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英文翻译blood red fruitederythrocarpous&&&&the fruit of large Chinese h ...&&&&4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...&&&&[方言] (山里红) the fruit of la haw◇红果酪 haw helly&&&&haw jam&&&&haw jelly sweet paste made from crushed nuts&&&&red mulberry (morus rubra l.); redmulberrymorusrubral&&&&eugenia uniflora&&&&redfruit actinodaphne root and leaf&&&&red fruit bat&&&&crataegus&&&& purplefruit holly leaf&&&&purplefruit holly root&&&&polygonatum erythroearpum hua&&&&sambucus racemosa&&&&abies magnifica&&&&chinese yam and hawthorn&&&&bearberry&&&&red spruce (picea rubra link.); redsprucepicearubralink&&&&belleric&&&&bahera&&&&red fruit bat&&&&red wine of red fruit&&&&red wille of red fruit&&&&cotoneaster conspicus&&&&vermillion
例句与用法Purple red dress . nose of red fruits . well balanced and supple in mouth深紫红色泽,散发着红果的芬芳,酒体平衡,口感细腻。 Intense red dress . develops notes of grilled coffee and red fruits . in mouth , the wine is full with melted tannins . enjoy with grilled meats and soft cheeses浓郁的深红色泽。散发着烤咖啡豆与红果的芬芳。单宁绵软,口感丰腴。搭配烤肉、乳酪口味鲜美无比。 &&
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