flat可以用flat file 是什么文件造句

Fluorine-Ccarbon aluminum single sheet can be divided into common flat sheet and irregular sheet in terms of shape.
When triggered, this JmsConsumer consumes messages from the IBM.ESB.OUT queue, and writes them to a common flat file called ConsumerLog.txt in the directory /mqha/logs.
一旦触JmsConsumer 工具,它就会使用来自IBM.ESB.OUT队列的消息,并将消息写入 /mqha/logs目录中的一个名为ConsumerLog.txt 的公共平面文件中。
From ontology, the character of explicit knowledge is"disembeding", and it has become the common flat to communicate and the basis of human knowledge system because of its commonness and universality.
The common methods for knitting the V type necks on the common flat knitting machine include narrowing, press-off, combination of narrowing point and narrowing, comb drop narrowing, and so on.
JXTA is developed as a common flat on which peer-to-peer and distributed services and applications can be easily constructed.
These features of the presser foot, making cross machine weaving capability has been greatly improved, mainly in the, on the one hand to weave on common flat knitting machine cannot weave new pattern;
The inside of a shoe is much more likely to be worn down for a runner who over-pronates. It is more common for flat-footed runners.
Painter in the world to understand the performance of space for the two most common forms, flat space and three-dimensional space.
The coat is short, dense and flat, common in solid shades of fawn, brown, black and brindled , with white markings allowed.
The common complications included early continuous flat anterior chamber, local choroidal detachment, increased IOP, and so on.
But more often, women are the most beautiful pictures, or classical, or elegant, or elegant, or tolerance, or noble, or flat, or common, or sorrow.
Based on the common shear resistance bolt and flat bolt, the D-shape was developed. The high pressure end cover sealing device connected with D- shape could realize the quick open of vessel end cover.
Based on the common shear resistance bolt and flat bolt, the D-shape was developed. The high pressure end cover sealing device connected with D- sha…
In USA and other countries, one of the most common floor systems is the flat plate .
The common problems existing in the exploitation of flat-dipping thin ore-bodies are that the production capacity is lower and the recovery is difficult.
What do a carnivorous sponge, a lobular yam and a flat-faced psychedelic frogfish all have in common?
In the paper, the processing technology, product standard, common quality problems and solutions concerned with a flat peach juice drink are mainly described.
4:Sure, Oscar has all this education. But he doesn't have a lick of common sense - he can't change a flat tire on his car or drive a nail straight in a board to save his life.
It is characterized in that: it changes the common drip line-type body of submarine into flat round type.
4:Sure, Oscar has all this education. But he doesn't have a lick of common sense -- he can't change a flat tire on his car or drive a nail straight through a board to save his life.
他说:Oscar确实受了那么多的教育,但是对常识却一无所知,即使是要他的命,他也换不了汽车轮胎或把钉子敲进木板而不敲歪。 从Oscar不会处理那些日常事务的例子听来,他极其缺乏生活常识,所以说:hedoesn'thavealickofcommonsense。意思是他一点儿生活常识都没有。
Flat-panel displays containing 640x480 black-and-white pixels are now common.
Common spacious dining-room in 1980s undergoes transformation from flat top to spire, that non-attractive wood structure seems to decay slowly without more attention paid.
There are still plenty of flat files that the two operating systems have in common, such as /etc/passwd, /etc/group, and /etc/hosts, and that you can modify directly.
还有很多文件是这两个操作系统共有的,如 /etc/passwd、/etc/group和 /etc/hosts,您可以直接修改它们。
EARS: The membranes covering the inner ear should be either flat or slightly concave; ear abscesses are very common and can have fatal consequences if treatment is not obtained.
Flat-rate data-pricing plans are becoming common, again starting in Europe.
There were other catches, too, perhaps two baskets of flat fish, prawns, sea crabs, and the common sardine variety.
The surge's "clear, hold, build" strategy would have fallen flat on its face without these men – from finding common ground with the Americans and forming US-led neighbourhood militia groups.
It is most common that these stores are relational databases, although InfoSphere Information Analyzer also supports analysis of XML, flat files, and other structured file types.
最常见的情况是,这些存储是关系数据库,不过 WebSphereInformationAnalyzer也支持XML、平面文件和其他结构化文件类型的分析。
It is most common that these stores are relational databases, although InfoSphere Information Analyzer also supports analysis of XML, flat files, and other structured file types.
最常见的情况是,这些存储是关系数据库,不过 WebSphereInformationAnalyzer也支持XML、平面文件和其他结构化文件类型的分析。
- 来自原声例句
感谢您的反馈,我们会尽快进行适当修改!英 [flaet]
美 [flaet]
adj. 平的;单调的;不景气的;干脆的;平坦的;扁平的;浅的
adv. (尤指贴着另一表面)平直地;断然地;水平地;直接地,完全地
n. 平地;公寓;平面
vt. 使变平;[音乐]使(音调)下降,尤指降半音
vi. 逐渐变平;[音乐]以降调唱(或奏)
n. (法)弗拉特(人名);(英)弗莱特(人名)
CET4 考 研
平的,小套间来自PIE*pele, 平的。词源同plan, plane. 引申词义套间,公寓。
flat: [14] The Old English word for ‘flat’ was efen ‘even’, and flat was not acquired until Middle English times, from Old Norse flatr. This came from a prehistoric Germanic *flataz, source also of German platt ‘flat’. And *flataz probably goes back to an Indo-European *pel? -, *plā-, denoting ‘spread out flat’, from which came Sanskrit prthūs ‘broad’, Greek platūs ‘broad’ (source of English place, plaice, plane [the tree], and platypus), Latin plānus ‘flat’ (whence English plane and plain ‘unadorned’), and also English place, plaice, plant, and flan. Flat ‘single-storey dwelling’ [19] is ultimately the same word, but it has a more circuitous history.It is an alteration (inspired no doubt by the adjective flat) of a now obsolete Scottish word flet ‘interior of a house’, which came from a prehistoric Germanic *flatjam ‘flat surface, floor’, a derivative of the same source (*flataz) as produced the adjective.=& , , , , , , c. 1300, "stretched out (on a surface), prostrate, lying the whole " mid-14c., "level, even," of a roof, "low-pitched," from Old Norse flatr "flat," from Proto-Germanic *flata- (cognates: Old Saxon flat "flat, shallow," Old High German flaz "flat, level," Old English flet (for which see
(n.)), Old High German flezzi "floor"), from PIE *plat- "to spread" (source of Greek platys "broad," see
(n.)). From c. 1400 as "without curvature or projection."
 Sense of "prosaic, dull" is from 1570s, on the notion of "featureless, lacking contrast." Used of drink from c. 1600; of musical notes from 1590s, because the tone is "lower" than a giv of women's bosoms by 1864. Flat tire or flat tyre is from 1908. Flat-screen (adj.) in reference to television is from 1969 as a potential technology. Flat-earth (adj.) in reference to refusal to accept evidence of a global earth, is from 1876.1801, "a story of a house," from Scottish flat "floor or story of a house," from Old English flett " floor, ground," from the same source as
(adj.). Meaning "floor or part of a floor set up as an apartment" is from 1824. Directly from flat (adj.) come the senses "level ground near water" (late 13c.); "a flat surface, the flat part of anything" (1374), and "low shoe" (1834).1550s, "absolutely," 1570s, "plainly, positively," from
(adj.). Flat-out (adv.) "openly, directly" is from 1932, originally in motor racing, picked up in World War II earlier it was a noun meaning "total failure" (1870, U.S. colloquial).c. 1600, "" 1670s in music, from
(adj.). Related: Flatted; flatting.
1. Early American weathervanes were most often cut from flat wooden boards.
美国早期的风向标大多截自平直的木板。 来自柯林斯例句 2. Warm weather has attracted the flat fish close to shore.
煦暖的气候将比目鱼引到了近海。 来自柯林斯例句 3. Two years later he is flat broke and on the dole.
两年后,他一贫如洗,靠失业救济金生活。 来自柯林斯例句 4. She had small feet and hands and a flat, round face.
她的手脚都很小,脸又扁又圆。 来自柯林斯例句 5. I lay the painting flat to stop the wet paint running.
我把油画平放以防止未干的颜料流动。 来自柯林斯例句


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