhydramine and is not addictive.&&I would give it a try if I were you - it sounds like nothing else is working.&&Good Luck!
Oops! I guess I read an older post of yours and it sounds like you got&&a good nights sleep after all.&&Good!&& But in case you have trouble again, the benedryl is still a helpful sleep aid..hopefully you won't need it.&&
Oops! I guess I read an older post of yours and it sounds like you got&&a good nights sleep after all.&&Good!&& But in case you have trouble again, the benedryl is still a helpful sleep aid..hopefully you won't need it.&&
Ok, so i pose this question.&&I've been thinking about not sleeping and is it a complete mind screw, meaning this, i felt like i was fighting the very habit of taking a pill, i kept thinking welll i could take this or that and the thought brought a small rush of adrenalyn.&&And that's why i REFUSED to even take the benedryl, BELIEVE me at 60 plus hours of NO sleep i was desperate but i was able to recognize that NEED to fall back on taking a pill that i fought it. So does anyone think that there is any truth in that.&&I am firm in my stand that other than my thyroid pill which i have to have because i don't have a thyroid and will die if i dont take, I WILL NOT TAKE ANY PILL unless life or death.&&And this is really interesting, i've taken a thyroid pill since i was 7 and that is so normal to me in the morning it doesn't have any more effect than brushing your teeth.&&God, i never thought that detox would effect my head so much, i thought it was just the withdrawal and stopping the pain pill thing, soo NOT.
So is it just a mind screw?????????? I wonder........
Ok, so i pose this question.&&I've been thinking about not sleeping and is it a complete mind screw, meaning this, i felt like i was fighting the very habit of taking a pill, i kept thinking welll i could take this or that and the thought brought a small rush of adrenalyn.&&And that's why i REFUSED to even take the benedryl, BELIEVE me at 60 plus hours of NO sleep i was desperate but i was able to recognize that NEED to fall back on taking a pill that i fought it. So does anyone think that there is any truth in that.&&I am firm in my stand that other than my thyroid pill which i have to have because i don't have a thyroid and will die if i dont take, I WILL NOT TAKE ANY PILL unless life or death.&&And this is really interesting, i've taken a thyroid pill since i was 7 and that is so normal to me in the morning it doesn't have any more effect than brushing your teeth.&&God, i never thought that detox would effect my head so much, i thought it was just the withdrawal and stopping the pain pill thing, soo NOT.
So is it just a mind screw?????????? I wonder........
YES it's a mind screw.&&I think inherently as humans we are creatues of habit.&&We do something for SO long that we forget there are OTHER ways to live.&&I feel tired (take a pill), I have TOO much energy (take a pill) I feel sad (take a pill), the sun's not shining (take a pill!!) -&&on and on and on.
You're rewiring your brain right now and that takes time.&&A NEW way of thinking is crucial to recovery.&&And like with anything new, it takes some time to feel comfortable with the changes.&&But soon it will be your new way of living and all of these changes will come naturally to you.
YES it's a mind screw.&&I think inherently as humans we are creatues of habit.&&We do something for SO long that we forget there are OTHER ways to live.&&I feel tired (take a pill), I have TOO much energy (take a pill) I feel sad (take a pill), the sun's not shining (take a pill!!) -&&on and on and on.
You're rewiring your brain right now and that takes time.&&A NEW way of thinking is crucial to recovery.&&And like with anything new, it takes some time to feel comfortable with the changes.&&But soon it will be your new way of living and all of these changes will come naturally to you.
benadryl isn't a good idea for addicts. it actually can be habbit-forming....not nearly to the degree as other sleep meds, but we CAN come to rely on it to knock us out which effectively only delay's the insomnia of withdrawal. that's if benadryl is even strong enough to work for addiction related insomnia.
i know benadryl isn't thought of as addicting...and it isn't generally psychologically addicting...but if you take it long enough for sleep, it does become rather hard to sleep without it. in this sense, it's better to simply go it full force without help for as long as you can.
if you were ONLY taking the amitriptyline for sleep, then i'm glad you got rid of it! there's no sense in taking a med like this just for sleep. you'd almost be better off with a benzo....which isn't a good idea, either.
glad you finally got some sleep!
benadryl isn't a good idea for addicts. it actually can be habbit-forming....not nearly to the degree as other sleep meds, but we CAN come to rely on it to knock us out which effectively only delay's the insomnia of withdrawal. that's if benadryl is even strong enough to work for addiction related insomnia.
i know benadryl isn't thought of as addicting...and it isn't generally psychologically addicting...but if you take it long enough for sleep, it does become rather hard to sleep without it. in this sense, it's better to simply go it full force without help for as long as you can.
if you were ONLY taking the amitriptyline for sleep, then i'm glad you got rid of it! there's no sense in taking a med like this just for sleep. you'd almost be better off with a benzo....which isn't a good idea, either.
glad you finally got some sleep!
I agree totally.&&I have to learn that i cannot take a pill to solve life's problems.&&bored, take a pill, stomach hurts, take pill.&&NO MORE and that's why last nite i refused to take anything. I knew that eventually sleep would have to come and i'm glad i did.&&I threw every px in my house other than eye drops, i can't even look at a bottle right now.
Thanks everyone!
I agree totally.&&I have to learn that i cannot take a pill to solve life's problems.&&bored, take a pill, stomach hurts, take pill.&&NO MORE and that's why last nite i refused to take anything. I knew that eventually sleep would have to come and i'm glad i did.&&I threw every px in my house other than eye drops, i can't even look at a bottle right now.
Thanks everyone!
& Or should i just accept this stinks and realize i put myself in this place and own my problem??&&To those who been through this does sleep eventually come back?&
The answer is yes to your first question.&&&&Over a period of 14 years,&& I tried to treat my fibromyalgia condition which caused me great sleep disruption by using so many different drugs.&&&&In the end it caused me to have a second sleep disrupted condition along with the fibro one.&&&& It's my firm belief that these drugs actually disrupt the brain's chemistry which controls our bodily functions one of which is the sleep/wake cycle.&&&&Now that I've been off of these drugs for quite a while,&&at least I am putting up with just one sleep issue...but at least I do have a regular sleep (though uncomfortable) pattern now,&&something that was totally destroyed by adding those drugs.&&
& Or should i just accept this stinks and realize i put myself in this place and own my problem??&&To those who been through this does sleep eventually come back?&
The answer is yes to your first question.&&&&Over a period of 14 years,&& I tried to treat my fibromyalgia condition which caused me great sleep disruption by using so many different drugs.&&&&In the end it caused me to have a second sleep disrupted condition along with the fibro one.&&&& It's my firm belief that these drugs actually disrupt the brain's chemistry which controls our bodily functions one of which is the sleep/wake cycle.&&&&Now that I've been off of these drugs for quite a while,&&at least I am putting up with just one sleep issue...but at least I do have a regular sleep (though uncomfortable) pattern now,&&something that was totally destroyed by adding those drugs.&&
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Ok this sleep loss is getting REALLY OLD
Ok so doctor px'd elavil to help me sleep and ive been taking it as directed but i CANNOT get to sleep before 4:30 or 5 am and then i only sleep until 9:30ish. I kinda feel like i'm taking the elavil out of habit of taking something before bed, god this is such a mind screw.&&I feel like my days and nights are screwed up.&&I can now lay in bed and relax but my mind won't shut off and ive tried all the herbals, taking a shower/bath until no more hot water, moving rooms, exercise everything.&&I hate those pills so MUCH i will NEVER take another one.&&ANy suggestions to help?&&Or should i just accept this stinks and realize i put myself in this place and own my problem??&&To those who been through this does sleep eventually come back?&&I'm worried because i have to work really early tomm morning during the hours that i have been able to get some sleep so any help would be great.
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