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<meta property="og:description" content="&&&&
&&&& 每一台手术都是一场看不见硝烟的战争,是人与死神的终极对决!
&&&& 这场战争没有平手,要么败,要么赢!
&&&& 败,生命逝去!赢,死神遁去!
&&&& 这是最惨烈的战争!
&&&& 苏弘文想站在那六尺手术台上,手握三寸柳叶刀,向死神发起一次又一次的挑战,可惜他有的只是背影,其他人有的则是背景,苏弘文实习完毕注定没办法成为死神的对手,他没这个资格!
&&&& 可当苏弘文无意中得到一艘致远星的医疗救生舰后,这一切终将改变,从一名支边医生苏弘文一路走到医学金字塔顶端,他终于成为那颗天边最耀眼的星,再也不是地上那颗只能仰望星空的杂草!
&&&& 完本400万字老书《超级脂肪兑换系统》书荒可看,作者推荐中有直通车!
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作者:完颜小白 状态:连载中 更新时间:最新章节:
&&&& 每一台手术都是一场看不见硝烟的战争,是人与死神的终极对决!
&&&& 这场战争没有平手,要么败,要么赢!
&&&& 败,生命逝去!赢,死神遁去!
&&&& 这是最惨烈的战争!
&&&& 苏弘文想站在那六尺手术台上,手握三寸柳叶刀,向死神发起一次又一次的挑战,可惜他有的只是背影,其他人有的则是背景,苏弘文实习完毕注定没办法成为死神的对手,他没这个资格!
&&&& 可当苏弘文无意中得到一艘致远星的医疗救生舰后,这一切终将改变,从一名支边医生苏弘文一路走到医学金字塔顶端,他终于成为那颗天边最耀眼的星,再也不是地上那颗只能仰望星空的杂草!
&&&& 完本400万字老书《超级脂肪兑换系统》书荒可看,作者推荐中有直通车!在线客服&&
使用合作网站帐号登录 :
12月01日 09:14&&&&&&&&
In many countries, school and medical facilities are not available in the
rural areas. To improve the situation, some people suggest that new teachers and
doctors should be sent to rural areas for several years. Others disagree because
every one has right to choose where to work. Discuss both sides and give your
opinion. 有人建议,新老师新医生应该被派到乡村地区服务若干年,有人认为他们有权利选择自己喜爱的工作,请讨论两种观点,给出你的意见?
【立场】 我支持新老师、新医生去偏远地区做教育或者医疗志愿者,但是也要尊重他们的个人选择,同时,要给新医生新教师提供专业培训。
① 新老师尚无丰富的教学经验,新医生尚无丰富的临床经验,他们去乡下支边可能是误人子弟及造成医疗事故。
【首段】 背景介绍
Alarmingly, there exists a huge gap between thriving cities and rural areas
in terms of the educational resources and medical treatment. Many rural people
either fail to receive fine education or suffer from various diseases. When it
comes to whether those university leavers, especially those major in education
or medical treatment, should be encouraged to serve the poverty-stricken areas,I
hold positive attitude.
There exists a huge gap between thriving cities and rural areas in terms of
the educational resources and medical treatment 在教育资源和医疗方面,城市和乡村存在巨大差距。
Virtually, to inspire new teachers or doctors to embark on voluntary works
could benefit both parties in many respects. First, each life experience is a
kind of fortune, the laborious working environment and living condition could
greatly conduce to one’s charer-training. More precisely, one could become
more tenacious, independent and mature after experiencing the hardship.
Also,efforts from volunteers could improve the health index and the overall
quality of education in the remote rural areas. More children will shake off
poverty and thus change the fates. More families will stay away from the agonies
of illnesses.
1. ……could benefit both parties in many respects v ……可使双方在很多方面受益
2. Each life experience is a kind of fortune. 每一种人生经历都是一笔财富。
3. Laborious working environment and living condition could greatly conduce
to one’s character-training. 艰苦的工作环境以及生活条件可以极大地有助于一个人的性格培养。
Others,however,might take an opposite attitude towards this issue, some
people argue that this practice does more harm than good. For one thing, instead
of benefiting the countryside, new teachers or healthcare givers might trigger
medical accidents or mislead those schoolchildren considering the inexperience
and incompetence of those volunteers. For another, some young teachers and
doctors will feel unmotivated and frustrated if they are sent to rural areas
against their own will.
1. This practice does more harm than good. 这种做法弊大于利
2. considering the inexperience and incompetence of those volunteers
3. will feel unmotivated and frustrated v也许会感受到挫败,失去动力
【尾段】 总结立场
In a nutshell, I encourage new teachers and doctors to serve the rural areas,
however, more preferential policy, some alluring welfare and special training
opportunities should be given to those volunteers.
However, more preferential policy, some good welfares and specific training
opportunities should be given to those volunteers.
1. remote rural areas n 遥远地区
2. underprivileged areas = needy areas = impoverished areas n 贫困地区
3. voluntary teachers = voluntary educators n教育志愿者
4. doctors = health-care givers = medical staff n医生
5. assume the responsibility of ……v承担……的责任
6. take up the duty of …… v承担……的责任
7. arduous living condition and working environment n 艰苦的生活和工作环境
8. temper one’s tenacity v 锻炼一个人的坚韧性
9. enhance the health index v 提高健康指数
10. improve the overall quality of education v教育质量
11. improve the overall quality of education in those remote rural areas
12. inject new life into the development and prosperity of ……
13. One’s personal will should be highly considered and respected.
14. empower one to face up to new challenges in the future v使人可以面对生活挑战
【拓展】empower sb to do sth = enable sb to do sth v使某人做……
15. is the obvious violation of the basic right of sth v 是对于……的基本权利的侵犯
16. choose one’s favorite job = to opt for the career that attracts sb
17. it performs the benefits of both sides v对于两方有利好
18. inject new life into the development and prosperity of v
  ■ 观察家·我看两会  要及时将乡村医生纳入到医疗保障体系,让经考核合格的乡村医生获得财政支持,解决其收入和养老问题。  日前,在全国政协召开的记者会上,北京大学第三医院院长陈仲强谈到:在县乡村调研中我们发现:村医待遇不如兽医。“第一,村医没有正式的编制。给牲畜看病的兽医有国家正式编制,有学历层次的要求,而村医没有。第二,村医的继续教育没有着落。第三,村医的收入,相当于他所在村的平均水平或者略低一点。”  没编制、没学历、收入低,这就是目前我国大部分乡村医生最真实的处境。也许,有人会想当然地认为,乡村医生没学历,医疗水平低、收入低是一种见多不怪的“正常”现象。然而,在那些发达国家,乡村医生毕业于著名医学院,拥有博士学位,收入比城市里大医院的医生高的情况也并不少见。  我国的乡村医生之所以陷入困境,最主要的原因无非是乡村医保建设存在政策盲点。不可否认,随着新农合政策的全面铺开,曾经门庭冷落的乡镇卫生院的日子好过多了。然而,乡镇卫生院状况并不能完全满足农村患者的需求。  在农村地区,尤其是那些经济欠发达、交通不便利的偏远地区,村落里的患者距离乡镇往往间隔着十几公里甚至几十公里的崎岖山路,他们要到乡镇里的卫生院看病存在着交通不便等困难。而乡村医生则极大便利了农村民众在家门口及时就医。他们的存在是不可替代的。可是,乡村医生却没有被纳入到新医改的政策考虑中。他们和以往一样,既无法享受到财政保障,也缺乏有效的监管,其生存和发展都困难重重。乡村医生之所以长期被排除医疗保障系统之外,这和广大偏远农村地区长期处于城乡二元体制,发展举步维艰的境况息息相关。  要彻底改变乡村医生面临的这种困难处境,让广大村民享受到便利、优质的医疗服务,有关部门要做的就不能仅是抽调城市里大医院医生下乡支边,而是要及时将乡村医生纳入到医疗保障体系,让经考核合格的乡村医生获得财政支持,解决其收入和养老问题,与此同时,还要对乡村医生给予规范的监管,为其继续教育、培训创造条件、提供机会。  从道理上讲,政府应该像重视城市社区医生重视乡村医生。在未来的医保体系中,乡村医生和乡村诊所应该获得城市社区医生、社区诊所同样的地位,享受同样的政策支持和资金倾斜。希望各级政府在医疗资源配置上向广大农村地区给予必要的政策倾斜和照顾,尽快弥补目前医疗体系中的这块“短板”。  □张海通(医生)
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