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The Best White Noise Apps & Sites
Poisso on April 10, 2017in , , ,
The science of sound can help you in many aspects of your life, from increasing concentration to creating the right atmosphere for a better night's rest. The trick is to know which kind of sound will do the trick and the easiest way to access it. Fortunately, there are plenty of websites and apps that do just that.
Noise generators for better sleep
Do you notice that you sleep better when the rain falls steadily outside or the wind blows gently through the trees? That's what researchers call pink noise, a combination of sounds that contain all of the frequencies that people can hear, with volume decreasing in high frequencies.& This kind of pink noise &has significant effect on reducing brain wave complexity and inducing more stable sleep time to improve sleep quality of individuals,& according to the . In comparison, white noise keeps the volume consistent across all frequencies and most people don't find it as restful.
There are many apps that offer noise generation for better sleep, but be sure to only use the features that provide a steady, consistent sound, not intermittent noise.
The WhiteNoise app not only has white noise, it also has pink noise, brown noise (low frequency sound masking) and many more soothing sounds. Plus, it& gives you great flexibility for painting your own soundscape, mixing up to five sounds at once. Among the 40 sounds are an oscillating fan, cat purring, crickets chirping, water flowing and many more. Pay a little extra to get a recorder and generator to create your own sounds.
Price:&$0.99 on&&and free on&
Chroma Doze
If none of the noises are exactly what you're looking for, Chroma Doze,
This highly-rated, Android-only app generates white noise based an algorithm that you can control. Tweak the sound wave curve to get just the right kind of noise to help you sleep. The app is free, has no ads and will run in the background on your phone.
Price:&Free on&
Similar to falling rain, the noise of an electric fan also helps many get a better night's sleep. Sleep Fan, a favorite here at Techlicious, generates that exact sound for you. You can play a fan sound at low, medium or high speed and also set a time for how long you want the noise to play. The iPhone app has tons of fans to choose from and even lets you record your own fan noise. The Android app is limited to four fans and doesn't have recording capabilities. Both apps will run in the background on your phone.
Price: $1.99 on &or free on
Sound for better focus and concentration
No matter how many times experts remind us to
when we're trying to get things done, most of us enjoy listening to music on the job. A little bit of whistle-while-you-work can boost flagging energy and bolster creativity & but too much of a good thing is a definite no-no.
What you need is the right noise for the job: ambient sound for creative focus, white noise for tight concentration or more relaxed soundscapes for calm efficiency or relaxation.&If you've always suspected you do better and more rewarding work when you cart your laptop down to the local shop, . When you're trying to coax creativity out of hiding, moderate levels of ambient noise&can provide just enough of a distraction to free the rest of your brain for broader thought.
A study in
shows that background noise as mundane as the hum of a coffee shop in full swing or the muffled chatter of a television in the other room can enhance performance. Apply that knowledge with discretion: Higher noise levels are too distracting, and tasks that require concentration and focus on detail are better performed in a quiet environment.
If your surroundings are already littered with distracting sounds and conversations, you might need white noise to mask the chaos. Be careful about playing these sounds too loudly, too close to you or for too long. White noise used to keep babies drifting in a peaceful slumber &if played at volumes of 85dB or higher (which is pretty loud, like a noisy restaurant). There is no evidence that volumes of 65 to 70 dB will cause harm.
Ready to download some sound apps to help tune up your life? Here are our favorite sources for ambient sound, white noise, meditation gongs and calming music & all are available through your web browser as well.
Here's the hottest spot to find that coffee shop ambience & what Coffitivity calls a &combination of calm and commotion& that inspires and supports creativity. Choose from several different vibes: &Morning Murmur& gives you the traditional hustle and bustle of the corner caf&; &Lunchtime Lounge& carries
and &University Undertones& soothes you with the calmer sounds of a campus caf&.
Price: F Coffivitity app free at
This ambient sound generator plays to maximum advantage on a second monitor because it includes a color generator that helps set the mood. Research also backs the role of color in influencing productivity. Using a blue desktop background, for example, can enhance creative performance, while red helps you attack and focus on nitty-gritty details. Noisli lets you toggle and layer as many sounds as you like to create your own tapestry of sound. Choose among coffee shop chatter, three types of white noise and nature sounds including rain, thunderstorms, waves, crackling fire and more. Still distracted? There's also a text editor for distraction-free writing.
Price: Free at , as a
or $1.99 on &and
At myNoise, choose from sounds designed specifically for noise blocking, healthcare, sound therapy, meditation and tonal sound. Select from sounds in categories like Tonal Drones, Magic Gens and Brainwaves. Each sound is then further tagged for uses like meditation, healthcare and noise blocker. &The site allows you to calibrate much of the sounds to your own computer and hearing.&
Price: Free at &and free with $0.99 for upgrade sounds on &and
Finally, if you are looking for an all-around effective noise generator, not just an app or sound file that mimics sounds, we highly recommend the&&($49.99 on Amazon). It creates a soothing sound that helps block other sounds in your environment that may be distracting you.
Updated 4/10/2017
[ image via Shutterstock]
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Best White Noise App for Baby
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评论私信与同好交流From Texas Instruments Wiki
This wiki page will describe how to use a two wire UART interface with Power Management(PM) for Network Processor implementations on the CC2640. Using a two wire interface is advantageous because it frees up two pins on the application and network processors (as opposed to using MRDY/SRDY GPIO lines). Software handshaking allows both processors to sleep when idle, thus minimizing the power consumption.
The code and documentation can be found on TI's github page:
Clone the ble-sdk-210-extra repo and demo using the SimpleAP and SimpleNP and described at the page above.Start with an . Whatever you read, this article included, is guidance not a rule. If you prefer different combinations, nothing is stopping you from enjoying this. The principal purpose of guides on pairing food and wine is to enlighten your understanding on commonly agreed matches, and the reasons behind these. It's about taking some of the guesswork out of matching food and wine until you're comfortable enough to rely on your own experience. Ultimately you'll learn to tune into your own palate as the best guide to what wine works with what food.
A basic guideline is to 'Match' and 'Complement' the characteristics of food to the wine, or 'Contrast' or counterbalance overpowering characteristics. For example: Spicy foods with sweeter wine.
Be aware that some wines can be spoiled by the introduction of certain food flavors, just as they can be enhanced. If you find that a wine you've always loved suddenly tastes less desirable, track down the food you paired it with, and try drinking it without food, before dismissing the wine outright.
Know how to taste wine before embarking on the journey of pairing wine and food. Read
to learn more.
Understand what matters when assessing the affinity of a wine with a food. It is important to seek a balance in the wine's components (fruit, acid, alcohol, sweetness, and tannin), and the food components (ingredients, manner of cooking, and the resulting tastes). It is about more than just the flavor. Also to be taken into account are the texture, weight, structure, and bouquet of both wine and food. For instance, delicate food requires a delicate wine, while richer and more robust food will match best with heavier, fuller flavored wines.
The manner in which a food is cooked will impact the appropriateness of a wine. The nature of a food changes according to whether it is roasted, baked, , steamed, marinated, seasoned, cooked in sauce, or left in as near to its original state as possible. This is why generalizations of suitability are too simplistic – the flavor, texture, weight, and composition of the food needs to be considered individually, regardless of the principal component of a dish.
While similarities attract, opposites can do so too. What is most important is that the food and wine complement one another in such a way that your attention can be drawn from the wine to the food and back again without losing the essence of either.
Keep the food flavors simple. If the flavors of the food are too complex, it will be hard to match it with any wine because the food becomes so dominant. If you have a particularly complex or rich food dish, it's recommended that you don't try matching your prized wines but rely on cheaper, more readily available wines in case the match is unpleasant or even terrible.
Know how to taste food and wine together. To enable you to branch out beyond the generalities, being aware of how to taste the food and wine together is vital. It is suggested that you do the following:
Take a mouthful of wine and roll it around your mouth. Swallow.
Ask yourself what you taste and smell. Look for familiar fruit, berry, and wood flavors.
Decide whether you find the wine light or heavy.
Consider the sweetness or acidity of the wine.
Take your summation of the wine and try to match it to similar characteristics in food. Find at least one aspect that corresponds with the food, such as the sweetness, the flavor, the texture, etc.
Try the food. Eat a small piece, chew, and swallow it. As with the wine, consider how it tastes, as well as the aftertaste. If it's a pleasant experience, you' if not, the pairing isn't made in heaven and it's time to try a different wine.
Know your taste experience. There four to five tastes - saltiness, , acidity, sweetness, and the Japanese umami. These are the tastes that you'll be combining together in the same way an artist combines paint on the palette:
Saltiness: This taste is the easiest to recognize and it lingers. Saltiness brings out sweetness, hides tannins and increases bitterness. Sweet dessert wines go well with salty foods, or very fruity reds.
Acidity: Highly acidic foods are not ideal with wine because they tend to cancel out the wine's flavor. As such, leave the vinegars, , and dressings to a minimum when pairing food and wine. Acidity is a taste that lingers, it can hide tannin and bitterness and make wine seem sweeter. An acidic wine should be paired with a dish that is of lower acidity to prevent flattening the wine. For example, add a little sugar to take the edge off a vinaigrette.
Bitterness: Bitter foods include radicchio, , rocket, etc. It's a taste that outlasts all other tastes. Bitterness is able to cover up acidity in a wine, hides the tannins, and brings out the sweetness. Young red wines work well with bitter greens, wild herbs, and olives.
Sweetness: Another easy taste for many, although the ability to taste sweetness declines with age. Sweetness doesn't last long as a taste. It minimizes bitterness and acidity in a wine. Aim to partner sweet wine with food that isn' to have both as sweet as the other will cancel out the wine. If you have , enjoy a liqueur Tokay or a Muscat rather than a sweet wine.
Umami: This is the taste that emanates from broth style or earthy food, such as soups, miso, stock, consommé, roast meats, , etc. Umami takes off the edge of tannins and brings out the sweetness, making it a good choice for wines high in tannin.
Start pairing wine and food. It is possible to make generalities, and you'll often find suggestions for pairing food and wine at the wine store. However, as already noted, such generalities are very broad and don't necessarily account for the manner in which the food is cooked or what else is accompanying it, such as spices or a . As such, while the following offers general guidance, it is still important to rely on your own palate and to continue exploring the matching process lifelong (see the following step after this section on developing nuanced approaches to these generalizations):
Beef and lamb: Select red wine for beef and
dishes. Usually a full-bodied red such as a shiraz or cabernet/shiraz blend works well. Suitable wines include Barbera, Sangiovese, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Syrah, Pinot Noir, and Zinfandel.
However, if it were asparagus alone, as shown on the picture, a grassy Sauvignon Blanc would had been a sensible choice.
Chicken: White wine is the usual pick. For grilled or roast chicken, try a Chardonnay. For
cooked in a rich sauce, try a Shiraz or a medium-bodied Cabernet Sauvignon.
Fish and seafood: Select a white wine for fish and . These wines would include Chardonnay, Riesling, Pinot Grigio, Sauvignon Blanc and Gewürztraminer. Grilled firm-flesh fish matches well with Chardonnay or an aged Semillon, while a hearty fish stew is excellent accompanied by Pinot Noir. For flaky fish, choose a dry Riesling or a Chardonnay.
Spicy: Choose Riesling and sweet Gewürztraminer if your meal is spicy. The sweetness of these wines can be drank quickly to offset the spiciness of the food. Avoid adding a Chardonnay to spicy food as it will taste bitter.
Game: Choose a spicy red like Sangiovese or Shiraz for game such as , bison, or kangaroo.
Tomato (acidic) based meals: Serve Barbera, Sangiovese, or Zinfandel with tomato-based meals (for example,
and pizza).
Duck, quail: Try a Pinot Noir or a Shiraz.
Cheese: Full-bodied wines go well with hard cheese, such as a full-bodied Shiraz with cheddar cheese. Soft cheese partners well with dry Riesling, Marsanne, or Viognier. Sweet wine is a good match for .
Dessert: Sweet wines are a good choice, provided that the dessert is not as sweet as the wine.
Deepen your pairing knowledge by discovering the nuances. Build on the basic understanding of what might match. It's easy enough to say that chicken goes with , or beef goes with red wine but which wine exactly? And is this choice clear cut? The wine that goes with the food will depend heavily on the manner in which the food has been prepared. For example, it isn't as simple as saying that chicken goes with white wine. If, for example, the chicken has been poached, making it simple and delicate, a simple wine such as a young Semillon will be good. When roasted, the fat makes the chicken richer, thus requiring a heavier textured wine such as an aged Semillon. If barbecued, the chicken becomes smoky, and goes well with a wine aged in wood, such as a light Chardonnay. When chicken has been cooked in , it becomes really rich, a heavier Chardonnay will pair well. When it's made into a darker dish, such as by adding soy sauce, it can take a light red such as a Pinot Noir. Place chicken into a red wine marinade, and it makes sense to pair it with red wine.
Learn the different flavors within each wine style and seek to match these to the food ingredients. For example, fruity elements and wood overtones impact the wine flavor and are important considerations when partnering the wine with food. If you can taste peaches, coconut, tropical flavors, smokiness, herbs, etc., then take those flavors and find their food equivalents.
Weight of the wine has an impact on pairing with food. Wines are light, medium or full-bodied, referring to the depth of flavor on the mid-palate. When trying to discern the weight of the wine, either ask the retailer, or check the depth of color. Apart from , the darker the color, the heavier the weight.
Use your sense of smell to help you pair food and wine. The two senses are one, and you can trust your nose unless it's blocked. Wine smells can be floral, perfumed, mineral, fruity (common fruit smells are , melon, and fig), butter, nuts, earthy, truffle or mushroom, meaty, or even like the barnyard. If the smell is unpleasant, avoid it. An aging wine can have overtones of toast or engine fuel.
Consider pairing wine with the regional or origin of the cuisine. For example, Proven?al grilled lamb with garlic and rosemary with red Bandol or Ch?teauneuf-du-Pape. Be aware also that the same type of wine can have a very different taste when it is sourced from a different region or country. For example, an American made Sauvignon Blanc tends to have a grassier flavor than a Sauvignon Blanc produced in New Zealand. The only way you'll know this is by tasting and contrasting the wine, paying attention all the time to pairing it with the right food.
and wine. When planning dinner, many people opt for planning the food first and adding in the wine according to the food. However, you might like to work from the other way, and plan the meal according to the wine. Either way is appropriate but will impact how you explore the flavors, and the perspective gained by looking at the wine first, then the food, can be quite a refreshing one.
What food should I serve with after dinner drinks?
wikiHow Contributor
Cheese and crackers are a great choice.
Can we take grapes and apples with white wine or with fruits?
What wine with walnut feta salad?
200 characters left
Don't be afraid to experiment and try different wines. But "white meat with white wine, red meat with red wine" is a very basic starting point.
If you cooked the food with wine, serve it with the same. Just don't use cooking wine for this!
Why not explore your favorite wine and food combinations with fellow wine fans and food devotees? Having friends around to share the experience makes it a whole lot more fun!
Wines according to taste:
Salty: Salt is not found in wine, except in dry Sherry as Manzanilla.
Acidic: Riesling, young Sémillons and Sauvignon Blancs, Sangiovese, Montepulciano.
Bitter: Young red wines.
Sweet: Dessert wines, Moselle, Sp?tlese Lexia, etc.
Umami: Chardonnay, Cabernet, Cabernet Sauvignon.
Try an online food and wine matching service. Keep in mind that these are mechanical guesses and you'll still need to put in the human taste test!
It can't be assumed that just because two different wines are made from the same grape that both wines will pair well with the same food. The style of wine, the age, the way it was aged, as well as many factors, also impacts the compatibility with food.
Please drink responsibly. That is all.
Wine and wine glasses
Food (recipes, ingredients)
Serving items
The Sunday Telegraph, Domestic Bliss, p. 4/176,
– research source
Lyndey Milan and Colin Corney, Balance: Matching Food and Wine, What Works and Why, p. 11, (2005),
– research source
Lyndey Milan and Colin Corney, Balance: Matching Food and Wine, What Works and Why, p. 13, (2005),
The Sunday Telegraph, Domestic Bliss, p. 4/176,
Lyndey Milan and Colin Corney, Balance: Matching Food and Wine, What Works and Why, p. 11, (2005),
Lyndey Milan and Colin Corney, Balance: Matching Food and Wine, What Works and Why, p. 11, (2005),
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