lack of somethingg of意思

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中文翻译pron.1.某物,某事。2.若干,几分;某类事物〔表示的是模糊的概念〕。3.实有物 (opp. nothing)。4.重要事物;要人,名人,有出息的人。5.〔口语〕喝的,吃的。短语和例子There is something in him. 他这个人是有些道理的。 Here is something for you. 送你一点东西。 What's his name Jim something. 他叫什么名字? 吉姆什么的。 It is something to have got so far. 弄到那个地步,挺什么(了不起)的了。 You've got something there. 〔口语〕你的话有点道理;那是一个好主意。 take [have] a drop of something 喝一点(酒)。 S- is better than nothing. 聊胜于无。 He is [has] something in the Customs. 他在海关里有一个差事[有点地位]。 He lost his train or (did) something. 他也许没赶上火车或是什么的啦。 I caught the five something train. 我赶上五点多的火车。 Theory is something, but practice is everything. 理论虽重要,实践更重要。 be something of a [an] ...有一点…,有些像…的地方 (I am something of a musician. 我有一点点音乐知识)。 have something of the ... in one 有…的天分。 have something on one's mind 有心事。 know something of everything and everything of something 通百艺而专一长。 make something of 将…训练成相当的人物;利用…。 or something 大概是…之类的 (He is a scientist or something. 他大概是科学家之类的人物。 She's got a cold or something. 她大概是受了凉)。 see something of (him) 和(他)有些来往;有点认识(他)。 something damp 〔俚语〕酒。 something for nothing 不费劲得到的好处;轻易得来的利益。 something good 好东西;赛马的内幕消息。 something of 在某种意义(或程度)上。 something of the kind 类似的事物。 something on the hip 〔美俚〕酒。 something short 〔俚语〕酒。 something to write home about 值得大书特书的事情。 something tells me 〔口语〕我认为… (S- tells me my watch isn't quite right. 我觉得我的手表走得不准)。 think something of oneself 自以为了不起,自命不凡。adv.〔古语〕几分,有点,多少,相当。 something like 〔口语〕大约,约;有几分像…的,有点像…的;〔口语〕了不起的,极好的,伟大的 (It must be something like six o'clock. 现在一定是六点钟模样了。 That's something like ! 〔口语〕那倒是极好的东西!)。n.,adj.,vt.〔委婉语〕=hell, devilish, damn. What the something are you doing here 你究竟在这儿干什么? You something villain! 你这大坏蛋! I'll see you somethinged first! 该死的东西!&&&&了不起, 很重要&&&&有点…,像…; 有点……像……&&&&是对某事&&&&或什么的; 或是什么的&&&&有几分; 在某种程度(意义)上; 在某种意义(或程度)上; 在某种意义上, 在某种程度上&&&&脱颖而出&&&&是有相当价值的&&&&从错误中吸取教训是教育极为重要的一部分; 有所尝试&&&&有所尝试,就有所成就&&&&一杯酒&&&&小意思&&&&有所成就, 有所作为&&&&有些事情应该遗忘&&&&可因某事而被起诉控告&&&&惹事&&&&完全赞成某事&&&&对……熟视无睹&&&&有损某事&&&&习惯于某事&&&&会来&&&&具有某种价值&&&&使某事化为泡影; 做某事失败&&&&撞上某物&&&&表示完成; 宾补与宾语之间是动宾关系&&&&在某种程度(意义)上&&&&体觉
例句与用法He has something in the customs .他在海关里有一个差事(有点地位)。I fear i am something to blame for this ?我恐怕这里面有我的干系吧?I think they'll try something desperate .我想他们有可能会来玩命的。Something was crawling down his spine .有什么东西在他脊背上爬下去。Her voice really does something to me .她的声音确实对我有一定影响。Golf is something that gets in the blood .高尔夫球是一项迷人的运动。There was something frozen about him .他身上总象有一股凛若冰霜气息。I know a little something about explosives .我懂得点有关炸弹的常识。That's not something you should delegate .这种事你不应叫别人去办。I saved something toward his education .我为了他的教育储蓄了一些钱。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
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All rights reservedcut something out(of something)的发音:
He finds a pair of scissors to cut something out of the paper.
What brand is this?询问 “…… 是什么”
What is ……?
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点击单词可查翻译something of a happy
Youth stand on the tail, on a little bit of something enough people happy all day.
I can tell he has a sense of pride in doing something meaningful and he’s so happy just to be included.
Berbatov has already popped up with several crucial goals for the Reds – something Frenchman Cantona made a happy knack of during his four-and-a-half seasons with the club.
Lenovo, a computer group, has succeeded because it was controlled, financed and run not from mainland China but from Hong Kong (a happy legacy of the founder's family connections there—not something enjoyed by most Chinese businessmen).
"That shows a comfort in their own security and power, in that they're happy for something as important as a water resource to be placed north of the frontier, " Dave Macleod, from English Heritage aerial survey team, said.
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沪江词库精选be something of是什么意思、中英文句子翻译、英语短语。
中文释义: 有点……,像……
At the end, there was a beautiful palace all of gold and ivory and jewels,something far too beautiful for a mere mortal.
在尽头,有一座由黄金、象牙、珠宝建成的华丽宫殿。 对一个凡人来说,它实在是美得难以想象。
It is not something ephemeral.
To forbid something or to make something illegal
Keep som control something
There is something queer in the story.
Something that is airy,insubstantial,or passing.
Something counterfeit,forged,or fraudulent.
Something that is vain, futile, or worthless.
Something insubstantial,worthless,or fleeting.
Something unreal,insubstantial,or imaginary.
2017be something of是什么意思由沪江网提供。


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