Subject does not have anypermission 报错是什么原因

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返回的错误是:&{&error&:&unauthorized&,&timestamp&:8,&duration&:0,&exception&:&org.apache.shiro.authz.UnauthorizedException&,&error_description&:&Subject does not have permission [applications:post:1cef-11e5-a4d5-25f8d0905b00:/chatrooms]&}&
我也出现这个问题了 有解决的了吗
还不可以么? 留一下QQ吧,帮你看下
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关注: 5 人
Cannot find bin/
The file is absent or does not have execute permission&
This file is needed to run this program&
原因: 没有权限
解决 : chmod 777 *.sh&
* 以上用户言论只代表其个人观点,不代表CSDN网站的观点或立场
does not have permission on weblogic.managem
does not have permission on weblogic.managem
User &anonymous& does not have permission on to perform lookup operation
打开weblogic控制台,点击你部署工程的那个domain,在右边主页的下面有一个“View Domain-wide Security Settings”连接,点开它,看看复选框“Anonymous Admin Lookup Enabled”前面是没选的,把它勾上。
&container-descriptor& &prefer-web-inf-classes&true&/prefer-web-inf-classes& &/container-descriptor&
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IThao123周刊Subject (Java Platform SE 7 )
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Class Subject
All Implemented Interfaces:
public final class Subject
A Subject represents a grouping of related information
for a single entity, such as a person.
Such information includes the Subject's identities as well as
its security-related attributes
(passwords and cryptographic keys, for example).
Subjects may potentially have multiple identities.
Each identity is represented as a Principal
within the Subject.
Principals simply bind names to a
For example, a Subject that happens
to be a person, Alice, might have two Principals:
one which binds "Alice Bar", the name on her driver license,
to the Subject, and another which binds,
"999-99-9999", the number on her student identification card,
to the Subject.
Both Principals refer to the same
Subject even though each has a different name.
A Subject may also own security-related attributes,
which are referred to as credentials.
Sensitive credentials that require special protection, such as
private cryptographic keys, are stored within a private credential
Credentials intended to be shared, such as
public key certificates or Kerberos server tickets are stored
within a public credential Set.
Different permissions
are required to access and modify the different credential Sets.
To retrieve all the Principals associated with a Subject,
invoke the getPrincipals method.
To retrieve
all the public or private credentials belonging to a Subject,
invoke the getPublicCredentials method or
getPrivateCredentials method, respectively.
To modify the returned Set of Principals and credentials,
use the methods defined in the Set class.
For example:
// add a Principal and credential to the Subject
This Subject class implements Serializable.
While the Principals associated with the Subject are serialized,
the credentials associated with the Subject are not.
Note that the class
does not implement Serializable.
Therefore all concrete
Principal implementations associated with Subjects
must implement Serializable.
See Also:,
Constructor Summary
Constructor and Description
Create an instance of a Subject
with an empty Set of Principals and empty
Sets of public and private credentials.
&? extends &&principals,
Create an instance of a Subject with
Principals and credentials.
Method Summary
Modifier and Type
Method and Description
static &T&&T
Perform work as a particular Subject.
static &T&&T
Perform work as a particular Subject.
static &T&&T
Perform privileged work as a particular Subject.
static &T&&T
Perform privileged work as a particular Subject.
Compares the specified Object with this Subject
for equality.
Return the Set of Principals associated with this
&T extends &&&T&
Return a Set of Principals associated with this
Subject that are instances or subclasses of the specified
Return the Set of private credentials held by this
Return a Set of private credentials associated with this
Subject that are instances or subclasses of the specified
Return the Set of public credentials held by this
Return a Set of public credentials associated with this
Subject that are instances or subclasses of the specified
Get the Subject associated with the provided
Returns a hashcode for this Subject.
Query whether this Subject is read-only.
Set this Subject to be read-only.
Return the String representation of this Subject.
Methods inherited from class&java.lang.
, , , , , , ,
Constructor Detail
Create an instance of a Subject
with an empty Set of Principals and empty
Sets of public and private credentials.
The newly constructed Sets check whether this Subject
has been set read-only before permitting subsequent modifications.
The newly created Sets also prevent illegal modifications
by ensuring that callers have sufficient permissions.
To modify the Principals Set, the caller must have
To modify the public credential Set, the caller must have
To modify the private credential Set, the caller must have
&? extends &&principals,
Create an instance of a Subject with
Principals and credentials.
The Principals and credentials from the specified Sets
are copied into newly constructed Sets.
These newly created Sets check whether this Subject
has been set read-only before permitting subsequent modifications.
The newly created Sets also prevent illegal modifications
by ensuring that callers have sufficient permissions.
To modify the Principals Set, the caller must have
To modify the public credential Set, the caller must have
To modify the private credential Set, the caller must have
Parameters:readOnly - true if the Subject is to be read-only,
and false otherwise. principals - the Set of Principals
to be associated with this Subject. pubCredentials - the Set of public credentials
to be associated with this Subject. privCredentials - the Set of private credentials
to be associated with this Subject.
- if the specified
principals, pubCredentials,
or privCredentials are null.
Method Detail
Set this Subject to be read-only.
Modifications (additions and removals) to this Subject's
Principal Set and
credential Sets will be disallowed.
The destroy operation on this Subject's credentials will
still be permitted.
Subsequent attempts to modify the Subject's Principal
and credential Sets will result in an
IllegalStateException being thrown.
Also, once a Subject is read-only,
it can not be reset to being writable again.
- if the caller does not have permission
to set this Subject to be read-only.
Query whether this Subject is read-only.
Returns:true if this Subject is read-only, false otherwise.
public static&&getSubject(&acc)
Get the Subject associated with the provided
The AccessControlContext may contain many
Subjects (from nested doAs calls).
In this situation, the most recent Subject associated
with the AccessControlContext is returned.
Parameters:acc - the AccessControlContext from which to retrieve
the Subject.
Returns:the Subject associated with the provided
AccessControlContext, or null
if no Subject is associated
with the provided AccessControlContext.
- if the caller does not have permission
to get the Subject.
- if the provided
AccessControlContext is null.
public static&&T&&T&doAs(&subject,
Perform work as a particular Subject.
This method first retrieves the current Thread's
AccessControlContext via
and then instantiates a new AccessControlContext
using the retrieved context along with a new
SubjectDomainCombiner (constructed using
the provided Subject).
Finally, this method invokes AccessController.doPrivileged,
passing it the provided PrivilegedAction,
as well as the newly constructed AccessControlContext.
Parameters:subject - the Subject that the specified
action will run as.
This parameter
may be null. action - the code to be run as the specified
Returns:the value returned by the PrivilegedAction's
run method.
- if the PrivilegedAction
- if the caller does not have permission
to invoke this method.
public static&&T&&T&doAs(&subject,
Perform work as a particular Subject.
This method first retrieves the current Thread's
AccessControlContext via
and then instantiates a new AccessControlContext
using the retrieved context along with a new
SubjectDomainCombiner (constructed using
the provided Subject).
Finally, this method invokes AccessController.doPrivileged,
passing it the provided PrivilegedExceptionAction,
as well as the newly constructed AccessControlContext.
Parameters:subject - the Subject that the specified
action will run as.
This parameter
may be null. action - the code to be run as the specified
Returns:the value returned by the
PrivilegedExceptionAction's run method.
method throws a checked exception.
- if the specified
PrivilegedExceptionAction is
- if the caller does not have permission
to invoke this method.
public static&&T&&T&doAsPrivileged(&subject,
Perform privileged work as a particular Subject.
This method behaves exactly as Subject.doAs,
except that instead of retrieving the current Thread's
AccessControlContext, it uses the provided
If the provided
AccessControlContext is null,
this method instantiates a new AccessControlContext
with an empty collection of ProtectionDomains.
Parameters:subject - the Subject that the specified
action will run as.
This parameter
may be null. action - the code to be run as the specified
Subject. acc - the AccessControlContext to be tied to the
specified subject and action.
Returns:the value returned by the PrivilegedAction's
run method.
- if the PrivilegedAction
- if the caller does not have permission
to invoke this method.
public static&&T&&T&doAsPrivileged(&subject,
Perform privileged work as a particular Subject.
This method behaves exactly as Subject.doAs,
except that instead of retrieving the current Thread's
AccessControlContext, it uses the provided
If the provided
AccessControlContext is null,
this method instantiates a new AccessControlContext
with an empty collection of ProtectionDomains.
Parameters:subject - the Subject that the specified
action will run as.
This parameter
may be null. action - the code to be run as the specified
Subject. acc - the AccessControlContext to be tied to the
specified subject and action.
Returns:the value returned by the
PrivilegedExceptionAction's run method.
method throws a checked exception.
- if the specified
PrivilegedExceptionAction is
- if the caller does not have permission
to invoke this method.
Return the Set of Principals associated with this
Each Principal represents
an identity for this Subject.
The returned Set is backed by this Subject's
internal Principal Set.
Any modification
to the returned Set affects the internal
Principal Set as well.
Returns:The Set of Principals associated with this
public&&T extends &&&T&&getPrincipals(&T&&c)
Return a Set of Principals associated with this
Subject that are instances or subclasses of the specified
The returned Set is not backed by this Subject's
internal Principal Set.
Set is created and returned for each method invocation.
Modifications to the returned Set
will not affect the internal Principal Set.
Parameters:c - the returned Set of Principals will all be
instances of this class.
Returns:a Set of Principals that are instances of the
specified Class.
- if the specified Class
Return the Set of public credentials held by this
The returned Set is backed by this Subject's
internal public Credential Set.
Any modification
to the returned Set affects the internal public
Credential Set as well.
Returns:A Set of public credentials held by this
Return the Set of private credentials held by this
The returned Set is backed by this Subject's
internal private Credential Set.
Any modification
to the returned Set affects the internal private
Credential Set as well.
A caller requires permissions to access the Credentials
in the returned Set, or to modify the
Set itself.
A SecurityException
is thrown if the caller does not have the proper permissions.
While iterating through the Set,
a SecurityException is thrown
if the caller does not have permission to access a
particular Credential.
The Iterator
is nevertheless advanced to next element in the Set.
Returns:A Set of private credentials held by this
Return a Set of public credentials associated with this
Subject that are instances or subclasses of the specified
The returned Set is not backed by this Subject's
internal public Credential Set.
Set is created and returned for each method invocation.
Modifications to the returned Set
will not affect the internal public Credential Set.
Parameters:c - the returned Set of public credentials will all be
instances of this class.
Returns:a Set of public credentials that are instances
specified Class.
- if the specified Class
Return a Set of private credentials associated with this
Subject that are instances or subclasses of the specified
The caller must have permission to access all of the
requested Credentials, or a SecurityException
will be thrown.
The returned Set is not backed by this Subject's
internal private Credential Set.
Set is created and returned for each method invocation.
Modifications to the returned Set
will not affect the internal private Credential Set.
Parameters:c - the returned Set of private credentials will all be
instances of this class.
Returns:a Set of private credentials that are instances
specified Class.
- if the specified Class
Compares the specified Object with this Subject
for equality.
Returns true if the given object is also a Subject
and the two Subject instances are equivalent.
More formally, two Subject instances are
equal if their Principal and Credential
Sets are equal.
&in class&
Parameters:o - Object to be compared for equality with this
Returns:true if the specified Object is equal to this
- if the caller does not have permission
to access the private credentials for this Subject,
or if the caller does not have permission to access the
private credentials for the provided Subject.See Also:,
Return the String representation of this Subject.
&in class&
Returns:the String representation of this Subject.
Returns a hashcode for this Subject.
&in class&
Returns:a hashcode for this Subject.
- if the caller does not have permission
to access this Subject's private credentials.See Also:,
For further API reference and developer documentation, see . That documentation contains more detailed, developer-targeted descriptions, with conceptual overviews, definitions of terms, workarounds, and working code examples.
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