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It is rare for&a new animal species&to emerge in front of scientists& eyes. But this seems to be happening in eastern North America.
October 3rd | Science and technology
LIKE some people who might rather not admit it, wolves faced with a scarcity of potential sexual partners are not beneath lowering their standards. It was desperation[绝望;不顾一切,拼命] of this sort, biologists reckon, that led dwindling wolf populations in southern Ontario to begin, a century or two ago, breeding[生育;繁殖;孕育;导致] widely with dogs and coyotes[ka?'o?ti][郊狼;丛林狼;草原狼]. The clearance of forests for farming, together with the deliberate[故意的;蓄意的] persecution which wolves often suffer at the hand of man, had made life tough for the species. That same forest clearance, though, both permitted coyotes to spread from their prairie[大草原,大牧场;草原地带] homeland into areas hitherto exclusively[专有地; 排外地] lupine[狼], and brought the dogs that accompanied the farmers into the mix.
?&scarcity ['skers?ti]
n. 不足,缺乏; 稀少; 萧条
a time of scarcity物资短缺时期
?&beneath [b?'ni&]
prep.在&的下方; (表示等级)低于;
(表示状态)在&掩饰之下; (表示环境)在&影响之下
Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity.
?&reckon ['r?k?n]
vt. 测算,估计; 认为; 计算; 评定,断定;
vi. 计算; 估计; 猜想; 料想;
Don't reckon upon your relatives to help you out of trouble.
?&dwindle ['dw?ndl]
vi. 减少,变小,缩小; 衰落,变坏,退化
The number of people going to the cinema seems to dwindle steadily.
?&persecution [?p?:s?'kju??n]
n. 迫害或受迫害,烦扰; 苛求,困扰
It is worthwhile to note that both suffered persecution.
?&hitherto [?h?&?r'tu:]
adv. 到目前为止; 迄今; 至今
a hitherto unknown species of moth
Interbreeding[异种交配;杂交]&between&animal species&usually leads to&offspring[后代;崽;幼苗]&less&vigorous[有力的; 精力充沛的]&than either parent&if they survive at all. But the combination of&wolf,&coyote&and&dog&DNA that resulted from this&reproductive[生殖的; 再生产的; 复制的] necessity[必要(性); (迫切)需要; 必需品; 自然规律]&generated an exception[出现例外]. The consequence has been booming numbers of an&extraordinarily fit new animal&(see picture) spreading through the eastern part of North America.
Some call this&creature[生物,动物]&the eastern coyote. Others, though, have&dubbed&it the &coywolf&. Whatever name it goes by,&Roland Kays&of&North Carolina State University[北卡州立大学], in&Raleigh,&reckons&it now numbers in the millions.
?&dub [d?b]
vt. (以剑触肩)封&为爵士; 授予称号; 起绰号; 配音
Mulligan will dub me a new name: the bullockbefriending bard.
The mixing of genes&that has created the&coywolf&has been more rapid,&pervasive&and transformational[转换的,转换生成的]&than many once thought.&Javier Monz&n, who worked until recently at&Stony Brook University&in New York state (he is now at&Pepperdine University, in California) studied the genetic make-up of 437 of the animals, in ten north-eastern states plus Ontario. He&worked out&that, though coyote DNA&dominates[支配,主导;影响;占有优势],&a tenth of[十分之一]&the average coywolf&s&genetic material[遗传物质]&is dog and&a quarter[四分之一]&is wolf.
?&pervasive [p?r've?s?v]
adj. 普遍的; 扩大的; 渗透的; 弥漫的;
adv. 无处不在地; 遍布地
She lives with a pervasive sense of guilt.
The DNA from both wolves and dogs (the latter mostly large breeds, like Doberman Pinschers[杜宾犬] and German Shepherds[德国牧羊犬]), brings big advantages, says Dr Kays. At 25kg or more, many coywolves have twice the heft of purebred coyotes. With larger jaws, more muscle and faster legs, individual coywolves can take down small deer. A pack of them can even kill a moose[大角麋,驼鹿].
?&heft [heft]
n. 重量,体积;
vt. 举&以掂重量; 举起
Melly couldn't even heft that sword!
?&purebred ['pj?r'br?d]
adj. 纯血统的;
n. 纯血统的动物(或植物)
We have lots of valuable and purebred pets for sale.
?&jaw [d??]
n. 下巴; 颌
His jaw was broken after he was hit on the head.
Coyotes&dislike&hunting in forests.&Wolves&prefer&it. Interbreeding has produced an animal skilled at&catching prey[捕捉猎物]&in both&open terrain[开阔地形]&and&densely wooded areas[密林地区], says Dr Kays. And even their cries[喊,叫]&blend&those of their ancestors. The first part of a&howl[嚎叫,咆哮]&resembles[像,类似于]&a wolf&s (with a deep&pitch[最高点; 音高]), but this then turns into a&higher-pitched, coyote-like&yipping[犬吠,叫喊].
?&blend [bl?nd]
vi. 掺杂; 结合; 相配,相称
She felt she would blend in nicely.
The animal&s range has&encompassed&America&s entire&north-east,&urban areas&included, for at least a decade, and is continuing to expand in the&south-east&following coywolves& arrival there half a century ago. This is&astonishing[惊人的].&Purebred&coyotes never managed to establish themselves east of the&prairies[大草原,大牧场;草原地带]. Wolves were&killed off&in eastern forests long ago. But by combining their DNA, the two have&given rise to&an animal that is able to&spread into&a vast and otherwise&uninhabitable&territory[不适于居住的领地]. Indeed,&coywolves&are now living even in large cities, like&Boston,&Washington&and&NewYork. According to&Chris Nagy&of the&Gotham Coyote Project, which studies them in New York, the&Big Apple[纽约城]&already has about 20, and numbers are rising.
大苹果城即Big Apple,是美国纽约市的别称。
?&encompass [?n'k?mp?s]
vt. 围绕,包围; 包含或包括某事物; 完成
The sounds of life encompass his path.
Some&speculate&that this&adaptability[适应性; 合用性]&to city life is because coywolves& dog DNA has made them&more tolerant of people and noise, perhaps&counteracting&the genetic material&from wolves&an animal that dislikes humans. And&interbreeding&may have helped coywolves&urbanise[使都市化,使文雅]&in another way, too, by broadening the animals& diet.&Having&versatile&tastes is handy for city living. Coywolves eat&pumpkins[南瓜],watermelons[西瓜]&and other&garden produce[农作物], as well as&discarded&food. They also eat&rodents[啮齿目动物]&and other&smallish[有点小的,短小的]&mammals[哺乳动物]. Many lawns&and&parks&are kept clear of thick&underbrush[灌木丛; 林下灌丛], so catching squirrels[松鼠]&and pets is easy. Cats are typically eaten&skull[颅骨,头盖骨; 脑袋; 脑子]&and all, with clues left only in the&droppings[排泄物; 滴下物; 动物粪便].
?&wily ['wa?li]
adj. 狡诈的,狡猾的; 足智多谋的; 诡计多端的
He's a wily old fox.
?&speculate ['sp?kj??let]
vt. 思索,猜测,推测;
vi. 投机; 推测; 思索;
It's always hard to speculate about the future.
? counteracting [?ka?nt?'&kt]
vt. 抵消; 阻碍; 中和
&This event will counteract such trends.
? versatile ['v?:rs?tl]
adj. (指工具、机器等)多用途的;多才多艺的;有多种学问、技能或职业的;
He is sparkling and versatile in front of the camera.
? discard [d?s'kɑ:rd]
vt. 丢弃,抛弃; 解雇; 出牌;
We should discard old beliefs.
Thanks to this&bounty, an&urban coywolf&need&occupy[占领; 使用]&only half the territory&it would require in the countryside. And getting into town is easy. Railways providecorridors[走廊,通道]&that make the trip simple for animals as well as people.
? bounty ['ba?nti]
n. (由政府提供的)奖金,赏金; 慷慨,大方; 赠物,赠金
We received a bounty from the government.
Surviving once there, though, requires a low profile.&As well as having small territories, coywolves have&adjusted to&city life by becoming&nocturnal. They have also learned the Highway Code[高速公路规则], looking both ways before they&cross a road. Dr Kays&marvelsat&this &amazing&contemporary[当代的,现代的]&evolution story that&s happening right underneath our nose&.
? nocturnal [nɑ:k't?:rnl]
adj. 夜的,夜间的; (动物)夜间活动的
The dormouse is a shy, nocturnal creature.
? marvel ['mɑ:rvl]
vt.& vi. 惊奇,对&感到惊奇
marvel at&v. 对&惊奇; 惊叹;
The tourists marvel at the beauty of the lake.
Whether the coywolf actually has evolved into[演变;进化;发展] a distinct species[特殊物种;新物种] is debated. Jonathan Way, who works in Massachusetts[马萨诸塞州] for the National Park Service, claims in a forthcoming paper that it has. He thinks its morphological and genetic divergence[形态和基因上的分化] from its ancestors is sufficient to qualify. But many disagree. One common definition of a species is a population that will not interbreed with outsiders. Since coywolves continue to mate with[交配] dogs and wolves, the argument goes, they are therefore not a species. But, given the way coywolves came into existence, that definition would mean wolves and coyotes should not be considered different species either&and that does not even begin to address whether domestic dogs are a species, or just an aberrant form of wolf.
? morphological [?m?:f?'l?d??kl]
adj. &生&&语&形态学的,形态的
Correlation of morphological factors with injury is important.
? aberrant [&'b?r?nt, '&b?-]
adj. &生物&异常的; 畸变的;离开正路的; 与正确(或真实情况)相背的;
I saw that the insects and spiders were displaying the same kind of aberrant behavior.
物种,是生物分类学研究的基本单元与核心。它是一群可以交配并繁衍后代的个体, 但与其它生物却不能交配,不能性交或交配后产生的杂种不能再繁衍。&&摘自百度百科
In reality, &species& is a concept invented by human beings. And, as this argument shows, that concept is not clear-cut. What the example of the coywolf does demonstrate, though, is that evolution is not the simple process of one species branching into many that the textbooks might have you believe. Indeed, recent genetic research has discovered that even Homo sapiens[智人(现代人的学名)] is partly a product of hybridisation[杂交,杂种培植,配种]. Modern Europeans carry Neanderthal genes[尼安德特人基因], and modern East Asians the genes of a newly recognised type of early man called the Denisovans[丹尼索瓦人]. Exactly how this happened is unclear. But maybe, as with the wolves of southern Ontario, it was the only way that some of the early settlers of those areas could get a date.
? clear-cut ['kl?r'k?t]
adj. 轮廓鲜明的; 清晰的;
v. 清场伐木; 为开辟空地而砍伐(树木);
There is no clear-cut answer to this question.
尼安德特人(Homo neanderthalensis),常作为人类进化史中间阶段的代表性居群的通称。尼安德特人是现代欧洲人祖先的近亲,从12万年前开始,他们统治着整个欧洲、亚洲西部以及非洲北部,但在两万四千年前,这些古人类却消失了。
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