where does/does造句子

But where does the idea of a leap year come from, and why exactly do we have one?
Maps of the area:Worthless without navigational aids - it does not really matter where you are, but where the rescuers are!
But where did the innovation originate?
You suggest bonuses could be
justified to stop bankers from jumping ship, but where are the safe harbours they are meant to jump into?
But where the New Left was young and looked forward to a new Aquarian age, the Tea Party is old and looks backward to a capitalist-constitutionalist paradise that, needless to say, never existed.
Think of our minds as searchlights. IQ measures the brightness of the searchlight, but where we point it also matters.
It can be desirable to have a small and deterministic cost for locking that is known to be uncontested but where synchronization directives are hard to avoid or remove.
I eagerly looked about me. But where, oh, where was the rice-field on all that barren heath?
Yup, there are plenty of positive events going on, but where would you go if you needed a break from what the mainstream media covers and just have a good laugh?
In Spain the problem isn't the current debt load but where it's heading: Spain is saddled with a huge, 9.2% budget deficit.
Her kisses flit in the air, but where are her lips?
At some point, indicators such as consumer confidence and housing starts will bottom out, but where is that point?
Many of us drink coffee and tea, and some people really love chocolate - but where does coffee, tea and cocoa grow?
We have the manpower to play active roles in the deployment of biotechnology for food security and nuclear technology for power generation, but where is the policy to guide the process?
Of course, every small business is different, but where I work, the entire team sits at long glass tables in one giant room.
When new ideas come as a result of building upon previous ones. This is very much a step by step process where at each step the progression in ideas very small but where over time it is significant.
The mountain of bones was not dumped haphazardly, but where built into the most ghoulish of walls.
The mountain of bones was not dumped haphazardly, but where built into the most ghoulish of walls.
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10.&nbsp. B7. It does exactly what it says on the tin, then you have a shot at a silver lining. 9. For what do we live, but to make sport for our neighbours, and laughre not satisfied with the life you\&#39. Does this kind of thing happen in many industries?&nbsp?&nbsp?&nbsp. He knew what he wanted to do from the age of 14. 10. By golly we can do something about it this time?&nbspdo——1.Beauty is an attitude. It has nothing to do with age, don\&#39.&4. Does not qualify for a more at risk category.5. 你是什么样的8. You have to do everything you can.8. Ofsted does not have a preferred model for schools.&9;3. 2. The best thing to do when entering unknown territory is smile, if you stay positive. But that does not mean it could not happen. Failure is never quite so frightening as regret. 4; 5. Do not wait for good things to happen to you. You need to walk towards happiness. 6;t leave much to the6. Doesn&#39. The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do.&nbsp. If you&#39. Do something about it. 7.Does it cut the mustard alongside the original NEU!3...But what exactly does a pope's job entail.where does it come from. You have to work your hardest. A&does——1.What does the new homepage allow me to do?2
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where do you live中文是什么意思
中文翻译你住在哪儿你住在哪里&&&&adv. 1.〔疑问〕在哪里,向哪里;哪里;在哪一点上。 ...... &&&&&&n. 【音乐】(全音阶的)第一音, do 音。 ... &&&&&&pron. 〔sing., pl.〕 1.〔人称代词第二 ...... &&&&&&adj. 1.活的,有生命的 (opp. dead)。 ...... &&&&&&你们住哪; 你们住在哪... &&&&&&你现在住在哪儿... &&&&&&有你的街道; 在你居住的大街上; 在你居住的街道上... &&&&&&你在那里工作... &&&&&&身处何方... &&&&&&你是老几... &&&&&&你把你的钱藏在什么地方... &&&&&&你想在哪儿见面... &&&&&&想让我们去哪儿... &&&&&&你知道你将去哪... &&&&&&你知道你要去哪吗... &&&&&&你想你要去何方... &&&&&&你住在上述地址么... &&&&&&你住在这附近吗... &&&&&&你和父母住在一起吗; 你和你父母住一起吗... &&&&&&为何你独自生存... &&&&&&明了自己的方向吗... &&&&&&你在哪儿吃午饭... &&&&&&今年夏天你准备到哪儿去... &&&&&&你今天想去哪儿玩... &&&&&&你看我该去哪儿... &&
例句与用法Where do you live ? which apartment ? show me你住在哪里?那个房间?指给我看看And where do you live ? where are your friends“你住在什么地方,你的朋友在哪里, ” Secretary : i see . where do you live now文书:我知道了。你现在住在哪里? Where did you live while you were growing up你长成大人时住在哪儿? ;你是在哪儿长大的" where do you live ? " asked the operator接线员接着问, “你们住在哪里? ” A : oh , it ' s a beautiful city . where do you live噢,那可是个美丽的城市。你住在哪里? Where did you live before you came to beijing你在来北京之前住在哪里? Where did you live before they brought you to the zoo在你被送到动物园以前在哪儿居住? Where do you live in ? i live in shanghai你住在什么地方?我住在上海。 Li lei : where do you live in the usa李雷:你住在省略usa的什么地方更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
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