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关于丁香园A recent Auburn University study provides some real numbers to back a theory we’ve all known was true for some time—planting a shade tree near your home reduces energy bills significantly in the spring and summer months. The study, conducted in Auburn,Alabama, included 160 homes with different levels of shade. Each home’s energy usage was monitored and compared to other houses with similar energy— using patterns, size, type of cooling system, etc. Here are some highlights from the study:Houses with trees on the west side of their home had a “much lower power bill”.Older homes had the most shade coverage, because people did not use to rely on air conditioning as much to keep them cool.Children under age 12 consume the most power in a home as they watch television, play games and frequently leave lights on.Fall and early winter are the perfect seasons to plant a tree. This time of year many nurseries(苗圃)are trying to reduce their inventory of trees heading into the winter, so you may find a deal on trees easily to plant around your lot.While you have the spade out, consider planting a tree near your outside air conditioning unit. The shade will keep the unit cooler and help it operate more efficiently. Be sure to plant far enough from the unit to allow proper airflow, and account for the tree’s growth over time.It actually hurts to watch the trees being knocked over when land developers plan neighborhoods because trees could provide much needed shade to new homeowners, reducing their electric bill and the amount of energy they consume. Hopefully this study, and more like it in the future, will encourage developers and builders to plan around trees as much as possible to offer homeowners a shaded lot.1.What does the passage mainly tell us?A.A new study about planting trees.B.Planting trees to reduce your power bill.C.Houses with trees on the west side. D.Don't cut trees down when planning neighborhoods.2.The underlined word "inventory" in Paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to ________.A.invention
D.type3.According to the passage, ____ might spend more energy cost.A.houses with trees on the west side of their homeB.older houses with the most shade coverageC.houses with different levels of shadeD.houses with the children under age 124.Which is NOT the benefit of planting a tree near the outside air conditioning unit?A.The shade will keep the unit much cooler.B.The shade helps the unit operate more efficiently.C.The trees stops the unit having proper airflow.D.The shade prevents the sunlight from shining on the unit.5.What can we learn from this study?A.The study is carried out by the students at Auburn University, Alabama.B.While planning new neighborhoods, developers often cut down the trees there.C.Houses with trees on the east side of their house had a lower power bill.D.The study will prevent developers and builders from planning more trees. - 跟谁学
跟谁学学生版:genshuixue_student精品好课等你领在线咨询下载客户端关注微信公众号&&&分类:A recent Auburn University study provides some real numbers to back a theory we’ve all known was true for some time—planting a shade tree near your home reduces energy bills significantly in the spring and summer months. The study, conducted in Auburn,Alabama, included 160 homes with different levels of shade. Each home’s energy usage was monitored and compared to other houses with similar energy— using patterns, size, type of cooling system, etc. Here are some highlights from the study:Houses with trees on the west side of their home had a “much lower power bill”.Older homes had the most shade coverage, because people did not use to rely on air conditioning as much to keep them cool.Children under age 12 consume the most power in a home as they watch television, play games and frequently leave lights on.Fall and early winter are the perfect seasons to plant a tree. This time of year many nurseries(苗圃)are trying to reduce their inventory of trees heading into the winter, so you may find a deal on trees easily to plant around your lot.While you have the spade out, consider planting a tree near your outside air conditioning unit. The shade will keep the unit cooler and help it operate more efficiently. Be sure to plant far enough from the unit to allow proper airflow, and account for the tree’s growth over time.It actually hurts to watch the trees being knocked over when land developers plan neighborhoods because trees could provide much needed shade to new homeowners, reducing their electric bill and the amount of energy they consume. Hopefully this study, and more like it in the future, will encourage developers and builders to plan around trees as much as possible to offer homeowners a shaded lot.1.What does the passage mainly tell us?A.A new study about planting trees.B.Planting trees to reduce your power bill.C.Houses with trees on the west side. D.Don't cut trees down when planning neighborhoods.2.The underlined word "inventory" in Paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to ________.A.invention
D.type3.According to the passage, ____ might spend more energy cost.A.houses with trees on the west side of their homeB.older houses with the most shade coverageC.houses with different levels of shadeD.houses with the children under age 124.Which is NOT the benefit of planting a tree near the outside air conditioning unit?A.The shade will keep the unit much cooler.B.The shade helps the unit operate more efficiently.C.The trees stops the unit having proper airflow.D.The shade prevents the sunlight from shining on the unit.5.What can we learn from this study?A.The study is carried out by the students at Auburn University, Alabama.B.While planning new neighborhoods, developers often cut down the trees there.C.Houses with trees on the east side of their house had a lower power bill.D.The study will prevent developers and builders from planning more trees.A recent Auburn University study provides some real numbers to back a theory we’ve all known was true for some time—planting a shade tree near your home reduces energy bills significantly in the spring and summer months. The study, conducted in Auburn,Alabama, included 160 homes with different levels of shade. Each home’s energy usage was monitored and compared to other houses with similar energy— using patterns, size, type of cooling system, etc. Here are some highlights from the study:Houses with trees on the west side of their home had a “much lower power bill”.Older homes had the most shade coverage, because people did not use to rely on air conditioning as much to keep them cool.Children under age 12 consume the most power in a home as they watch television, play games and frequently leave lights on.Fall and early winter are the perfect seasons to plant a tree. This time of year many nurseries(苗圃)are trying to reduce their inventory of trees heading into the winter, so you may find a deal on trees easily to plant around your lot.While you have the spade out, consider planting a tree near your outside air conditioning unit. The shade will keep the unit cooler and help it operate more efficiently. Be sure to plant far enough from the unit to allow proper airflow, and account for the tree’s growth over time.It actually hurts to watch the trees being knocked over when land developers plan neighborhoods because trees could provide much needed shade to new homeowners, reducing their electric bill and the amount of energy they consume. Hopefully this study, and more like it in the future, will encourage developers and builders to plan around trees as much as possible to offer homeowners a shaded lot.1.What does the passage mainly tell us?A.A new study about planting trees.B.Planting trees to reduce your power bill.C.Houses with trees on the west side. D.Don't cut trees down when planning neighborhoods.2.The underlined word "inventory" in Paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to ________.A.invention
D.type3.According to the passage, ____ might spend more energy cost.A.houses with trees on the west side of their homeB.older houses with the most shade coverageC.houses with different levels of shadeD.houses with the children under age 124.Which is NOT the benefit of planting a tree near the outside air conditioning unit?A.The shade will keep the unit much cooler.B.The shade helps the unit operate more efficiently.C.The trees stops the unit having proper airflow.D.The shade prevents the sunlight from shining on the unit.5.What can we learn from this study?A.The study is carried out by the students at Auburn University, Alabama.B.While planning new neighborhoods, developers often cut down the trees there.C.Houses with trees on the east side of their house had a lower power bill.D.The study will prevent developers and builders from planning more trees.科目:最佳答案小题1:B小题2:C小题3:D小题4:C小题5:解析
关注我们官方微信关于跟谁学服务支持帮助中心&&&&&&&&& 前几天项目中遇到一个需求用到了Easyui datagrd行内添加和编辑数据,同时对行内数据上移下移,所以对这几个功能做个总结。
1、首先大概说下这几个功能里用到的主要方法,行内添加数据主要是添加列的editor属性, 行内编辑主要使用beginEdit(), endEdit(),同时一个关键就是拿到当前的操作行索引editIndex.
3、保存时使用getRows()或者getChanges(). getChanges()主要是获取添加或编辑的数据,getRows()获取到本页所有数据,主要是配合【上移】【下移】方法使用。
function GetTable() {
var editRow =
height: 300,
width: 450,
title: '学生表',
collapsible: true,
singleSelect: true,
url: '/Home/StuList',
idField: 'ID',
columns: [[
{ field: 'ID', title: 'ID', width: 100 },
{ field: 'Name', title: '姓名', width: 100, editor: { type: 'text', options: { required: true } } },
{ field: 'Age', title: '年龄', width: 100, align: 'center', editor: { type: 'text', options: { required: true } } },
{ field: 'Address', title: '地址', width: 100, align: 'center', editor: { type: 'text', options: { required: true } } }
toolbar: [{
text: '添加', iconCls: 'icon-add', handler: function () {
if (editRow != undefined) {
$("#Student_Table").datagrid('endEdit', editRow);
if (editRow == undefined) {
$("#Student_Table").datagrid('insertRow', {
$("#Student_Table").datagrid('beginEdit', 0);
editRow = 0;
text: '保存', iconCls: 'icon-save', handler: function () {
$("#Student_Table").datagrid('endEdit', editRow);
var rows = $("#Student_Table").datagrid('getChanges');
var rowstr = JSON.stringify(rows);
$.post('/Home/Create', rowstr, function (data) {
text: '撤销', iconCls: 'icon-redo', handler: function () {
text: '删除', iconCls: 'icon-remove', handler: function () {
var row = $("#Student_Table").datagrid('getSelections');
text: '修改', iconCls: 'icon-edit', handler: function () {
var row = $("#Student_Table").datagrid('getSelected');
if (row !=null) {
if (editRow != undefined) {
$("#Student_Table").datagrid('endEdit', editRow);
if (editRow == undefined) {
var index = $("#Student_Table").datagrid('getRowIndex', row);
$("#Student_Table").datagrid('beginEdit', index);
text: '上移', iconCls: 'icon-up', handler: function () {
text: '下移', iconCls: 'icon-down', handler: function () {
onAfterEdit: function (rowIndex, rowData, changes) {
onDblClickRow:function (rowIndex, rowData) {
if (editRow != undefined) {
$("#Student_Table").datagrid('endEdit', editRow);
if (editRow == undefined) {
$("#Student_Table").datagrid('beginEdit', rowIndex);
editRow = rowI
if (editRow != undefined) {
$("#Student_Table").datagrid('endEdit', editRow);
function MoveUp() {
var row = $("#Student_Table").datagrid('getSelected');
var index = $("#Student_Table").datagrid('getRowIndex', row);
mysort(index, 'up', 'Student_Table');
function MoveDown() {
var row = $("#Student_Table").datagrid('getSelected');
var index = $("#Student_Table").datagrid('getRowIndex', row);
mysort(index, 'down', 'Student_Table');
function mysort(index, type, gridname) {
if ("up" == type) {
if (index != 0) {
var toup = $('#' + gridname).datagrid('getData').rows[index];
var todown = $('#' + gridname).datagrid('getData').rows[index - 1];
$('#' + gridname).datagrid('getData').rows[index] =
$('#' + gridname).datagrid('getData').rows[index - 1] =
$('#' + gridname).datagrid('refreshRow', index);
$('#' + gridname).datagrid('refreshRow', index - 1);
$('#' + gridname).datagrid('selectRow', index - 1);
} else if ("down" == type) {
var rows = $('#' + gridname).datagrid('getRows').
if (index != rows - 1) {
var todown = $('#' + gridname).datagrid('getData').rows[index];
var toup = $('#' + gridname).datagrid('getData').rows[index + 1];
$('#' + gridname).datagrid('getData').rows[index + 1] =
$('#' + gridname).datagrid('getData').rows[index] =
$('#' + gridname).datagrid('refreshRow', index);
$('#' + gridname).datagrid('refreshRow', index + 1);
$('#' + gridname).datagrid('selectRow', index + 1);
public ActionResult Create()
string result = Request.Form[0];
var list = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject&List&Student&&(result);
return Json(true);
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