如何请教问题stall on CPU的问题

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There is one more twist to the naming. The FSB speed used by CPU, motherboard, and DRAM module is specified by using the
effective frequency. I.e., it factors in the transmission on both flanks of the clock cycle and thereby inflates the number. So, a 133MHz module with a 266MHz bus has an FSB “frequency” of 533MHz.
The specification for DDR3 (the real one, not the fake GDDR3 used in graphics cards) calls for more changes along the lines of the transition to DDR2. The voltage will be reduced from 1.8V for DDR2 to 1.5V for DDR3. Since the power consumption equation is calculated using the square of the voltage this alone brings a 30% improvement. Add to this a reduction in die size plus other electrical advances and DDR3 can manage, at the same frequency, to get by with half the power consumption. Alternatively, with higher frequencies, the same power envelope can be hit. Or with double the capacity the same heat emission can be achieved.
The cell array of DDR3 modules will run at a quarter of the speed of the external bus which requires an 8&bit I/O buffer, up from 4&bits for DDR2. See Figure 2.14 for the schematics.
Figure 2.14: DDR3 SDRAM Operation
Initially DDR3 modules will likely have slightly higherCASlatencies just because the DDR2 technology is more mature. This would cause DDR3 to be useful only at frequencies which are higher than those which can be achieved with DDR2, and, even then, mostly when bandwidth is more important than latency. There is already talk about 1.3V modules which can achieve the sameCASlatency as DDR2. In any case, the possibility of achieving higher speeds because of faster buses will outweigh the increased latency.
图2.14: DDR3 SDRAM的操作
One possible problem with DDR3 is that, for 1,600Mb/s transfer rate or higher, the number of modules per channel may be reduced to just one. In earlier versions this requirement held for all frequencies, so one can hope that the requirement will at some point be lifted for all frequencies. Otherwise the capacity of systems will be severely limited.
Figure 2.15 shows the names of the expected DDR3 modules. JEDEC agreed so far on the first four types. Given that Intel's 45nm processors have an FSB speed of 1,600Mb/s, the 1,866Mb/s is needed for the overclocking market. We will likely see more of this towards the end of the DDR3 lifecycle.
Array Freq.
Name (Rate)
Name (FSB)
Figure 2.15: DDR3 Module Names
名称 (FSB)
图2.15: DDR3模块名
All DDR memory has one problem: the increased bus frequency makes it hard to create parallel data busses. A DDR2 module has 240 pins. All connections to data and address pins must be routed so that they have approximately the same length. Even more of a problem is that, if more than one DDR module is to be daisy-chained on the same bus, the signals get more and more distorted for each additional module. The DDR2 specification allow only two modules per bus (aka channel), the DDR3 specification only one module for high frequencies. With 240 pins per channel a single Northbridge cannot reasonably drive more than two channels. The alternative is to have external memory controllers (as in Figure 2.2) but this is expensive.
What this means is that commodity motherboards are restricted to hold at most four DDR2 or DDR3 modules. This restriction severely limits the amount of memory a system can have. Even old 32-bit IA-32 processors can handle 64GB of RAM and memory demand even for home use is growing, so something has to be done.
One answer is to add memory controllers into each processor as explained in Section 2. AMD does it with the Opteron line and Intel will do it with their CSI technology. This will help as long as the reasonable amount of memory a processor is able to use can be connected to a single processor. In some situations this is not the case and this setup will introduce a NUMA architecture and its negative effects. For some situations another solution is needed.
Intel's answer to this problem for big server machines, at least for the next years, is called Fully Buffered DRAM (FB-DRAM). The FB-DRAM modules use the same components as today's DDR2 modules which makes them relatively cheap to produce. The difference is in the connection with the memory controller. Instead of a parallel data bus FB-DRAM utilizes a serial bus (Rambus DRAM had this back when, too, and SATA is the successor of PATA, as is PCI Express for PCI/AGP). The serial bus can be driven at a much higher frequency, reverting the negative impact of the serialization and even increasing the bandwidth. The main effects of using a serial bus are
more modules per channel can be used.
more channels per Northbridge/memory controller can be used.
the serial bus is designed to be fully-duplex (two lines).
Intel针对大型服务器方面的解法(至少在未来几年),是被称为全缓冲DRAM(FB-DRAM)的技术。FB-DRAM采用与DDR2相同的器件,因此造价低廉。不同之处在于它们与内存控制器的连接方式。FB-DRAM没有用并行总线,而用了串行总线(Rambus DRAM had this back when, too, 而SATA是PATA的继任者,就像PCI Express是PCI/AGP的继承人一样)。串行总线可以达到更高的频率,串行化的负面影响,甚至可以增加带宽。使用串行总线后
An FB-DRAM module has only 69 pins, compared with the 240 for DDR2. Daisy chaining FB-DRAM modules is much easier since the electrical effects of the bus can be handled much better. The FB-DRAM specification allows up to 8 DRAM modules per channel.
Compared with the connectivity requirements of a dual-channel Northbridge it is now possible to drive 6 channels of FB-DRAM with fewer pins: 2&240 pins versus 6&69 pins. The routing for each channel is much simpler which could also help reducing the cost of the motherboards.
Fully duplex parallel busses are prohibitively expensive for the traditional DRAM modules, duplicating all those lines is too costly. With serial lines (even if they are differential, as FB-DRAM requires) this is not the case and so the serial bus is designed to be fully duplexed, which means, in some situations, that the bandwidth is theoretically doubled alone by this. But it is not the only place where parallelism is used for bandwidth increase. Since an FB-DRAM controller can run up to six channels at the same time the bandwidth can be increased even for systems with smaller amounts of RAM by using FB-DRAM. Where a DDR2 system with four modules has two channels, the same capacity can handled via four channels using an ordinary FB-DRAM controller. The actual bandwidth of the serial bus depends on the type of DDR2 (or DDR3) chips used on the FB-DRAM module.
We can summarize the advantages like this:
Pins 240 69 Channels 2 6 DIMMs/Channel 2 8 Max Memory 16GB 192GB Throughput ~10GB/s ~40GB/s
There are a few drawbacks to FB-DRAMs if multiple DIMMs on one channel are used. The signal is delayed—albeit minimally—at each DIMM in the chain, which means the latency increases. But for the same amount of memory with the same frequency FB-DRAM can always be faster than DDR2 and DDR3 since only one DIMM p for large memory systems DDR simply has no answer using commodity components.
2.2.5 Conclusions
This section should have shown that accessing DRAM is not an arbitrarily fast process. At least not fast compared with the speed the processor is running and with which it can access registers and cache. It is important to keep in mind the differences between CPU and memory frequencies. An Intel Core 2 processor running at 2.933GHz and a 1.066GHz FSB have a clock ratio of 11:1 (note: the 1.066GHz bus is quad-pumped). Each stall of one cycle on the memory bus means a stall of 11 cycles for the processor. For most machines the actual DRAMs used are slower, thusly increasing the delay. Keep these numbers in mind when we are talking about stalls in the upcoming sections.
The timing charts for the read command have shown that DRAM modules are capable of high sustained data rates. Entire DRAM rows could be transported without a single stall. The data bus could be kept occupied 100%. For DDR modules this means two 64-bit words transferred each cycle. With DDR2-800 modules and two channels this means a rate of 12.8GB/s.
But, unless designed this way, DRAM access is not always sequential. Non-continuous memory regions are used which means precharging and newRASsignals are needed. This is when things slow down and when the DRAM modules need help. The sooner the precharging can happen and theRASsignal sent the smaller the penalty when the row is actually used.
Hardware and software prefetching (see Section 6.3) can be used to create more overlap in the timing and reduce the stall. Prefetching also helps shift memory operations in time so that there is less contention at later times, right before the data is actually needed. This is a frequent problem when the data produced in one round has to be stored and the data required for the next round has to be read. By shifting the read in time, the write and read operations do not have to be issued at basically the same time.
2.2.5 结论
通过本节,大家应该了解到访问DRAM的过程并不是一个快速的过程。至少与处理器的速度相比,或与处理器访问寄存器及缓存的速度相比,DRAM的访问不算快。大家还需要记住CPU和内存的频率是不同的。Intel Core 2处理器运行在2.933GHz,而1.066GHz FSB有11:1的时钟比率(注: 1.066GHz的总线为四泵总线)。那么,内存总线上延迟一个周期意味着处理器延迟11个周期。绝大多数机器使用的DRAM更慢,因此延迟更大。在后续的章节中,我们需要讨论延迟这个问题时,请把以上的数字记在心里。
2.3 Other Main Memory Users
Beside the CPUs there are other system components which can access the main memory. High-performance cards such as network and mass-storage controllers cannot afford to pipe all the data they need or provide through the CPU. Instead, they read or write the data directly from/to the main memory (Direct Memory Access, DMA). In Figure 2.1 we can see that the cards can talk through the South- and Northbridge directly with the memory. Other buses, like USB, also require FSB bandwidth—even though they do not use DMA—since the Southbridge is connected to the Northbridge through the FSB, too.
While DMA is certainly beneficial, it means that there is more competition for the FSB bandwidth. In times with high DMA traffic the CPU might stall more than usual while waiting for data from the main memory. There are ways around this given the right hardware. With an architecture as in Figure 2.3 one can make sure the computation uses memory on nodes which are not affected by DMA. It is also possible to attach a Southbridge to each node, equally distributing the load on the FSB of all the nodes. There are a myriad of possibilities. In Section 6 we will introduce techniques and programming interfaces which help achieving the improvements which are possible in software.
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