vivovivo x9手机丢了刚刚丢了怎么办如何找回来?

经过朋友推荐顺利的进行了找回,需要添加企鹅:Q【】 其实不管是丢了还是被偷了,与其心痛着急,倒不如试试看。全部人工投票.相当于您发动了很多人在帮您投票。【后面内容不用在意】在当今这个趋向于良性运行和可持续发展的强大背景。走进企业,闪耀光芒,为被人做嫁衣,已不能充分体现当代大学生的价值。由此更多的大学生把日光与激情投入到了创业的达洪流,通过自身的努力和智慧来体验自己创业的快感和激情。尽管如此,创业之路却并非康庄大道,此途中,人们不免经历着社会的荆棘的考验,面临着随时被铲的威胁,所以选择创业是至关重要的一环。那么,到底怎样选择创业呢?选择哪个创业项目才能让我们的梦想腾飞呢?创业的过程又应怎样应付自如呢?“无以规矩,不成方圆”,你在决定创业之后,你就要遵守创业的普遍规则。1.选择创业就像一个新生儿。选择创业项目就和抚育一个孩子一样重要。任何项目的身就和新生儿一样,有一个怀胎、孕育、出生、发育的过程,这是一个自然的过程。而创业者对一个具体项目,就像一个父亲对孩子一样,有一个认识、理解、通透、把握的过程,这是一个历史的过程。由此决定了创业的过程是人与项目长期相处融洽的过程,也决定了选择项目必须立足长远。2.选择创业就是一种自我剖析选择创业项目需要一枚金牌“知己知彼”。知己,就是清醒的审视自己的优势、强项、兴趣、知识积累与结构、性格与心理特征等。知彼,是对社会未来发展趋势的认识,稳定的,恒久的,潜在的需要。只有选择自己的优势项目,自己的强势项目,自己感兴趣的项目,以及自己专业知识所熟悉的项目,我们才能先别人一步,才能更接近成功。3.选项决定命运有这样一个例子,软银公司的孙正义曾经当过一周的世界首富。至于个中原因,看看他的创业之初吧。在他大学毕业从美国回到日本,选出了50个左右的创业目标,紧接着他用了一年时间逐个进行考察,写出了几尺厚的资料,最后才选择了做软件。选择目标不仅是一种智慧的较量,还是一种人生的角逐。既然如此重要,那就必须经过一个充分的论证过程。而在这个过程中,我们必须舍得花时间,花力气,静下心来,认真的调查研究,寻找事实根据。由孙正义的例子,我们可以看到认真选择创业是何等重要。4.选项要独树一帜选择的项目一定要独树一帜,也就是特色。特色就是项目生命的根子,生存的权利,活下去的条件。可以这样用四句话总结:别人没有的,别人没发现的,与人不同的,强人之处的。“别人没有的”,此可以说是某种资源与某种特定需要的枢纽,也可以是某种公认资源的新商业价值。就像一个迷路的人,他看到了一种奇怪的,还未出市场的花卉。于是他就开始培养,出售这种花卉一样。“强人之处的”,一个项目不论哪一方面,哪怕是在哪一个点上,只要它能做到高人一筹,那就是特色。这个点可以说是成本,也可以说是质量或所开发领域等。有谁能想到“世界500强”排名第一的是一家叫沃尔玛的零售企业。它的特色就在于它能把管理费用控制在销售额的2%。据说,他们总部的办公室像卡车终点站司机休息室由此可见,他们为保持那点点优势,背后是一种什么样的精神啊!以上只是需要大餐的点心而已,真正的可口菜肴孩子后面呢。真正想创业,我们还需要更加充分的条件,正如宋家有云,打仗还需要天时、地利、人和呢,更何况创业这种涉及各个领域却不见硝烟的战争。创业就像一个新生儿,教会他爬,还不行,还要教会他走路。所以创业具备了这几个基本原则还不行,还需要知道创业投资的几个步骤,且听我一一道来。1.排除己所不能,成其为己所用。有两个村庄,各有一百户人,第一个每家有一棵树,第二个每家有十棵树,而你是柴商,必须买一百根木柴,。你能力好可以把第一个村庄所有树都买下来,能力不好,只把第二个村庄的1/10的树买下来,都是一百根,你知道怎么做吧。2.拿出一杆神笔划上一个圈明白事情可长期做的可行性。把社会恒久需要的,已初露端倪的大趋势划出来。例如,由环境保护引发治理江河,导致关闭中小造纸厂,造成纸制品的供不应求,形成市场不平衡,市场空白。如果再用再生纸做资源去填补,会怎样呢?3.列出一个序把所有可能做的事情都列出来,再回首看看那如流水东逝的沧桑几十年。看看那些做强、做长的企业是生存在哪些行业,从这些行业之间,从很大程度是可以证实行业与发展的联系的。比如房地产、医药保健品、建材、装修、交通、教育、通信等等。那么,再把这大的范围定在这里,再选出自己通过分析后认为可能实行的若干项。4.画龙点睛纵观历史事业的成功史,我们不难发现成就事业的公认法则是集中和持续在已经缩小的范围内。尽管如此,可以做的事还是很多。这时比较优势的道理是有用的-——认真审视自己的强项,优势和兴趣所在。这时,也许我们会发现同时有几个同等选择与他人相比的优势都是比较有利的。这时,机会成本的概念也是有用的——用同样多的时间,同样多的付出。哪个对所对应的事业会有更多大的前景收益呢?比较个中优势会发现很多人都渴望创业,但都苦于没有资金的困境。想要创业,我们就必须考虑如何才能降低成本创业。那么如何才能降低成本创业呢?首先必须要做好心理准备,拥有敢于吃苦和百折不挠的精神,要勤奋,要有正确的方向和方法,要有良好的规划和人生设计,要充分利用现有的资源,发挥自己的主观能动性,发挥自己的优势。做到扬长避短,善于借势。然而,对于现在的大学生,很多都会有这样的顾虑:没有足够的资金,不能开展一个自己理想中的创业项目。如果总是从一些低廉的小生意做起,那难免会使人丧失创业激情,这样有怎能好好创业呢?但是回顾创业历史的长河,我们会不难看到李嘉诚,比尔盖茨等巨人在小生意的李成真乘风破浪。由此看来,我们还有什么理由来掩饰自己内心的创业激情呢?下面就看看几个低成本的创业途径吧。智能型创业如果你拥有特殊的技能和知识,这时你就不需要大的资金投资,只需要进行性智力投资,包括你的特有专长或者某方面的突出技能。如管理才能,行销才能和专利等等。诸如此类,举不胜举。律师,高级工程师,职业经理人,发明家等等。在一种广义上的方向来看,个人的智能和专长更是一种资源。2.服务型创业这样的行业一般是不需要多少资金投入的。如家政服务,搬家公司等等。这就需要你有整合资源的能力充分的挖掘利用,整合资源和信息。其实就是要求你有善于借势的能力。这里的重点就是你能能利用别人的资源,成就自己的事业。正如现今比较流行的风险投资,他就是一种人的智力资源和别人的资本资源想结合的,特长典型。而这里的智力资源范围包括专利,技能,如创新点子等等。其实,还有很多服务型行业是不需要大量的资金投入的。如中介公司之类。还有一个更行之有效的方法,那就是先不考虑创业,而是在打工过程中创造个人品牌。如一些有名的职业经理人,行销专家,发明家等等。然后利用自己无形的资产和别人的有形的资产结合,达到无本创业的目的。现在的我们,作为新时代大背景瞎的大学生,各自怀着自己创业的激情和梦想,都希望有朝一日,能有一家属于自己的创业项目,自己的企业,拥有成功的为来。
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我的三星领世旗舰Ⅲ刚刚丢失了有什么办法找回呢"Unused items with intact packaging can be returned within seven days, and consumers should take care of the returning shipping fees," said an online merchant who sells brand name cosmetics on Taobao.Shanghai IFC mall, Feb 13, 2014.[Photo/IC]The State Council, China's cabinet, published a document listing several measures to simplify approval procedures and improve transparency in the process after a meeting on Wednesday.Speaking at the conference, Zhang called for using major economic and trade industrial parks as platforms to build several international economic cooperation corridors, and rely on key port cities to jointly build secure and efficient transport corridors.1 2 3 Next PageComments Print Mail Large Medium Small,BEIJING - China's future bank reserve policies are likely to continue to lean toward agriculture and small firms, a central bank official said on Friday.That would represent a massive increase, however, since the central government last year only provided a quota of 400 billion yuan for local government bond sales.。Since September 2013, the SAFE has given approval for 22 third-party payment institutions such as Alipay, the online payment arm of Alibaba Group Holding Ltd, to conduct cross-border foreign exchange payment business in five cities including Beijing, Shanghai merce Ministry spokesman Sun Jiwen said the draft law also eases restrictions on foreign investors and grants them easier access to the Chinese market.,The statement said there is good reason to adopt a new system of accounting-accrual-basis accounting, in which income is reported when it is earned and expenses when they are incurred-in government financial reports because through this they will give the whole picture of financial status, operational progress and middle and long-term sustainability.。"In an effort to push the economy to a medium-to-high level, raising product and service standards should be the key," according to a statement issued after the meeting.The statement said there is good reason to adopt a new system of accounting-accrual-basis accounting, in which income is reported when it is earned and expenses when they are incurred-in government financial reports because through this they will give the whole picture of financial status, operational progress and middle and long-term sustainability.。Chinese consumers normally buy cars from dealers authorized by auto makers. The prices of imported cars are often much higher in China than in other countries.1 2 3 Next PageComments Print Mail Large Medium Small1 2 Next PageThe ministry expressed its regret over the matter and said all disputes will be resolved under the WTO rules.。 08:55:01.0China unveils unified pension system[1]- .cnpension,China,reform 40m govt employees face pension reformPolicy Watch2@webnews/enpproperty-->The ministry deemed certain project proposals "untruthful", and would not allocate them any funds.China established the RRR mechanism in 1983 and rolled out an improved version in 1998 which is still in place.Previous PageIn addition, the meeting said financial reforms will be boosted, including reforms on interest rates, the yuan exchange rate formation system and foreign exchange management. And more efforts will be spent on promotion of cross-border use of ments Print Mail Large Medium Small"The new regulation will be benefit consumers. Some consumers have become wary of e-commerce retailers after they discovered counterfeit products online. The government should regulate online business behavior and protect consumer rights," said Wang Xiaoxing, an analyst with Internet consultancy Analysys International.The State Council vowed that China will improve laws and regulations on standardization, making standards a guarantee of quality. The government will revise current national, local and industrial standards. In areas such as health, safety and environmental protection, unified mandatory national standards will be introduced.A property construction site in Nanjing, capital of Jiangsu province. [Photo provided to China Daily]。Few achieved GDP targets in 2014; resource producers, heavy industrial bases hit hardest, 08:22:15.0JIANG XUEQINGChange of deposit calculation rulesloan-to-deposit,ratios,calculation,banks,RRRPolicy Watch2@webnews/enpproperty-->,So is a willingness to accommodate yuan weakness against the dollar, she said.According to the new law, enterprises will not be regulated based on their ownership but on "who is in control". Foreign enterprises on the Chinese mainland that are controlled by overseas investors will be considered foreign while those controlled by Chinese investors will be regarded as such.Tibet kept its target at "about 12 percent", unchanged from 2014, while Shanghai decided not to set a target at all.China will soon come out with guidelines for the healthy development of the Internet finance sector, a top banking official said on Wednesday.,The draft decision, pending authorization by the National People's Congress, was passed during an executive meeting of the State Council presided over by Premier Li Keqiang on Friday.Pensions without worker contributions have become a huge burden on the government and are unsustainable. The dual system also hindered free flow of staff between private and public agencies. In addition, public outcry about the inequity has been mounting.The new prospective law, drafted by the Ministry of Finance and State Administration of Taxation, will create a permanent taxpayer identification number (TIN) for individuals.。我的iPhone7丢了怎么才能找回"In many cases, it's how the additives are being used which is wrong, not the additives themselves-and this had led to additives practically being demonized by many consumers."China is considering a stock trading link program to allow Hong Kong and Shenzhen investors to buy and sell shares on each city's bourse.,The minimum purchase to qualify for a tax refund is 500 yuan (about ) at any one store in a day.People-to-people exchanges should also be enhanced along the routes, and the spirit of friendly cooperation, which can be dated back to the ancient Silk Road, should be promoted, Zhang said.。Overseas visitors will soon be able to claim tax refunds on purchases across China, the Ministry of Finance said over the weekend.The profits of the domestic entity flow back to the controlling WFOE or joint venture. This arrangement enables foreign investors to engage in Chinese industries that they would otherwise be excluded from by law.,The comment came after the Office of the United States Trade Representative challenged China at the WTO on Wednesday, claiming that the Chinese government offers subsidies for the exports of seven industries through "demonstration bases" that receive free or discounted services from suppliers. .。1 2 3 Next PageComments Print Mail Large Medium SmallAny marked weakening in jobs would raise alarm bells for the government as it ratchets up efforts to support the slowing economy. These measures included an interest rate cut last year.。Top government officials and those from taxation bureaus from all provinces and major cities participated in the meeting, underscoring the importance of the issue.Instead, these companies will only need to report their business plans to authorities, Gao said.The initiatives are major policy decisions made by the Party and the State Council, which will be of great significance to further opening up to the outside world and promoting regional and world peace, said Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli at a conference focused on implementing the initiatives. 10:24:19.0China's central bank vows prudent policies in 2015central bank,prudent policy,Policy Watch2@webnews/enpproperty-->。Liao Tizhong, director of the international taxation department of the SAT, said one of the key tasks is to bring the current taxation laws in line with international standards — which means to complete the amendment of the current laws, especially the Tax Collection and Management Law and Individual Income Law.Streamlined process, financial support help startups turn their ideas into realityHan said after the government determines which debts will be repaid by governments and which will not, new debt must be clearly identified as "government debt" or otherwise at the time of the transaction.Previously, the central and local governments split the burden of export tax rebates. The local governments submitted their share of the rebates to the central government, which then added the other 92.5 percent and reimbursed companies.Some analysts have said that the expansion of property-related PE funds is set to slow after years of explosive growth, with average annual rates of investment return reaching as high as 25 percent. 11:34:33.061b yuan of taxes reduced for China's small firmsSME,taxCompanies2@webnews/enpproperty-->BEIJING -- Tax breaks for small and micro-sized businesses in China amounted 61.2 billion yuan ( billion) in 2014, the State Administration of Taxation (SAT) revealed.The majority of SOE corruption suspects had charge of valuable resources, including petroleum, gas, coal and electricity.The policy represents China's latest effort to fight severe pollution and snarling traffic and is a boon to firms such as Warren Buffett-backed BYD Co Ltd, the country's biggest maker of electric vehicles.。Patrick Shum Hing-hung, investment director at Tengard Fund Management, said such investments will not help the city’s economy and it is time for the government to review the program.,That is why President Xi Jinping, during last year's G20 Summit in Australia, affirmed the importance of "reinforcing international collaboration on tax matters and cracking down on cross-border tax avoidance and evasion".,Chinese products used to win their share in the global market mainly by relying on quantity and low prices based on relatively low labor costs. Now, China has entered a period of waning labor cost advantages as the economy is stabilizing and modernizing.Some analysts have said that the expansion of property-related PE funds is set to slow after years of explosive growth, with average annual rates of investment return reaching as high as 25 percent. 03:18:49.0SHI JING And ZHENG YANGPENGVisitors from overseas to get refunds[1]- .cntax refund policy ,overseas tourists China's tourism market to see 6b trips in Policy Watch2@webnews/enpproperty-->Some points in the draft, which has been released for public comment, also suggest that China will introduce taxes on small e-commerce businesses.,Commerce Ministry spokesman Sun Jiwen said the draft law also eases restrictions on foreign investors and grants them easier access to the Chinese market."So the first step in building the FTZ is to deepen integration with the two special administrative regions, where the two sides can well complement each other, especially in the trade of services."Overseas trips by Chinese people surpassed 100 million last year.。“The Premier kicked off his tour on Sunday, the first working day of 2015, visiting Shenzhen and provincial capital Guangzhou.Those choices have left industry insiders wonder when similar reform will be promoted in areas covered by the network of the State Grid Corp, the largest grid enterprise, which transmits and distributes electricity for 1.1 billion people in 26 provincial regions.,Corruption has made deep inroads into the Chinese capital market and threatens the management integrity of at least 70 publicly listed companies, according to media reports.Previously, a transaction for a single shipment could not exceed the equivalent of ,000. The limit for a single transaction related to overseas education, airline tickets and hotels was ,000 or the equivalent.。China introduced the pension system in 1955 and it started to diverge in the early 1980s as three decades of planned economy ended. Businesses were allowed to assume sole responsibility for their profits and losses and gradually developed their own old-age insurance requiring both employees and employers to contribute.In addition, some SOE directors made illegal decisions that caused huge losses of State-owned assets. They also abused their power to arrange for their spouses and children to operate businesses, or to gain benefits for other enterprises in return for huge bribes, according to the commission.,The announcement of the rules on Thursday means that the capital-account has effectively been opened for companies in the FTZ, said Zhang Xin, deputy head of the Shanghai Head Office of the People's Bank of China.。 07:38:37.0ZHENG YANGPENGReforms will shift tax focus to direct approachtax,taxation,tax reform,Economy2@webnews/enpproperty-->Individuals may get a taxpayer identification number for the first time as China shifts its taxation system toward one based more on direct taxes, according to a draft version of the Tax Collection and Administration Law.Currently, Sino-Nigerien cooperation covers energy, culture, security and infrastructure.。Walter Tong, managing partner of Ernst &#38; Young tax services for greater China who consults frequently with foreign enterprises and Chinese policymakers, said transfer pricing is the most common issue his clients raise.The PBOC said banks should set aside additional reserves for the newly included deposits, but the reserve requirement ratio is set at zero for the time being, which means banks do not need to hold additional reserves at present.For foreign companies, especially multinationals that operate in many countries beyond China, a failure to comply with the regulations (whether intentionally or not) can mean a high penalty, especially under current circumstances. China's move last year to levy 0 million in back taxes on United States-based Microsoft Corp highlighted the risk. Microsoft denied any wrongdoing.However, the CSRC will continue to have an important investigative and enforcement role to play in the IPO marketplace. But the responsibility for due diligence and disclosure will now rest on the company management and their advisers, as it is done in capital markets like New York or Hong Kong.。Chinese policymakers have absorbed the lesson from their neighboring country. But at the same time, they are trying to avoid a large monetary stimulus, given that the corporate debt burden is far too heavy in light of intensifying overcapacity and declining profits. 08:11:45.0Shanghai FTZ pilots parallel imports of cars[1]- .cnFTZ,cars,import,Auto Policy2@webnews/enpproperty-->This is no longer the government’s priority in view of the current economic situation in the city. 10:18:52.0JIANG XUEQINGPolicy changes loom for financial institutions[1]- .cnfinancial institutions,banks,loan,Markets2@webnews/enpproperty-->Continued declines in consumer and producer prices have pushed up China's real interest rates since the fourth quarter of 2014.Wenzhou Gaotian had to lay off 10 percent of its employees to cut costs after export orders sank by about 20 percent in 2014."Some in the market have become too fixated over China's headline growth, and see a slowdown in growth rate as legitimate concern to justify the yuan's weakness," said Zhao Qingming, chief economist with the China Financial Futures Exchange.Neither Mao nor Lu could be reached for comment.。1 2 Next Page,Heightened scrutiny of foreign companies' tax practices is a sign of China's effort to modernize its taxation system to keep up with the fast-changing international business environment, but there is another dimension that concerns the foreign business community - service.,However, the SAFE appeared to discourage this interpretation in its statement."By assuming the full burden of rebates, the central government will sweep clean the obstacles that discourage local governments from developing exports," said Zhao. "There is hope that this policy will reduce the burden of provinces with export advantages and boost overall exports." 07:35:47.0ZHENG YANGPENGChina's local governments lower sights for growthGDP,growth,economy,Economy2@webnews/enpproperty-->Few achieved GDP targets in 2014; resource producers, heavy industrial bases hit hardest, 10:01:29.0China sketches out priorities of 'Belt and Road' initiativesChina,priorities,belt,road,economyPolicy Watch2@webnews/enpproperty-->BEIJING - Chinese leaders sketched out priorities for the "Belt and Road" initiatives on Sunday, highlighting transport infrastructure building, investment and trade facilitation, financial cooperation and cultural exchange."It may be a couple of days or weeks before the final list," he said.Previous Page。”。The "upgrade" work also includes signing more bilateral and multilateral taxation agreements to better monitor cross-border tax-related information, fight tax avoidance and avoid repeated taxation.The word "innovation" has been heard a lot on the tour, which has passed through the most high-tech or creative areas.,China recovered 7.88 billion yuan (.26 billion) from tax avoidance investigations last year, an increase of 114-fold over six years ago. But even that number represented less than 0.1 percent of the nation's total ments Print Mail Large Medium Small"Chinese exporters and manufacturers are facing possible operational and legal risks in both developed and developing markets as many countries started to curb the import of Chinese products to narrow trade deficits, in particular under the current global economic setting," said Yu.。Ma made the comments at the annual National Statistics Work Conference in Beijing.The recent oil price plunge may increase Chinese GDP growth by 0.1 to 0.3 percentage points and keep inflation down, said economists.,Previous Page。Under the new regulation, customers can return the opened goods they bought online within seven days and get full refunds, without providing any reason for the return.A view outside the China Unicom office building in Beijing, October 9, 2013. [Photo/Agencies]。Qualcomm Incorporated, the world's largest chipmaker, announced Tuesday US time that it will pay a fine of 6.08 billion yuan (5 million).CCPIT will promote the establishing of a Silk Road Business Council and Zhenghe Economic and Cultural Friendship Association, two institutions that will prop up economic cooperation between China and "belt and road" countries, Yu said.He also vowed to improve soft environment in public service and products, to attract more foreign talent.Previous Page。Individuals may get a taxpayer identification number for the first time as China shifts its taxation system toward one based more on direct taxes, according to a draft version of the Tax Collection and Administration Law.The anti-corruption watchdog investigated COFCO from March 27 to May 9 last year and found some irregularities, including company money being spent on playing golf and to bribe officials.The two sides agreed that they will enhance communication and explore a model for managing the online market.Meng Jing contributed to ments Print Mail Large Medium SmallA clerk counts yuan bills at a bank in Huaibei, East China's Anhui province. [Photo/IC]A foreign tourist takes selfies in front of the Tiananmen Rostrum during the May Day holiday in Beijing, China, May 1, 2014. [Photo/IC]The spat was prompted by a sample survey conducted by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC), which found more fakes than genuine items were sold on Taobao, a popular online shopping site operated by Alibaba.It will allow applications to multiple ministries, including those involved with economic planning, urban-rural development, land resources management and environmental protection, all of whom are gatekeepers for enterprises needing approval for investments.。A property construction site in Nanjing, capital of Jiangsu province. [Photo provided to China Daily],File photo shows a seal placed on several 100 renminbi notes. The Ministry of Finance and State Administration of Taxation has drafted a new law to create a permanent taxpayer identification number (TIN) for individuals. [Photo/IC],Macroeconomic policies have different target periods.Nationally, however, there is some rationale for short-term stimulus, he said.1 2 Next PageAs many people do not have such cards, commercial banks can only provide limited information on their credit, which makes it hard for these consumers to get loans, Yang said.,1 2 Next PageComments Print Mail Large Medium SmallResponding to the concerns, more specific measures were announced at the meeting to make approvals faster.China has assisted in building six nuclear reactors in Pakistan with a total installed capacity of 3.4 million kilowatts, he said.。
我的iPhone6Plus不见了有什么办法找回我的三星GalaxyC9手机不见了还能找回"And we will speed up the approval process for companies in the free trade zone. To this end, we will set up an online information exchange platform for enterprise registration work, fully integrating tax registration, quality testing and public security information," said Zhang.LGFVs could still issue bonds, but those that are not initially categorized as "government debt" would be treated as purely corporate bonds.,1 2 Next PageBEIJING - Measures on old-age insurance for workers in government agencies and public institutions were unveiled on Wednesday.。1 2 Next PageComments Print Mail Large Medium SmallChina plans to draw up a guideline to help its equipment makers, particularly railway and nuclear companies, to expand exports, the country's top economic planning body said on Friday.,The conference was held two days after an elaboration on China's existing General Anti-Avoidance Rules framework came into effect, underscoring the issue's rising importance in the government work agenda.。The banks are also required to provide an external assessment report issued by the authorities to prove that they can effectively recognize the real identity of clients via the technologies and also prove that the clients are opening accounts of their own accord rather than under stress.China has rolled out a series of policies to encourage sales of green vehicles, hoping the industry can help China fight pollution and reduce the country's reliance on imported oil.。Any marked weakening in jobs would raise alarm bells for the government as it ratchets up efforts to support the slowing economy. These measures included an interest rate cut last year.The US dollar has undergone a sustained rally since late last year as the market is watching closely over whether February is going to see raised interest rates after the exit from quantitative easing in November.Previous Page 09:52:12.0China lifts railway benchmark freight ratelift,freight rate,railwayPolicy Watch2@webnews/enpproperty-->。 11:34:33.061b yuan of taxes reduced for China's small firmsSME,taxCompanies2@webnews/enpproperty-->BEIJING -- Tax breaks for small and micro-sized businesses in China amounted 61.2 billion yuan ( billion) in 2014, the State Administration of Taxation (SAT) revealed.A bank employee counts cash at an outlet of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China in Huaibei, Anhui province. Difficulties are increasing for the central bank to manage liquidity. [Photo/China Daily]Finally, governments at all levels will be required by 2020 to release the reports and financial analyses.The draft decision, pending authorization by the National People's Congress, was passed during an executive meeting of the State Council presided over by Premier Li Keqiang on Friday."People are genuinely worried about the use of too many food additives. Yes, people should be wary of food products which claim 'no colorings, no preservatives' on the packaging, but there is actually a lot of misunderstanding surrounding food additives, which has to be sorted," says Chen.Previous PageHospitals currently account for around 70 percent of drugs sold to consumers. Among retailers, online pharmacies are restricted to selling over-the-counter medicines and healthcare products such as cough remedies and vitamin tablets.Instead, these companies will only need to report their business plans to authorities, Gao said.。The meeting said various tools should be used flexibly to maintain the reasonably rich liquidity in the bank system.,The growth of M2, a broad measure of money supply that covers cash in circulation and all deposits, slowed to 12.3 percent on a year-on-year basis by the end of November.,Previous PageSHANGHAI - Companies in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone may now borrow overseas without prior consent from authorities, the Shanghai headquarters of the People's Bank of China said on Thursday.According to China's legislative procedures, the draft law will need to be submitted to the top legislature, the National People's Congress, for final review.All these new agencies and centers will be managed by the council to ensure its service quality. To optimize work efficiency, they will cooperate on legal claims, including loss assessment, settlement, judicial expertise, arbitration and trial for maritime cases to improve Chinese companies' ability in dealing with foreign clients or authorities.,Chinese consumers normally buy cars from dealers authorized by auto makers. The prices of imported cars are often much higher in China than in other countries.Analysts said the US' chances of winning its complaint at the WTO over alleged Chinese export subsidies to seven domestic industries are mixed.Many e-commerce websites have varied standards of return policies. Most online merchants, such as online organic , require that the returned items should have undamaged packaging and be in the same condition as when they were sold.。In an interview with local media, Eddie Kwan, the founder and chairman of EK Immigration Consulting, said the news is “shocking” for people who want to migrate to Hong Kong.The regulation also requires investors to have a minimum of one million yuan in financial assets, down from the previous limit of three million yuan.,Previous PageThe recent oil price plunge may increase Chinese GDP growth by 0.1 to 0.3 percentage points and keep inflation down, said economists.。Ma made the comments at the annual National Statistics Work Conference in Beijing.Social capital -- private capital in particular -- will be encouraged to invest in important construction projects, and more effort will be made to ensure the smooth implementation of public-private partnership projects.,In a notice , the cabinet said central government departments and local governments should reallocate any unspent money from the 2012 fiscal year and before that to new budgets.。 07:30:10.0Lu LeiStructural adjustment may cause liquidity squeezechina,structural adjustment,liquidityMarkets2@webnews/enpproperty-->The new zones will be located in&#160;South China's Guangdong province, Southeast China's Fujian province and North China's Tianjin. The only FTZ currently operating is in Shanghai.。Regulators are expected to further cut interest rates and reserve requirement ratios, ease the rules on loan-to-deposit ratios and continue opening up the financial sector by giving a green light to the establishment of more private banks this year. Here are some policy changes that economists and banking analysts are widely expecting:The nation is paying a price for economic structural adjustment, reflected in commercial banks' surging nonperforming loans. To avert further risks, the People's Bank of China may take measures to control the expansion of debt.A woman walks past the headquarters of the People's Bank of China (PBOC), the central bank, in Beijing, in this file picture taken June 21, 2013. [Photo/Agencies]Abolition of registered capital requirements for new firms has caused rapid growth in new company registrations. Tax reduction schemes to replace turnover tax with value added tax has benefitted small and medium-sized enterprises. The opening up of more state-run sectors to private capital has helped increase private-sector involvement in the economy.。Amid weak global demand and rising domestic costs, China's total foreign trade growth missed its target of 7.5 percent in 2014. Actually growth was less than half that level, at just 3.4 percent.Nevertheless, as the government has emphasized, standardization is "a road that must be taken" for Chinese companies to become strong competitors in the global arena, ments Print Mail Large Medium SmallNew draft law streamlines procedures for overseas companies and boosts corporate governance efforts, report Zhong Nan, Gao Yuan and Mu Chen.&#160; 11:34:33.061b yuan of taxes reduced for China's small firmsSME,taxCompanies2@webnews/enpproperty-->BEIJING -- Tax breaks for small and micro-sized businesses in China amounted 61.2 billion yuan ( billion) in 2014, the State Administration of Taxation (SAT) revealed.Chinese policymakers have absorbed the lesson from their neighboring country. But at the same time, they are trying to avoid a large monetary stimulus, given that the corporate debt burden is far too heavy in light of intensifying overcapacity and declining profits.This view was echoed by chief economist of the Industrial Bank Lu Zhengwei, who believes that China's economic growth, trade and foreign exchange reserves are positive signs that the yuan will remain stable.Subsidies will be granted to buyers of pure electric, highly electrified plug-in hybrid and fuel-cell vehicles, with the amount of subsidies gradually scaled down during the period from 2016 to 2020, according to the draft rules posted on the Ministry of Finance's website.The People's Bank of China (PBOC), the central bank, pumped 80 billion yuan (.05 billion) into the money markets on Tuesday through 14-day and 21-day reverse repos, a process in which central banks purchase securities from banks with an agreement to resell them at future dates.。1 2 Next Page,"Chinese exporters and manufacturers are facing possible operational and legal risks in both developed and developing markets as many countries started to curb the import of Chinese products to narrow trade deficits, in particular under the current global economic setting," said Yu.,Previous PageUnderlying deflationary pressure has risen in China, with the Consumer Price Index easing to the lowest 0.8 percent last month since November -10 05:53:31.0CHEN JIAGraft fight targets listed firmsGraft fight targets listed firmsCompanies2@webnews/enpproperty-->Management integrity of at least 70 listed companies is threatened, according to reportsThe meeting also reiterated the establishment of a bank deposit insurance scheme.,Virtually every provincial-level government has lowered its growth target for this year, reflecting mounting downward pressure at the local level and providing further evidence that the central government will cut the national target to 7 percent.The central government will have the sole right to evaluate the GDP and growth rates of every province and municipality, said Ma Jiantang, director of the National Bureau of Statistics.Under the current retail oil pricing mechanism, the commission, the nation's top economic planning agency, will announce the next price adjustment on Feb 27.。Attending the launch ceremony monday, Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang called on the two sides to earnestly implement the consensus of the two leaders.Liao said the administration aims to complete the work by 2016.,The SOE anti-graft efforts coincide with China's imminent roll-out of ambitious new guidelines to overhaul the country's state sector.A pilot scheme, starting this year, will establish a three-year rolling budget in sectors such as compulsory education, health care and environmental protection, to achieve targets.。The government's basic insurance system covers employees and the unemployed in cities, as well as farmers. People pay part of their salaries toward medical insurance, while their employers and the government pays the rest. People pay different rates and have different rates of reimbursement for their medical costs."What they care about are the 'rules of the game'. Are they clear? Consistent? Does every country play by the rules? Because any country's failure to play by the rules may result in double taxation or double non-taxation," Tong said.,But the costs associated with the huge uncertainty during a five-year period without a clear explanation are incalculable.。The Chinese food industry currently uses around 2,000 different kinds of food additives across 20 categories, with bleaching and bulking agents among the most common.The new policy could eventually allow online retail pharmacies such as Alibaba Health Information Technology Ltd and the pharmacy platform
Inc to wrest sales from hospitals.。The PBOC said the move would address liquidity fluctuation before the Lunar New Year holiday and help stabilize the country's money market.Under performance evaluation standards, a high regional GDP is seen by local officials as a route to achieving important career rewards.The upcoming regulations have sparked interest among members of the CPPCC National Committee this year as Internet financial products and services have grown rapidly in China.Previous Page。The policies should avoid aggressive stimulus, accelerate the deleveraging process and drive structural reforms.He advised the government to do more to protect the privacy and security of personal information.Last year, Sinopec, PetroChina and State Grid all released plans to open some sectors to private investment. The government has also decided to grant more rights to corporate entities in 2015.Regulators are expected to further cut interest rates and reserve requirement ratios, ease the rules on loan-to-deposit ratios and continue opening up the financial sector by giving a green light to the establishment of more private banks this year. Here are some policy changes that economists and banking analysts are widely expecting:Residents of a home for the elderly in Feixiang county, Hebei province, share a laugh. [Pan Songgang for China Daily]In November 2014, the Commerce Department determined that revocation of the existing duty orders on lawn groomers from China would likely lead to continuation or recurrence of dumping at weighted-average margins up to 386.28 percent.Setting tariffs independently will be an effective way to strengthen cost controls and monitor the revenue of grid operators. 10:59:08.0PBOC expands SLF to ease liquidityPBOC,SLF,ease liquidityPolicy Watch2@webnews/enpproperty-->。Previously, the central and local governments split the burden of export tax rebates. The local governments submitted their share of the rebates to the central government, which then added the other 92.5 percent and reimbursed companies., 18:02:42.0China cuts retail oil pricechina,oil,fuel,retail,gasoline,diesel,price,cut China winning in OPEC price warPolicy Watch2@webnews/enpproperty-->BEIJING -- China's top economic planner announced a cut on the retail price of gasoline by 520 yuan () and that of diesel by 500 yuan per ton.,China is expected to take a significant step in its capital market reform after the market regulator decided to relinquish control over new listings and transfer them to the Shanghai and Shenzhen bourses. 07:15:32.0ZHU WENQIANE-commerce purchase regulations modifiede-commerce,purchase,regulation,consumer,protection,online shopping Justifiable for China to strengthen cyber securityPolicy Watch2@webnews/enpproperty-->Under the new regulation, customers can return the opened goods they bought online within seven days and get full refunds, without providing any reason for the return.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next Page &#62;&#62;|Comments Print Mail Large Medium Small,1 2 Next PageComments Print Mail Large Medium SmallAs pledged in late 2013, China will give the market a "decisive" role in allocating economic resources.Chinese leaders have pledged to loosen their grip on residence registration, known as hukou, to try to hasten an urbanization drive.。
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