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九年级英语知识点全。Unit 1 How do you study for a test? I. Words:
  1. frustrate v. 使失望,使沮丧   2. frustrating/frustrated adj. 令人沮丧的
  3. pronunciation n. ? pronounce v. 发音,发音法   4. development n.--
develop n.发展   5. unless conj. 除非   6. impress v. ? impressed/
impressing adj. 使感动,给…深刻印象   7. realize v. 认识到,意识到; 实现(=achieve)?real adj.
真实的-adj. realistic 现实的   8. grammar n. 语法,语法规则   9. mistake n.错误,过失,误解
  10. challenge n.& v. 挑战   11. memorize v. memory n. 记忆,背诵
  12. deal ?dealt ? dealt 对付,处理   13. flashcard n.(教学)抽认卡   14.
unfair/fair 不公平的   15. (dis) agree v.?(dis) agreement ( c. n) n. 同意, 意见一致;
分歧,不一致不合   16. specific adj. 明确的   17. afraid(terrified)adj. 害怕的
  18. spoken (spoken English)adj. (written) 口语的   19. complete v. 完成
complete(ly) adj./adv. 完整的 (地)   20. vocabulary n. 词汇   21. psychologist
n.心理学家(psychology n. 心理学)   22. comma n. 逗号   23. secret n. 秘密   24.
solider n. 军人   25. duty n. c. u. 责任,义务,本分   26. essay (
passage/article) n. 文章(尤指短文,小品文,散文)   27. influence /affect v./n. 影响
  28. learner n. 学习者   29. term--semester n.学期   30. trouble (
problem/question) n.问题   31. friendship (u. n) n. 友谊- friend ? friendly
  32. face n./v. 脸; 面对   33. matter v./ n. 重要,要紧,有关系   34. solve v.
解决-- solution n.   35. lose ?lost-lost 丢失   36. (un)important adj.
(不)重要的 importance n.   37. happy-unhappy friendly-unfriendly   38.
aloud-loud-loudly   39. quickly-quick 快地/的   40. slowly-slow 慢地/的
  41. fast-quickly 快地,迅速地 II. Phrases:   1. deal with = do with 处理,料理
  2. make mistakes in grammar 犯语法错误   3. regard…as… 把..视为…   4.
change…into… 把……变成   5. have disagreements 有争执,意见不同   6. with the help
of 在…的帮助下   7. compare…to/ with… 把…比喻作/ 把…和…相比   8. face the challenges
instead 而是面对挑战   9. in a positive / an active way 用积极的态度   10. look up
(v. +adv.) new words in a dictionary 在字典中查阅新单词  11. look up 查阅/at 看
/through 浏览/over 检查身体   12. learn by using English 通过运用学英语   13. get the
pronunciation right 使发音正确   14. make flashcards 制作抽认卡   15. make
vocabulary lists 列单词清单   16. watch English-language videos 看英语片   17.
keep a diary in English 用英语记日记   18. study with a group 通过学习小组学习   19.
take ( took taken ) notes 做笔记   20. keep an English notebook 有英语笔记本
  21. learn/ help a lot/a little that way 学到很多/很少;有很大的/没什么帮助   22. go by
(指时间) 过去,消逝   23. last for long 持续很长时间   24. laugh at 嘲笑   25. read
aloud 朗读,大声读   26. feel differently 有不同的想法   27. make complete sentences
造完整的句子   28. make up a conversation 编对话   29. get excited about sth.
因…而兴奋   30. end up doing/end up with sth. 以…而结束   31. have
trouble/problems/difficulty doing sth.   32. have a hard/difficult time
doing sth. 做…有困难   33. have fun/ have a good time doing sth. enjoy doing
做…很开心   34. watch/ find/ hear/ see sb. do/doing sth   35. what/how about
doing 做…怎么样   36. on the way to school/ on the way home 去…的路上   37.
practice doing sth 练习…   38. complain about sth. to sb. 向某人抱怨某事   39.
ask teachers for help 向老师寻求帮助   40. worry about/ be worried about 担心
  41. listening/ speaking/ reading/ writing skills 听说读写技能   42. have
more specific suggestions 有更多具体的建议   43. add…to… 把…加到…   44. get an A 取得
A 等的成绩   45. first of all 首先,最重要是   46. later on 后来   47. break
(broke broken) off 突然中止,中断   48. a second/ foreign language 第二语/外语   49.
try one’s best to do sth. 尽某人的力量做某事   50. be on duty 当值   51.
be/get/become/stay angry/annoyed with/be mad at sb. about sth. 对…生气   52. it
doesn’t matter 没关系 III. Sentences:   1. - 你怎样学英语? - 我通过和一组人一起学习. - How do
you learn English? - I learn by studying with a group.   2. 你能告诉我是怎样准备大考的吗?
Can you tell me how you study for a big test?   3. 你在上次的英语考试中做的很好对吗?You did
really well on/ in the last English test, didn’t you?   4.
今天我们要讨论一下学英语最好的方法。 Today we’re going to talk about the best ways to learn
English.   5. 那些语音太难懂了。It’s too hard to understand the voices.   6.
你可以在家听磁带,然后将那些对你来说很难读的句子不断重复。 You can listen to the tapes and repeat the
sentences that are difficult for you.   7. - 你曾经和一组人一起学习吗?
-是的,我有过.我通过那种方式学到了很多. - Have you ever studied with a group? - Yes, I have. I’ve
learned a lot that way.   8. 她说背诵一些流行歌曲的歌词也能有不小的帮助。
  16. strange noises outside the window 窗外奇怪的声音   17. in the
symphony hall 在音乐大厅   18. be at your optometrist appointment 与你的配镜师约谈
  19. make/have an appointment with 与某人预约   20. get in(through)the
window 从窗户进入   21. run for exercise 跑步锻炼   22. a hair band 发带   23.
the local school teacher 当地学校的教师   24. the director of the local zoo
当地动物园的主管   25. a strange smell 一股奇怪的气味   26. attempt to do/doing sth,
企图做 attempt sth.   27. late-night footsteps 深夜脚步声   28. an ocean of
paper 题海   29. bark at sb. 朝.….狂吠   30. Oxford University 牛津大学   31.
polar bears 北极熊   32. shop for clothes 逛街买衣服   33. make me a good
student 使我成为一个好学生   34. joke about sth 开…的玩笑 =play a joke on sb   35.
because of +sth. (n./ pron./ doing) 因为…   36. run/walk along/ down/ up the
street 沿着大街跑/走 walk on /straight (adv.不能接宾语)   37. much too small 太小了/ too
much homework 作业太多 too many snacks 过多的零食   38. take care (not) to do…
小心(不)做… be careful of sth./ to do 小心某事或做某事   39. one more question=another
question 还有一个问题   40. land on / take off 降落/ 起飞   41. at the picnic
在野餐会上   42. go for a picnic 去野餐   43. in the neighborhood 附近/小区里
  44. final exams 期末考试   45. in the hallway 在走廊上   46. make a movie
制作电影   47. a big/serious/terrible bicycle accident 一起严重的自行车事故 III.
Sentences: :   1. --这是谁的排球?--那肯定属于卡娜。她热爱排球。 --Whose volleyball is this?(
Whose is this volleyball? ) --It must belong to Carla.(=It must be Carla’s.) She
loves volleyball.   2. 她是唯一学习法语的人。She’s the only one who’s studying
French(定语从句).   3. 这份家庭作业不可能是 Carol 的,她今天没上学。 The homework can’t be Carol’s.
She wasn’t at school today. 我想知道正发生什么事。 I wonder what’s happening.   4.
  5. 有一个奇怪的生物出来了,它可能是一个外星人。 There is a strange creature getting out. It must
be an alien.   6. 我想我是在听音乐会的时候丢的,所以可能还在音乐厅里。 I think I dropped it during the
concert so it might still be in the symphony.   7.
这次考试很重要因为它占了期末考试总成绩的百分之三十,所以我不得不好好复习。 It's crucial that I study for it because
it makes up 30% of the final exam.   8. 如果你知道它可能在哪里的话,请给我打电话。 If you have
any idea where it might be, please call me.   9. 因为考试她很担心。 She is worried
because of her test. (because of +n./pron./V because+从句)   10.
肯定是少年们在玩耍。It must be teenagers having fun.   11. 每个人都有自己的意见。Everyone has his
or her own ideas.  12. 肯定有什么东西来造访这个社区里的住户了.。There must be something
visiting the homes in our neighborhood.   13. 团结就是力量。One finger can not lift
a small stone.   14. 仁者见仁, 智者见智。When an ant says “ocean”, he’s talking about
a small pool.   15. 诚信为先,富贵在后。It is less of a problem to be poor than to be
dishonest.   16. 当心不说话的人和不叫的狗。Be careful of the person who does not talk and
the dog that does not bark.   17. 强扭的瓜不甜。You can't wake a person who is
pretending to be asleep.   18. 告诉我我很快就忘记了。演示给我看,我也记不住,但是让我自己尝试我就能理解。 Tell me
and I’ll forget. Show me and I may not remember. Let me try and I’ll understand.
  19. 今日事,今日毕。Don’t let yesterday use up too much of today.   20.
一个好汉三个帮。He who would do great things should not attempt them all alone.
  21. 你最想会见历史上哪一位著名人物? What(Which) famous person from history would you most
like to meet? Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to. I. Words:   1. prefer
v. 更喜爱(欢)~ ~ring   2. remind v. 提醒;使想起   3. energy n. 活力 adj.
energetic   4. (dis) honest adj. (不)诚实 n. honesty   5. taste v. 品尝 tasty
adj.   6. whatever pron. 无论什么   7. increase v. 增加   8. main adj. 主要的
adv. mainly   9. display v& n.展览、陈列(show)   10. expect v. 期待
  11. heart n.心、内心   12. fisherman n. (pl.)fishermen 渔民   13. sweet
adj. &n. 甜的 糖果   14. lyric n.(常 pl.)歌词   15. gentle adj. 轻柔、柔和的 adv.
gently   16. course n. 课程   17. photograph n. 照片   18. photography
n. 摄影   19. photographer n.摄影师   20. sink v. 下沉、沉没 sink-sank-sunk
  21. risk v. 冒险 ~ doing   22. shock v. 使……震惊   23. fry v 油炸
  24. biscuit n. 饼干   25. laboratory n. 实验室 (lab )   26. cancer n.
癌症   27. entertainment n. 娱乐、乐趣   28. feature n. 特点、特征   29.
barbecue n. 烧烤   30. gallery n.美术馆   31. pro n. (常 pl.)赞成的观点   32.
con n. (常 pl.)反对的观点   33. string n. 细绳、线   34. exclamation n. 感叹号
  35. contraction n. 缩略形式   36. vegetarian n.素食主义者   37. suit v.适合=
fit n(套装)   38. miss v. 错过、遗漏; 想念(~doing)   39. interest v. & n.
使……感兴趣   40. latest adj. 最近的 late adj.& adv. 晚的、迟地   41. suggest v.
暗示 (~ doing) n. suggestion  42. exhibition n. 展览,博览会   43.
well-known adj. 著名的   44. tradition(al) n. 传统(adj. 传统的)   45. itself
pron. 它自己   46. type n. 类型、种类 = kind   47. class n. 等级,类别 world-class
adj.世界级水准的   48. okay= OK 好的 all right   49. actually adv. 实际上 =in fact
II. Phrases:   1. sing along with 伴随……歌唱   2. dance to music 随音乐起舞
  3. prefer sth to sth. 与……相比更喜欢… prefer doing sth. to doing sth. prefer to
do rather than do   4. remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人使记起某事 remind sb. to do sth.
提醒某人做某事   5. stay away from 与……保持距离;远离   6. be in agreement 意见一致 have
disagreements 意见不同   7. (be) on display / show 正在展览、陈列   8. to be honest
老实说   9. suit sb just fine 正好适合某人   10. write one’s own music 原创音乐
  11. have great lyrics 有很棒的歌词   12. over the years 近几年来   13. taste
good/nice 尝起来好吃   14. in the(an) exhibition 在展览会上   15. his latest movie
他的最新(近)的电影   16. increase the risk of cancer 增加致癌的危险性   17. my
six-month(=six months’) English course 我六个月的英语课程   18. the Yellow River 黄河
  19. expect sb to do 期待某人做   20. quiet and gentle songs 轻柔的歌曲   21.
get together 召集、聚会   22. some types of 一些种类的   23. be shocked by 被……所震惊
  24. Brazilian dance music 巴西舞蹈音乐   25. scary monsters 恐怖的怪兽   26.
as much 同样   27. a world-class photographer 一位世界级摄影大师   28. an Indian
film festival 印度电影节   29. fried chicken 油炸鸡块   30. burnt barbecued meat
烤焦的肉   31. well cooked 做得很好的/煮得比较熟的   32. a tag question 反义疑问句   33.
What do you think of… = How do you like… 你认为……怎样..   34. a CD called Heart
Strings 一张叫《弦系我心/心弦》的 CD   35. sth interest sb 使…….感兴趣 be interested in
sth.=show/have/take an interest in   36. a balanced diet 平衡的饮食   37.
see(watch/find/hear/listen to) sb do/doing 看见某人做某事   38. on a hot day 在热天
  39. sing the words clearly 清晰的唱出歌词   40. all kinds of 各种各样的 different
kinds of   41. most of my friends 我的大多数朋友 a friend of mine 我的一位朋友 III.
Sentences:  1. -你喜爱哪一种音乐?What kind of music do you like?
-我喜欢能跟着跳舞/跟着哼唱的音乐。I like music that I can dance to /sing along with.
-我们更喜欢有极好歌词的音乐。We prefer music that has great lyrics.   2. 我喜欢能将事物阐述得很好的作家。I
like writers who explain things well.   3. 你不喜欢这张 CD 的哪些东西? What do you
dislike about this CD?   4. 这音乐让我想起巴西的舞曲。 The music reminds me of Brazilian
dance music   5. 但是也的确有可取之处。It does have a few good features, though.
  6. 一定要到丽都画廊去看一看这个展览。Be sure to see this exhibition at the Lido Gallery.
  7. Amy Kim 是当今世界上最著名的中国摄影师之一。 Amy Kim is one of the best-known Chinese
photographers in the world today.   8. 她很能迎合所有人的口味。She really has something
for everyone.   9. 少数几张城市的照片就不是那么好了。The few city photographs are less
successful.   10. 我每天都见到这些同样的东西,所以我对他们没什么兴趣。 I see the same things every day
and they don’t interest me as much.   11. 无论你做什么,都不要错过这个展览。 Whatever you do,
don’t miss this exhibition.   12. 这几年我们目睹了一些有着古怪名字的乐队来来去去。 Over the years,
we’ve seen musical groups with pretty strange names come and go.   13.
如名所示,这个乐队精力十足。As the name suggests, the band has lots of energy.   14.
我们正在找一个宁静的地方度假。 We are looking for a quiet place to go on vacation.   15.
这里有许多可看和可做的事情。There’s just so much to see and (to) do here.   16.
我现在在香港玩儿得很开心,尽管说实话我更喜欢上海。 I’m having a great time in Hong Kong ,although I have
to be honest and say that I prefer Shanghai.   17. 我很幸运能在这里完成我为期六个月的英语课程。 I
am lucky to be here for my six-month English course.   18. 我只吃美食。 I only eat
food that tastes good.   19. 一群年轻人聚在一起谈论这个问题。 A group of young people got
together to discuss this question.   20. 我远离糖。I stay away from sugar.
  21. 我认为大多数人都同意水果和蔬菜对身体有益。 I think most people are in agreement that fruit
and vegetables are good for health.   22. 实际上,你知道在实验室测试中已经发现有一些油对身体确实有害吗?
Actually, did you know that it’s been found in laboratory testing that some
types of oil are really bad for us?   23. 我听说吃这样的烤肉会增加得癌症的风险。 I’ve heard
eating burnt food like this can increase the risk of cancer.   24.
如果我是你的话,我会取而代之吃坚果。 If I were you, I would eat nuts instead.   25. 膳食平衡的人应该比那些只吃饼干和汉堡的人更健康,不是吗? People who eat a balanced diet should be healthier than
those who only eat biscuits and hamburgers, shouldn’t they?   26.
最主要的是要有均衡的膳食结构。The main thing is to have a good balance. Unit 7 Where would you
like to visit? I. Words:   1. consider v. 思考,认为,考虑 n. consideration   2.
provide v. 提供;供应;供给   3. continue v. 继续,坚持下去   4. programming n.
编程(programmer)   5. sail v. 航行, 在……上航行   6. Pacific n. 太平洋   7.
including prep. 包括,包含 v. include   8. translate v. 翻译 n. translator
translation   9. trek ( trekking) v. 长途跋涉   10. fascinating adj.
迷人的,有极大吸引力的   11. thrilling adj. 令人激动的(=exciting) thrilled(=excited) n.
thriller 恐怖片   12. (in)convenient adj. (不)方便,(不)便利的 n. convenience   13.
report v. 报道 n. reporterwilling adj. 乐意的,自愿的,心甘情愿的 tower n. 塔,塔楼 church(es)
n. 教堂 underground n. 地下的 Confucius 孔子 attitude n. 态度 pack v. 把…..
打包/装箱(backpack) wine n. 葡萄酒, 酒 sight n. 风景,名胜(常用 pl.)= a place of interest
spotlight n. 公众注意的中心 general n. 一般事物,一般原则 firm n. 公司(company) spot n. 地点,场所
jungle n. 热带丛林 sportspeople n. 爱好运动的人; 运动员(athlete) similar adj.相似的,相像的
conclusion n.结论 Amazon (南美洲大河)亚马逊河 Florida n. (美国)佛罗里达州 cathedral n. 总教堂 Ace
Travel 文中指一旅行社 lively adj. 充满活力的,生机勃勃的,活泼的 live v. /liv/ 居住 adj. /laiv/ 直播的,活的
living adj. 活着的,有生命的(alive 只能做表语)   36. eastern/western/southern/northern
(来自)东/西/南/北/方的   37. tiring adj. 引起疲劳的,累人的(tired)   38. educational adj.
教育的,有教育意义的 n. education 教育   39. peaceful adj. 平静的,宁静的,和平的(n. peace 和平)
  40. touristy adj. 游客很多的,游客常去的,适合旅游的 n. tour 观光,巡回(演出); 到……旅游   41.
(in) expensive adj. (不)昂贵的   42. dream n. 梦想,幻想 v. 做梦;梦到   43. light
adj. 轻的(heavy) 浅色的(dark) n. 电灯,光线   44. fall n. 瀑布(常用 pl.)v. 摔倒,落下   45.
finding n. 发现;发现物(v. find) II. Phrases:   1. consider doing sth. 考虑做某事
  2. be willing to do sth. 乐意(做某事)   3. so that 以便   4. according to
根据   5. one of the liveliest cities 最有活力的城市之一   6. in general 总的来说,大体上来说
  7. quite an expensive place=such an expensive place =so expensive a place
消费相当高的一个地方   8. provide sb. with sth. / provide sth for sb.为某人提供某物   9.
continue sth./doing sth./ to do sth.继续做某事 go on to do (继续做另一件事) go on doing sth.
/ go on with sth.(继续做同一件事)   10. quite a few 相当多, 不少   11.
trek(trekked/trekking)through the jungle 穿越丛林 go trekking in the Amazon jungle
穿越亚马逊丛林   12. be convenient to do sth 做某事很方便   13. take it easy
从容,轻松,不紧张   14.   15.   16.   17.   18.   19.   20.
  21.   22.   23.   24.   25.   26.   27.   28.
  29.   30.   31.   32.   33.   34.
  35.  14. sail across the Pacific 驾船横渡太平洋   15. call sb. back
给某人回电话   16. hold on to sth./ doing sth. 继续,坚持,保持做某事   17. fantastic
sights 迷人的景点   18. some day(将来)/ one day(过去/将来) 某一天   19. take the
underground train=take the subway 乘地铁   20. translate …into… 把…翻译成…
  21. have similar hopes 有着相似的梦想/希望   22. travel spots 度假的好去处   23.
pack light/warm clothes 装上薄(浅色)/暖和的衣服   24. A be similar to B A 和 B 相似(A 和 B
为同类事物) (sb.)be familiar with sth. 某人对某事熟悉 (sth.)be familiar to sb 某事对某人来说很熟悉
  25. have a “winner’s” attitude 拥有成功者的心态   26. go on a nature tour 自然之旅
  27. have a great whale watch tour 有一次很棒的鲸鱼秀之旅   28. the Amazon Jungle
of Brazil 巴西的亚马逊丛林   29. Niagara Falls (北美洲)尼亚加拉大瀑布   30. the Eiffel
Tower (法国巴黎) 埃菲尔铁塔   31. Notre Dame Cathedral (法国)巴黎圣母院   32. be
supposed to do sth. 理应/应该做某事   33. dream of/about sth./doing sth. 梦想,幻想,向往
  34. thousands of 数以千计的,许许多多的   35. as soon as possible 尽快地   36.
depend on 决定于(=It’s up to sb./sth.)   37. be stressed out=be under a lot of
pressure 压力很大   38. be away for three weeks 离开三个星期   39. somewhere
warm/relaxing 比较暖和/轻松的地方   40. outdoor activities 户外运动   41. relax on
the beach 在沙滩上休息   42. pay for/ spend on/ cost/区别 have a good education
受到好的教育 III. Sentences:   1. 我想徒步穿越巴西的亚马逊丛林。 I would love to go trekking in
the Amazon jungle in/ Brazil. I’d like to trek through the Amazon jungle of
Brazil.   2. -如果我们能一起去度假,难道不是很棒吗?-不啊,听起来还不错。 Wouldn’t it be great if we
could go on a vacation together? -Yes, it sounds good.   3.
我希望有一天能去夏威夷。你有兴趣去吗? I hope to visit Hawaii one day. Would you be interested in
going there?   4. 我喜欢天气很暖和的地方/ 当地人很友善的地方。 I love places where the weather is
always warm/ where the people are really friendly.   5. 我得外出半小时,你能帮我接一下电话吗?
I have to go out for half an hour. Could you please answer the phone?   6.
给我留条我好回电话。Just take the messages and I’ll call people back.   7.
下一次休假你为何不考虑到巴黎去玩一趟呢? For your next vacation, why not consider visiting Paris?
  8. 巴黎是法国的首都,也是欧洲最有活力的城市之一。 Paris is the capital city of France and is one
of the liveliest cities in Europe.   9. 他又一些迷人的景点,包括埃菲尔铁塔和巴黎圣母院世界上最著名的教堂之一。
It has some fantastic sights, including the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame
Cathedral, one of the most famous churches in the world.   10. 乘出租车游巴黎要花很多钱,
但是乘地铁去城市的大部分地方却通常很方便。 Traveling around Paris by taxi can cost a lot of money,
but it’s usually convenient to take the underground train to most places.
  11. 但是总的来说,法国是一个高消费的地方。
In general, though, France is quite an expensive place.   12.
除非你自己会说法语,否则最好和一个能为你当翻译的人一起去旅行。 Unless you speak French yourself, it’s the best
to travel with someone who can translate things for you.   13.
我希望你们能提供一些你们公司关于这类假期的得信息给我。 I hope you can provide me with the information about
the kinds of vacations that your firm can offer.   14. 那必须是个我们能做很多户外运动的地方。
It has to be a place where we can do lots of outdoor activities.   15.
如果我们能找到带有厨房的房子就再好不过了,那样我们就能自己做饭省钱了。 It would be nice if we could get a room with
a kitchen so we could save money by cooking our own meals.   16. 毕业后你愿意做什么?
What would you like to do after finishing your education?   17.
似乎一些学生希望尽快开始工作, 以便他们可以使父母生活地更好。 It seems some students would like to start work
as soon as possible, so that they can help provide better lives for their
parents.   18. 其他学生希望毕业后进大学继续深造。 Other students hope to continue studying
after finishing school and to go to university.   19. 根据问卷调查,最受欢迎的工作是电脑程序设计。
According to the survey, the most popular choice of job is computer programming.
  20. 还有相当多的人说他们的梦想是有一天能去月球。 Quite a few said they dream of going to the
moon one day.   21. 不太现实的梦想也很普遍, 但是许多学生说他们希望通过努力来实现梦想。Less realistic dreams
are also common, but many students reported that they were willing to work hard
to achieve their dreams.   22. 拥有梦想非常重要,所以坚持你的梦想,总有一天他们会实现的。 It’s very
important to dream, so hold on to your dreams, one day they may just come true.
Unit 8 I’ll help clean up the city park. I. Words:   1. cheer v. 使振奋 adj.
cheerful/cheerless adv. cheerfully   2. hunger n.饥饿 adj.
hungry-hungrier-hungriest   3. repair(大) fix(零部件) mend(小) v. 修理;修补   4.
pleasure n.愉快;快乐 v. please 请 adj. pleased 感到满意的 pleasant 令人愉快的   5. fetch
v.= go and bring /get 取来;接来   6. imagine v. 想象 n. imagination 想象力 adj.
imaginable 可以想象的   7. set ( setting) v. 摆放;放置   8. similar adj. 相似
  9. shut (-shut- shutting) /close v. 关上(门、盖、窗户)   10. website n.
站点   11. fill v. 装满; 填满   12. blind adj. 盲的   13. deaf adj. 聋的
  14. advertisement (ad) n. 广告(活动)v. advertise 登广告   15. disabled adj.
残疾的 v. disable 使残疾(able-unable-disable-disabled)   16. establish v. 建立;创立;设立
  17. support v. 支持;帮助   18. appreciate v. 感激   19. donate v.捐赠;赠送
n. donation 捐赠物;捐款   20. strategy (strategies) n. 方法;策略   21. sign n.
标牌;招牌 v. 签字;打手势   22. commitment n. 奉献;忠诚;辛劳   23. elementary /primary
adj. 基础的;初级的;小学的   24. veterinarian n. 兽医   25. call-in 听(观)众来电直播节目
  26. generous adj. 大方的,慷慨的   27. pronoun n. 代词   28. adverb n. 副词
  29. preposition n.介词   30. conjunction n.连词  31. organization
n. 组织;机构;系统 v. organize adj. organized n. organizer   32. carry v. 搬运;携带
  33. homeless adj.无家可归的   34. major adj. 主要的;重大的   35. specially
adv. 特意的;专门地 special adj. 特别的 n. 特别的人或事物   36. coach = train v. 训练;指导 n. 教练
  37. cannot=can’t modal v. II. Phrases:   1. put off sth. /doing/put it
off (v.+adj.)推迟…   2. not only…but(also)…不仅…而且…(就近原则;倒装)   3. give out
=hand out ( v.+ adv.)分发,发放   4. take after =look like(外貌)/be like(性格)与…相像(be
similar to …和…相似)   5. set up ( v.+ adv.)=establish =start 建立,创立,开办   6.
fix up ( v.+ adv.)=repair 修理,修补   7. work out ( v.+ adv.)产生结果,发展,成功,算出
  8. cheer up ( v.+ adv.)使…高兴/振作   9. put up (signs) ( v.+ adv.) 张贴(标牌)
展示,;搭建;举起   10. be proud of=take pride in 为…而感到自豪,骄傲   11. be home to
是……的家园   12. put … to good/bad use 把…加以(好好)利用/没有好好利用   13. get to do
sth. =start /begin doing / to do 着手/开始做某事   14. fetch sth. for sb. 替某人取来某物
  15. give away 赠送,分发 give away sth. to sb .=donate sth . to sb.   16. a
major/great commitment 一个重大的,主要的贡献   17. disabled people 残疾人   18. make
it possible for sb to do 使得某人有可能做(find)   19. fill…with…用…来填满 be filled with
=be full of 填满,充满……   20. help (sb.) out(with) 帮助(某人)脱离困境   21. in an
after-school study program 在课后学习班   22. volunteer (one's time) to do
自愿(付出时间)做   23. a student volunteer project 一个学生志愿者项目   24. coach a
soccer team for little kids 训练儿童足球队   25. train sb to do 训练某人做   26.
understand different instructions 明白不同的指示   27. a group of 一群;一组 groups of
几群   28. a radio interviewer 一位电台记者   29. a care center 看护中心 (care about
在乎 care for 喜欢;照顾)   30. one day last year(一般过去时) 去年的一天   31. part of
speech 词性   32. run out of = use up 用尽… (主语是人)   33. think up ( v.+
adv.)=think of=come up with 想出   34. be used/zd/ to do sth. =be used for
doing sth.被用来做某事 get/be used/st/ to doing 习惯做某事 used /st/ to do 过去常常做某事
  35. thank sb.for /thanks for sth./doing sth.为某事感谢某人 appreciate sth. 感激某事
  36. sick kids 生病的孩子(ill 只作表语,不作定语)   37. clean up(v.+ adv.)打扫干净,收拾整齐
clean-up n.打扫   38. face challenges 面对挑战   39. at once=in a minute=right
away=right now 立即,马上   40. hang out ( hang-hung -hung) 闲荡 III. Sentences:
  1. 我喜欢帮助无家可归的人。-- 你可以在食品站发放食物给他们。 --I’d like to help homeless people. ?
You could give out food at the food bank.   2.
我们需要想出一个计划来让人们了解城市大扫除的活动。We need to come up with a plan to tell people about
the city park clean-up. 我们不能推辞制定计划。大扫除日离现在只有两周了。 We can’t put off making a plan.
Clean-up Day is only two weeks from now.   4. 我们讨论时,我来记下所有的点子。While we talk,
I’ll write down all the ideas.   5. 我们每个人可以打电话叫十个人来参加。 We could each call up
ten people and ask them to come. 做一名志愿者真棒! Being a volunteer is great !   6.
  7. 第 77 中是三个非常特别的年轻人的家园。 Number 77 High School is ho乐大厅   18. be at your optometrist appointment 与你的配镜师约谈   19. make/have an
appointment with 与某人预约   20. get in(through)the window 从窗户进入   21. run
for exercise 跑步锻炼   22. a hair band 发带   23. the local school teacher
当地学校的教师   24. the director of the local zoo 当地动物园的主管   25. a strange
smell 一股奇怪的气味   26. attempt to do/doing sth, 企图做 attempt sth.   27.
late-night footsteps 深夜脚步声   28. an ocean of paper 题海   29. bark at sb.
朝.….狂吠   30. Oxford University 牛津大学   31. polar bears 北极熊   32. shop
for clothes 逛街买衣服   33. make me a good student 使我成为一个好学生   34. joke
about sth 开…的玩笑 =play a joke on sb   35. because of +sth. (n./ pron./ doing)
因为…   36. run/walk along/ down/ up the street 沿着大街跑/走 walk on /straight
(adv.不能接宾语)   37. much too small 太小了/ too much homework 作业太多 too many snacks
过多的零食   38. take care (not) to do… 小心(不)做… be careful of sth./ to do
小心某事或做某事   39. one more question=another question 还有一个问题   40. land on /
take off 降落/ 起飞   41. at the picnic 在野餐会上   42. go for a picnic 去野餐
  43. in the neighborhood 附近/小区里   44. final exams 期末考试   45. in the
hallway 在走廊上   46. make a movie 制作电影   47. a big/serious/terrible
bicycle accident 一起严重的自行车事故 III. Sentences: :   1. --这是谁的排球?--那肯定属于卡娜。她热爱排球。
--Whose volleyball is this?( Whose is this volleyball? ) --It must belong to
Carla.(=It must be Carla’s.) She loves volleyball.   2. 她是唯一学习法语的人。She’s the
only one who’s studying French(定语从句).   3. 这份家庭作业不可能是 Carol 的,她今天没上学。 The
homework can’t be Carol’s. She wasn’t at school today. 我想知道正发生什么事。 I wonder
what’s happening.   4.   5. 有一个奇怪的生物出来了,它可能是一个外星人。 There is a strange
creature getting out. It must be an alien.   6. 我想我是在听音乐会的时候丢的,所以可能还在音乐厅里。 I
think I dropped it during the concert so it might still be in the symphony.
  7. 这次考试很重要因为它占了期末考试总成绩的百分之三十,所以我不得不好好复习。 It's crucial that I study for it
because it makes up 30% of the final exam.   8. 如果你知道它可能在哪里的话,请给我打电话。 If you
have any idea where it might be, please call me.   9. 因为考试她很担心。 She is
worried because of her test. (because of +n./pron./V because+从句)   10.
肯定是少年们在玩耍。It must be teenagers having fun.   11. 每个人都有自己的意见。Everyone has his
or her own ideas。
  12. 肯定有什么东西来造访这个社区里的住户了.。There must be something visiting the homes
in our neighborhood.   13. 团结就是力量。One finger can n


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