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水分 基本解释水分[shuǐ fèn]词典moisture [water] content词典:水珠,露水。词典:(空气中的)湿度;潮湿,高温潮湿;湿热;[物]湿度。词典:夸张;夸大;夸张的手法;夸张的言语。水分[shuǐ fēn]词典:[医]水分。水分 汉英大词典水分[shuǐ fēn]{穴位} Shuifen (CV 9)水分[shuǐ fèn](物体内所含的水) moisture [water] humidity:  例:吸收水分    absorb moisture(夸大的成分) exaggeration:  例:这个报道有些水分, 需要核实。    This report seems somewhat exaggerated, and should be verified.水分 网络解释1. 1. moisture:■■ 水分(MOISTURE) 水分(MOISTURE)制制冷冷系系统统中中的的水水分分会会对对空空调调系系统统产产生生极极大大的的危危害害. . ①①如如果果RR1122 空空调调系系统统中中存存在在水水分分,,2. water content:SO3 0.244 水分(water content) ≤1.0%NKL系列高岭土(Nano-Kaolin)可用于各种橡胶制品,显著提高其机械物理性能,同时降低其生产成本. 特别是在 弹性、抗屈挠、尺寸稳定性、阻隔性能、扯断伸长率、压缩变形 等性能方面具有相当优势.3. water:指标: 含量(以亚硫酸氢钠甲萘醌计):≥97.8%甲萘醌(Menadione)含量:≥51%浴液色泽:≤ 亚硫酸氢钠甲萘醌黄绿色标准比色液4号 磺酸甲萘醌 无沉淀 水分(Water):≤17%重金属(以Pb计)% ≤0.002 砷盐(As)% ≤0.0005 外观:白色结晶性粉末,4. moisture content:Mohs' hardness 莫士硬[度]标 | Moir'e topography 莫氏构形学 | moisture content 水分水分 双语例句1. 1. 另外,通过对不同生育时期各个层次土壤水分含量的分析可以看出,冬小麦的灌浆期是其活跃的耗水期,其次是抽穗期。&&&&Analysis of soil moisture content in every soil layer, demonstrated that the plant at the milking stage was the most water-consuming stage, and the tasselling stage came the next.2. 2. 对不同肥力水平、水分状况和气候条件下的最佳种植密度还需进一步研究。&&&&Still because of MYR results, we are certain that plant populations and yields, can be increased.3. 水分的近义词3. 研究了在不同水分条件下盆栽的玉米Zea mays L。&&&&The effects of ethylene on some physiological characteristics of maize Zea mays L.4. 富含盐的血浆就像一层包围大脑的保护层,但是因为Page夫人摄入如此低水平的矿物质,水分进入了大脑,导致了永久性损伤。&&&&The salt-rich plasma acts as a protective layer around the brain, but because Mrs Page's contained such low levels of the mineral, water had entered the brain, causing permanent damage.5. 摘 要:处于碱性环境(矿物质,无机盐类成分相对多,有机物成分相对少)中的红砖建筑,由于毛细作用,将地表的水分往上吸收,溶解在水中的盐类同时上升,沉积在离地面0.5m-1.5m的范围内,形成一个盐类富集区域,其中的红砖受到物理和化学腐蚀作用,再结合水分结冰膨胀,风化,雨淋等作用,日久会形成一个红砖粉化带,早于其他部位的失效。&&&&In alkaline environment (minerals, the relative composition of inorganic salts, and organic components of relatively small) in the red-brick building, as a result of capillary action, up to the surface of the water absorption of the salts dissolved in water at the same time increase in deposition from ground range of 0.5m-1.5m, the formation of a salt-rich region, the red brick of which are physical and chemical corrosion, combined with the expansion of water ice, weathering, such as the role of rain, the course of time will form a red brick Fan zone as early as in the failure of other parts of the body.6. 空气从它可能经过的北极冰帽和水域吸收水分。&&&&The air picks up moisture from the polar ice cap and bodies of water it may pass over.7. 空气从它可能经过的北极冰帽和水域吸收水分。&&&&The air picks up moisture from e polar ice cap and bodies of water it may pass over.8. 此时,大地尚未复苏,南风徐徐,新生的地衣吸足了水分,精神抖擞地鼓起了脸庞,一脚踏上去,就像踩在海绵上,水立刻被挤了出来,而周围的沙地随即将其一饮而尽。&&&&When the earth is just laid bare, the wind is south, and the cladonia lichens are swollen and lusty with moisture, your foot sinking into them and pressing the water out as from a sponge, and the sandy places also are drinking it in.9. 9. 在田间试验条件下研究了不同灌水量对垄作小麦的水分利用、产量和品质的效应。&&&&Based on the experiment of applying different irrigation to bed planting wheat, this paper studied its effect on water saving, yield and quality.10. 祁连山地区地势高耸,气候严寒,冰缘现象广布,各类冰缘现象受地形与水分条件的控制,分布具有明显的规律性。&&&&Climate is very cold in the Qilian Mountains because of higher altitude. There are periglacial phenomenon widespread that is controlled by topographical and hydrological conditions.11. 不同灌溉方式与不同修剪措施等对不同品种裂果率的影响不同,水分的剧烈变化造成生长的不均衡是导致裂果的主要原因。&&&&&&The different irrigation and pruning measures have great effects on the nectarine dehiscent fruit and the main reason of dehiscent is the growth unbalance caused by great variegation of the water.12. 减轻体重速渡过快则主要减少的身体中的糖元和水分,而与脂肪消耗关系不大,还会对健康带来很多不利影响。&&&&&&Weight reduction of speed through the faster the body mainly in glycogen and water, has little to do with fat consumption, but also bring a lot of adverse effects on health.13. 水分13. 地球表面的百分之七十都是由水构成的(人体所含水分的比例与此相同)。&&&&&&Seventy percent of the earth surface is made of water (the same rate with a human body).14. 由此确定的重量和水分对双方均有约束力,并且作为结算的依据。&&&&&&The weight and moisture thus determined shall be binding for buyer and seller for settlement purposes.15. 15. 由此确定的重量和水分对双方均有约束力,并且作为初步结算的依据。&&&&&&Each sample shall be prepared in the internationally accepted manner.16. 16. 由于没有皮脂膜的保护,唇部皮肤的水分蒸发比一般皮肤快6倍,因此很容易出现干燥、脱皮、唇纹加深等问题。&&&&&&In the absence of sebum film protection, lip skin evaporation six times faster than normal skin, so it is prone to drying, peeling, lip wrinkles deepen and so on.17. 17. 针对由于原煤入选量增加引起的煤泥水系统板框式压滤机能力不足的问题,潘三矿选煤厂在实际运行中采用ZKG300/2000型快开式隔膜压滤机,达到了降低滤饼水分和缩短循环时间等应用效果,解决了该矿煤泥水处理能力不足的问题。&&&&&&Since the increase of raw coal feed leads to lack of plank filter capacity in slurry system, ZKG300/2000-type quick-operating diaphragm pressure filters are used in Pansan Mine Coal Preparation Plant that decreases the moisture of filter cake and shortens circuit time, solves the problem of lack of slurry throughput.18. 所以正确的护理方法应是将补水保湿的水呼吸睡眠眼膜与本品交替使用,使水分和营养的补充都能到位,使眼部的皱纹、黑眼圈及眼袋都能得到同步缓解。&&&&&&Therefore, the correct nursing method is to alternatively use Water Breath Sleeping Eye Mask for hydrating and moisturizing with this product, thus both moisture and nutrients can be fully supplemented, simultaneously smooth away wrinkles around eyes, dark eye circles and eye pouches.19. 然而,由于补偿作用低于水分胁迫带来的损失,水稻产量均显著低于对照。&&&&&&However, the compensatory effects could not balance the loss at the early and middle growth stages, so that the rice yields under medium and heavy water stresses were all significantly lower than that of control.20. 热解油中的水有一部分来自废弃印刷电路板本身的水分,还有一部分可能来自热解过程中热解挥发产物反应(如酯化反应、消除反应等)所产生的水分。&&&&&&The part of water in Pyrolysis oil is from the wasted PCB, and part of come from the pyrolysis process of pyrolysis product of the volatile reaction such as esterification, the elimination of reaction, etc.水分是什么意思,水分在线翻译,水分什么意思,水分的意思,水分的翻译,水分的解释,水分的发音,水分的同义词,水分的反义词,水分的例句,水分的相关词组,水分意思是什么,水分怎么翻译,单词水分是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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