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英文翻译resh air requirement&&&&measure capacity&&&&minimum f minmum fresh air requirement&&&&ent xin feng&&&& air quantity&&&& khamsin&&&&break with outmoded customs and establish new ones7&&&&foster healthy tendencies&&&&fresh flue&&&&silk and
silk-cotton mixed brocade&&&&song of new custom&&&& new style&&&&neofinetia falcata&&&& sinbong-ri&&&&new custom&&&&xinfengtun&&&&new flavour&&&&variable air rate&&&&low wind&&&&cav&&&&air volume&&&&air volume control&&&& blast volume met ...&&&&high wind&&&& volume of blast&&&&blast consumption
例句与用法The fresh air rate and air system of household air conditioning户式空调的新风量与风系统分析英Determination and control of fresh air volume in railway passenger vehicle铁路客车空调新风量的确定及控制This paper suggests that the supply air should be provided in approximately a little bite larger volume than the air being exhausted为防止室外空气的渗透,满足客房正压要求,应使新风量略大于排风量。 The means we often take to handle the issues is to increase the quantity of ventilation , but this will also bring us more energy consumption处理这些污染问题的常用办法是增加通风量或新风量,但这无疑会造成能耗增加。 In order to keep indoor air quality comfortably people req but the less fresh air amount is , the more energy - conservation is这样,室内空气品质要求新风量越大越好,然而空调系统中,新风量越少,就越节能。 Points out that supplying fresh air is not sufficient in decreasing indoor air pollution and good ventilation is the pivotal guarantee in improving indoor air quality通过实验分析和对比,指出新风量不能从根本上降低室内污染物浓度,良好的通风换气是提高室内空气质量的有效保证。 However , only increasing fresh air quantity requires more capital and has a limited effect . therefore , it is necessary to find a reasonable ventilation mode提高新风量需要投入更多的资金而且改善室内空气品质的作用有限,所以,寻求更加经济合理的通风方式是目前亟待解决的问题。 Adopt zoning the different air - conditioning operating mode , adjusting the fresh air ratio in different zone to the optimal , at last getting out the energy efficiency effect by changing fresh air ratio根据空调工况的分区原则,在不同的区域内进行新风量的最佳调节,从而计算变新风比的节能性。 Firstly , system cooling load , ventilation flux and thermal and humid processing were calculated and its feasibility was showed from the temperature , humidity of indoor air and fresh air flux首先进行了系统的负荷、通风量及热湿处理计算,从室内空气温度、湿度和新风量三个方面说明其可行性。 Analyses some problems including insurficient fresh air volume , simple air conditioning mode , backward management and incomplete operation maintenance rules , and gives corresponding countermeasures摘要分析了医院空调存在的新风量不足、空调方式单一、管理理念落后、运行维护规章制度不完善等问题,给出了相应的对策。 更多例句:&&1&&&&
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1)&&air volume of air conditioner
The principle of a composite test device for airtightness of automobile compartments and air volume of air conditioners was described.
2)&&air run in of air conditioning
3)&&VAV air conditioning
Application of VAV air conditioning
Refrigeration quantity computation system development of VAV air conditioning based on L
Calculation and selection of terminals of VAV air conditioning systems
4)&&VAV air conditioning system
The application of intelligent control in VAV air conditioning system is beneficial to solve the problem of control technology.
Therefore, some advanced air-condition systems, such as VAV , ice-storage air-conditioning system, are welcomed .
The fuzzy self-tuning PID controller is used in variable air volume (VAV) system and the comparison between fuzzy self\tuning PID control and general PID control by simulation is given.
6)&&VAV system
Because of all kinds of problems in the process of building and using, users could not take the full advantage of the VAV system.
定风量阀,是一种机械式自力装置,适用于需要定风量的通风空调系统中。定风量阀风量控制不需要外加动力,它依靠风管内气流力来定位控制阀门的位置,从而在整个压力差范围内将气流保持在预先设定的流量上。& &(一)在新风系统中的应用&目前,在国内,风机盘管加新风系统的空调方式还是较普遍,尤其是宾馆客房部分,大部分写字楼、办公楼都采用这种方式。通常做法是每层设新风机组,走道敷设新风干管,几十根支管分别从总管上接入各房间。&以宾馆客房为例,每间客房新风量一般为100m3/h,如何做到各支管的风量一致呢?一般来说,设计师往往会在新风支管上加设一只风量调节阀,期望通过后期调试手段来完成风量分配。由于新风系统一般情况下均为干管长,支管短,而风量调节阀调节既不直观,调节精度又不理想,况且每间客房新风量只有100m3/h,风量很小,这样的调试几乎是无法完成的。施工单位只能做到测一下新风干管的总送风量,保证各送风支管有风感这样的地步。为了能保证各房间所送新风量能达到设计值,也无需施工单位再去一个房间一个房间的平衡,我们只需在每支新风支管上加设一只定风量阀,以上问题就迎刃而解。&在高层建筑内居住、办公的人常常抱忧新风量不足,而设计师往往感到很委屈。因为从图纸上看,新风量标准的取值并不低,但我们往往忽略了一个问题,如何从设计角度来保证实际效果,而定风量阀在新风系统中的应用,就是一个有力的措施。&因目前定风量阀主要还是依靠进口,价格较贵,笔者建议在四、五星级宾馆,高档写字楼运用比较合适。&& &&&(二)在排风系统中的应用&一个好的空调系统设计,它的排风系统必须很合理,而这一点往往得不到重视。在民用建筑特别是在高层建筑里,围护结构的气密性很好,只需较少的风量就可以维护房间的正压值。大约新风量的85~90%必须通过有组织的排风排出室外,这样才能保证送风、排风的风量平衡,否则再多的新风量也无法送进房间。在民用建筑里,排风一般通过卫生间、开水间等辅助用房排出室外。除此之外,有时还应再增加一套排风系统,才能保证送、排风平衡。对于卫生间排风,通常做法是每间卫生间设一、二只卫生间通风器,与排风竖井上的排风机联锁。我们知道,高层建筑内新风系统应该是一年四季都运行的,相应排风系统也应该是一年四季都运行的。也就是说,使用卫生间的人不可以去控制卫生间通风器的开启,设卫生间通风器的必要性就没有了。况且一个大风机带几十个小风机这样的排风系统运行既难匹配,又不经济。排风量为400m3/h的卫生间通风器噪音就有40dB左右,使卫生间失去宁静。大量的卫生间通风器也给维护带来很大的麻烦。为解决这个问题,我们可以取消卫生间通风器,在排风竖井每层支管上加设一只定风量阀,竖井顶部设一只排风机。这样的排风系统,能保证各层所排风量大致相等,而系统控制简单,运行可靠,卫生间可以很宁静。&&


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