来一场说走就走的旅行 英文用英语怎么说

“说走就走的旅行”是个多义词,它可以指说走就走的旅行(手机应用), 说走就走的旅行(李行亮的歌曲)。
- 来自原声例句
We all want to travel but our greatest limitations are from within. Seeing the world is not
but provides interesting elements that will help us grow and discover ourselves. More than that, it boosts our creativity and recharges our spirit to face life challenges. Thus, it is important to quit making these excuses and hit the road.每个人都渴望一场说走就走的旅行,但内心总有这样那样的牵绊。看世界并非只是赏风景,而是探索趣味、发现自我、获得成长的过程。而且,旅行还能激发创造力,给我们面对生活挑战的勇气。所以,不管你借口再多,也应该来一场说走就走的旅行。
1. &I don&t have the money.&1. &我没钱。&
This is probably the most common excuse given by people for not travelling. Yet you should understand that not all traveling experience has to be a five star, luxurious vacation. Also consider the fact that you spend a lot of money on things you don&t really need, such money which can be diverted on learning experiences during traveling. Also you should consider that many people who travel are not the richest people of our society. Did you know that you can make money while vacationing as you housesit your way around the world?这可能是不去旅行的最常见借口吧?可是,出去旅行并不一定得住五星级酒店、奢华无比啊。还有,想想你平时花了多少冤枉钱在不必要的事情上吧,本来这些钱足够拿来去旅行长见识了!更何况,很多出去旅行的人也不全是土豪富二代啊。而且,你还可以边旅行边赚旅费滴!
2. &I don&t speak the language.&2. &我不会外语。&
This excuse may have applied many years or even a century ago, but not in 2015. Such an excuse can be taken care of with the use of these wonderful apps that can prove handy while traveling. Some of these apps help translate words, signs and sentences and can offer you pictures that will help you
the message to the foreigner you are trying to speak to.要是回到100年前,这个借口还真是那么回事,但现在是2015年啦!你要真的不会讲外语,那么多的APP软件总可以用得上吧?有些软件不仅可以查词、翻译标志牌和句子,甚至还能提供图片,让你更方便和老外交流呢!
3. &I have never traveled before.&3. &我以前从没出过门。&
Traveling should mean stepping out of your comfort zone. To enjoy and get the best out of life does require trying new things every once in a while. To ease your anxiety, you can look through some travel blogs and gain enough information and knowledge about travel and destinations. You will be rewarded if you take that challenge to get out of your comfort zone and try something you have never done before.旅行就是要走出舒适区。若想体验美好生活,就得时不时地尝试新鲜事物。缓和出门焦虑症并不难,你可以读一读别人的旅行博客,多了解下旅行目的地信息。如果你能走出舒适区、尝试新事物,相信肯定会大有收获哦!
4. &I am stuck with my job.&4. &我工作太忙了。&
This is partially true. In a lot of cases your boss wants you to be happy and productive, and he will want to keep you at his company. Traveling helps you to get the best out of your job and be more efficient at it, so why let your job limit you.有时候确实是这样。很多时候,老板既希望你能高效工作,又希望你快乐愉悦,他希望你能留在公司上班。但是,旅行能让你学到工作不曾教给你的东西,所以,何必让工作成为你的绊脚石呢?
5. &I don&t have anyone to go with.&5. &没有人陪我去啊。&
It is understandable if everyone doesn&t share your desire for traveling. Many people are content with living their lives in a particular city. But that shouldn&t be you. You could travel alone or you could travel with a group of other travelers who want to travel. Check out companies who cater for the needs of group traveler.没有旅伴确实是件挺遗憾的事。很多人一辈子就在一个城市生活,觉得这样就够了。但是你不应该这样啊。你可以选择独自或跟团旅行。有一些公司是可以组织团队旅行的。
6. &I don&t think travel is safe.&6. &我觉得旅行不安全。&
Well traveling is as dangerous as crossing the street. There are a lot of risky
in life, but why let fear control our lives? The best way to travel is to travel smart and that could
when and which location to visit.旅行就像过马路,危不危险呢?生活中的危险多了去了,干嘛非得让内心的恐惧给拴住?当然,旅行前最好做足功课,对目的地有了解才更有保障。
7. &I have so many loans to pay.&7. &我还有不少贷款要还。&
From mortgage to student loans, many persons carry this burden of debt they will be paying for years. But why let a long-term duty disturb the moment. Getting a job on the road could also help you pay any of these loans. Or you could rent your home for extra cash while you will be traveling and seeing new territories!不管是房贷还是学生贷款,很多人都要背负许多年的经济负担。但是,干嘛要让长期负担影响此时此刻呢?旅行时也可以赚钱还贷啊。或者,你也可以在外出旅行时把房子租出去,也是一笔收入呢!
8. &There is no place I want to travel to.&8. &我没有什么特别想去的地方。&
Certainly you will want to travel somewhere, maybe you have not checked through amazing Instagram photos and travel blogs to filter pictures that will motivate you enough to pick up a bag and book a ticket.你肯定会有特别想去的地方。你要是看过很赞的旅行博客或照片,你绝对也会心痒痒、想立马动身去旅行的!
9. &I am too young.&9. &我还太小。&
While traveling solo as a toddler should not be condoned, that doesn&t mean teens should not venture out and explore the world. As a youngster, it is left for you to convince your parent to understand the benefits of traveling and offer you an opportunity to see the world while you have fewer
and engagements in your youth. The educational benefits should not be undermined and this should be enough to inspire your travel.让一点点大的小屁孩去旅行当然不太可能,但十几岁的孩子还是有能力出去旅行的。当然,这时就要看你能否说服父母、允许你趁年轻时出去看看世界了。旅行绝对会让你获益匪浅,这一点就足以让你心向往之了吧?
10. &I am too old.&10. &我年纪大啦!&
More older citizens are engaging in seeing the world and discovering themselves. As a group, many organizations are catering to this unique .其实,越来越多的老年人已经开始走出来看世界了。而且,有些公司还就专门为这一特殊群体提供旅行服务呢!5000家学校 100万学员的选择 .cn
&来源: &&&责任编辑:信息中心&&&发布时间: 15:17:17 & 浏览-次
&&&&课程咨询电话:400-990-1822说走就走的旅行哪有那么容易呢?首先,童鞋们一定要记住这 3 句 ――&Excuse me, can you speak English?请问你会讲英语吗?Excuse me, where is the nearest toilet?请问最近的厕所在哪儿?(厕所还有个名叫rest room)Thank you!谢谢!(走哪都别忘了礼貌)机场 ――&Can I get a window seat?可以给我靠窗的座位吗?(aisle seat=靠过道的座位,middle seat=中间的座位)Here is my passport.这是我的护照。(boarding pass=登机牌)I have one carry-on bag.我有一件随身行李。I have 2 bags to check in.我有2件行李要托运。Where is the boarding gate?登机口在哪?When should I be at the gate?我什么时间要到登机口?Is my flight on time?我乘的飞机会准点起飞吗?Where is the duty-free shops?免税店在哪里?Where do I collect my baggage?在哪取行李?Where can I find a taxi?在哪可以打到车?酒店 ――&I have a reservation for (xxx).我用(xxx的名字)预订了房间。I have no reservation. Do you have a twin room
available?我没有预定,请问还有双人间吗?(single room=单人间)I'd like to stay for (x) nights, please.我要住(几)晚。How much is this room per night?1天房价是多少?Is breakfast included in the price?房价包含早餐吗?Does my room have a hairdryer?房间里有吹风机吗?Can I have a wake-up call, please?你们有电话叫早服务吗?What is the check-out time?几点退房?问路 ――&Can you tell me the way to (xxx), please?可以告诉我怎么去xxx吗?Do you know how to get to (xxx)?你知道怎么去xxx吗?Where is (xxx)?xxx在哪里?Is there a Seven-Eleven nearby?附近有711便利店吗?Is it far from here?离这里远吗?餐馆 ――&A table for two.2人位。Can you get me a glass of water?可以给我一杯水吗?Could I see a menu, please?可以给我看一下菜单吗?I'm not ready to order yet.我还没想好点什么。We're ready to order.可以点菜了。What would you suggest?有什么推荐菜吗?I will have (xxx), please.我要xxx。More water, please.麻烦加点水。We'd like the bill, please.麻烦买单。Can I have a receipt, please?可以开发票吗?商场&――&I'm just looking.我就随便看看。Do you have this in other colors?有别的颜色吗?Do you have this in size 8?有8码吗?May I try this on?可以试穿吗?Where is the fitting room?试衣间在哪里?How much is this?多少钱?Can you give me a discount?可以打个折吗?I'll take it.我要这个。I'll pay in cash.我付现金。I'll pay by card.我要刷卡。Could I have a receipt, please?可以给我发票吗?Can I have a refund, please?可以退货吗?矮油,来次说走就走的旅行不学会这些实用性的口语怎么行呢!!!相关英语辅导&&&&&&&相关新闻:?????
&文章标签:&实用英语口语集合, 实用的英语口语, 来次说走就走的旅行
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