
英音 [ 'baendiku:t ] ; 美音 [ 'baendiku:t ] 名词 大鼠,袋鼠
Crash Bandicoot Advance
Crash Bandicoot XS
Crash Bandicoot The Huge Adventure
any of various agile ratlike terrestrial marsupials of Australia
insectivorous and herbivorous
n. 小旗;飘带;丝带
n. 小旗;飘带;丝带
打捆机; 箍工
n. 细丝带,束发带,宽紧调节带;
banner是什么意思 banner在线翻译 banner什么意思 banner的意思 banner的翻译 banner的解释 banner的发音 banner的同义词 banner的反义词 banner的例句
banner英 ['baen?(r)] 美 ['baen?] 第三人称复数:banner 基本解释名词横幅; 标语; 旗,旗帜; 大字标题形容词第一流的,第一位的; 杰出的; 领先的,为首的; 突出地支持(某一政党)的banner 相关例句形容词1. banner的近义词1. This has been a banner year in sales.&&&&这是销路特旺的一年。名词1. Welcoming banners hung from the balcony.&&&&阳台上悬挂着欢迎的横幅。2. Marchers in the parade carried colorful banners.&&&&游行者拿着彩旗。3. John carried our school banner in the parade.&&&&约翰在游行时举着我们的校旗。banner 网络解释1. 广告:互联网广告名词解释 从目前的情况看,网络广告形式多种多样,如从广告在网页上所占的面积及表现形式来分,可以分为以下几种: 横幅广告(旗帜广告)(Banner) 这是最常见的网络广告形式.2. 2. 标 语:这些广告其实是一些标语(Banner)和按钮(Button),主要是为了吸引网络使用者从出版商的网页进入到广告主的网页. 过去的网络广告(又称在线广告)遵循界限分明的印刷模式,有限的屏幕空间被广告的标语和按钮分割.3. 911查询·英语单词3. 广告条:在制定栏目的时候,得仔细考虑,合理安排:网站名称 (logo),广告条(banner), 主菜单 (menu), 新闻 (what's new),搜索 (search), 友情链接 (links), 邮件列表 (maillist)计数器 (count)..锦绣前程求职网 第一:我的网站主题定位及行业市场的可行性分析: 毫无疑问,banner 双语例句1. 1. Celebrating Florence's annual Easter pageant, a reenactor brandishes a medieval-style banner as he passes the cathedral in a tradition dating to the Crusades.&&&&欢庆佛罗伦斯的一年一度复活节盛会,一个reenactor挥舞中世纪风格的旗帜如他通过大教堂在一个传统的时代去干改革运动。2. Before this, kang Du is the director of branch of international of the Advertising. com below AOL banner.&&&&在此之前,康顿是AOL旗下国际部门的主管。3. Anyone who violates these Procedures in the area of public welfare forest shaIl be ordered tO stop the illegal activities and restore in time by the competent forestry anthorities of the People`S Government above the county/banner if he/she failed to restore within the time limit, the competent forestry authorities of the People`S&&&&第二十九条违反本办法规定,在公益林内从事下列活动,旗县级以上地方人民政府林业行政主管部门责令停止违法行为,限期恢复原状;逾期不恢复原状的,由旗县级以上地方人民政府林业行政主管部门代为恢复,所需费用由违法者承担4. In the sino-French war over Vietnam, the black banner regiment completely routed the French troops out of Vietnam but the qing government was so corrupt and afraid of western power, that it signed a treaty with the French drawing their troops out of Vietnam anyway.&&&&在中法战争中,黑旗军把法军完完全全地赶出了越南境内,然而一方面基于清政府的腐败,另一方面基于清政府的懦弱,清政府反而与法国签订了一条不平等的条约。5. Buildings, the banner, covered in a Buddhist temple in the long-see.&&&&幢、幡、盖在佛寺中是长见之物。6. 6. With the union of the Teutonic and Livonian Orders, native Livonian soldiers, who previously fought alongside the Sword Brethren to eradicate Paganism from their country, now willingly fight under the banner of the Teutonic Order.&&&&立窝尼亚弩兵最初效力於宝剑骑士团对异教徒作战,随著宝剑骑士团与条顿骑士团合并,他们顺理成章在条顿黑十字战旗下继续厮杀。7. Among them, the lowest Panlongcheng Area has come to 2, 500 yuan/ Yangluo have launched团购价sale as low as 2, 400 yuan/ 金银湖area properties for sale to a 3888 yuan/squar Zhuankou From the properties for sale at a minimum of 3018 yuan/ and Gothic Dili King is simply the cost of 2, 100 yuan hit a banner ad sales.&&&&其中,盘龙城片区最低价已到2,500元/平方米以下;阳逻有楼盘推出的团购价低至2,400元/平方米;金银湖地区一家楼盘以3,888元/平方米起价销售;沌口楼盘的起价最低为3,018元/平方米;而哥特帝景则干脆打出了2,100元成本价销售的横幅。8. 8. Anthozoan is slash to all mixing at Network for the friend, it is one side banner.&&&&珊瑚虫对于所有混迹于网络的朋友来说,就是一面旗帜。9. 911查询·英语单词9. According to the law, the legal moneylender should obtain proper advertising permit, be governed by the law and be answerable to it, instead of splashing all housing area with their advertisement banner, name card and leaflet, which turn our peaceful neighborhoods into a Loan Shark Villa.&&&&有准证的私人贷款公司理所当然应该有广告的许可证,而不是到处随心所意的贴放或悬挂在住宅区。10. Howard JohnsonResortSanyaBay is flagship managed by Howard Johnson international hotel Group which is under the banner of Wyndham Worldwide. It is one of the largest coastal resorts in China with a total of 1160 deluxe sea view rooms and 38 first-rate villas.&&&&三亚国光豪生度假酒店是温德姆旗下--豪生国际酒店集团在中国区的旗舰店,是目前国内最大的按五星级标准打造的滨海度假酒店,酒店坐落在美丽的三亚湾畔,共有1160套全海景豪华客房及38套顶级别墅。11. danci.911cha.com11. WCA Family of Logistic Networks (serves under somebody's banner has five sub-networks: WCA, APLN, CGLN, IGLN and WCAPN) is a global biggest independence regional goods generation of person organizes, to be for the purpose of uniting member's strength to provide the whole world goods traffic solution for the customer, simultaneously gives dual attention to the validity and the security.&&&&&&WCA Family of Logistic Networks (旗下有五个子网络:WCA,APLN,CGLN,IGLN and WCAPN)是全球最大的独立的区域性货代人组织,旨在联合成员的力量为客户提供全球货物运输解决方案,同时兼顾有效性及安全性。12. 12. At the end of the press conference, the residents in Salak South Garden took out a banner to thank me and Syabas for the pipe changing works in Salak South Garden. The press then took the picture of Syabas officers and me together with some residents.&&&&&&士布爹区国会议员郭素沁批评士布爹区马华区会主席蔡崇继,以马华区会主席身份,向雪水供公司高层抗议该公司职员与她召开记者会,是人太甚的做法。13. Reindeer herding is carried out by Evenks in the Evenk Autonomous Banner.&&&&&&而在鄂温克自治旗居住的鄂温克族猎民,却过着放养驯鹿的生活。14. 14. Hawk and the matter will continue in both import and pioneering and innovative spirit, and strive to land in Shenzhen up on the success of the company banner.&&&&&&三鹰人将继续本着与事俱进,开拓创新的进取精神,力争在深圳的土地上竖起总公司成功的旗帜。15. A Party member is one side banner, the soul of banner is it sparkles splendent thought.&&&&&&一个党员就是一面旗帜,旗帜的灵魂是它闪闪发亮的思想。16. Would the banner at 162 be tolerated if it posed any such risk?&&&&&&如果它真的能引起以上的危险,那么位於162号的横幅会被容忍吗?17. You canalso create advanced navigation and banner ads with the JavaScript interface.&&&&&&你能够也创建先进的带 JavaScript 界面的航行和条幅式广告。18. \u\u\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD18. Your confidential data in your e-mail, Web sites, and instant messages will be protected, banner ads and pop-ups will be blocked, and you can perform extensive cleaning of your browsing history.&&&&&&你的电子邮件,网址,和即时的消息中的保密的数据将被保护,条幅式广告和弹出广告窗口将被阻拦,你能够实施你的浏览历史的彻底的清除。19. 19. Oftware Description: About SurfStream, This collection of Internet tools blocks both pop-up windows and banner ads from your Internet browser.&&&&&&urfStream 互联网络的这个收集用工具加工块儿自动弹出窗口和从你的互联网络浏览器的条幅式广告。20. The results showed that the change of storage region had great effects on the property and sugar content of sweet sorghum. The change of sweet sorghum stalk with total sugar content about 58%(g/g dry sweet sorghum stalk) stored in the cold and dry Sonid Right Banner was as follows: rapid water loss and rapid dryness and sugar loss as 13%. When stored in Beijing, its change was as follows: sugar loss reached up to 25% and serious mildew occurred.&&&&&&结果表明,区域选择的差异,对甜高粱秸秆的贮藏产生较大的影响,总糖约58%的甜高粱秸秆在低温、干燥的苏尼特右旗全年贮藏的物性变化为:失水、干燥速度快,总糖损失为13%;北京贮藏的甜高粱秸秆总糖损失达25%,霉变现象严重。banner 词典解释1. (通常指在抗议或集会中用两根竿子撑开的)横幅,标语&&&&A banner is a long strip of cloth with something written on it. Banners are usually attached to two poles and carried during a protest or rally.banner&&&&e.g. ...a large crowd of students carrying banners denouncing the government...&&&&&&&&&&&一大群高举谴责政府的条幅的学生&&&&e.g. A big banner was draped across one of the streets saying, 'Idaho Falls Says NO to Drugs.'&&&&&&&&&&&一条写有“爱达荷福尔斯市拒绝毒品”的大横幅悬跨其中一条街道。2. 在…的旗帜下;为了…的事业(或信仰)&&&&If someone does something under the banner of a particular cause, idea, or belief, they do it saying that they support that cause, idea, or belief.&&&&e.g. All countries march as one nation under the banner of friendship.&&&&&&&&&&&所有国家在友谊的旗帜下团结一致,共同前进。&&&&e.g. Under the banner of education, we herd our children from ballet to basketball and back again.&&&&&&&&&&&打着教育的旗号,我们赶鸭子上架似的让孩子从芭蕾到篮球,不停地学这个学那个。banner 单语例句1. Its main objective was to unify China under the Kuomintang banner by ending the rule of local warlords.2. Teresa Anderson delivered the rare quintuplets by Caesarean section within five minutes and without complications at Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center.3. When Sheehan arrived at the campsite, she saw a large banner depicting her son's face.4. The film project is one of the first for Carell's nascent Carousel banner.5. China is still holding up the banner of compensative principle instead of punitive damages in civil lawsuits.6. A huge red banner reads, " Thank you Comrade Si ".7. It has also become the banner of China's market economy featuring a large variety of quality but cheaper commodities.8. Beijing locals hold a banner to mourn the death of China's highly acclaimed crosstalk performer Ma Ji.9. She is a descendant of a noble Manchu family of the Yellow Banner Clan, some members of which were ministers of state under the Qing emperor.10. They also reportedly climbed onto the Eiffel Tower to display a banner with the aforementioned " handcuffs ".banner 英英释义noun1. long strip of cloth or paper used for decoration or advertising&&&&Synonym: 2. any distinctive flag&&&&Synonym: 3. a newspaper headline that runs across the full page&&&&Synonym: banner的反义词adj1. unusually good&&&&outstanding&&&&e.g. a banner year for the companybanner是什么意思,banner在线翻译,banner什么意思,banner的意思,banner的翻译,banner的解释,banner的发音,banner的同义词,banner的反义词,banner的例句,banner的相关词组,banner意思是什么,banner怎么翻译,单词banner是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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