我的whatsapp会自动发送消息,一个单词没海山打完怎么出去 自己就发出去了,怎么解决,苦恼

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模式不对啊 要用聊天模式吧 以前小时候用的老版的QQ就是这样啊
好像你设置的回车键有问题。。你是直接按回车就发信息还是ctrl+enter呢。。 麻烦采纳,谢谢!
不用在设置里找 你是不小心弄成消息模式了 在聊天窗口下边发送那个位置有个倒三角 你点下改成按Enter键发送就行了 祝你聊天愉快哈 呵呵
正常的 你改下dns地址就行了 该成 8,8,8,8 8,8,4,4 亲: 重启游戏 还不行断开网络连接重新连接 我也碰上过,一般都是服务器问题 望采纳 网速不行就算这样
找客服吧 应该是发货了,物流现在不是实时更新的。去蘑菇街客服问下!要么投诉啊 客服退款。投诉 我跟你的情况一样...狠纠结是不是被骗了??? 我的也是。。。急死了 我也是坐沙发的 你好,我蘑菇街买的东西...
聊天记录过多导致的错误,你可以尝试用光标或者说方向键往前翻一下聊天记录,或者关闭聊天窗口重新打开查看,甚至重启软件。当然最有效的办法就是删除聊天记录或者重装QQ 了。WhatsApp FAQ - How can I fix problems with downloading or sending media files on WhatsApp?
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How can I fix problems with downloading or sending media files on WhatsApp?
Common issues that can cause problems downloading or sending photos, videos, or Voice Messages include:
Your phone might be having connectivity problems.
Your phone's date and time are set incorrectly.
There is an issue with your SD card:
There is not enough space on the SD card.
The SD card is set to read-only mode.
The SD card is corrupted.
Double check (and even triple check) that your phone has an active internet connection with a strong signal. Try loading a webpage to make sure. If you are certain that your phone is connected (try connecting to different Wi-Fi hotspots and/or 4G), keep reading.
Check that the date and time are set correctly on your phone. If your date is incorrect, you will not be able to connect to the WhatsApp servers to download your media. See how to correctly set your date .
Sometimes WhatsApp may have difficulty saving files to your SD card. If so, follow these troubleshooting steps:
Make sure there is enough space on your SD card. If your SD card is full, WhatsApp will not be able to save anything to it. Make more space available by deleting any unnecessary files.
Ensure your SD card is not set to read only mode. Try saving a file to your SD card that is not from WhatsApp. If the file saves, your card is not read-only, WhatsApp Messenger should be able to save files to it. If you cannot save anything, your card is likely set to read only mode. You will please check your phone's manual for instructions.
If there is enough free space and you can save files to your SD card, but you still cannot download any files to it from WhatsApp, you may need to delete WhatsApp data from your SD card:
IMPORTANT: This will erase ALL WhatsApp chat history backups and downloaded files.
This would be a good time to back up your WhatsApp data. To back up your WhatsApp data, copy the "WhatsApp" folder on your SD card to your computer.
Open the SD card folder on your phone and delete the "WhatsApp" folder. All of your WhatsApp media is now erased. WhatsApp will still open - and your chats will still be there - but your media (photos, videos, audio) will be gone.
Restart your phone.
WhatsApp should be able to save your downloaded files now.
Still reading? Remember step 2, when you checked to see if your SD card was read only? If you could not save any files to it, your SD card may be corrupted. In this case, you may need to reformat your SD card. This means erasing the entire SD card and resetting it:
IMPORTANT: This will erase ALL data on your SD card.
Once you format the SD card you will not be able to get back your data.
If possible, backup anything on the SD card. One way to do this is to plug the SD card into a computer with an SD card reader, and copy the files over.
On your Android phone, go to Settings & Storage.
If it exists, tap Unmount storage card.
Tap Format SD card or Erase SD card.
Reboot your phone.
If all of these steps did not work, it may be that there is an issue with your SD card. You may need to purchase a new SD card in order to save/send files.
WhatsApp Support Team求助:发送信息后面有个表_whatsapp吧_百度贴吧
像这样 代表什么
为兴趣而生,贴吧更懂你。或(Jasmine Siu)
我也不能发——来自 爱贴吧 Windows Phone 客户端
我的whatsapp用不了 正当很需要的时候...
一样的,我在法国,今天晚上八点用的时候就一直连不上了,wifi 3G 4g 都不好使
同样发不出去!!! 对方在美国也一样发不过来!! 还好有别的方法能联系,差点给我坏了事了
不能 连接不上
天弘激光切割机,激光器可选, 加工成本低,三维激光切割机精密度高,性能稳定.
我在美国 这里也是 早上10点多开始崩了 然后崩到下午3点多4点好了 然后现在5点多又开始崩了。


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