icloud drive在哪里e

iCloud Drive功能体验:更强大的云服务
[摘要]这是苹果在今年WWDC上所推出的一项新功能,和Dropbox或者Google Drive类似。
腾讯数码讯(编译:Chenzai)iCloud Drive可以说是在很长一段时间里所推出的最酷功能之一。如果你在这几天升级到了iOS 8,那你可能已经注意到了一个要求激活iCloud Drive的小弹窗。这是苹果在今年WWDC上所推出的一项新功能,它和Dropbox或者 Drive类似,但又存在些许不同。如果你想更多地了解iCloud Drive,那么不妨看一看下文对其进行的详细介绍。
什么是iCloud Drive?iCloud Drive是一项订阅服务,旨在帮助用户跨越、iPad和Mac管理文档和其他类型的文件。它还兼容iOS和OS X应用程序,允许你在iCloud当中保存和同步这些应用所生成的文件。当然,你还可以直接从兼容应用当中访问、导入和编辑这些文件。你应该把iCloud看作是移动硬盘,只不过你所有的内容都被安全地保存在了云端,而不是本地硬盘。而新的iCloud Drive让你可以从兼容的设备和应用当中同步、保存、管理、访问、导入和编辑保存在iCloud上的内容。在iCloud Drive推出之前,你所有的文件都被限制在了各自的应用当中。比如说,你保存在Day One应用当中的笔记是无法使用其他笔记类应用进行访问的。而如果你在Instagram上传了一张照片,但随后想要在Snapseed当中打开它,你必须先将其保存在相机胶卷当中,然后才能使用Snapseed打开,因为你无法使用Snapseed从Instagram图片库当中提取照片。iCloud Drive让你可以摆脱这种麻烦的流程:它可以让你将文档保存到iCloud(使其可以在iPhone、iPad或Mac上进行访问),然后在任何兼容的应用当中快速重新开启(无视文件类型或创建该文件的应用)。iCloud Drive甚至还能实时对改动进行同步,举个例子,如果你使用Mac版Numbers创建了一份电子表格,那你随后可以在iPhone或iPad上继续刚才的工作进度。价格iCloud和iCloud Drive的收费是统一的,也就是说你不必花两次钱。选择了一份订阅方案,你就可以在iCloud当中存储文件,并使用iCloud Drive跨越所有设备对它们进行管理。iCloud的订阅方案如下:5GB存储空间 - 免费20GB存储空间 - 6元/月&#GB存储空间 - 25元/月&#GB存储空间 - 68元/月1TB存储空间 - 138元/月你可以在iPhone或iPad的设置应用当中选择一个方案。点击“iCloud”,然后选择“存储”,你就可以选择适合自己的存储方案了。选择完成之后你需要点击右上角的“购买”,然后登入自己的iCloud账户以完成购买。你也可以随时对自己的方案进行升级和降级。iOS中的应用iCloud Drive是iOS 8的一项功能,但系统当中并没有iCloud Drive应用。你可以把iPhone和iPad上的iCloud Drive看作是一项集成服务,因为它并不是移动应用,而是被集成到了苹果官方应用(比如Numbers、Keynote和Pages)或者第三方App Store应用当中。通过使用iPhone或iPad上的iCloud Drive,你可以对存储在iCloud中的文件进行访问和编辑。但这并不是全部:iCloud Drive在iOS当中最酷的功能之一是你可以导入iCloud Drive文档。换句话说,如果你在iCloud Drive兼容的应用当中创建了一张图片,然后通过iCloud Drive进行保存。随后你就可以在iPhone或Mac上将图像导入到Keynote当中。如果你想要整理这些文件,那就只能在运行OS X Yosemite或者Windows的计算机当中进行。需要注意的是,iCloud Drive并不具备面向iOS 7甚至OS X Maverick的向后兼容性,这也就是说,你无法从运行着老版本iOS或OS X的设备当中进行文件同步。遗憾的是,OS X Yosemite目前还未正式发布。因此,许多报道都提醒依赖于iCloud进行数据同步的用户不要在iPhone或iPad上激活iCloud Drive,直到内置iCloud Drive的OS X Yosemite正式推出。如果你现在就在iPhone或iPad上激活了iCloud Drive,那你的文件(包括应用文件)将不会在所有设备之间同步,你也无法从Mac上管理保存在iCloud的文件。如果你一开始没有在iPhone或iPad上激活iCloud Drive,你可以通过以下步骤开启该功能:运行iPhone或iPad上的设置应用(iOS 8系统),点击iCloud,选择iCloud Drive,然后开启iCloud Drive的选项。OS X中的使用Mac版的iCloud Drive将随最新版OS X Yosemite在今年秋天一同问世。和其他任何的云存储服务一样,iCloud Drive会出现在当中的收藏侧边栏之下。点击该图标就会开启iCloud Drive文件夹,当中会显示出保存在iCloud当中的所有文件。你可以使用相兼容的Mac应用访问、导入和编辑这些文件。比方说,你可以在Mac上将添加到iCloud Drive的Instagram图片导入到Pages文档当中。你的iCloud Drive文件夹默认是以网格视图显示的,当中包含文件夹、文件和所有应用所保存的文件。这些应用所保存的文件都拥有自己的文件夹,文件夹上还会显示它们各自的图标,让用户可以方便区分。苹果还加入了一个实用的搜索框,当你的iCloud Drive文件夹当中被大量的应用文件夹和文件所占满时,它就能派上用场了。此外,你也可以改变这些文件和文件夹的显示方式(从网格到列表),并根据日期、名称甚至标签对它们进行排序。想要在Mac上将文件添加至iCloud Drive,你只需把它们拖拽到iCloud Drive文件夹便可。如果你正在iPhone或iPad上使用兼容iCloud Drive的应用程序,那你应该会看到将文件通过iCloud Drive保存到iCloud的选项。所有在iCloud Drive文件夹当中可见的文件也都能够在iOS设备上访问。Windows中的使用Windows PC用户现在已经能够在自己的设备上使用iCloud Drive了,而Mac用户还需等待。在最近发布的支持页面上,苹果推出了新的Windows版iCloud,可让Windows用户下载和安装简化的iCloud Drive。Windows版的iCloud Drive可以让你同步邮件、文档、联系人和日历等内容,你也可以通过在PC上将文件拖拽到iCloud Drive文件夹的方式将其存储到iCloud。该功能甚至还能让Windows当中的IE浏览器、Firefox或Chrome浏览器和iPhone/iPad版Safari浏览器的书签保持同步。PC版iCloud Drive需要Windows 7或以上的系统版本,目前可在苹果的支持页面进行下载。需要注意的是,你首先应该将iPhone和iPad升级到iOS 8。来源: 查报价,看新品,尽在腾讯数码官方微信 扫描左侧二维码即可添加腾讯数码官方微信 您也可以在微信上搜索“腾讯数码”或“qqdigi”,获取更多数码资讯。
Copyright & 1998 - 2017 Tencent. All Rights ReservedGo to the . Do so from any browser, including computers running Windows or Chromebooks.
Enter your Apple ID and password.
Click on ?. It's on the right side of the password field.
If you have Two-Factor Authentication enabled, click on or tap Allow on another device and enter the 6-digit verification code you receive in the spaces in the browser window.
Access your data. The iCloud web apps allow you to access or work with any of the data you've stored or synced with iCloud.
Only data and files that you sync or store on iCloud will be available on iCloud.
iCloud backups of your iPhone, iPad, or desktop to iCloud are not accessible. Rather, they are only used to restore your settings and data to your device.
Click on Photos. Doing so allows you to
the photos shared across your iCloud devices.
Click on Albums to view your photos. It's near the top-left of the window.
Click on All Photos. It's one of the albums on the screen, likely in the upper-left corner. After your devices have synced with iCloud, the photos from your devices will appear in this folder.
To download a photo, click on the picture you'd like to download, then click on the download button. It's a cloud icon with a downward pointing arrow at the top of the window.
Select a location to save your photo(s) in the dialog box that appears.
Click on iCloud Drive. This opens your iCloud Drive interface, which is used to upload and download documents and files.
Click and drag any documents you wish to save onto the Drive screen. Now your documents will be available from any synced device, including an iPhone or iPad.
Click on Contacts. These are the contacts that you've synced from your devices. Any additions or changes you make in the iCloud app will be reflected across your synced devices.
Click on Calendar. Events and appointments that you add to your Calendar app on a synced device will appear here. If you add or edit an event on the iCloud app, the changes will be made across all your synced devices, as well.
Click on Find My iPhone. When you've turned on "Find My..." on an Apple device, the location of the given given is tracked via iCloud. This service and app can be used to locate your iPhone, iPad, Mac, and even AirPods.
Open Settings. It's an app that contains gears (?) and is typically located on your home screen.
Tap your Apple ID. It's the section at the top of the menu that contains your name and image, if you've added one.
If you are not signed in, tap Sign in to (Your Device), enter your Apple ID and password, then tap Sign In.
If you are running an older version of iOS, you may not need to do this step.
Tap iCloud. It's in the second section of the menu.
Select the types of data you wish to store on iCloud. Do so by sliding the buttons next to the apps listed under "Apps Using iCloud" to the "On" (green) or "Off" (white) position.
Scroll down to see the complete list of apps that may access iCloud.
Tap Photos. It's near the top of the "Apps Using iCloud" section.
Turn on iCloud Photo Library to automatically upload and store your camera roll to iCloud. When enabled, your entire photo and video library will be accessible from any mobile or desktop platform.
Turn on My Photo Stream to automatically upload new photos to iCloud whenever you're connected to Wi-Fi.
Turn on iCloud Photo Sharing if you'd like to create photo albums that friends can access over the web or on their Apple device.
Tap iCloud. It's in the upper-left corner of the screen.
Scroll down and tap Keychain. It's near the bottom of the "Apps Using iCloud" section.
Slide the "iCloud Keychain" button to the "On" (right) position. It will turn green. Doing so makes stored passwords and payment information available on any device that you've logged into with your Apple ID.
Apple does not have access to this encrypted information.
Tap iCloud. It's in the upper-left corner of the screen.
Scroll down and tap Find My iPhone. It's near the bottom of the "Apps Using iCloud" section.
Slide the "Find My iPhone" button to the "On" (right) position. Doing so allows you to locate your device by logging into iCloud on a computer or mobile platform and clicking on Find My iPhone.
Turn on Send Last Location to enable your device to send its location information to Apple when the battery is critically low.
Tap iCloud. It's in the upper-left corner of the screen.
Scroll down and tap iCloud Backup. It's near the bottom of the "Apps Using iCloud" section.
Slide the button next to "iCloud Backup" to the "On" (right) position. Do this to automatically save all of your files, settings, app data, pictures, and music to iCloud whenever your device is plugged in, locked, and connected to Wi-Fi. iCloud Backup enables you to restore your data from iCloud if you replace or erase your device.
Slide the "iCloud Drive" button to the "On" (right) position. Doing so will allow apps to access and store data on your iCloud Drive.
Any app listed below iCloud Drive will be able to access its storage if the button next to it is in the "On" (green) position.
Now you're able to access iCloud through any of the apps that you've turned "On", such as iCloud Drive, Photos, Calendars, or Pages.
Click on the Apple menu. It's the ? icon in the upper-left corner of your screen.
Click on System Preferences. It's in the second section of the drop-down menu.
Click on iCloud. It's on the left side of the window.
If you're not automatically logged in, enter your Apple ID and password.
Check the box next to "iCloud Drive." It's at the top of the right pane. Now you can access and edit files and documents on iCloud.
Do so by choosing "iCloud Drive" in any "Save" dialog box or dragging files to iCloud Drive in the left pane of a Finder window.
Select which apps have permission to access iCloud Drive by clicking on the Options button next to "iCloud Drive" in the dialog box.
Select the types of data to sync with iCloud. Do so by checking the boxes below "iCloud Drive". For example, check "Photos" if you want to back up and access your Photos on iCloud. Now, your selected data will be stored and available on iCloud.
You may need to scroll down to see all the selections.
Now any time you use a synced app, like Photos, Calendars, or Pages, on your Mac, you will be accessing and syncing with iCloud.
How do I take photos off of iCloud?
wikiHow Contributor
Sign into your iCloud and go to "Photos." Click "Select," then click on the photos you don't want anymore. Once oyu have them selected, click "Delete." Alternatively, you could also delete the photos one by one if the select option is not there
How do I unlock my Apple ID and delete it?
You need to login on iCoud from a browser instead of an app. Upon logging in it will ask for verification depending on what type of account security you may have setup previously. After verification, you will be given access to the user settings. You can delete the account from user settings.
How do I restore an app and its contents from iCloud?
wikiHow Contributor
If you have an iCloud backup, just download the app and it will have its contents. There might also be a restore purchases button. If that fails, contact the company that makes the app and ask them.
How can I retrieve deleted text messages?
How can I access my photos that are in I cloud?
How do I undelete notes on iCloud?
How do I access pictures in icloud?
How can I access my music in iCloud?
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You start with 5 gigabytes of storage space in your iCloud account. If you want to purchase more storage, you can do so from within the "Storage" section of the Settings app.
If you've shot photos with "Live" enabled, you can play the Live version of the relevant photos by clicking the "Play" triangle in the top right corner of them once you've opened them.
If your iPhone, iPad, or Mac isn't running the latest version of its OS, you may experience issues with iCloud functionality.
Some file types that you can store in iCloud Drive won't be compatible or viewable in an iOS context.
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of How to Access iCloud was reviewed on March 18, 2017.


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