
& APRS智能手机设计专题-准备修改APRSdroid中
800) this.width=800'/>类似美军正在进行中的Nett Warrior项目:分离的无线电收发器和智能手持设备以电缆连接,应用软件实现实现战术地图功能 800) this.width=800'/>战术无线电中的动态路由设计目标:第一阶段APRS手机适配器设备需求:普通UHF手台Android2.3+手机---低版本可能有困难,待定实现功能:手机发送接收APRS报文,显示,带基本GE地图为好,同时支持APRS over internet第二阶段APRS动态广播网络实现功能:可靠的APRS广播功能实现,可能需要协议扩展相关协议APRS手咪设计AX.25 信号调制1200 baud Bell 202&& FSK 9600 baud G3RUH DFSK&&似乎在某些卫星APRS会用,不确定 没找到直接的文档 设计参考
工兵pro 于
14:30:32 编辑
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安全 自助 环保
搞啥飞机,瞎折腾!考呼号。直接上MOTO 350 叠加地图,喉麦,头盔上接天线,背包里12V锂电池组+主机,胸口放液晶屏;功率开10w
考呼号就被挂了号了,到时候顺藤摸瓜来没收机器,哈哈哈。就像当年的持枪证一样。Do you need to generate audio from scratch, such as by using math formulas / frequency modulation?
Use AudioTrack
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安全 自助 环保
autoasm wrote:考呼号就被挂了号了,到时候顺藤摸瓜来没收机器,哈哈哈。就像当年的持枪证一样。MOTO 350 可以合法验机,操作条件:业余无线电操作证 3级--未确认,印象中是这样。数字通讯,可加密;显示接收范围内目标的经纬度,相对位置
23:46:01 编辑
这方面PC用的开源项目很多调制解调可以参考Soundmodem项目AX.25实现可以参考libax25项目和comsc项目第一阶段实现最大障碍似乎是怎样从手机输出PTT(push to talk)给对讲我想一个办法是发送数据前先发送一段前导信号,加一点外围电路检测到以后输出PTT比如在HZ信号之外同时输出10KHZ信号,一个高通滤波检出后就是PTT~~~
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工兵pro wrote:这方面PC用的开源项目很多调制解调可以参考Soundmodem项目AX.25实现可以参考libax25项目和comsc项目第一阶段实现最大障碍似乎是怎样从手机输出PTT(push to talk)给对讲我想一个办法是发送数据前先发送一段前导信号,加一点外围电路检测到以后输出PTT比如在HZ信号之外同时输出10KHZ信号,一个高通滤波检出后就是PTT~~~VOX
VOX我担心不够可靠,但是可以尝试,每次先发个50ms让他稳定起来?IOS的已经有了我这才知道原来APRSroid可以发不能收。。。孤陋寡闻了阿,先下一个研究下,大不了直接改APRSroid,open source的阿啊啊啊代码居然 scalar写的,直接用的jsoundmodem java库。。。看来不妙jsoundmodem 9月才出炉的,鬼子们动手很快阿,比我这样光想不动的强~~~
工兵pro 于
21:05:07 编辑
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工兵pro wrote:要开工要开工坚决要让某高帅富后悔莫及等看热闹.
美军开始在阿富汗山地师部署类似概念的东西了, Moto android手机+战术无线电实现战场信息共享和实时汇报It Only Took the Army 16 Years and 2 Wars to Deploy This NetworkBy Spencer AckermanEmail Author June 28, 2012 |&&3:57 pm |&&Categories: Army and Marines 800) this.width=800'/>Starting in October, some soldiers — represented by this dummy in the Pentagon courtyard — will carry a Motorola Atrix like the one strapped to the dummy’s chest, enabling them to send and receive data while dismounted in warzones. Photo: Spencer In October, the Army will do something it’s wanted to do for more than a decade: send a pair of combat brigades to a warzone equipped with a new data network, and the hardware to operate it. It’ll let more than a thousand troops rapidly send voice, text, imagery and data across a warzone and to a soldier on patrol. It’s a milestone, following years of aspirations, setbacks and adjustments. And it arrives pretty much too late for the wars.When the 3rd and 4th Brigade Combat Teams of the 10th Mountain Division reach Afghanistan in October, between 1,200 and 1,400 soldiers will take with them a rejiggered Motorola Atrix running Android that’s the heart of a communications program called Nett Warrior. When they go out on patrol, their devices will load mapping applications layered with data about where they are and where their buddies are. When they encounter insurgents, homemade bombs or Afghan civilians, they’ll be able to record that information, which will appear on those digital maps as icons dotting layers of data.Using the Rifleman Radios plugged into their Motorola devices, they’ll be able to transmit that data in a series of relays from one radio to another, across their units, into their trucks and back to their company headquarters. When the data reaches the computers within a tactical operations center, their captain and first sergeant will be able to see their battlefields like never before, as they change, in near-real time. And those officers will be able to ping that picture up the chain of command, to the battalion and then brigade headquarters — and, should a colonel decide it’s necessary, onward and upward, all the way back to the Pentagon, thousands of miles away.And it works both ways. When the captain decides that there’s information at his or her level that a squad leader needs to know — say, a suspicious car moving at a high rate of speed toward the squad, captured on video from an Army drone overhead — the captain can send it out to the squad leader. A new icon will appear on the mapping app on the Atrix.“This is a capability we have never, ever been able to provide,” says Brig. Gen. John Morrison, one of the key figures behind the Army’s new data network, called the Warfighter Information Network-Tactical, or WIN-T.He’s not kidding: WIN-T has been in the works since 1996. For most of that time, it lived as the dream of Pentagon officials — and the frustrations of soldiers in confusing, arduous fights in Iraq and Afghanistan, who didn’t have the tactical information they needed when they needed it. Army colonels and generals who announced the deployment of WIN-T to Afghanistan at the Pentgon on Thursday used terms like “sea change” to describe it.Only that change may have come too late. 800) this.width=800'/>In order to develop WIN-T, the Army had to tear up its playbook for how it develops, well, everything. When the Army wants a new tank, it determines the specifications it needs, figures out of those specs are realistically deliverable, picks a contractor to build it, tests it once it’s built, and then starts to buy it and send it out to the units who’ll drive it. You can’t buy IT gear this way.Nett Warrior is an example. It began life in the mid-1990s as a different program called Land Warrior. In order to connect dismounted soldiers to the data they needed, the Army’s idea was to strap them full of wearable computers, with dangling banana-shaped keyboards and monocles strapped to their helmets displaying maps, all cabled together in a cumbersome get-up that weighed over a dozen pounds. By 2010, when the renamed Nett Warrior had been panned by the few soldiers who used it, the program had less computational power than an iPhone, which could fit in a soldier’s pocket. And it still hadn’t gone to war.But developing Nett Warrior was hard enough. A different Army office developed the Rifleman Radios that were supposed to be how the wearable computers to the outside world. Another one worked on what waveforms the Army should use. Another one worked on providing deployed soldiers with the bandwidth necessary for them to communicate. T t and the network never arrived.About 18 months ago, the Army decided — thanks in large part to its former vice chief of staff, Gen. Peter Chiarelli, an iPhone enthusiast — that it needed to develop the whole network, all at once, and test it all at once, so soldiers wouldn’t discover in the middle of a firefight that the network didn’t work as advertised. That led to a series of tests at the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico and Fort Bliss, Texas, appropriately called Network Integration Exercises.Among the lessons: shrink Nett Warrior down to a smartphone loaded with apps. (Well, the 3G/4G and the Wi-Fi capabilities of the device are disabled for data-security purposes and you can’t make a call on it.) Don’t demand the defense industry produce gear that will qu buy existing tech off the shelf instead. Hughes isn’t married to the Atrix: He envisions a newer smartphone forming the basis for Nett Warrior maybe every year or every other year. Design tactical operations centers, or TOCs, that can be boxed up and moved closer to the fight, so as to ease the strain on the network. Newer TOCs that the brigades from the 10th Mountain will take to Afghanistan this fall can be
when the Network Integration Exercises began, it took 12. The Army estimates these tests saved it $6 billion.“Just think of the power” that soldiers will be able to tap into, Morrison beams.Now comes the hard part — taking it to war. 800) this.width=800'/>WIN-T works well at White Sands, swear Morrison and Col. Dan Hughes, the Army’s director for systems integration and an amateur app designer. But however accurate and exacting the training scenarios for the network have been, Afghanistan is an acid test. Even technology that tests perfectly has a habit of breaking in wartime — especially if that technology has lots of moving parts, like WIN-T and Nett Warrior.Then come the usage issues. A young, bored soldier with an Atrix in his hand might be tempted to send his buddy a funny video he shot. Stopping that, to some degree, is a matter of an alert sergeant growling at him to knock it off. But there’s also a technological solution: Back at the TOC, the captain’s staff will be monitoring for potential bandwidth hogs — especially if they seem to come from anomalous sources. More related to a mission, Hughes concedes that sending video out to a dismounted soldier’s Nett Warrior device is “harder to do,” given the file size and available bandwidth. That video might have to stay in the TOC, while the key bits of data become icons on the Atrix’s networked maps.Finally, there are issues that technology can’t solve. Brig. Gen. Randall Dragon, head of the Army’s Brigade Modernization Command, says that the key data soldiers need are “where are my buddies, where is the threat, and where do I put effective fires.” But in a counterinsurgency like Afghanistan, a soldier on patrol may not know if the Afghan giving him the thousand-mile stare is an insurgent or a civilian. That complicates his ability to create a red — enemy — icon on his mapping application. Hughes says the soldier can input an icon annotated to clarify that the Afghan’s status is unknown — but quickly concedes that technology can’t fix basic intelligence problems.Still, WIN-T has field-tested a number of anticipatable problems. Hughes says the data that soldiers send and receive is encrypted at multiple points, unlike drone video was in Iraq. The Army’s working on procedures to make sure that it isn’t bombarded with data, like the Air Force was when it started shooting terabytes’ worth of full-motion video from loitering drones. “The guys in the TOC, we don’t need to see everything,” says Maj. Shane Sims, another officer working on WIN-T.The most bittersweet part of the imminent WIN-T deployment is the calendar. The Iraq war was one of the longest in American history, and it came and went without a modern Army data network. Danger Room boss Noah Shachtman wrote a blog post speculating that WIN-T might be deploy that blog post was published in 2005. The Afghanistan war, the longest war in American history, is winding down. The Army wants to outfit a total of eight brigades with WIN-T over the next two years. They will probably be the last combat brigades of the war. Networking soldiers was a major priority of the Army before 9/11 in a labyrinth of programs called Future Combat Systems that proved to be an expensive failure. WIN-T will surely undergrow growing pains when it actually meets the trial by fire in Afghanistan. It might only truly be a mature network after the Army is done with the war — leaving open the question of how relevant will be in the next one.What remains foremost in the mind of the officers, themselves war veterans, that developed the network is how they and their soldiers needed something like WIN-T for the past decade and didn’t have it. “We took a lot of shortcuts,” says Maj. Gen. Gennaro Dellarocco, who runs the Army’s Testing and Evaluation Command. “We’ve paid for it, dearly, literally, with lives.”户外极品
工兵pro 于
13:59:03 编辑
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APRSroid版本升级了,能发也能收了,我先看看 800) this.width=800'/>通用手机端接口经测试,此图适用于我的8860Kenwood对讲机传统耳麦图 800) this.width=800'/> 800) this.width=800'/>普星2R/A6 800) this.width=800'/>特异通UV3R的插头定义为:1.尖端 音频输出2.第一环 mic3.尾环 GND 800) this.width=800'/>绝大部分手机的插头定义为:1.尖端 左声道输出2.第一环 右声道输出3.第二环 GND4.尾环 MIC上图为测试可用的电路,看某些人的制作,不使用任何电阻电容直接连线也能工作,这个在我的手机/手台上没有成功,也许某些型号可以
工兵pro 于
22:03:15 编辑
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工兵pro wrote:要开工要开工坚决要让某高帅富后悔莫及主公要发威了
用伪造呼号跑了下APRSRoid,没测试AFSK, 按说明需要800MHZ CPU才能解码,jax25运行效率太低了,先搞个jni的版本
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着眼点主要在于利用智能机强大的GPS,通讯和输入输出界面同时完成所有可能的功能,用开发板没有什么价值。APRS AX.25协议只是一个基础构件块,可以挖掘的地方是动态路由,APRS-IS,甚至高级信号处理技术(我一直考虑把超长码字CDMA用在对讲机信道,达到扩展通讯距离的目的,但是据说一般对讲机线性度非常的差。。。)美军今年已经从供应商General Dynamics那里下了2000多套的订单,就是这么个东西 800) this.width=800'/>专用APRS手台都弱爆了,android触屏手机才是王道阿(都快没电了)
工兵pro 于
20:44:13 编辑
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800) this.width=800'/>万能的逃宝居然买不到这个
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工兵pro 于
23:27:11 编辑
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手机的mic输入还是没搞定,还好老外在这些接口上耕耘已久,资料还是可以淘到的,中文的资料品质低下,google总是被封,真是悲哀接口文档老外除了APRS还搞了很多Android上的无线电应用 800) this.width=800'/>HF Weather Fax for Android decodes weather fax 120/576 charts and satellite images through the microphone of your Android phone or tablet.Just set your phone or tablet next to the speaker of your marine radio or any other shortwave receiver with sideband capability and start recording weather charts and images. 800) this.width=800'/>DroidNavtex decodes NAVTEX messages from your receiver through the Android phone or tablets microphone or through a connected interface.NAVTEX broadcasts worldwide on 518 kHz and 490 kHz using a data mode called SITOR-B (amateur radio (Ham Radio) operators might recognise it as AMTOR).You need to have a receiver which can receive 518KHz or 490KHz SSB to use this app!!Special audio filters even decode very weak signals through the microphone and make DroidNavtex a very affordable alternative to high priced decoders.
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折腾了一下午,还是20db衰减比较管用顺便还得在手机输出端加个0.2u左右的电容,不加就各种诡异,手机mic段不加电容(加了ipad就检测不到) 800) this.width=800'/>和手机接口,图中电阻应换成2K/20K=================================以上适用于普星A6,但是不适用于建伍口的LT6100, 普星是2V偏压,输出总高于0电平,6100输出是0偏压,硬要接上就是严重失真,必须再加隔直电容再加电阻供ipad检测
工兵pro 于
13:11:34 编辑
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& APRS智能手机设计专题-准备修改APRSdroid中
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粤ICP备号-2 && APRS智能手机设计专题-准备修改APRSdroid中
800) this.width=800'/>类似美军正在进行中的Nett Warrior项目:分离的无线电收发器和智能手持设备以电缆连接,应用软件实现实现战术地图功能 800) this.width=800'/>战术无线电中的动态路由设计目标:第一阶段APRS手机适配器设备需求:普通UHF手台Android2.3+手机---低版本可能有困难,待定实现功能:手机发送接收APRS报文,显示,带基本GE地图为好,同时支持APRS over internet第二阶段APRS动态广播网络实现功能:可靠的APRS广播功能实现,可能需要协议扩展相关协议APRS手咪设计AX.25 信号调制1200 baud Bell 202&& FSK 9600 baud G3RUH DFSK&&似乎在某些卫星APRS会用,不确定 没找到直接的文档 设计参考
工兵pro 于
14:30:32 编辑
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安全 自助 环保
搞啥飞机,瞎折腾!考呼号。直接上MOTO 350 叠加地图,喉麦,头盔上接天线,背包里12V锂电池组+主机,胸口放液晶屏;功率开10w
考呼号就被挂了号了,到时候顺藤摸瓜来没收机器,哈哈哈。就像当年的持枪证一样。Do you need to generate audio from scratch, such as by using math formulas / frequency modulation?
Use AudioTrack
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安全 自助 环保
autoasm wrote:考呼号就被挂了号了,到时候顺藤摸瓜来没收机器,哈哈哈。就像当年的持枪证一样。MOTO 350 可以合法验机,操作条件:业余无线电操作证 3级--未确认,印象中是这样。数字通讯,可加密;显示接收范围内目标的经纬度,相对位置
23:46:01 编辑
这方面PC用的开源项目很多调制解调可以参考Soundmodem项目AX.25实现可以参考libax25项目和comsc项目第一阶段实现最大障碍似乎是怎样从手机输出PTT(push to talk)给对讲我想一个办法是发送数据前先发送一段前导信号,加一点外围电路检测到以后输出PTT比如在HZ信号之外同时输出10KHZ信号,一个高通滤波检出后就是PTT~~~
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工兵pro wrote:这方面PC用的开源项目很多调制解调可以参考Soundmodem项目AX.25实现可以参考libax25项目和comsc项目第一阶段实现最大障碍似乎是怎样从手机输出PTT(push to talk)给对讲我想一个办法是发送数据前先发送一段前导信号,加一点外围电路检测到以后输出PTT比如在HZ信号之外同时输出10KHZ信号,一个高通滤波检出后就是PTT~~~VOX
VOX我担心不够可靠,但是可以尝试,每次先发个50ms让他稳定起来?IOS的已经有了我这才知道原来APRSroid可以发不能收。。。孤陋寡闻了阿,先下一个研究下,大不了直接改APRSroid,open source的阿啊啊啊代码居然 scalar写的,直接用的jsoundmodem java库。。。看来不妙jsoundmodem 9月才出炉的,鬼子们动手很快阿,比我这样光想不动的强~~~
工兵pro 于
21:05:07 编辑
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会心处不必在远MSN群失效中请加 新建qq群
工兵pro wrote:要开工要开工坚决要让某高帅富后悔莫及等看热闹.
美军开始在阿富汗山地师部署类似概念的东西了, Moto android手机+战术无线电实现战场信息共享和实时汇报It Only Took the Army 16 Years and 2 Wars to Deploy This NetworkBy Spencer AckermanEmail Author June 28, 2012 |&&3:57 pm |&&Categories: Army and Marines 800) this.width=800'/>Starting in October, some soldiers — represented by this dummy in the Pentagon courtyard — will carry a Motorola Atrix like the one strapped to the dummy’s chest, enabling them to send and receive data while dismounted in warzones. Photo: Spencer In October, the Army will do something it’s wanted to do for more than a decade: send a pair of combat brigades to a warzone equipped with a new data network, and the hardware to operate it. It’ll let more than a thousand troops rapidly send voice, text, imagery and data across a warzone and to a soldier on patrol. It’s a milestone, following years of aspirations, setbacks and adjustments. And it arrives pretty much too late for the wars.When the 3rd and 4th Brigade Combat Teams of the 10th Mountain Division reach Afghanistan in October, between 1,200 and 1,400 soldiers will take with them a rejiggered Motorola Atrix running Android that’s the heart of a communications program called Nett Warrior. When they go out on patrol, their devices will load mapping applications layered with data about where they are and where their buddies are. When they encounter insurgents, homemade bombs or Afghan civilians, they’ll be able to record that information, which will appear on those digital maps as icons dotting layers of data.Using the Rifleman Radios plugged into their Motorola devices, they’ll be able to transmit that data in a series of relays from one radio to another, across their units, into their trucks and back to their company headquarters. When the data reaches the computers within a tactical operations center, their captain and first sergeant will be able to see their battlefields like never before, as they change, in near-real time. And those officers will be able to ping that picture up the chain of command, to the battalion and then brigade headquarters — and, should a colonel decide it’s necessary, onward and upward, all the way back to the Pentagon, thousands of miles away.And it works both ways. When the captain decides that there’s information at his or her level that a squad leader needs to know — say, a suspicious car moving at a high rate of speed toward the squad, captured on video from an Army drone overhead — the captain can send it out to the squad leader. A new icon will appear on the mapping app on the Atrix.“This is a capability we have never, ever been able to provide,” says Brig. Gen. John Morrison, one of the key figures behind the Army’s new data network, called the Warfighter Information Network-Tactical, or WIN-T.He’s not kidding: WIN-T has been in the works since 1996. For most of that time, it lived as the dream of Pentagon officials — and the frustrations of soldiers in confusing, arduous fights in Iraq and Afghanistan, who didn’t have the tactical information they needed when they needed it. Army colonels and generals who announced the deployment of WIN-T to Afghanistan at the Pentgon on Thursday used terms like “sea change” to describe it.Only that change may have come too late. 800) this.width=800'/>In order to develop WIN-T, the Army had to tear up its playbook for how it develops, well, everything. When the Army wants a new tank, it determines the specifications it needs, figures out of those specs are realistically deliverable, picks a contractor to build it, tests it once it’s built, and then starts to buy it and send it out to the units who’ll drive it. You can’t buy IT gear this way.Nett Warrior is an example. It began life in the mid-1990s as a different program called Land Warrior. In order to connect dismounted soldiers to the data they needed, the Army’s idea was to strap them full of wearable computers, with dangling banana-shaped keyboards and monocles strapped to their helmets displaying maps, all cabled together in a cumbersome get-up that weighed over a dozen pounds. By 2010, when the renamed Nett Warrior had been panned by the few soldiers who used it, the program had less computational power than an iPhone, which could fit in a soldier’s pocket. And it still hadn’t gone to war.But developing Nett Warrior was hard enough. A different Army office developed the Rifleman Radios that were supposed to be how the wearable computers to the outside world. Another one worked on what waveforms the Army should use. Another one worked on providing deployed soldiers with the bandwidth necessary for them to communicate. T t and the network never arrived.About 18 months ago, the Army decided — thanks in large part to its former vice chief of staff, Gen. Peter Chiarelli, an iPhone enthusiast — that it needed to develop the whole network, all at once, and test it all at once, so soldiers wouldn’t discover in the middle of a firefight that the network didn’t work as advertised. That led to a series of tests at the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico and Fort Bliss, Texas, appropriately called Network Integration Exercises.Among the lessons: shrink Nett Warrior down to a smartphone loaded with apps. (Well, the 3G/4G and the Wi-Fi capabilities of the device are disabled for data-security purposes and you can’t make a call on it.) Don’t demand the defense industry produce gear that will qu buy existing tech off the shelf instead. Hughes isn’t married to the Atrix: He envisions a newer smartphone forming the basis for Nett Warrior maybe every year or every other year. Design tactical operations centers, or TOCs, that can be boxed up and moved closer to the fight, so as to ease the strain on the network. Newer TOCs that the brigades from the 10th Mountain will take to Afghanistan this fall can be
when the Network Integration Exercises began, it took 12. The Army estimates these tests saved it $6 billion.“Just think of the power” that soldiers will be able to tap into, Morrison beams.Now comes the hard part — taking it to war. 800) this.width=800'/>WIN-T works well at White Sands, swear Morrison and Col. Dan Hughes, the Army’s director for systems integration and an amateur app designer. But however accurate and exacting the training scenarios for the network have been, Afghanistan is an acid test. Even technology that tests perfectly has a habit of breaking in wartime — especially if that technology has lots of moving parts, like WIN-T and Nett Warrior.Then come the usage issues. A young, bored soldier with an Atrix in his hand might be tempted to send his buddy a funny video he shot. Stopping that, to some degree, is a matter of an alert sergeant growling at him to knock it off. But there’s also a technological solution: Back at the TOC, the captain’s staff will be monitoring for potential bandwidth hogs — especially if they seem to come from anomalous sources. More related to a mission, Hughes concedes that sending video out to a dismounted soldier’s Nett Warrior device is “harder to do,” given the file size and available bandwidth. That video might have to stay in the TOC, while the key bits of data become icons on the Atrix’s networked maps.Finally, there are issues that technology can’t solve. Brig. Gen. Randall Dragon, head of the Army’s Brigade Modernization Command, says that the key data soldiers need are “where are my buddies, where is the threat, and where do I put effective fires.” But in a counterinsurgency like Afghanistan, a soldier on patrol may not know if the Afghan giving him the thousand-mile stare is an insurgent or a civilian. That complicates his ability to create a red — enemy — icon on his mapping application. Hughes says the soldier can input an icon annotated to clarify that the Afghan’s status is unknown — but quickly concedes that technology can’t fix basic intelligence problems.Still, WIN-T has field-tested a number of anticipatable problems. Hughes says the data that soldiers send and receive is encrypted at multiple points, unlike drone video was in Iraq. The Army’s working on procedures to make sure that it isn’t bombarded with data, like the Air Force was when it started shooting terabytes’ worth of full-motion video from loitering drones. “The guys in the TOC, we don’t need to see everything,” says Maj. Shane Sims, another officer working on WIN-T.The most bittersweet part of the imminent WIN-T deployment is the calendar. The Iraq war was one of the longest in American history, and it came and went without a modern Army data network. Danger Room boss Noah Shachtman wrote a blog post speculating that WIN-T might be deploy that blog post was published in 2005. The Afghanistan war, the longest war in American history, is winding down. The Army wants to outfit a total of eight brigades with WIN-T over the next two years. They will probably be the last combat brigades of the war. Networking soldiers was a major priority of the Army before 9/11 in a labyrinth of programs called Future Combat Systems that proved to be an expensive failure. WIN-T will surely undergrow growing pains when it actually meets the trial by fire in Afghanistan. It might only truly be a mature network after the Army is done with the war — leaving open the question of how relevant will be in the next one.What remains foremost in the mind of the officers, themselves war veterans, that developed the network is how they and their soldiers needed something like WIN-T for the past decade and didn’t have it. “We took a lot of shortcuts,” says Maj. Gen. Gennaro Dellarocco, who runs the Army’s Testing and Evaluation Command. “We’ve paid for it, dearly, literally, with lives.”户外极品
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APRSroid版本升级了,能发也能收了,我先看看 800) this.width=800'/>通用手机端接口经测试,此图适用于我的8860Kenwood对讲机传统耳麦图 800) this.width=800'/> 800) this.width=800'/>普星2R/A6 800) this.width=800'/>特异通UV3R的插头定义为:1.尖端 音频输出2.第一环 mic3.尾环 GND 800) this.width=800'/>绝大部分手机的插头定义为:1.尖端 左声道输出2.第一环 右声道输出3.第二环 GND4.尾环 MIC上图为测试可用的电路,看某些人的制作,不使用任何电阻电容直接连线也能工作,这个在我的手机/手台上没有成功,也许某些型号可以
工兵pro 于
22:03:15 编辑
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着眼点主要在于利用智能机强大的GPS,通讯和输入输出界面同时完成所有可能的功能,用开发板没有什么价值。APRS AX.25协议只是一个基础构件块,可以挖掘的地方是动态路由,APRS-IS,甚至高级信号处理技术(我一直考虑把超长码字CDMA用在对讲机信道,达到扩展通讯距离的目的,但是据说一般对讲机线性度非常的差。。。)美军今年已经从供应商General Dynamics那里下了2000多套的订单,就是这么个东西 800) this.width=800'/>专用APRS手台都弱爆了,android触屏手机才是王道阿(都快没电了)
工兵pro 于
20:44:13 编辑
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800) this.width=800'/>万能的逃宝居然买不到这个
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23:27:11 编辑
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手机的mic输入还是没搞定,还好老外在这些接口上耕耘已久,资料还是可以淘到的,中文的资料品质低下,google总是被封,真是悲哀接口文档老外除了APRS还搞了很多Android上的无线电应用 800) this.width=800'/>HF Weather Fax for Android decodes weather fax 120/576 charts and satellite images through the microphone of your Android phone or tablet.Just set your phone or tablet next to the speaker of your marine radio or any other shortwave receiver with sideband capability and start recording weather charts and images. 800) this.width=800'/>DroidNavtex decodes NAVTEX messages from your receiver through the Android phone or tablets microphone or through a connected interface.NAVTEX broadcasts worldwide on 518 kHz and 490 kHz using a data mode called SITOR-B (amateur radio (Ham Radio) operators might recognise it as AMTOR).You need to have a receiver which can receive 518KHz or 490KHz SSB to use this app!!Special audio filters even decode very weak signals through the microphone and make DroidNavtex a very affordable alternative to high priced decoders.
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