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&Skopostheorie& or &Skopos Theory& (目的论), a functionalist translation theory, was first presented by Hans J. Vermeer (汉斯•威密尔), a German language scholar. The formation and development of this theory has gone through three stages.
The first stage came to prominence with the works of Katharina Reiss (凯瑟琳娜•雷斯).
Reiss considers that translators should place emphasis on the functional characteristics of the text types rather than the equivalence principle. Throughout the translation process, translators should not be bounded by the frame of reference, and text should be translated in the target text's cultural environment so that one or several communicative functions can be achieved. Therefore, translation criticism cannot rely on merely the analysis of the original text's characteristics, and should consider if the text has been produced to serve the given intended purpose. Thus, the works of Reiss have laid the foundation for the formation of Skopostheorie.
At the second stage, Hans J. Vermeer (汉斯•威密尔), Reiss’ student went further in exploring this theory. The basis of his theory is the theory of action, which says that any action is intentional. Vermeer considered translation to be a human action, a type of transfer where communicative verbal and non-verbal signs were transferred from one language to another. The basic concept of Skopostheorie is that translation approach and strategies are to be determined by the purpose or function of the target text. As Vermeer points out, &translation is a human activity&, &all activities are purposeful&, and &translation activities are purposeful acts&. Therefore, to translate means to “produce a text in a target setting for a target purpose and target addressees in target circumstances”. (Vermeer, 1987:29)
At the third stage, Justa Holz-Manttari (贾斯塔•赫兹•曼塔利) further extended the scope of Skopostheorie and put forward the concept of translational action. She places special emphasis on the actional aspects of the translation process, analyzing the roles of the participants and the situational conditions in which their activities take place.
Christiane Nord (克里丝汀•诺德), representative of the second-generation Skopos theorists, did a lot of refinement for the young theory and expands the space for its application. She reconciled the comments and criticisms on Skopostheorie systematically and comprehensively. She tackled these criticisms with her theoretical principles — Function plus Loyalty.
1. 目的论 Skopos Theory (/view/af8baf332948b.html)
2. zyk.irc./html/wxzl/xwlw/7.html
3. &His Dark Materials& in translation : A skopos-theoretical analysis of Hanna Lützen's Danish translation of Philip Pullman's fantasy trilogy (pure.au.dk/portal-asb-student/en/studentprojects/his-dark-materials-in-translation(ee-4ed6-ab20-29f89aa1b875).html)
4. The Application of Skopostheorie in News English Translation (目的论在新闻英语翻译中的应用)(廖莎)
5. The Goal of Advertisement Translation: With Reference to C-E/E-C Advertisements (Ying Cui)
6. 汉语字幕幽默翻译之分析——基于功能主义的研究 (/view/d15abe.html)
The functionalist translation theory came into being in 1970s in Germany, and there have been three distinguished contributors to the formation of this theory: Katharine Reiss, Hans J. Vermeer and Christiane Nord.
In 1971, in her book Possibilities and Limits of Translation Criticism, Katharina Reiss put forward a model of translation criticism based on the functional relationship between source and target texts. However, her theory was firmly within equivalence principle. Yet Reiss is aware that there do exist situations “where equivalence is not possible and in some cases, not even desired” and there are “certain exceptions from the equivalence requirement”(Nord 2001: 9). One exception is when the target text has a different communicative function from the source text. “In such situations, she thinks that the functional perspective takes precedence over the normal standards of equivalence. Then translation critic can no longer rely on features derived from source-text analysis but has to judge whether the target is functional in terms of the translation context.”(Nord 1997: 9)
Hans J. Vermeer, the student of Reiss, gave up the source-text centered linguistic translation theory altogether. Based on action theory, Vermeer defined translation as a purposeful human activity that takes place in a given situation. And he made a breakthrough by putting forward his famous Skopostheorie which is regarded as the landmark of functional translation. Skopos is a Greek word for “purpose”, and Skopostheorie means the theory of purposeful action. Skopostheorie includes three principal rules: namely, the Skopos rule, the coherence rule (intratextual coherence) and fidelity rule (intertextual coherence). Vermeer explains the Skopos rule in this way:
Each text is produced for a given purpose which the text is intended to serve. The Skopos rule thus reads as follows: translate/ interpret/ speak/ write in a way that enables your text/ translation to function in the situation in which it is used and with the people who want to use it and precisely in the way they want it to function. (Vermeer 1989a: 20, cit. Nord, 1997)
Coherence rule specified that a translation should be acceptable in the sense that it is coherent with the receiver’s situation, that is, the target-text receivers should be able to understand the target text and interpret it as being sufficiently coherent with their own communicative situation and culture. At the same time, we have to note that since the target text is produced according to the formation offered in the source text, it is expected to bear some kind of relationship with the source text. This relationship is what we call “intertextual coherence” or“ fidelity”.
On the basis of Skopostheorie by Hans J. Vermeer, Nord summarized other academic thoughts and criticism to the functionalist translation theory. She put forward the loyalty rule, which is the supplement to Skopostheorie. The loyalty rule repaired the disadvantages and limitation of the skopos rule, eliminate the translation at random and avoid the tendency which thinks translation is just target text writing.
The first stage, with her grace. she studies. grace : &think the translator should be given priority to the translation of functional characteristics, and not equal. in the translation principle of& reference should not be equal, but rather is a translation in the receptor language cultural environment are expected to one or several of the communication function. therefore, translators criticism can't just rely on to the features of analysis and should be considered in the translation will achieve the desired effect. therefore, the grace推荐到广播
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生产管理人员需知 1.生产、管理人员必须经体检合格后方可上岗,患有传染性疾病人员,如:活动性肺结核,传染性肝炎,化脓性或渗出性、脱屑性皮肤病,不得进入车间。 2.保持个人清洁卫生,不戴手表、首饰等饰物,不留长指甲,不化浓妆,不得将与生产无关的物品带入车间及更衣室。 3.进入车间要听从卫生管理人员的安排,工作服要清洁整齐,发网、口罩佩戴正确,口、鼻、头发及个人衣物不得外露。 4.所有人员进入车间必须按照洗手消毒程序进行消毒。 5.进入车间严禁吸烟、进食,不随地吐痰、乱扔杂物,不得大声喧哗,不得从事与生产无关的活动。 6.入厕应脱除工作服,换用卫生间专用拖鞋,便后冲厕,按洗手消毒程序彻底消毒后方可进入车间。 7.外来人员必须经许可、登记后方可进入车间,服从统一管理。
Production and Management personnel instruction 1. Production and Management personnel shall be permitted to work after medical clearance, staff suffers from infectious diseases, including active tuberculosis, infectious hepatitis, suppurative or exudative, desquamative skin disease, will not be allowed to enter the workshop. 2. To maintain personal hygiene, no wearing of watches, jewelry a no long fingernails, no heavy makeup, no items unrelated with production are allowed in the workshop and changing room. 3. Follow the arrangements from the hygiene administration personnel when enter the workshop, working clothes shou wear sno mouth, nose, hair and personal clothing shall not be exposed. 4. All personnel must be disinfected in accordance with hand disinfection procedures when enter the workshop. 5.No smoking, eating, spitting, littering, shouting, activities unrelated to production is allowed in the workshop. 6. Taking off working clothes and changing to washroo***ippers before entering the washroom, flushing after use, thoroughly disinfected by following the hand disinfection procedures before entering the workshop. 7.Visitors must be registered before entering the workshop and obey the unified management.在上班呢,没检查。。


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