苹果手机搜索下面🔍z韩氏父子 请问是这个z字母怎么删除?

Under linux tar gz bz2 tgz z zip file decompression method Under linux tar gz bz2 tgz z, and many other methods of extracting compressed files This is to facilitate the collection of the http://hi.baidu.com/sillyboy/blog/item/d768fe850cd66
今天下了个名叫Z的压缩工具前端代码(版本2.7.1),读了下最大的感觉就是要学的东西还有好多呀~~~ 这篇blog里记录了我是我阅读源码后总结的几个知识点 OSC上Z的页面地址:http://www.codeweblog.com/p/z Z的官方地址:http://www.cs.indiana.edu/~kinzler/z/ 1.Z的目录结构 下载下来的文件是z-2.7.1.tgz,通过下面这个命令解压缩 tar xzf z-2.7.1.tgz 可以看到的目录结构为(因为要格式对齐,所以下面引号
在网上找到的好东西.以后asp.net下汉字转成拼音就方便多了 ConvertHzToPz_Gb2312.cs using S using System.D using System.C using System.T /// &summary& /// Summary description for ConvertHzToPz_Gb2312 /// &/summary& public class ConvertHzToPz_Gb
比较详细的解密木马代码加密破解的方法,喜欢的朋友可以参考下. 随机加密webshell,解密还不错,应当免杀 加密源码 &%@ LANGUAGE = VBScript.Encode %& &%#@~^3A4CAA==@#@& jdDhl/k'r1v2FX!ZFE~,PP,~P,@#@&sHC:'r随机加密 J~P~~@#@&jkDnj&SxE4YY2lJzAhS 4l^0+MRmK:r~P,P~P,P~@#@&ZWazDbotDxEbUn木马
这篇文章主要介绍了php获取中文拼音首字母类和函数,需要的朋友可以参考下 一.公司同事整理的类,挺实用的.相信拿出来分享下他不会介意的O(∩_∩)O.不过如果首字母是数字或英文会有些问题. /** * Helper_Spell 汉字拼音首字母工具类 * * @category Helper * @package Helper_Spell * @author Lancer &[email protected]& * @version 1.0 * @see Translation_Big2gb *
asp.net 汉字转换拼音及首字母实现代码,需要的朋友可以参考下. Default.aspx页面 &%@ Page Language=&C#& AutoEventWireup=&true& CodeFile=&Default.aspx.cs& Inherits=&_Default& %& &!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC &-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transition
Finishing a book read long ago, and forgot what this was, now contributed. 1) In the select statement, use conditional logic 1select ename, sal, 2 case when sal &= 2000 then 'UNDERPAID' 3 when sal& = 4000 then 'OVERPAID' 4 else 'OK' 5 end as status
ArcGIS 9.2 product launch later, Geodatabase part of the larger changes occurred. This workshop presented are the Geodatabase and ArcSDE 9.2 features. The product composition: 9.1 version, Geodatabase consists of two: Personal Geodatabase and ArcSDE
The use of regular expressions Java keywords: java regular expression string In Java, we have to find a given string whether it is necessary to find a character or a sub-string, or split a string, or string of characters to be replaced / removed, gen
在Java中,我们为了查找某个给定字符串中是否有需要查找的某个字符或者子字串.或者对字符串进行分割.或者对字符串一些字符进行替换/删除,一般会通过if-else.for 的配合使用来实现这些功能 .如下所示: Java代码 public class Test{ public static void main(String args[]) { String str=&@Shang Hai Hong Qiao Fei Ji Chang&; boolean rs = for(i
I have been asked in recent js encryption decryption jsp, I access the relevant information, not found jsp directly js encryption decryption methods, but I have the code below to resolve this issue: / ** * Here is the address bar jsp and js Chinese e
This is a set of procedures applicable to JavaScript coding norms. It is based on Sun's Java program code norms. However, a drastic changes, because JavaScript is not Java. Long-term value of the software directly from the quality of its encoding. In
&! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC &- / / W3C / / DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional / / EN&& &HTML& &HEAD& &TITLE& New Document &/ TITLE& &META NAME=&Generator& CONTENT=&EditPlus&& &META NAME=&Author&q
Mentioned earlier, DTD (Document Type Definition, Document Type Definition) is the definition of XML document elements in the structure and content. In fact, XML in the DTD is equivalent to the &vocabulary& and &grammar& that different
Java operators can be divided into four categories: arithmetic operators, relational operators, logical operators and bit operators. 1. Arithmetic Operators Java's arithmetic operators are divided into unary operators and binary operators. Unary oper
JUnit4.X out has been a long time, has not gone to try to use the look, (this is also a shortage of its own, do not like to try a new fresh tool. I think this is for IT personnel, I am afraid is a big deficiency.) Today, a sudden whim to experience a
Problem Statement A sentence is composed of words, spaces and punctuation. For this problem, words are maximal contiguous strings of letters. Given a sentence, sort the words in the sentence while preserving the spaces and punctuation. Sorting is cas
Problem Statement When programming, I don't like to take my fingers off the keyboard, and hence, I don't use the mouse. So, when navigating my source, I like to do so in such a way as to minimize keystrokes. My text editor supports the following keys
1. A simple internal command batch Introduction 1.Echo Command Open the Echo Request Echo feature on or off, or display a message. If no arguments, echo command will display the current echo setting. Syntax: echo [(on │ off )] [message] Sample: @ ech
[Original article, please retain or specify reproduced Source: http://www.regexlab.com/zh/regref.htm] Introduction regular expression (regular expression) is to use a &string& to describe a feature, and then to verify that the other &string
Problem Statement You are given a String text. Determine the letters (both lowercase and uppercase) that appear in text. Return a String which contains those letters, converted to lowercase, and then sorted in alphabetical order. The returned String
\ s single space \ S a single non-space \ d single figures \ D single non-numeric . A single arbitrary character \ w single character [a-zA-Z0-9] \ W non-character [abd] a, b, c in any one [az] z to z in any one [a-zA-Z] a to z or A to Z in any one (
package com.here.web. import java.lang.reflect.*; public class MD5 { static final int S11 = 7; static final int S12 = 12; static final int S13 = 17; static final int S14 = 22; static final int S21 = 5; static final int S22 = 9; static final in
J2me mobile phones due to be developed, but there is no j2me encryption algorithm, online algorithm hmacsha1 not found the source code, only the sha1 source code as well as the mac algorithm theory, it seems to fend for themselves write. Studied the
1. Never empty loop list for the first time insertion: head.next = In the x, insert t: t.next = x. x.next = After the removal of x a node: x.next = x.next. Loop traversal: t = do (... t = t.) while (t! = head); Check if
&html& &script language=&JavaScript&& var i = 0; / / var list = new Array (); var numList = new Array (); var flag = function addRow (){// add a row var table = document.getElementById ( &q
First public class MD5Code { /* * Following these S11-S44 is actually a 4*4 The matrix, in the original C It is used in the implementation of #define Implementation of, here they are becoming static * final Represents a read-only, in the same process
package com. public class TestUnion ( public static void main (String args []) ( int a [] = (1,5,8,10,14,15,17,18,20,22,24,25,28); int b [] = (2,4,6,8,10,12); / / For (int i = 0; i &b. i + +) ( / / For (int j = 0; j &a. j + +) ( /
When a program can not control the external environment (user provided file does not exist, the document is damaged, the network is not available ...) is, JAVA will be used to describe the exception object. JAVA approach using two kinds of exceptions
HTML encoding rules are: Character &a& - &z&, &A& - &Z&, &0& - &9 &,&.&,&-&,&*&, and& _ &are not to be encoded to maintain the original value, Space &
HTML character entities (Character Entities) Some characters in the HTML, there are special meaning, such as less than the number &, says HTML Tag beginning, this is less than number is not displayed on our website to see inside the final. That if we
The client to submit data to the service, there are two methods GET and POST 1.get way data directly in the url on the stitching, the use of &-separated key-value pairs. However, sometimes key, value will appear in Chinese and other standards for htm
The following six major program segments accomplish these things: Output Hello, World (1) nb macro replacement #define _________ } #define ________ putchar #define _______ main #define _(a) ________(a); #define ______ _______(){ #define __ ______ _(0
SQL injection attacks general idea is: l found that SQL l determine the back l determine the enforceability of the situation XP_CMDSHELL l found that the virtual directory WEB l From ASP T l have a
1 piece (Singleton): allows a class has one and only one instance. #include &iostream& #include &stdexcept& class Singleton { // Private Singleton(int x):i(x){} Singleton(const Singleton&); Singleton& operator=(Sin
In the invasion, we had compiled a simple program to achieve your goal, BAT should be used to it all. If you have not learned, then take a quick look below it, I believe it will be you are interested in and harmless. Part I: batch of the special comm
MD5 algorithm principle
08:14 MD5 algorithm theory in some initial treatment, MD5 to 512 groups to deal with input text, each group then divided into 16 groups of 32 seats. Algorithm's output consists of four 32-bit group composed of the c
tar command Xiangjie tar files and directories can create files. Use tar, the user can create files for a specific file (backup file), you can also change the file in the file, or to add a new file archives. tar was originally used to create files on
Longest common subsequence (Longest common subsequence, LCS), not with the longest common substring (Longest common substring), confused. In many cases, we want to know how similar the two strings, for example: two short sentences, or two DNA sequenc
Linux Tutorials --- Linux systems commonly used in compression and decompression command Articles Category: Operating system Linux common commands, such as compression and decompression as shown in Table 2-5. Table 2-5 Linux common compression and de
0. Simulation environment for bad blocks occur SQL& CREATE TABLESPACE &TEST& 2 LOGGING 3 DATAFILE 'D: \ ORACLE \ ORADATA \ ALAN \ TEST.ora' SIZE 1M EXTENT 4 MANAGEMENT LOCAL SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT AUTO 5 / Table space has been created. SQL&
Information technology can not develop without the continuous development of database technology from dbase, Foxbase, Foxpro, Access, the Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase SQL Server, Oracle, the database size increases, more and more powerful function. I
&? Xml version = &1.0& encoding = &gb2312&?& &! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC &- / / W3C / / DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional / / EN& &Http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd&& &html xmlns=&http:
Ask a basic question. How to represent negative numbers in the computer? For example, +8 in the computer that is binary 1000, then -8 how say then? Is easy to think, can be a binary bit (bit) specifically provides for the sign bit, which is equal to
http://ken_kang.blog.bitscn.com/archives/.html &script language=&javascript&& / * The following function return value Description: All &Is& at the beginning of the function, if it is &Is& after the specified s
The client to submit data to the service in two ways GET and POST 1.get way &br /& data directly in the url on splicing, using the &-separated key-value pairs. However, sometimes key, value will appear in Chinese and other standards for unsafe c
_SQL Multiplication formulas declare @ x int, @ y int, @ z varchar (1000) set @ x = 1 set @ y = 1 set @ z ='' while @ x &= 9 begin set @ y = 1 while @ y &@ x begin set @ z = @ z + Cast (@ y As varchar (10 ))+'*'+ Cast (@ x As varchar (10 ))+'='+ Cas
Keyword: Setting process, to a certain extent can control the pitch and twist the fabric of the bone, when the fabric staining, dehydration, dry cloth to the shape before, how much can be a measure of the drill, then the proportion of its gradient in
&? Xml version = &1.0& encoding = &gb2312&?& &! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC &- / / W3C / / DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional / / EN& &Http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd&& &html xmlns=&http:
In ArcGIS SDE storage through data to Oracle in a variety of storage methods: Binary Long Raw, ESRI's ST_Geometry, Oracle Spatial's SDO_Geometry so. Introduced here is mainly based on Oracle Spatial is stored. This is stored by the field geometry col
Copyright (C) , All Rights Reserved.
版权所有 闽ICP备号
processed in 0.049 (s). 11 q(s)张杰告白谢娜 薄岛语录:字母A-Z是世界一切,U&I就是我的世界张杰告白谢娜 薄岛语录:字母A-Z是世界一切,U&I就是我的世界娱乐的冲动百家号薄岛语录英文字母A-Z是世界一切,U&I就是我的世界。2.我这一生或许辉煌或许平庸,但最值得我记住的一定是和你一起的岁月。3.你递给他深情的双眸,他递给我深情的烈酒,我必须醉倒,倒在一无所有的荒辽中。4.这座城市只有两条路,一条是我跟你走过,一条是遗憾不能和你一起。5.接下来的每一天,薄岛都会发一句撩的话,学走拿去表白,祝你早日脱单。张杰谢娜表白本文仅代表作者观点,不代表百度立场。系作者授权百家号发表,未经许可不得转载。娱乐的冲动百家号最近更新:简介:如果它属于你的生活,会发生一些事情,如果不是,不要推它作者最新文章相关文章Under linux tar gz bz2 tgz z zip file decompression method Under linux tar gz bz2 tgz z, and many other methods of extracting compressed files This is to facilitate the collection of the http://hi.baidu.com/sillyboy/blog/item/d768fe850cd66
今天下了个名叫Z的压缩工具前端代码(版本2.7.1),读了下最大的感觉就是要学的东西还有好多呀~~~ 这篇blog里记录了我是我阅读源码后总结的几个知识点 OSC上Z的页面地址:http://www.codeweblog.com/p/z Z的官方地址:http://www.cs.indiana.edu/~kinzler/z/ 1.Z的目录结构 下载下来的文件是z-2.7.1.tgz,通过下面这个命令解压缩 tar xzf z-2.7.1.tgz 可以看到的目录结构为(因为要格式对齐,所以下面引号
Finishing a book read long ago, and forgot what this was, now contributed. 1) In the select statement, use conditional logic 1select ename, sal, 2 case when sal &= 2000 then 'UNDERPAID' 3 when sal& = 4000 then 'OVERPAID' 4 else 'OK' 5 end as status
ArcGIS 9.2 product launch later, Geodatabase part of the larger changes occurred. This workshop presented are the Geodatabase and ArcSDE 9.2 features. The product composition: 9.1 version, Geodatabase consists of two: Personal Geodatabase and ArcSDE
The use of regular expressions Java keywords: java regular expression string In Java, we have to find a given string whether it is necessary to find a character or a sub-string, or split a string, or string of characters to be replaced / removed, gen
在网上找到的好东西.以后asp.net下汉字转成拼音就方便多了 ConvertHzToPz_Gb2312.cs using S using System.D using System.C using System.T /// &summary& /// Summary description for ConvertHzToPz_Gb2312 /// &/summary& public class ConvertHzToPz_Gb
比较详细的解密木马代码加密破解的方法,喜欢的朋友可以参考下. 随机加密webshell,解密还不错,应当免杀 加密源码 &%@ LANGUAGE = VBScript.Encode %& &%#@~^3A4CAA==@#@& jdDhl/k'r1v2FX!ZFE~,PP,~P,@#@&sHC:'r随机加密 J~P~~@#@&jkDnj&SxE4YY2lJzAhS 4l^0+MRmK:r~P,P~P,P~@#@&ZWazDbotDxEbUn木马
这篇文章主要介绍了php获取中文拼音首字母类和函数,需要的朋友可以参考下 一.公司同事整理的类,挺实用的.相信拿出来分享下他不会介意的O(∩_∩)O.不过如果首字母是数字或英文会有些问题. /** * Helper_Spell 汉字拼音首字母工具类 * * @category Helper * @package Helper_Spell * @author Lancer &[email protected]& * @version 1.0 * @see Translation_Big2gb *
asp.net 汉字转换拼音及首字母实现代码,需要的朋友可以参考下. Default.aspx页面 &%@ Page Language=&C#& AutoEventWireup=&true& CodeFile=&Default.aspx.cs& Inherits=&_Default& %& &!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC &-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transition
在Java中,我们为了查找某个给定字符串中是否有需要查找的某个字符或者子字串.或者对字符串进行分割.或者对字符串一些字符进行替换/删除,一般会通过if-else.for 的配合使用来实现这些功能 .如下所示: Java代码 public class Test{ public static void main(String args[]) { String str=&@Shang Hai Hong Qiao Fei Ji Chang&; boolean rs = for(i
I have been asked in recent js encryption decryption jsp, I access the relevant information, not found jsp directly js encryption decryption methods, but I have the code below to resolve this issue: / ** * Here is the address bar jsp and js Chinese e
This is a set of procedures applicable to JavaScript coding norms. It is based on Sun's Java program code norms. However, a drastic changes, because JavaScript is not Java. Long-term value of the software directly from the quality of its encoding. In
&! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC &- / / W3C / / DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional / / EN&& &HTML& &HEAD& &TITLE& New Document &/ TITLE& &META NAME=&Generator& CONTENT=&EditPlus&& &META NAME=&Author&q
Mentioned earlier, DTD (Document Type Definition, Document Type Definition) is the definition of XML document elements in the structure and content. In fact, XML in the DTD is equivalent to the &vocabulary& and &grammar& that different
Java operators can be divided into four categories: arithmetic operators, relational operators, logical operators and bit operators. 1. Arithmetic Operators Java's arithmetic operators are divided into unary operators and binary operators. Unary oper
JUnit4.X out has been a long time, has not gone to try to use the look, (this is also a shortage of its own, do not like to try a new fresh tool. I think this is for IT personnel, I am afraid is a big deficiency.) Today, a sudden whim to experience a
Problem Statement A sentence is composed of words, spaces and punctuation. For this problem, words are maximal contiguous strings of letters. Given a sentence, sort the words in the sentence while preserving the spaces and punctuation. Sorting is cas
Problem Statement When programming, I don't like to take my fingers off the keyboard, and hence, I don't use the mouse. So, when navigating my source, I like to do so in such a way as to minimize keystrokes. My text editor supports the following keys
1. A simple internal command batch Introduction 1.Echo Command Open the Echo Request Echo feature on or off, or display a message. If no arguments, echo command will display the current echo setting. Syntax: echo [(on │ off )] [message] Sample: @ ech
[Original article, please retain or specify reproduced Source: http://www.regexlab.com/zh/regref.htm] Introduction regular expression (regular expression) is to use a &string& to describe a feature, and then to verify that the other &string
Problem Statement You are given a String text. Determine the letters (both lowercase and uppercase) that appear in text. Return a String which contains those letters, converted to lowercase, and then sorted in alphabetical order. The returned String
\ s single space \ S a single non-space \ d single figures \ D single non-numeric . A single arbitrary character \ w single character [a-zA-Z0-9] \ W non-character [abd] a, b, c in any one [az] z to z in any one [a-zA-Z] a to z or A to Z in any one (
package com.here.web. import java.lang.reflect.*; public class MD5 { static final int S11 = 7; static final int S12 = 12; static final int S13 = 17; static final int S14 = 22; static final int S21 = 5; static final int S22 = 9; static final in
J2me mobile phones due to be developed, but there is no j2me encryption algorithm, online algorithm hmacsha1 not found the source code, only the sha1 source code as well as the mac algorithm theory, it seems to fend for themselves write. Studied the
1. Never empty loop list for the first time insertion: head.next = In the x, insert t: t.next = x. x.next = After the removal of x a node: x.next = x.next. Loop traversal: t = do (... t = t.) while (t! = head); Check if
&html& &script language=&JavaScript&& var i = 0; / / var list = new Array (); var numList = new Array (); var flag = function addRow (){// add a row var table = document.getElementById ( &q
First public class MD5Code { /* * Following these S11-S44 is actually a 4*4 The matrix, in the original C It is used in the implementation of #define Implementation of, here they are becoming static * final Represents a read-only, in the same process
package com. public class TestUnion ( public static void main (String args []) ( int a [] = (1,5,8,10,14,15,17,18,20,22,24,25,28); int b [] = (2,4,6,8,10,12); / / For (int i = 0; i &b. i + +) ( / / For (int j = 0; j &a. j + +) ( /
When a program can not control the external environment (user provided file does not exist, the document is damaged, the network is not available ...) is, JAVA will be used to describe the exception object. JAVA approach using two kinds of exceptions
HTML encoding rules are: Character &a& - &z&, &A& - &Z&, &0& - &9 &,&.&,&-&,&*&, and& _ &are not to be encoded to maintain the original value, Space &
HTML character entities (Character Entities) Some characters in the HTML, there are special meaning, such as less than the number &, says HTML Tag beginning, this is less than number is not displayed on our website to see inside the final. That if we
The client to submit data to the service, there are two methods GET and POST 1.get way data directly in the url on the stitching, the use of &-separated key-value pairs. However, sometimes key, value will appear in Chinese and other standards for htm
The following six major program segments accomplish these things: Output Hello, World (1) nb macro replacement #define _________ } #define ________ putchar #define _______ main #define _(a) ________(a); #define ______ _______(){ #define __ ______ _(0
SQL injection attacks general idea is: l found that SQL l determine the back l determine the enforceability of the situation XP_CMDSHELL l found that the virtual directory WEB l From ASP T l have a
1 piece (Singleton): allows a class has one and only one instance. #include &iostream& #include &stdexcept& class Singleton { // Private Singleton(int x):i(x){} Singleton(const Singleton&); Singleton& operator=(Sin
In the invasion, we had compiled a simple program to achieve your goal, BAT should be used to it all. If you have not learned, then take a quick look below it, I believe it will be you are interested in and harmless. Part I: batch of the special comm
MD5 algorithm principle
08:14 MD5 algorithm theory in some initial treatment, MD5 to 512 groups to deal with input text, each group then divided into 16 groups of 32 seats. Algorithm's output consists of four 32-bit group composed of the c
tar command Xiangjie tar files and directories can create files. Use tar, the user can create files for a specific file (backup file), you can also change the file in the file, or to add a new file archives. tar was originally used to create files on
Longest common subsequence (Longest common subsequence, LCS), not with the longest common substring (Longest common substring), confused. In many cases, we want to know how similar the two strings, for example: two short sentences, or two DNA sequenc
Linux Tutorials --- Linux systems commonly used in compression and decompression command Articles Category: Operating system Linux common commands, such as compression and decompression as shown in Table 2-5. Table 2-5 Linux common compression and de
0. Simulation environment for bad blocks occur SQL& CREATE TABLESPACE &TEST& 2 LOGGING 3 DATAFILE 'D: \ ORACLE \ ORADATA \ ALAN \ TEST.ora' SIZE 1M EXTENT 4 MANAGEMENT LOCAL SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT AUTO 5 / Table space has been created. SQL&
Information technology can not develop without the continuous development of database technology from dbase, Foxbase, Foxpro, Access, the Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase SQL Server, Oracle, the database size increases, more and more powerful function. I
&? Xml version = &1.0& encoding = &gb2312&?& &! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC &- / / W3C / / DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional / / EN& &Http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd&& &html xmlns=&http:
Ask a basic question. How to represent negative numbers in the computer? For example, +8 in the computer that is binary 1000, then -8 how say then? Is easy to think, can be a binary bit (bit) specifically provides for the sign bit, which is equal to
http://ken_kang.blog.bitscn.com/archives/.html &script language=&javascript&& / * The following function return value Description: All &Is& at the beginning of the function, if it is &Is& after the specified s
The client to submit data to the service in two ways GET and POST 1.get way &br /& data directly in the url on splicing, using the &-separated key-value pairs. However, sometimes key, value will appear in Chinese and other standards for unsafe c
_SQL Multiplication formulas declare @ x int, @ y int, @ z varchar (1000) set @ x = 1 set @ y = 1 set @ z ='' while @ x &= 9 begin set @ y = 1 while @ y &@ x begin set @ z = @ z + Cast (@ y As varchar (10 ))+'*'+ Cast (@ x As varchar (10 ))+'='+ Cas
Keyword: Setting process, to a certain extent can control the pitch and twist the fabric of the bone, when the fabric staining, dehydration, dry cloth to the shape before, how much can be a measure of the drill, then the proportion of its gradient in
&? Xml version = &1.0& encoding = &gb2312&?& &! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC &- / / W3C / / DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional / / EN& &Http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd&& &html xmlns=&http:
In ArcGIS SDE storage through data to Oracle in a variety of storage methods: Binary Long Raw, ESRI's ST_Geometry, Oracle Spatial's SDO_Geometry so. Introduced here is mainly based on Oracle Spatial is stored. This is stored by the field geometry col
Copyright (C) , All Rights Reserved.
版权所有 闽ICP备号
processed in 0.080 (s). 11 q(s)


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