
& & & 去年苹果就在上开放了iWork网页Beta版,包括Pages、Numbers和Keynote三大工具,用户不需要拥有苹果硬件设备也可以使用。你需要在网页上注册一个Apple ID,然后登录,打开Keynote,就可以创建演示文稿,选择合适的主题,进行编辑。不过要提醒的是,网页版没有华丽的3D图表、无法加入音频、视频功能,另外图形模版比较少。
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如果问大家每届苹果发布会中最相似是什么?相信有不少朋友会回答是演示所用 Keynote,正确,苹果每次发布会演示所用的 keynote 风格基本一致,而且内容流程也基本一致,这从基础上决定了苹果发布会的统一性。苹果发布会所用的 keynote 演示不仅仅被许多其他厂商所借鉴,更是在其中蕴含了很多发布会的“秘密”,这里的秘密并不是发布的内容,而是从中我们可以猜测出发布会的流程。外媒
回顾了每一届的发布会 keynote,并且分析了各种数据,从 2007 年一月份乔布斯发布第一代 iPhone 以来,苹果一共有 27 次发布会,平均每次时长为 88 分钟,每次发布会都有着非常相似的流程和观感,非常简单的 keynote 介绍界面,配上苹果高管对新产品的介绍视频,精美的介绍苹果工艺或者生产环节的视频,简单的这几个元素完美的结合在一起,组成了一场发布会。谁在舞台上?乔布斯在 2007 年 iPhone 发布会的时候,一个人在台上足足讲了 90 多分钟,此后,他上台的时间逐渐减少,仅仅作为开头和结尾,中间的介绍部分给了 Phil Schiller 和 Scott Forstall,乔布斯后来演讲的时间变少很大程度和他的身体状况有关。库克的风格则不一样,Cook 通常负责发布会开始阶段,总结和对比一些竞争对手,然后把话筒交给 Phil Schiller 或是 Craig Federighi 手中,介绍硬件或是软件相关方面的内容。最后再出来做个深情的总结,通常以“Only Apple”开头。谁最搞笑?要知道,在很久之前,搞笑这个任务还是乔布斯亲自操刀的,比如打电话订 4000 杯拿铁之类的,通常能够引大家的哄堂大笑,不过从最近 6 场发布会来看,这项工作似乎没有交给接班人 Cook,而是交给了 Craig Federighi,从数据统计来看, Craig Federighi 在场的时间内,每小时会有 32 次笑声。同时 Craig Federighi 的演讲时间也大大增加了。什么时候揭晓新品?这项相信是大家最关注的了,通过分析 8 款 iPhone 的揭晓时间,平均值为开场 45 分钟左右的时候,从表中看,iPhone 5 真是快枪手啊,开场 12 分钟就已经缴械了。当然这些数据都只能作为一个参考,但是不得不说,苹果每次的 keynote 都是精心准备的,虽然彼此相似,但是每次都有一种全新的感觉,而那相似的深蓝色背景的 keynote 也成了苹果的一个标志。想回味之前发布会的朋友可以去 iTunes 订阅苹果的 keynote podcast 频道,下面给出了 1080p 高清频道的订阅地址:
热度:81439简介Keynote 拥有各种强大易用的工具与眩目效果,让您轻松制作出令人惊叹精美绝伦的幻灯片!
详细介绍iWork三剑客之一的Keynote是一款令人震撼的幻灯片演示文稿,使用无比简单。Keynote 拥有各种强大易用的工具与眩目效果,让您轻松制作出令人惊叹精美绝伦的幻灯片!通过主题选取器,您可快速浏览 44 种 Apple 设计的、给人深刻印象的精选主题。为演示文稿选好完美的画布后,只需将模板占位符处的文本和图形替换为您自己的文字和图像。各种工具简单易用,您可在幻灯片中添加表格、图表、形状、照片和视频,还可选择影院水准的动画和过渡效果,让它看起来栩栩如生,就像由您自己的特效团队打造的一样。注:6.0及以上版本需要Mac OS X 10.9 或更高版本6.5及以上版本需要Mac OS X 10.10 或更高版本
来自Mac App Store官方介绍
Easily create gorgeous presentations with the all-new Keynote, featuring powerful yet easy-to-use tools and dazzling effects that will make you a very hard act to follow. The Theme Chooser lets you skim through an impressive collection of 30 new and updated Apple-designed themes. Once you’ve chosen the perfect canvas for your presentation, simply replace the placeholder text and graphics with your own words and images. Easy-to-use tools let you add tables, charts, shapes, photos, and videos to slides--and bring it all to life with cinematic animations and transitions that look as though they were created by your own special effects team. Animate your data with new interactive column, bar, scatter, and bubble charts. Use iCloud to keep your presentations up to date across all your devices. You can instantly share a presentation using just a link, giving others the latest version and the ability to edit it directly with Keynote for iCloud beta from
using a Mac or PC browser. With Keynote, you have all the tools you need to make an amazing presentation quickly and easily. Get started quickly
Choose from 30 Apple-designed themes to give your presentations a beautiful start Use the slide navigator to quickly skim through your presentation, add new slides, and reorder slides Engage your audience with new interactive charts and chart animations See live on-canvas previews as you animate your slides Use gorgeous preset styles to make your text, tables, shapes, and images look beautiful
Easy-to-use graphics tools
Edit down to the pixel with rulers and alignment guides Simplified toolbar gives you quick access to shapes, media, tables, charts, and sharing options Professional-level graphics tools Use Instant Alpha to easily remove image backgrounds Free-form curves, shapes, and masks Connection lines
Cinema-quality animations
Updated cinematic slide transitions for easily creating stunning presentations Magic Move effect now expanded to animate and morph graphics Gorgeous new slide transitions including Clothesline, Object Cube, Object Flip, and Object Pop New text and object animations including Vanish, Crumble, and Fade and Scale New Emphasis builds let you add impact with one click
Present to your audience
Gorgeous new presenter display with support for up to six displays Recorded narration Create self-running, interactive shows for kiosks and displays Control your slideshow from iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with the Keynote Remote app (available separately from the App Store for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch)
Turn on iCloud so you can access and edit your presentations from your Mac, iPad, iPhone, iPod touch,
Access and edit your presentations from a Mac or PC browser at
with Keynote for iCloud beta Keynote automatically saves your presentations as you make changes
Share your work
Use AirDrop to send your presentations to anyone nearby Quickly and easily share a link to your work via Mail, Messages, Twitter, or Facebook Anyone with the link will always have access to the latest version of the presentation and can edit it with you
Take advantage of image and movie size optimization Import a wide range of media types including JPEG, TIFF, PNG, PSD, EPS, PDF, AIFF, MP3, AAC, and MOV Share as Movie to Facebook, Vimeo, and YouTube Export your presentations to Microsoft PowerPoint, PDF, QuickTime, HTML, and image files Choose from many different layouts to print your presentation or create handouts for your audience …更多… v7.0.5版本新功能
Version 7.0.5:
Support for Touch Bar on the new MacBook Pro lets you easily edit text, shapes, tables and charts Control Slideshow playback using Touch Bar on the new MacBook Pro
Stability and performance improvements …更多…
相关截图 图片数: 5 张(点击图片查看大图)
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& Mac上的Powerpoint Keynote for Mac
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