如何买到 Google 原装的google cardboard图纸

导语:Cardboard SDK for Unity 更新后,可以支持 iOS 设备的 Metal 渲染和 Android 设备的多线程渲染技术,性能得以提升。
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→ Google cardboard怎么用 谷歌cardboard安装使用方法
Google cardboard怎么用 谷歌cardboard安装使用方法
Google cardboard是一款简单实用的VR系列装备,为什么说它简单使用呢?因为在VR系列中该设备纸板这部分拥有较大的魅力,只需要加上智能手机就可以拥有一切!很多用户初始使用该设备不是特别了解,那么下面小编就来为你详细解析,让你了解谷歌cardboard怎么用!谷歌cardboard怎么用:在了解具体使用方法之前,首先通过以下内来让你知道你对Google Cardboard了解多少?面对虚拟现实以及相关技术,多多少少会有一些迷茫。鉴于过去几年里这个即将腾飞的领域的发展,这并不很令人惊讶。然而没有什么能比Google Cardboard更让人以及媒体迷糊。谷歌在2014年的 I/O大会上发布了Google Cardboard。基本来讲,Google Cardboard只是一个简单的外壳,外加一个开放源码的软件开发工具包(SDK),能将一个智能手机变成一个简单的虚拟现实的头显。关于Google Cardboard解决方案中的物理“Cardboard”部分,首先是一组透镜,处于正确的焦距位置,这样你智能手机的两边屏幕分别对焦在每一只眼睛上,进而给你提供立体3D视图的观看效果。其次,物理“Cardboard”还有事件驱动的特性。相比最初 Cardboard V1 的设计,是一对附加在设备边缘的磁体,可以被智能手机的磁场传感器检测到并偏移。当然,也可以通过直接或者间接触摸手机屏幕来触发相应操作。Cardboard 2.0 的设计巧妙地利用导电泡沫和胶带实现了一个软屏触摸按键。(原先在Cardboard的规格中有提过但没有实现的功能。)在软件上,谷歌已经提供了两个软件开发工具包(SDK),一个用于Android和一个用于Unity游戏引擎。这些SDK给开发者提供了一个简易的方式来创作Google Cardboard体验,比如最基本的用户头部跟踪、立体渲染和镜头畸变校正。谷歌并没有硬性要求使用这些SDK来开发一个Google Cardboard应用,诸如Durovis这样的VR头显的制造商,有提供其自家的软件开发工具包。Google Cardboard并不是谷歌销售的某款产品。只是Google提供了这么一个Cardboard解决方案,目前谷歌还没有官方的Cardboard生产商或零售商。许多媒体把整个概念都搞混了,说什么多少 XXX Cardboard制造商将“打败”或者“挑战”谷歌,这都是错的。事实上,如果你能打开Google Cardboard 的官方网站,你就会发现你无法从谷歌买到该设备。你得一步一步计划制作自己的Cardboard设备或者从其他公司购买套件、成型的设计。由于Google Cardboard没有指定的设计标准,制造商可以自由地试验不同的材料和设计。最重要的的一点是这个简单可折叠的Cardboard非常易于拆卸。以至于在2014年的谷歌哦I/O大会上,Google Cardboard 被许多人认为是一个恶作剧。当然,谷歌纸板的魅力在于,纸板这部分没啥东西,但加上智能手机却可以拥有一切。目前市面上大多数智能手机屏幕的尺寸和分辨率可以提供较好的立体显示效果,内含的陀螺仪以及加速计可以提供头部追踪,立体音频也可以提供空间音效。所有这些技术,在全世界上亿人的口袋里揣着,足以驱动引人注目的VR体验。事实上,Google Cardboard 头显或多或少地抽了90年代大部分数千美元的VR系统一巴掌。显而易见,这种价格的变革才是Google Cardboard的真正意义。高端的消费者虚拟现实系统已经在路上了,但要置办这样一个完整的系统得花费数千甚至上万人民币。一个基础的Google Cardboard 花几十块就可以买到了,并且经常在促销活动中成千上百地被送出。谷歌说过市场上已售出的Cardboard 超过百万。现在又跟美泰合作,准备在2015年美国假日期间(12月份)推出View-Master版Cardboard,到明年就遍地都是了。5到10年后,当VR是家常便饭,我们再回头看Cardboard,是它让大部分人对VR产生兴趣。就如我们现在回头看以前大而笨重的手机,引领到我们现在这个智能手机年代。下面在来看看Google cardboard具体安装使用方法!大家简单介绍一下安装和使用方法,手把手教你做虚拟现实眼镜。1、开箱当你拿到Google Cardboard时候,它就是一份层叠纸板,自带一次性封条。纸板中间放着一个塑料袋,这是眼镜的重要配件。&配件包括两块镜片、两块大小磁铁、2片带有双面贴的魔术贴以及e修大师特地为大家装上的橡皮筋。透镜是平透镜,一面平,一面凸。打开以后下面一大片就是外壳的保护纸板,内部纸板包括镜身和镜框两块纸板。上面是眼框纸板,下面是镜身纸板,左边的米3是用来当做Cardboard 的显示部分的。&2、镜身纸板镜身纸板由三折组成,用于放置两块镜片前后纸板用于顶住镜片,中间纸板用于固定镜片位置把3块折叠起来,合体效果就是这样啦!3、&镜框部分镜框纸板体型较大,镜框基本上就是由它“圈成的”,右侧黑块为磁铁。镜框纸板最右侧是个圆坑,用于放置磁铁拿着另外一块磁铁,贴在背面两块磁铁合体后,刚好夹着纸板把纸板圈起,就有个镜框的造型了,镜框中间要折下一段纸片,用来做中间的支架将4片魔术贴分别贴到下述位置手机打开Google Cardboard的官方应用后,塞到纸板之间合上带魔术贴的纸板,可以圈上橡皮筋固定,Google Cardboard就大功告成了眼镜左侧的磁铁其实是用来做控制器的。外部磁铁可在纸框的限制内移动。因为手机放进去就不可能触控屏幕了,所以其采取磁感控制的方式,通过移动磁铁改变手机周边磁场,让手机识别动作。眼镜可以执行3个操作:磁铁按钮的移动是确定按钮,竖放眼镜会执行返回操作,而左右浏览则由用户头部的左右移动完成。眼镜组装完成并了解操作方式后,需要配合手机应用使用,大家可以到各大应用市场下载Cardboard官方软件或其它VR游戏软件,也可以直接在百度搜索“ios&VR游戏软件”或者“安卓&VR游戏软件”就可以愉快地体验Google为大家准备的虚拟现实大餐了 。那么以上攻略内容详细解析了关于谷歌cardboard的使用方法,你也来试试吧!
推荐手机游戏专区From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Google Cardboard is a
(VR) platform developed by
for use with a
for a . Named for its fold-out cardboard viewer, the platform is intended as a low-cost system to encourage interest and development in VR applications. Users can either build their own viewer from simple, low-cost components using specifications published by Google, or purchase a pre-manufactured one. To use the platform, users run Cardboard-compatible applications on their phone, place the phone into the back of the viewer, and view content through the lenses.
The platform was created by David Coz and Damien Henry, Google engineers at the
in Paris, in their 20% "". It was introduced at the
developers conference, where a Cardboard viewer was given away to all attendees. The Cardboard
(SDK) is available for the
an the SDK's VR View allows developers to embed VR content on the web as well as in their mobile apps.
Through March 2017, over 10 million Cardboard viewers had shipped and over 160 million Cardboard app downloads had been made. Following the success of the Cardboard platform, Google announced an enhanced VR platform, , at Google I/O 2016.
A Cardboard viewer unassembled (top) and assembled (bottom)
Google Cardboard headsets are built out of simple, low-cost components. The headset specifications were designed by Google, which made the list of parts, schematics, and assembly instructions freely available on their website, allowing people to assemble Cardboard themselves from readily available parts. Pre-manufactured viewers were only available from third-party vendors until February 2016, when Google began selling their own through the .
The parts that make up a Cardboard viewer are a piece of
cut into a precise shape, 45 mm
(such as ), a rubber band, and an optional
(NFC) tag. Google provides extra recommendations for large scale manufacturing, and pre-assembled kits based on these plans are available for less than US$5 from multiple vendors, who have also created a number of Cardboard variations.
Once the kit is assembled, a
is inserted in the back of the device and held in place by the selected fastening device. A Google Cardboard–compatible app splits the smartphone display image into two, one for each eye, while also applying
to each image to counter
from the lenses. The result is a
("3D") image with a wide field of view.
The first version of Cardboard could fit phones with screens up to 5.7 inches (140 mm) and used magnets as input buttons, which required a compass sensor in the phone. An updated design released at
works with phones up to 6 inches (150 mm) and replaces the magnet switch with a conductive lever that triggers a touch event on the phone's screen for better compatibility across devices.
Google provides three
for developing Cardboard applications: one for the
operating system using , one for the game engine
using , and one for the
operating system. After initially supporting only Android, Google announced iOS support for the Unity plugin in May 2015 at the Google I/O 2015 conference. Third-party apps with Cardboard support are available on the
store and . In addition to native Cardboard apps, there are Google Chrome VR Experiment phones, including Apple's, that support WebGL can run Google's web experiments. A port of the Google Cardboard demonstration app to iOS was released at Google I/O 2015. In January 2016, Google announced that the software development kits would support , a virtual reality effect intended to simulate audio coming from outside of the listener's head located anywhere in 3D space.
In March 2016, Google released VR View, an expansion of the Cardboard SDK allowing developers to embed 360-degree VR content on a web page or in a mobile app, across desktop, Android, and iOS. The
code for web publishing VR content is
and available on , allowing developers to self-host their content.
Jump is an ecosystem for virtual reality film-making developed by Google. It was announced at Google I/O on May 28, 2015. Much as Google did with the Cardboard viewer, for Jump the company developed specifications for a circular camera array made from 16 cameras that it will release to the public.
partnered with Google to build an array using their own cameras, although the Jump rig will theoretically support any camera. Once footage has been shot, the VR video is compiled from the individual cameras through "the assembler", Jump's back-end software. The assembler uses
and "" to recreate the scene while generating thousands of in-between viewpoints. Finalized video shot through Jump can then be viewed through a stereoscopic VR mode of
with a Cardboard viewer.
Expeditions is a program for providing VR experiences to school classrooms through Google Cardboard viewers, allowing educators to take their students on virtual . It was announced at Google I/O 2015, with plans to launch in fall 2015. Each classroom kit would include 30 synchronized Cardboard viewers and smartphones, along with a tablet for the teacher to act as tour guide. Teachers interested in bringing the program to their school can register online.
called Cardboard "the first Virtual Reality platform targeted at children." Through May 2016, over one million students had taken a VR field trip through the Expeditions program.
In November 2014,
released Volvo-branded Cardboard goggles and an Android app, Volvo Reality, to let the user explore the . In February 2015, toy manufacturer , in cooperation with Google, announced a VR version of the stereoscopic viewer . Android support was available at the viewer's release in fall 2015, with support for iOS and Windows smartphones available later.
Google also collaborated with
to release a Cardboard-based headset for the
known as VR for G3. Released in February 2015, it was distributed as a free accessory with new G3 models sold in certain countries, and was perceived to be a competitor to the
On November 8, 2015,
included a Google Cardboard viewer with all home newspaper deliveries. Readers can download the NYT VR app on their smartphone, which displays journalism-focused immersive VR environments.
In December 2015, Google offered free -themed Cardboard viewers through the
as a part of promotional tie-in for the film .
Ticket holders for the 2016
received a Google Cardboard–inspired cardboard VR viewer in their welcome package that can be used with the Coachella VR mobile app. The festival's organizers partnered with Vantage.tv to offer VR content for the festival, such as 360° panoramic photos of previous events, virtual tours of the 2016 festival site, interviews, and performances.
On January 27, 2016, Google announced that in the platform's first 19 months, over 5 million Cardboard viewers had shipped, over 1,000 compatible applications had been published, and over 25 million application installs had been made. According to the company, users viewed over 350,000 hours of YouTube videos in VR during that time and 500,000 students took a VR field trip through the Expeditions program. Through March 2017, over 10 million Cardboard viewers had been shipped and over 160 million Cardboard app downloads had been made.
The success of Cardboard convinced Google to develop more advanced virtual reality hardware and appoint a new chief of virtual reality. Google announced an enhanced VR platform called
at Google I/O on May 18, 2016.
– another Google product for displaying data next to the face
– virtual reality (VR) project
– Samsung product in partnership with Oculus VR
– HTC's VR project in cooperation with
– Sony's VR project
Pierce, David (May 28, 2015). .
Branstetter, Ben (June 28, 2015). . .
Statt, Nick (June 25, 2014). .
Pierce, David (April 14, 2016). .
Fingas, Jon (February 29, 2016). . .
Dougherty, Conor (May 28, 2015). .
2015. ...specifies whether you want the values as seen through the Cardboard lenses (Distorted) or as if no lenses were present (Undistorted). ... When VR Mode is enabled, stereo cameras render side-by-side to this target automatically. Each frame, the result is corrected for distortion and then displayed. ... Implements the same barrel distortion that is performed by the native code.
. Google 2015.
Tarantola, Andrew (May 28, 2015). .
Broida, Rick (July 17, 2014). .
. Chrome Experiments 2014.
Johnson, Dave (August 18, 2014). .
Lee, Nicole (May 28, 2015). .
Eadicicco, Lisa (January 14, 2016). . .
Martz, Nathan (January 13, 2016). . Google Developers Blog 2016.
Vincent, James (March 31, 2016). . .
Martz, Nathan (March 30, 2016). .
Blog 2016.
O'Kane, Sean (May 28, 2015). . .
Duino, Justin (May 29, 2015). . Android Central. Mobile Nations 2015.
Etherington, Darrell (May 28, 2015). . .
Novet, Jordan (May 28, 2015). .
Lee, Nicole (June 4, 2015). . .
Robertson, Adi (May 28, 2015). . .
Stein, Scott (June 2, 2015). .
Novet, Jordan (May 19, 2016). .
Ziegler, Chris (November 13, 2014). . .
Baig, Edward C. (February 13, 2015). .
. CNET 2015.
. . November 5, .
Olanoff, Drew (December 11, 2015). .
Brennan, Collin (March 10, 2016). .
Dipane, Jared (January 27, 2016). . Android Central. Mobile Nations 2016.
Singleton, Micah (January 27, 2016). . .
Jonnalagadda, Harish (March 1, 2017). . Android Central. Mobile Nations 2017.
Nicas, Jack (January 12, 2016). .
Robertson, A Miller, Ross (May 18, 2016). . .
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