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Many people forsake their friends in favour of their own families, or at least draw a line of demarcation between families and friends, considering the former to be many times more important than the latter. That seems to be a matter of course. I have also seen with my own eyes how some people abandon their friends as well as their own careers soon after they get married...
Friends are transient whereas families are lasting&that is the tenet, as I know, guiding the behaviour of many people. To me, that is utterly inconceivable. Without friends, I would have been reduced to I don't know what a miserable creature.
Friends are my saviours. They give me things which is beyond my family to give me. Thanks to their fraternal love, assistance and encouragement, I have time and again been saved from falling into an abyss while on its verge. They have been enormously generous towards me.答案解析:[难点注释]
1.世间有不少的人为了家庭抛弃朋友,至少也会在家庭和朋友之间划一个界限,把家庭看得比朋友重过若干倍:此句可采用顺译法处理,&为了&在此译为in favour of更好。&划一个界限&则可译为draw a line of demarcation。前面已经提到家庭和朋友,所以在翻译&把家庭看得比朋友重过若干倍&时这两者可分别采用the former和the latter来代替,以免复赘。
2.很自然的事情:指理所当然的事,可对应译为a matter of course。
3.我也曾亲眼看见一些人结婚以后就离开朋友,离开事业:此句中&离开朋友&和&离开事业&这两个并列的表达在翻译时可用as well as连接,即abandon their friends as well as their own careers。
4.朋友是暂时的,家庭是永久的:此句中&朋友是暂时的&和&家庭是永久的&暗含对比关系,因此可用whereas来连接,该句可译为Friends are transient whereas families are lasting。&暂时的&还可译为temporary或transitory;&永久的&也可译为permanent。
5.在好些人的行为里我发见了这个信条:指的是我知道很多人都将这个信条作为行为的向导,可灵活译为that is the tenet, as I know, guiding the behaviour of many people。
6.变成:在此含有&沦落&之意,可译为be reduced to。
7.可怜的东西:不宜逐字译为poor things,此处指&人的悲惨境遇&因此译为miserable creature更贴切。
8.我家庭所不能给的东西:可译为things which it is beyond my family to give me。
9.他们的友爱,他们的帮助,他们的鼓励:本句含有因果关系,因此可在此句对应的译文前增译出thinks to或because of。&几次&可直接译为several times,但译为time and again则更佳。
&答案解析:第&3&题:填空题:To help others, you don't have to be an efficie the main thing is the intention. You may be crude and clumsy, wasteful and ineffective, but if you sincerely try to help, your attempt produces nothing but good. The one you are trying to help knows your intention and is strengthened and encouraged by the magic of your sharing. In nearly every case, your simple desire to help, converted into action, produces the good sought. But perhaps the greatest good is the good that you yourself get out of the attempt. Service to others delivers more joy to you than the joy you deliver to them. In doing good, you flee yourself from the ter you escape from yourself into a clean world of joy and light. The good you simply try to do, regardless of the outcome, is always a success inside yourself.
Unselfish giving is your most efficient formula for happiness, for you have embraced Eternity instead of S you have felt Life, and you are now the world bigger than you were before you began the project.
&答案解析:第&4&题:填空题:If one realizes that our time on this earth is but a tiny fraction of that within the cosmos, then life calculated in years may not be as important as we think. Why measure life in heartbeats? When life is so dependent on such an unreliable function as the beating of the heart, then it is fragile indeed. The only thing that one can depend upon with absolute certainty is death.
I believe that death may be the most important part of life. I believe that life is infinitesimally brief in relation to the immensity of eternity. I believe, because of my religious faith, that I shall &return to the Father& in an afterlife that is beyond description. I believe that though my life was short in years, it was full in experience, joy, lov that my own immortality will reside in the memories of my loved ones left behind, mother, brother, wife, children, dear friends.
&答案解析:第&5&题:填空题:There is not much to choose between men. They are all a hotchpotch of greatness and littleness, of virtue and vice, of nobility and baseness. Some have more strength of character, or more opportunity, and so in one direction or another give their instincts freer play, but potentially they are the same. For my part, I do not think I am any better or any worse than most people, but I know that if I set down every action in my life and every thought that has crossed my mind, the world would consider me a monster of depravity. The knowledge that these reveries are common to all men should inspire one with tolerance to oneself as well as to others. It is well also if they enable us to look upon our fellows, even the most eminent and respectable, with humor, and if they lead us to take ourselves not too seriously.
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