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Travel Photography: Desert Road Trip
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Travel Photography: Desert Road Trip
Video duration: 0s
Jun 07, 2013
Every type of location presents its own photographic challenges. For the stark wilderness of Death Valley National Park, these can include harsh desert light, stark landscapes, and a vastness that can be daunting to capture in a single frame. In this course, travel along with author, teacher, and photographer Ben Long to Death Valley to learn about the challenges and techniques behind capturing the exotic beauty and surprising details of the desert.
Topics include:
Looking at the light
Composing a shot to show rock texture
Taking a shot with haze and working it in post
Shooting sand dunes in changing light
Exploring the vistas for a more dramatic shot
Understanding the pace of a place
Intro to desert landscape photography
There are people that say that the desert
is empty, that it's barren, that it's a
wasteland, that there's nothing there.
And honestly, I just don't understand
that perspective at all.
There is light in the desert that doesn't
exist anywhere else, the colors of light,
a purity of light because of the dry air,
and contrast in textures that you just
don't see other places.
And for a photographer, that's something
that you can explore endlessly.
And in this course, you're going to come
along with me as I attempt to do that.
We're takin a road trip into the desert,
a three day road trip, where we're just
going to do nothing but shoot.
Now when a lot of people hear the word
desert, they think big, pillowing clouds
of dust blowing off of a sea of dunes
that goes all the way to the horizon, and
certainly, that is one kind of desert.
But desert simply means an area of
extremely low rainfall.
There's just not a lot of water in the
desert, and there are a lot of different
places that fit that description.
We're going to the low desert.
The very low desert.
We're going to the lowest place in North
Death Valley.
Along the way you're going to see me
trying to carve compositions out of this
incredibly vast landscape.
You're going to see me dealing with
simple logistical issues.
How do I make the best use of light that
comes at the beginning and end of the
day, over an area that spans hundreds of
How do I get by in an environment that's
incredibly harsh?
What kind of gear do I use?
We're going to tackle all of these issues
as we prowl back and forth across Death
Valley, and a little bit into the
surrounding area.
So I hope that this course will help you
see the photographic potential of the
great outdoors.
As well as give you an interest in coming
to a place that a lot of people describe
But which I see as overflowing.
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Three Day Road is the first
writer . Joseph’s maternal grandfather, as well as an uncle on his father’s side, served as soldiers during the First World War, and Boyden draws upon a wealth of family narratives. This novel follows the journey of two young
men, Xavier and Elijah, who volunteer for that war and become
during the conflict. The book was generally critically well received.
Set in 1919, following the end of , the novel takes place in the wilderness of
and on the battlefields of
and . Niska, an
medicine woman, is the remnant of her native relatives who refused to assimilate in the 19th century. She rejected European beliefs and culture and continues to thrive in the bush in a manner befitting her and her traditions. Niska’s voice is one of two narratives that complete the novel. After getting word that her closest thing to living family, Elijah, is coming back from the war, she paddles the three-day journey to meet him in town. She finds, however, that it is not Elijah but her nephew Xavier who has returned from battle. In an attempt to heal her only relative, who has clearly been sucked dry of his soul and has hardened with slaughter and turned hollow by morphine, she begins to recount the stories of her past. She believes that perhaps this will revive Xavier and the Three Day Road will not be one to his demise. Similarly, Xavier attempts to stumble over his story for his aunt and unearths ghosts of his bullet-riddled past.
The novel was inspired in part by real-life aboriginal World War I heroes
As Xavier, one of the protagonists reflects in the novel, the number three is especially relevant not only to Native culture but Europeans alike. It would appear to Xavier that the number three can be found everywhere. There is the front line, the support line, and the reserve line, for example. There is the infantry, the cavalry, and the artillery. In moments off battle, there is food, then rest, then women. In church, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. There is even superstition about lighting three cigarettes with one match. Xavier remembers specifically though, about what his aunt Niska told him about those ready for death having to walk the Three Day Road. In the novel, we accompany Xavier on what would seem to be his Three Day R his journey back to his home with Niska and her stories trying to heal him.
Among other ideas the book explores the cultural gulf between European settlers in Canada and the native peoples.
Nominee for the .
Winner of the .
Winner of the
Selected for inclusion in , where it was championed by
Winner, 2006
Drainie, Bronwyn. . Literary Review of Canada 2016.
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